The call came in at about noon on the twenty-fourth of March.

"Oh..OH...ok. I will come as soon as I can." The man who had raised her had died.

She called Vanya next.

"Hey, V, have you heard the news?"


"Can you tell the others I should be there by dinnertime, I have a few more sessions today."

"Sure, I just hope we can handle a reunion after so many years."

"Me too. Bye, sis."

"Bye Ana. See you later."

"That was a great session, Mr. Jones. I believe we have made a lot of progress. I'll see you next week."

"Thanks, Anabiel. I feel much better than I did when I first started these sessions."

He had recently lost his wife of 47 years. He had become depressed and had lost all motivation.

Anabiel got into her car and drove to the manor. Something was happening.

No one was in the house. An ominous blue glow was coming from the back yard. Dark clouds were quickly rolling in. She raced out there to find her five siblings staring at a weird portal looking thing. If she looked close enough, she could make out the outline of a person.

Klaus ran past her, seeming to not notice her. He threw a fire extinguisher into the portal thing.

"Everyone get behind me." Woah! Luther got big!

Something fell from the portal. It was moving. The six of them stepped back.

"Does anyone else see little number Five?"

"No, you're not the only one."

Five looked down, examining himself, "shit."

Anabiel ran up to Five and smacked the side of his head, then hugged him.

"Yeah, you disappeared for seventeen years. I wept for you."

"Ana, I'm sorry. I should have listened to you and the old man… It was longer for me though, about forty-five years"

Five then stormed into the kitchen.

"Where'd you go?" asked Diego.

"The future, it's shit by the way."

"Called it" shouted Klaus. Ana saw yet another rehab bracelet on his wrist.

Five saw a newspaper on the side of the table, "Guess I missed the funeral."

"We were waiting for Anabiel to get here so, we haven't said our goodbyes yet"

It was still raining when the seven of them headed out to the courtyard with Hargreaves' urn.

Pogo asked, "Does anyone wish to speak? Very well...he was my master and friend. He leaves behind a complicated legacy."

"He was a monster that's what he was."

Luther clearly disagreed with that statement. After being reunited after so many years, their old arguments were uncovered. The age-old debate over their 'father'. Diego and Luther started yelling at each other, pushing and shoving, soon it escalated to punches and kicks.

Five sighed and turned around, muttering "I don't have time for this"

Klaus shouted, "Yeah! Fight! Hit him!"

Vanya tried to stop the fight "Guys! Come on! Stop!"

One punch, Diego dodged, only for it to his Ben's statue. It fell off the podium and broke.

Everyone froze. Klaus held his breath, glancing at the shade of Ben that always stood by him. If ghosts could cry, he definitely would be. Instead, he just had a disappointed look on his face.

Anabiel ran towards the fallen statue. No one knew what to do, Ana was very close to Ben.

"No.. Ben...not again." Their hearts broke at the sound of their sister's broken whispers and sobs that wracked her body. Vanya stepped up to her and pulled her into a hug, trying to calm her sister.

"Come on Ana. Let's get you inside."

Anabiel cradled Ben's head in her hands but placed it back on the podium. Furiously wiping the tears from her eyes, she stood and let Klaus and Vanya lead her to the kitchen. She was then given one of Vanya's famous peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches.

Anabiel just barely noticed Five in the kitchen with them. He was looking for coffee.

"Seriously, there is not a single drop of coffee or any type of caffeine in this entire house. I'm going out to get some coffee." With that, he disappeared.

"Well, it seems he hasn't changed much."

"Klaus, he was in the future. He grew up without us. It may not seem like it but he has changed."

It was almost an hour later. Anabiel was in her room, reminiscing the years past when the house was so full of life. Vanya was in there with her. They were just enjoying the presence of each other.

One second later, the comfortable silence was broken when Five popped in. He was bleeding.

"Five, what the heck! Are you okay?"

"Ana, just help me patch these up."

"I can do that while you tell me why a kid leaves for coffee and returns covered in blood."

"I'm not a kid. Besides, not all of it is mine."

"And your point is…?"

"Fine, I'll tell you...Theworldiseningineightdays."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"The world is eight days."

Vanya stopped to exclaim, "Eight days!"


FLASHBACK (17 years ago)

Capital West Bank

"I heard a rumor..that you shot your friend in the foot." the robber turned and did exactly that. Chaos ensued.

Luther jumped in from the ceiling, grabbing hold of another guy and throwing him across the bank then out the window.

