I didn't know this until I started writing this but, in the comics, Luther and Five are twins (We're gonna pretend that never happened)

She was born on October 1, 1989. She and her brother were born to a woman who had not been pregnant the day before. She and her brother seemed healthy but they had low body temperatures. Both were also ghostly pale. It was quite understandable that everything was in chaos considering the woman was young. Due to her young age, the girl died in childbirth. When an old man came by and asked to buy both children, the parents of the now deceased mother quickly accepted.

The problem was, the girl already with a tuft of red hair would not stop crying. She was wailing. It seemed that this newborn was mourning the loss of the mother she would never know. Only the presence of her brother calmed her somewhat.

The brother, the oldest of the twins by 3 minutes was given the number 4. He was the fourth child Sir Reginald Hargreeves collected. He gave the little girl the number 4.5.

Through the training Reginald Hargreeves put all eight of them through, their powers were discovered. Number One was super strong. His code name was to be Space boy. Number Two could throw with deadly accuracy and could hold his breath for almost an hour, Codename the Kraken. Number Three could influence anyone's actions using a key phrase, "I heard a rumor…" Her code name was The Rumor. Four was able to commune with the dead, he could also levitate. He was called The Seance. Four and a half was able to either kill or heal with only a touch. Codename, Pestilence. Number Five could teleport, or as he liked to call it, spatial travel. He wanted to try to time travel too. His codename was The Boy. Number Six could summon tentacle-like creatures from his chest. His code name was to be The Horror.

On the twelfth birthday of the eight children, they finally received real names. Mom chose this time. Number One became Luther meaning famous in war. Two was now Diego which meant Teaching. Three was Allison, meaning truth. Four became Klaus, for victorious. Four point five was now Anabiel, named for her wisdom and courage. Number Five refused a name. Number Six became Ben, meaning within. Number Seven was now called Vanya meaning gracious gift.

The names fit all of them quite nicely. But none as well as Anabiel. Similar to the angel she was named after, she was not afraid to stop someone from being stupid. Especially her twin. Their training was done together. Klaus and Anabiel shared everything. There were no secrets. Not even when Klaus would come back from personal training, shaking and more pale than normal. She knew that she could do nothing to stop him from locking Klaus in the mausoleum for hours on end. But, damn, Anabiel wanted to sock him for it, wanted to scream at him, anything to make him stop. Instead, she took to comforting her twin, holding him close through his nightmares of the horrors he saw. He knew that she disapproved when he started drinking Hargreeves' alcohol or rolling joints under the table. Yet, Anabiel still stuck around for him.

When she wasn't with Klaus, she was probably with Five and Ben, discussing trivial matters or with Vanya, watching her practice her violin. Five was a loner, everyone at the academy knew that. He seemed to only just barely tolerate Luther, Diego, and Allison. He seemed to like Vanya, but tended to only acknowledge her when it was convenient to him. Five put up with Klaus because he was Anabiel's twin.

"Ana, I want to time travel. Can you help me persuade Hargreeves to let me try?"

"Five, I think you should perfect your spatial jumps first. Still, you can't take others with you and can only travel to places you can see."

"I think you're right. Will you help me?"

"I'll try but I have to get going, it's time for training."

The other five didn't understand why Ana spent time with Vanya, little number seven. They tried to bring it up once though.

"Honestly Ana, she's normal. She has no powers. Why do you care about her?"

"Because Luther, she is still our sister. How would you feel if you were left out of every activity and ignored?" Anabiel turned and left with a smiling Vanya by her side.

Vanya was finally acknowledged now, but just barely.

The false cover of perfection that rested over the Academy was broken in June of 2003. Number Five could easily teleport with other people and for quite a long time. But, Hargreeves still denied his wish.

"Father, I want to time travel."


"I'm ready. I've improved my spatial jumps."

"Compared to time travel, your spatial travel is trivial."

"I'll show you, I know I can do it." Five looked at the others, the ones he grew up with. Anabiel gave him a disapproving look but he could see understanding in her eyes. The others were ignoring the conversation, preferring to focus on their dinner.

Five ran out of the dining room, out of the large gates, never to be seen again.

It was exactly three years, two months and ten days after Five disappeared. It was a bright, sunny day. Anabiel's mood the exact opposite. Something was going to happen today. It was going to be bad. It was meant to be a simple bank robbery. But, one of the robbers had snuck up behind Ben, somehow shooting the tentacles Ben had summoned. He quickly died from blood loss.

No one except for Ana believed Klaus when he said that Ben was right beside him, talking and making sarcastic comments that only he could hear.

The team was already distant after Five left, suddenly less sarcastic comments or witty remarks during missions or their free time. But now, Ben, little Ben, the sweetheart was gone.

Diego left first, he had enrolled in the police academy, wanting to fight crime legally now. Allison was next, she flew to Los Angeles to become an actress. Soon after, Vanya left. Most of them had never seen her since. Anabiel though, kept in touch with her. Coming to her concerts whenever she could.

Klaus though, he was thrown out. Hargreeves found him high as a kite, smashing some very valuable antiques. He had nowhere to go, Vanya let him stay with her for a while. Soon though, he was sent into rehab after almost overdosing.

In 2009, Allison got married. The remaining five of them were flown to Los Angeles for two days. The only reason no one died was Anabiel's calming presence.

Anabiel had bought a nice apartment near Vanya's but was not quite moved out of the Academy. No longer full of life as it once was. Still, though, it was home. She finally moved out in 2011. She was opening her own therapy office. She had already spent most of her life solving her family's problems, so why not do that for others. Then, a few months after, Klaus had OD once again. She was his emergency contact. After he was cleared, she took him to her flat, waiting for him to sleep off the rest of the toxins he had been shoving into his body.

"Klausy, bro, you gotta stop."

"Ana, you know why I do this."

"I do, but please be more careful."

"I'll try but no promises."

"You better promise or I'll put your sorry ass right back into rehab."

"Fine… I promise to be more careful." She gave him a look and reached out her hand, sticking out the pinky finger. Klaus gave a small smile and hooked his pinky finger around hers.

After some pizza ordered from downtown, they went to bed. Klaus was given the 'most comfortable bed he had slept in years'. That worried Anabiel, what exactly had Klaus been doing since he left the Academy? She had a reputation for not asking intrusive questions but also keeping secrets. He would come to her soon enough.

By the next morning, he was gone again. The guest bed was made and had a note in Klaus' handwriting that said,

Best sis,

I'll try to stay out of trouble but you know our family…

Hope to see you soon.

Love you,

Your big brother.

'Yeah, I just hope it's under better circumstances.'