
Kazuto and Asuna both dies in the real world, in 2026 due to the Maximum Acceleration, instantly once it started. Informed about the future collapse of this world by the 'Author' due to the Soul King's death. They are given a chance to save the world, and come back to 2026. The chance was simple: Return back in time, to 1897, within the Soul Society… With only tidbits of warnings about Aizen and Yhwach… And the key to defeating these all, they return back.

Here's the following things you'll need to know:

This = Zanpakuto speaking This means speaking in monologue or to Zanpakuto.

I don't own bleach, Tite Kubo does. Reki Kawahara also owns SAO, because if I did EugeoxTiese would be a thing.


Chapter 1: The Streets of Rukongai


Once the Shinigami had given his speech and completed the Soul Burial ritual, Kazuto and Asuna found themselves unable to speak, as a higher being spoke to them. It was the author. "You shall only speak when I say you may. Listen well. I shall allow you both the chance to live, if you agree to return to 1894, and save the Soul Society. All the relevant information you'll need to save the Soul Society in my stead have been given to you, as it is not my place to interfere in the mortal's domain."

A blue object was then split in half, as it was inserted into the two's souls without the two noticing. As this happened, all relevant information was transferred.

Avoid Aizen.

Kill Yhwach before he kills the Soul King

Only two pieces of information.

As Kazuto and Asuna appeared in a blink of the eye in the Rukongai, they saw it. An impoverished city. Prior to seeing the "God" of the world, known as the "Author", the Shinigami which had transported them here, had told them it would be paradise. Of course, they weren't dumb enough to believe it. [0]

Asuna covered her mouth as she let's out a gasp on the impoverished conditions of the Rukongai, 77th district, Tokugawa. All around them were buildings similar to ones you'd normally see in Africa in the news.

People in life were told to work hard to succeed, work hard and be good for a good afterlife. What a lie. Everyone here was clearly suffering of some sorts, except for the dealers. They seemed to have an extraordinarily good time here.

Kazuto shook his head at the poor conditions, as he said out loud: "It's even worse than the Dark Territory…"

Asuna nodded, as within the two years she'd been in the underworld, she too had seen the Dark Territories. The scary thing about it was… It was much better than this. "It's horrible… Kirito-kun."

Kazuto and Asuna looked at themselves, as they were transported here. They were dressed in the same clothing they wore when they entered the STL's. Traditional white robes. Not exactly the best thing to bring with you, but oh well.

Walking around, Kazuto and Asuna both walked around the streets, seeing fights all around the districts, between gruff males all over. Amazingly, no females were found - Anywhere. Kazuto wondered out loud: "Why're there no girls here…? Strange."

Asuna sighed and gave her lover a quick recap on history: "It seems that the culture is backwards here… And back in the old ages, females weren't outside often. In slums like this, girls were often raped, hence they stayed inside."

Kazuto quickly looked at Asuna, who gave a slight smile to him, as she said back to him: "Don't worry. This time, I won't let anything happen to me."

Kazuto gave a brief nod, as he continued to walk forward more carefully. Walking forward, on the road, as they entered deeper into the district, they saw more and more bartering.

Banditry. Stealing. Warlords. Everything here was backwards, it was like going back in time. It was worse than the Underworld.

Kazuto sighed, as he thought back about the Underworld. This wasn't his first time that he was randomly chucked out off his world and put into another world. SAO, Underworld… And now.

At least back then I had someone to teach me about the mechanics…

Asuna followed Kazuto, hoping that his appearance would spare her from any sort of sexual harassment - Something borderline impossible.

Kazuto and Asuna all of a sudden heard a childlike scream, to be more precise, several screams. Kazuto looked at Asuna, who gave him a understanding nod as she said to him: "Go… If children are being tortured here and we truly have some kind of special power… We should stop this."

Kazuto had a grin on his face, as he and Asuna ran towards the back alley, where he saw 5 children being surrounded by 14 big guys.


The leader of the gang said to the rest off the members as they left at the scared children: "Look at what we caught today! These'll make perfect for the market, young and capable."

Another gang member laughed out loud: "Oh come on now, don't be scared. At least try to make it fun for us."

The oldest male child begged the gang members with tears, going closer and closer towards the wall with his companions. "Please… Please don't hurt us. We… We just want to live, please!"

Another gang member laughed: "Don't worry kid, we won't hurt you… It's not US you should be worried about!"

The children shivered in fear as the gang members came closer. The children knew they were finished. It was over.

It's over… We got caught. And we're probably going to die. Or just be sold off as slaves. I'm sorry guys… I couldn't do anything for you.

