"What the hell is that thing doing there?!" Yang shouted while pointing her arm towards the brawler that had just suddenly entered the arena via one of the doors that lead to said arena.
Seeing the worried look on every student's faces, Qrow was about to jump in only to be stopped when the late headmaster's cane landed on his shoulder. Looking to the young headmaster, Ozpin shook his head telling him that they should not be disturbed. Qrow bit back a remark but them eased up when he remembered that while Weiss was down there, Jaune was along the ride.
Everyone seemed to have been clued in on this without being told and relaxed more, though it was obvious that there was still some lying tension. Team RWBY looked like they were ready to jump in there in the event that Weiss did get into some deep trouble, Team JN(P)R looked pretty much the same as the former team with their weapons tightly clenched in between their hands.
Weiss dodged the slam that cratered the ground, courtesy of the brawler. During this state Jaune charged in, claws at the ready and scratched the brawler, leaving open wounds that made Weiss' stab wound look like a simple scab.
"Go!" the blonde virus yelled.
Holding Myrtenaster in her regular pose, she conjured up a glyph under her feet. The glyph glowed a bright white before launching the heiress towards the brawler at an alarming rate. He rapier found it's mark when it lodged itself inside the beast's chest where she assumed the heart was.
Unfortunately, her assumption was wrong as the brawler gripped her weapon and pushed in it further – pulling Weiss along. She was too focused on taking her weapon out that she had missed the claw that posed to stab her stomach.
Her blood curdling scream froze everyone's blood as they looked at the brawler's claw going through Weiss, what made it worse was the fact that the brawler was playing with her insides, opening the wound up even further. Everyone including Qrow had look in worry and fear. On one side they wanted to help her out but they were too frozen in fear.
Ozpin, grimaced at the sight of one of his students in excruciating pain, yet he didn't take his eyes away. After the brawler was done playing with her it flung her towards the ground. Weiss' body skid on the ground while leaving a huge trail of crimson. Seeing her in a terrible state it Ozpin was about to order her students to save her.
Jaune charged at the brawler with no shifted weapon. Fist raised her planted it on the beast's jaw – hearing it snap he pressed on his attack. With his other fist he went for a gut punch, his fist buried deep inside causing the brawler to spit out blood. He finished his attack when he planted his foot on the brawler's chest and kicked it a few metres away.
He looked to Weiss who wasn't moving from her position, what made it even worse was the fact that the wound inflicted upon her wasn't healing up.
"Jaune, pull out your whipfist and connect it with Weiss,"
It didn't take long for the blonde to understand Alex's plan and shifted his right arm to the desired weapon, with an arm-flick he threw the weapon towards Weiss, stabbing her through the kidney area. He was about to transfer some of his biomass to her when he felt a sudden shift in the air.
He ducked, narrowly dodging the brawler's claws. It clear that after that display of power it pissed the infected off. It raised both of its arms with the purpose of crushing the blonde. Fortunately, with his experience of killing one he was prepared for the sudden unpredictable. Shifting his arm into a shield he covered himself while the arms collided with the hardened biomass. His legs buckled at the weight but he persisted.
Now that the brawler was busy with his shield, he commanded his body cells while travelled through the shifted arm and towards the heiress. He smiled for a quick moment as he sees the biomass already working on healing her. But healing her came with a cost, not consuming any biomass for a while made Jaune weak, his legs started to crack under the pressure of constant attacking.
He'll lived though this of course, if he's in trouble Alex could just switch places with him and end the bastard with ease. The shield's durability finally cracked causing Jaune to close his eyes as he waited for the pain. He opened his eyes when he felt the air shift. Opening his eyes, he was shocked to see Weiss' fist buried on the brawler's face.
Her snarl was clear to everyone, as is the once icy blue eyes not turned blood red. A shockwave from the punch sent the brawler spinning towards the end of the arena. Jaune was about to stand up but was stopped when her hand pressed on his shoulder. Looking up her blood red eyes looked into his deep blues, giving the untold message Jaune didn't move from his spot.
A roar echoed across the arena forcing Weiss the lock eyes with the already charging brawler, with a glyph on the ready she met the brawler half way. The brawler raised its arm ready to lariat the heiress only to be stumped when she summoned another glyph, which propelled her upwards. The brawler couldn't follow along as it bellowed in pain as the heiress' heels lodged itself into its eyes. She back flipped back and duck just in time to dodge the blind retaliation that the brawler did. It swung its right arm towards her but she didn't do anything about it. The arm collided with her but instead of being flung away from the brawler she had both of her arms wrapped around the limb.