Diego and Anabiel came in through a back door

"Real men throw knives, guns are for sissies." Diego took out another guy, two knives to the chest, killing him in seconds.

"You know...One, the door was unlocked." Anabiel hands were covered in a sickly green light. When one of the men tried to grab her, she used her hand to cover his face. He began to gasp. When she finally let go, he tried to claw at his face. He was turning pale, paler than her and Klaus, who was keeping an eye on the hostages. He was keeping them out of the chaos that was occurring around them. Finally, after about half a minute, the robber's eyes rolled back into his head and he fell to the ground, dead.

"Get away from me, Freaks!" the leader said, trying to be threatening.

"Or what?" Five popped in behind him. The lead tried to shoot at him as he popped away and returned behind him.

"Wow! That's one badass stapler." Five somehow replaced the guy's gun with a stapler.

Anabiel was checking over the hostages, hands now glowing in a soft yellow color, healing those that needed it. After making sure they were all safe, she told them to leave the building in a calm and orderly fashion. Needless to say, they all ran out like madmen.

Now, it was Ben's turn.

"Do I have to do this?"

"Yes, Ben, there are still some guys in there."

Ben turned and sighed, but entered the room nonetheless. Screams and unearthly screeches came from the room. People were thrown against the wall with bloody splats. The tinted windows of the room almost cracked from the sudden pressure against them. The creature gave one last roar and retreated, allowing Ben to leave the horrific scene.

A bloody Ben shakily asked, "Can I go home now?"

Anabiel came to his aid, not caring that he was getting blood on her. She healed what she could, cleaning him of most of the blood. "Almost, just stay by me."

"Ok, Ana. Thanks"

The seven of them exited the bank from the main doors. The building was surrounded by police cars and news trucks. Together, they stood on the steps of the bank, in number order. Hargreeves' was there in an instant, before any newscasters could begin to bombard them with questions.

"I have adopted seven children who were born with special powers. This is the inaugural class of the Umbrella Academy."

"Maybe Klaus can summon him" There goes Luther, trying to please his dad even after his death.

"I'm… not in the right frame of mind for that Boyo."

"Anabiel can help with that then."

"No, he's high. Can't you tell?" Said Diego spitefully.

"You know, if I was murdered, and if one of my sons adopted sons happened to be able to commune with the dead, I might think about, Oh… I don't know, I don't know manifesting! Do the whole big angry ghost lecture."

"Klaus you and I both know that it's not going to work." He turned quickly from his spot next to the urn, knocking it over.

"Ben! Buddy! You finally decided to leave your statue alone to visit little old me!"

(Two weeks before the Umbrella Academy's introduction to the world)

"Today you will be doing collective training. You have precisely thirteen minutes to change into your uniforms and meet me at the main stairs."

"Yes, Sir Hargreeves." came the reply from seven of the eight children.

"As much as you must strive for individual greatness, and strive you must, for it won't come to you of its own accord you must also remember that there is no individual stronger than the collective."

"Five cheated!

"No, he adapted."

The race to the top was won by Five who simply teleported to the top, then came Luther, followed by Ben who used his small size and agility to weave through his siblings. Next came Diego, and Allison in a close tie. Klaus was in sixth place, not really wanting to participate. Lastly, was Anabiel. She wasn't slow, quite the opposite. She had a long-standing grudge against Hargreeves. She was protesting his training in any way possible.

The doorbell rang at about eleven o'clock. Grace calmly opened it and welcomed the unknown man inside. She rang a silver bell, signaling for the children to gather in the parlor room.

Anabiel was first because she lost the training exercise. The tattoo was an Umbrella inside of a circle. Hargreeves claimed that is was a mark of pride. Ana knew differently. It was a brand. To tell them that they will always belong to him. As her tattoo was finished, she was ushered out of the was, Klaus was next. Grace offered her a damp towel to wipe her face and to clean her newly tattooed forearm but she refused. Using her power to heal it, hands glowing a soft yellow. After Klaus finished, she offered to heal it but he denied. Too busy watching Allison with worry filled eyes. She tried to hide her pain but soon, she was crying. The moment the tattoo artist finished, she ran into Klaus' arms, sobbing. Anabiel gently took Alison's arm and healed it, wishing that she could heal emotional scars too. Diego would definitely have Trypanophobia for the rest of his life. Ben, sweet, little, Ben shook the whole time. He never wanted this. He gratefully took Ana's offer of healing. Luther took the pain, trying to hide it, to show off his absence of fear to his siblings. Five just sat in the seat, watching the man as he worked. It seemed that Five didn't mind the pain.