At that moment, someone appeared at the front of the aisle. It was a black haired male, and a chestnut haired female, both dressed in white robes. The male said to the gang: "Look. Leave the kids alone."

The Gang leader laughed at the male as he said to him: "What position are you to tell me to do what? I'll tell you what, your little girlfriend over there can be my personal slave when I'm done with this! Get em' boys!"

The gang members charged towards Kazuto, who made a grin. As the first Katana strike came for him, he ducked with the reflexes he had from the Underworld, and some of the strength, he managed to use the same martial art technique he had used to kill Kuradeel: Uppercut. Albeit, this time was no light.

His hand made it through, as he said to Asuna: "Asuna… Stay back. I'll handle this." Asuna gave re-assuring smile, and stepped back. She replied to him: "Becareful, Kirito-kun."

Kazuto gave his usual smile as he impaled the first gag member who was holding… A Katana. Not a Zanpakuto, but a regular Katana. Kazuto grinned. The rest were going to be easy as long as he had the Katana.

He withdrew his hand from the first gang member, now dead. As the 2nd one tried to use his club to clumsily smash Kazuto in, Kazuto simply rolled over, like he did against Deusolbert. He then made a run for the Katana, as another person with a Katana managed to slice his cheeks, causing blood to come out.

Kazuto cursed for being not careful, but resumed his assault. A third man with a stick attacked Kazuto, however using the in-game skill [Avalanche]'s position, he easily broke the stick with the two handed move's attack.

Breaking the stick, the man shouted at Kazuto: "Damn you! Impudent fucks like you should fuckin' get the hell outta our way!"

The man then charged towards Kazuto with his fists. Kazuto's expression grew serious, as he gave no mercy. With a swift cut, as the sword descended, he cuts off the man's arm, then the torso, taking his second knockout.

In these people, he saw it. The image of Raios and Humber, the images of Chudelkin, Gabriel and the Administrator. They were all bad people, all evil.

All of a sudden, another gang member manages to hit his club at Kazuto's back, as Asuna cried out: "Kirito-kun!"

Kazuto said to Asuna, as he slashed the man who hit him: "Stay back, Asuna!" As he said this, his wounds healed instantly, as one of the gang members shouted at him: "Who the hell are you?!"

Kazuto gave no reply, as he charged towards the gang members, whilst they hit him one by one. Every time damage was inflicted upon him, he felt pain, sure. However… It was always like he was healed instantly. His wounds were returned back to the shape they were when he came to the Soul Society.

As Kazuto knocked out yet another of the gang members, three of them proceeded to head towards Asuna's backside, without her seemingly noticing.

As the gang members grinned in delusion of what they would do with the cute girl, they were interrupted, as one of them had a jab on the stomach, knocking one out. Kazuto looked over at Asuna as he cried out: "Asuna!"

As she got in a fighting stance similar for the hand to hand skill moves, which she had learned in SAO. Using the technique Sidewind Kick, she launched herself similar to how Hiyori always does and kicked a second thug in the face, causing him to go down.

The last thug swore at her as he shouted: "You'll regret this… You bitch!" Asuna stared at him, as she said to him, with a serious face: "No… You will. How could you even forgive yourself…?"

The thug gave her a smirk as he said to her: "I don't need to, because soon I'll have you to suck my worries away!"

He charged at her with his knife, as Asuna sidestepped him, and tripped him over, leaving him to land at the wall, bumping his head and subsequently knocking him out.

Asuna waved and said out to Kazuto: "I'm alright, Kirito-kun!"

Kazuto gave his lover a grin, and internally sighed off relief. He wasn't sure if Asuna had the material of killing in her. After-all… The Kuradeel incident, she almost got killed. However, it seems she might've gotten over it now.

He focused on the 6 thugs at the front, as the boss shouted out to him, knife pointed at the kids, now finally scared.

"Get… Get the hell away from us you freak of nature! Or I'll kill them!"

The children struggled, as the youngest one cried out: "No please mister! Please don't kill us! I don't wanna die, I don't wanna!"

Kazuto growled at the man as he shouted: "Let them go! This is between you and me."

The boss laughed at his statement, replying in pride: "This is the slums kid! Anything to survive is our motto… Now if you don't drop your weapon in 5…"

Kazuto cursed as Asuna shouted out: "Kirito-kun!" He was helpless. He was helpless like the time when he watched his fellow guild members die.

Like when he watched the men from the Aincrad Liberation Army die.

Like when he let Eugeo die.

As the Boss said: "4…" the Thugs laughed maniacally, whilst the children cried tears of fear. They advanced further forward, step by step, towards Kazuto.