She didn't give the blind brawler any respite as she planted her feet on the chest – parallel to the ground, she pulled. She snarled as blood red veins started to crawl around her legs and arms. The brawler screeched in pain as it felt its bone detach, followed but muscles and tissue. With a war cry Weiss ripped the arm off.
Despite missing a limb, the brawler still fought the heiress blindly, swinging its left arm. Still hugging the torn arm she flipped it around where the claws were pointing towards its owner.
"I'll show you how it feels to be stabbed!" Weiss shouted.
She charged when the opportunity presented itself, burying the arm in the brawler's abdomen. It screamed in agony as it tried to pull the foreign object away but Weiss wasn't having any of that. She removed the limb and spun around, the claws connected with the brawler's neck, easily decapitating it. The brawler stood still for a second before tumbling down.
Weiss released a breath she didn't knew she was holding as she looked at the now dead beast. She was about to aid Jaune but Alex's voice cut through her mind.
"Good job, now consume the brawler,"
"Yes, that way you can get back any biomass that you lost… think of it was healing,"
Stopping her tracks, she looked back at the dead brawler. A sudden feeling inside of her told her that she wanted to 'eat' it. The closer she got to the corpse the urge grew, eventually she gave into needs and allowed the feeling. Tentacles sprouted from her back and started t wrap around the corpse, she could feel every single cell of the brawler become hers, making her feel better. Once the brawler was consumed another feeling entered her system.
She grunted in pain as tendrils of crimson crawled her body. Fortunately, the feeling subsides quickly. When she opened her eyes, they widened at the sight that beheld her. Razor sharp claws replaced her fingers while tendrils crawled all the way up her arms.
A/N: Well, well, well… looks like Weiss Schnee now has claws. If some of you are worried that she will get the same weapons as both Jaune and Alex don't worry. I plan on making her own unique set of weapons… in fact, this is the perfect time for me to ask help!
Give me a power that you would want to add to the heiress' arsenal. From enhanced vision, to arm powers. Make sure you include the following.
What Grimm/Infected/Human/Faunus does Weiss have to consume to get it:
I'll be taking 5 but you won't know. The only way you can know if I had picked your power is through a PM. So may the best power maker win!
With that out of the way, let's get to the reviews!
Guest: Maybe, we'll see if there are others that will be getting the Mercer Virus in the future virus. Of course, the purpose for passing the virus has to be reasonable. Weiss got the virus because Jaune was stuck between either letting her die or passing on the virus to make her live.
The immortality thing… I don't know, Alex I can understand but Jaune and Wiess… frankly speaking I don't know. They never said in the game whether the DX-1118 strain did grant immortality. I've never read the comics either so yeah, I'm only basing my knowledge on the game.
HAIL KING DELIRIOUS: Eventually? Yes, though that's later on. I guarantee you that Salem's reaction would be nothing short of amazing.
X3runner: Thanks for reassuring me that Jaune's OP adaptation is the right amount of OP! Of course, with him training with Alex every night, he's surely bound to get better! I don't know what to say about Jaune's family though.
Blackwatch: Unfortunately, you won't be getting to Alex any time… your company's dead for very, very long time.
Accelerator7460: Ah, a good question! Since Grimm turns to dust with a snap of a finger (ha! see what I did there?) at a very fast rate Alex or any Evolved for that matter would not have the time to completely consume them. The only way for them to consume a Grimm would be if they were turned to infected. Turning them into infected removes the problem of turning to dust as infected mutation occurs, thus consumption is now allowed.
Guest: I know it's out of the normalcy of Prototype and yes, I agree that it's closer to being a symbiote story, more will be revealed as to why Alex can't have full control so you can wait on that! Also, thanks for complimenting my style of writing!
Leader: We've already established that Jaune Arc is not a descendant of James Heller. Unfortunately, I'm only going to stick to a word count of one thousand plus with the remaining words extending to two thousand dues to replying to comments. Finally, sorry for not making this a backstory chapter. Right now I'm more focused on Weiss, Jaune's backstory can wait.
Hal: I'm not going to acknowledge your review.
And with that all reviews had been answered! By the way I created another story called 'Remnant's Mightiest Heroes', an Avengers crossover with RWBY. I'd like some input in your side (aka trying to get the view count past 100). I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and with that a bid you all adieu!