Kazuto's grip on his Katana loosened, as the boss said out proudly: "3…" The Thugs laughed at Kazuto as they taunted him: "Look at him, all scared cause' o' words! What a weak-ass kid."

Kazuto heard a voice in his head. A voice was leading him to something, something he didn't know.

Do you want to stop regretting?


Do you want to protect the ones you love?


Do you want the power to stop your own regret?


Then, Kazuto… Open your eyes. Look past your regret, look past your fears. Never give up on an objective at present, even when impossible. Is that not what you've done as the past as the [Black Swordsmen]? Or as the [Dual Wielder Kirito]?

But how…? I won't reach them in time. I won't be able to protect them like before…

Kazuto. When you can't protect, then you grow stronger so you can. Henceforth… I shall lend you my power. For now. Listen to me Kazuto.

Rush forward now, let out your largest Sonic Leap… And it shall become something else. With my power lent to you temporarily… You shall be able to do it.


Kazuto got into the move set for sonic leap, as he placed his sword next to his left hip no longer holding it with two hands, bending his knees down slightly. He imagined it. Kazuto used incarnation to imagine himself using Sonic Leap.

The Sonic Leap I did against Chudelkin, in the underworld…

It was only like a few hours ago, that he had fought there. The feeling of the leap, the feeling of battle. The battle against the Administrator, the battle against PoH and the battle against Gabriel. All seems to be so close to the events of [now].

He gripped his katana tightly, as the boss laughed at him: "Regret it now…? Giving up? It's too LATE NOW! GET EM' BOYS!"

Asuna shouted out in concern, as she saw her lover not moving. She held her hands above her chest, as she cried out: "Kirito-kun!"

Kazuto smiled at Asuna as he said to her as he began moving: "It's alright, Asuna. I've got this."

As he ran towards the thugs, the thugs attempted to slash down at him, whilst the boss began to slit his dagger at the children's throat.

Kazuto, with a flash, disappeared, leaving a bunch of distressed thugs behind, as he sliced off the throat of the boss of the gang.

The thugs muttered in distress: "Shunpo…"

Another one cried out in disbelief and wailed: "It's a Shinigami… We're gonna die! I tell you those people in the Seireitei!"

The thugs threw all their Yan on the floor as they begged Kazuto: "Please sir… We didn't know you were a seated officer in the Gotei! Don't kill us!"

Using the thug's lack of knowledge that he wasn't a Shinigami, he held up the boss's head up to the thugs, like how he did to the goblins, he shouted out: "Unless you all want to be like him… Leave!"

The thugs all scrambled to run away, leaving a large amount of Yan, as they dragged their comrades with them, leaving those they couldn't carry behind.


Kazuto sighed, as Asuna ran towards him asked him: "What was that… Kirito-kun?" Kazuto shrugged as he replied: "I heard some voice inside my head telling me to do Sonic Leap. So I did it."

Asuna revealed him, stunned: "But that wasn't sonic leap… You disappeared for a second, then reappeared and slit his throat."

Kazuto looked at her and shrugged, and gave one of his classic smiles: "Guess it's another unique skill for me then."

Asuna puffed her cheeks and said to him: "Mou… I'll never understand how an lazy person like you managed to get unique skills in SAO, Ordinal Scale[1] and Underworld."

Kazuto grinned back to Asuna, with his usual style, as he sheathed the Katana. "It's all luck."

Asuna sighed as she said softly: "You're really lucky you know that?"[2]

Kazuto came closer towards her as he replied, grinning: "I know, because I have you. If I didn't have luck, you wouldn't have saved me in SAO, and married me."

Asuna gave Kazuto a kiss on the lips, as she said to him: "You know that even without that I loved you in SAO. No matter what you do, I'll always follow you as your lover."

Kazuto smiled, as finally the oldest of the trio of children, a boy of around 11 years of age, with brown hair sighed and asked them: "Excuse me… Shinigami-san?"

Kazuto looked at him and replied with a whimper: "Mhm?"

"Why did you save us…? I thought the Gotei 13 didn't operate in these areas?"

Kazuto replied to him, as Asuna nodded in agreement with his statement: "We're not a Shinigami… Nor are we part of the Gotei 13. We just arrived here."

The kid looked at him at surprise: "Then how… How did you do that? From what I remember only Shinigami could do that."

Kazuto shrugged and replied: "Some voice in my head gave me instructions."

As the kid was about to question his sanity, as well as Asuna questioning his wellbeing, he fell down, straight.

Blood began to seep out from some of his joints, as Asuna cried out: "Kirito-kun!" The lead kid said to Asuna: "Quick! I know where to bring him…"

Asuna quickly nodded, as she and the children collectively lifted up Kazuto and ran towards the children's home, taking also both Kazuto's weapon and an extra Katana for herself later on.


Arriving within the shack which the children had lived in, the lead kid said to Asuna: "When I was in the living, my mom taught me how to treat this. That's my only memory of the living… Asides from my name."

Asuna gasped as she replied: "That's terrible… You didn't retain your memories when coming here…?"

The kid shook his head. "Nope. All I got was my name. Yuuka and Basch here only got their names."

Asuna was about to respond, as the kid said to her: "Grab the leaves from the cabinet. We'll talk about this later."

Not knowing anything about first-aid, Asuna complied and quickly ran towards the cabinet, grabbing the leaves.

The kid treated Kazuto, as he poured the liquid he had on his hand which he took out from somewhere Asuna didn't even know from where

He then seemingly sewed up Kazuto, using needles, as he commented: "Amazing… I don't even need re-patch his wounds. It's healing automatically…"

Asuna rushed over and took a look, as she took a breath and murmured: "Kirito-kun…"

The kid then looked over at Asuna, as he said to her: "I'm still going to apply the leaves to prevent further infection [3]. If his wounds are fine by tomorrow, it should mean there's no infection. 50/50 chance."

Asuna gave a nod, as the kid did his work. She still was worried… What if Kazuto died here? What would happen if he left her?

Stop worrying, Asuna.

Inside her mind, spoke a voice. Asuna was confused momentarily, but still chose to reply to said voice.

Who are you?

The time for you to know who I am, has not come yet. However… I suspect it will be soon.

Answer me!

Mind not your question, but heed my words. He shall be fine. I wish not see you in pain, for when you are… It gets too clouded in here and rainy in here.

As Asuna was about to answer, she felt the presence get out of her mind, only for one of the children, Yuuka to tug on her.

"Yuto-san says it's dinner. He's brought back good food after you guys got all the money from the gang."

Asuna nodded, as she followed the girl inside towards the dining table. In the hastily made, cracked wooden table, there was boar meat, other meats, etc food. Normal food, much better than the food she ate at RATH.

The oldest child, Yuto spoke up as he lifted up his glass of water: "What's your name? We need to thank you for saving us."

Asuna, despite being sidetracked in her thoughts, worrying for Kazuto, snapped back to reality, as she answered: "Asuna. Asuna Yuuki. His name, is Kazuto Kirigaya."

The oldest kid gave her a wide-faced smile, as he said to her: "Yuto Nakaochi and she's Yuuka." The 9 year old brunette waved as she smiled: "Arigato, Yuuki-san!"

Asuna replied to her, smiling: "You can call us by our first names, it's fine!"

The youngest kid, the 8 year old flaxen haired Basch, nervously looked up and bowed: "Th-hank yo-ou for saving us… My names Basch."

Asuna smiled to him: "It's no problem… Those who have the power to protect others should do it. At least… Kirito-kun would."

As Asuna ate the food, she noticed how the children were eating for their lives. It was clear they had long starved for this.

Was the situation here that bad…?

After dinner, the children had all gone to sleep, as Yuto asked if she wanted to sleep on a futon they had. But Asuna declined, as she replied to him: "I'll be better off watching Kirito-kun tonight."

And so, Yuto left the two alone, as Asuna watched over Kazuto in the night, until she too drifted to sleep, on his lap.


At the next day, Kazuto woke up, as he saw Asuna on his lap, sleeping peacefully.

So yesterday wasn't a dream afterall.

He smiled warmly, as he looked at his lover. Her chestnut hair, cherry red lips, snow white skin, he loved every part of her.

Not to mention she looked so cute whilst sleeping… He tapped slowly at her shoulders, as she slowly fluttered her eyes open.

"Kirito… Kun?"

Kazuto smiled at her, as he teased her: "You're awake, Asuna. You were pretty cute sleeping."

Asuna puffed her cheeks as she replied: "Mou… Stop teasing me Kirito-kun…"

Kazuto shook his head as he said to her: "I'm not! It's the truth that you're cute!"

Asuna looks at him, as the two had a 'lovey dovey' moment, staring each other at the eye, and smiling.

There was a knock on the room, as Yuto finally busted the door open. "Oi! Could you two have sex later and come out first?"

Kazuto and Asuna both flushed bright red, as Asuna stuttered: "Wha-What do-do you mean?"

Yuto grinned as he replied: "When a girl and a boy love each other, they have sex! What else could you have been doing here last night?"

Kazuto shook his head in denial: "We di-didn't do anything! I swear!"

Yuto laughed as if it was a joke and said to him: "Are you joking? Come on now, I'm not that stupid."

Asuna squeaked out: "We-We're telling the truth! We didn't do anything! Yuto-kun!"

Yuto sighed, and replied to her: "Whatever you say."

As Kazuto was about to make another retort, Yuto said to them both: "Anyway, could you guys come outside? We gotta thank you for yesterday."

Kazuto rubbed his hair, as he said to him: "It's really not…"

Yuto grinned as he replied: "I knew you would say that, so I decided that if you didn't, I'll tell the other two… About what happened here."

Not wanting to make the thing go further, Kazuto and Asuna both relented, and headed outside, where the kids were waiting.

They presented Kazuto and Asuna both with some gifts using the money the duo had bought back. For both of them, they had bought the standard issue Shinigami sandals, with the socks. For Asuna, they had bought white-red Yukata Mini skirt, whilst for Kazuto they bought a black shirt, which shows off his chest, a grey bandana and bagged pants. [4]

As Kazuto and Asuna both changed out of their white yukata's into their new outfits, they thanked the children.

Yuto replied to them, as he said: "You saved us… It's only natural for us to repay the favour right?"

Kazuto and Asuna both smiled, as they took their swords and prepared to leave. As they walked towards the door, Yuuka and Basch both grabbed onto them, (male male, female female). Both screamed out: "Please… Please don't leave."

Yuto too nodded, as he stepped down and as the most mature and oldest of them all, asked Kazuto and Asuna: "Could you both stay here…? Live with us? I know it's selfish of us to ask you, but could you? With you, we won't get bullied by the gangs anymore."

Asuna looked up at Kazuto as she stuttered: "Kirito-kun…"

Kazuto looked at his lover's face, and instantly knew, this was like Yui. They had found their new home in the Soul Society, and they'd be taking care of these kids.

Kazuto finally relented, as he said to them: "Alright… Alright. We'll stay here."

The three kids cried out tears of joy as they yelled together: "Arigato!"

Kazuto sighed, as he asked the three: "Since we're staying here… I want to make a difference. I want to get rid of the crime lords one by one."

Yuto stared at him, wide eyed. "Are you sure…? They're insanely strong, and have lots of people behind them."

Kazuto nodded, as Asuna stood beside him. "Once we perfect that "shunpo" thing, we'll be able to go fight them."

Yuto sighed, as he finally spoke after several seconds of pausing. "Please… Don't go to the Seireitei and join the Gotei 13. Stay here with us… I don't care if you master it… Everyone's much more happy if you stay."

Kazuto shook his head, as he replied to Yuto: "Don't worry. We won't go. Not when we have a family here."

Yuto smiled, as he hugged Kazuto. The group truly now resembled, as Asuna and the other kids joined in.

Maybe… Just maybe, Kazuto and Asuna could move on from the living, as they transitioned to the afterlife. Just maybe.


Kazuto and Asuna both headed towards the door, as the children waved goodbye. Yuuka smiled at the duo and squeaked out: "Be back at night alright?"

Kazuto gave a rough smile and replied: "Can't guarantee it."

Asuna giggled as she replied at the children and Yuuka: "Don't worry. I'll make sure he's responsible and will be back by nightfall."

Kazuto sighed, as he held Asuna's hand and ran towards the grasslands of the Soul Society. A new page of their lief had begun…


Wew! First chapter complete. Updates may not be constant, because i do have to focus on Bleach: Alternate future as well. Not to mention I've got exams, can't slack off that much, sorry guys. Anyway, at least the first two to four chapters will be about life in the Rukongai, before they even go into the academy.

Anyway, where are they going next? What're they gonna do? Find out next time.

Next Chapter: Golden life of Tokugawa.

[0]: Originally, I was considering a prologue chapter. But, I question how the fuck would it ever work? Would a Shinigami ever be patrolling on the Ocean Turtle? Because of this, I decided against a prologue chapter, and went straight to 1. Laziness is also a reason but you didn't see this lol.

[1]: I'm referencing when he one shotted everything. It does look like a skill from afar, so it wouldn't be surprising if people thought it was a skill. As for underworld, Dual Wielding ain't common alright? Even in Soul Society we only got them 3 dual wielders, Ichigo, Ukitake and Shunsui. Ntm, Ichigo was late to dual wield.

[2]: You gonna tell me all that SAO shit ain't plot armour? Fuck off. Plot Armour is basically in-story luck.

[3]: I don't know the first thing about first-aid. Don't question me please.

[4]: Kokura Castle x SAO Ad for Kazuto and Asuna's outfits.