I would like to thank all my fans for loving all my fics the next one I'm writing is A Wild Neutron Life. The plot is that after College graduation Jimmy and Cindy get engaged and Cindy is hesitant to marry Jimmy unless he becomes more responsible So Jimmy decides he wants kids and Cindy thinks she can't have kids so they adopt Elliot Hendricks. At the adoption office we find Eliza Thornberry and her new husband John also looking for a daughter Eliza gave up when she was younger because she was a traveling documentary host and thought John was immature to take care of a baby. The prologue brings The Neutrons sitting in an office leafing through folders while the Thornberry's are arguing with the head of the orphanage. I hope everyone enjoys A Wild Neutron Life and Deidra thanks so much for helping me find the old me and also helping with all your ideas.

Jimmy and Cindy Neutron sighed as they looked through folders hoping to find the perfect edition to their family.

"Cindy we've been through tons of these I mean we had the same problem with prom dresses honey. Remember that fiasco? It's Promegeddon all over again" Jimmy said as Cindy tossed another folder at the secretary and Jimmy moaned.

"Jimmy this isn't like finding the perfect dress, shoes, and handbag this is a living thing and all these kids look so clean I want the dirty kid they show on the commercials you know for only fifty two cents a day you can feed poor Zambuka or someone like that" Cindy said grimacing at what she saw as happy orphans.

"Cin do you mean to tell me we're going to sit here until we find fifty two cents a day orphans? If so I'm ordering a pizza and maybe a new fiancé".

Cindy stared hard into Jimmy's eyes and he gulped never liking his fiancé angry because he as everyone else knew what angering Cindy Vortex was like.

"I was kidding honey just kidding I mean about the new fiancé not the pizza because I'm famished and I know you are too because your hangry and being hangry is never a good thing".

"Fine but another negative comment centered around me and you're getting a fist and a foot to the face James".

Cindy was handed more folders and Jimmy heard a ruckus going on outside as he snuck away and found older boys hassling a little boy carrying him to a mud puddle and throwing him in a mud puddle and cackling down at him.

"Runty puppy you have no parents they got tired of you and just left you here. I mean how poor must you feel right now?" The lead bully asked kicking muddy water all over the boy who wept and looked up at Jimmy the older boys in awe of Jimmy.

"OMG you're James Isaac Neutron genius inventor and owner of Apple. So what are you doing here sir and if it's to adopt I would love to throw my name in the ring it's Nate Simmons and I'm in desperate need for some TRL" Nate said as Jimmy shoved him aside and looked at the muddy boy.

"So kid I can see you've never heard of me so allow me to introduce myself I'm as the bully boy Nate said James Isaac Neutron and you are?" Jimmy asked as the boy sniffled blood trickling down his nose and mud all over him.

"I'm Elliot and if you are adopting could I maybe beg, plead, and beg some more that you adopt me? This isn't my first mud bath Mr. Neutron and I would love to make it my last" Elliot said slowly standing up brown all over his once white skin.

"Follow me because you convinced me but there is another factor you need to convince in this scenario and her names Cindy Vortex my fiancé FYI Nate the mud you dirtied Elliot with is a nice touch because she just so happens to love non clean orphans like the ones on the commercials".

Nate growled and muttered Runt under his breath as they all stormed into the director's office the director shrieking when she saw Elliot and Cindy tossed another folder aside not noticing Elliot yet.

"Ellie what happened and Nate I swear if this has your name all over it it's polishing the floors including my office floor for you" the director said as Nate cackled staring hard at Elliot.

"You have a nickname like an elephant Ellie here Ellie how about some peanuts Ellie? Don't you like peanuts Ellie? I have a whole bunch just for Ellie the elephant".


Cindy in true mommy style jumped up and shoved Nate out of the way and did the Heimlich maneuver getting all the peanuts up and Elliot gasped coughing and sucking on his inhaler Cindy finally noticing how dirty he looked and she smiled helping Elliot stand up.

"Mrs. Swanson no more folders I have found the perfect boy to join the Neutron clan because I'm changing my name once I get married and little Ellie because I don't know his real first name will make a great edition to the Familia" Cindy said as Elliot smiled and the woman also smiled handing Jimmy and Cindy suitcases and duffle bags.

"These are all his things and his names Elliot he was left here last night with a note his parents wrote calling him a burden the poor thing" Mrs. Swanson said as Elliot shrieked in joy and hugged Jimmy and Cindy getting them muddy yelling going on in another room.

"Looks like everything's in order so Elliot enjoy being all over TV because you're the first Apple/fashion designer baby and reporters are going to want to interview you".

Mrs. Swanson ran from the room Eliza Thornberry hair all wild and scratches all over her from her last expedition screaming at a secretary about her daughter.


"Mrs. Thornberry this isn't a library where you can drop things off and then check them out again when you want to. I mean think how little Miracle must feel having to adjust to life without you then with you again" the secretary said as Eliza's face got redder and she gazed into the secretaries eyes.


"Right away Mrs. Thornberry and word of advice if you're playing a stay at home mom I suggest you do that and not go gallivanting in anymore jungles".

Eliza sat down Mrs. Swanson knowing how tough Eliza's job was sat down next to her and John trying to console a bawling Eliza.

"Mrs. Thornberry I didn't train her to talk like that in fact I have no idea who did but believe me I don't think she deserves to say a thing about your parenting. She's here because she's a stripper by night and can't support her three daughters".

Eliza dried her eyes as Miracle Thornberry quickly ran to Eliza glad to be somewhere where she could eat all she wanted and drink all she wanted not three square meals a day.

"Mama let's go home and I'm sorry I don't remember much about you but the nature show I saw with you in it seemed pretty awesomesauce" Miracle said seeing Elliot leaving and she blushed secretly loving him more than a friend because they had a close friendship in the orphanage.

"Hey I have a cool idea why don't we follow that family to wherever their going because I like the boy and he's a really good friend".

Eliza squealed excitedly seeing Jimmy and Cindy her best friends from High School and she ran up to them Miracle almost knocking Elliot down as they both giggled.

"Wow Cin so when did you and Jimmy start thinking about adoption? I mean you never mentioned anything to John or I and we graduated together as BFF'S Jimmy carried all three of us upstairs after drinking that night remember? Eliza asked as Cindy nodded.

"Yea I remember so I'm glad you're back to being the stay at home mom we can swap recipes and stuff like that".

Eliza giggled nodding as Elliot and Miracle held hands both of them not knowing just how their world would shape up in the coming years.

Five years later Cindy is running around a kitchen taking on the role of stay at home mom Jimmy now CEO of Apple Inc. always in the office.

"Yea Elize I know we need to catch up some night but tonight's not good Dorian is on the I hate all babysitters kick and the rest besides the eldest Elliot and I can't pay anyone to come babysit.

Elliot crawled through a dog door as Cindy tapped her foot angrily and tapped her watch as Elliot all muddy pointed outside.

"Do you see the streetlights on? I don't think so and you always say we need to be in before the streetlights come on" Elliot said plopping into a kitchen chair Cindy hanging up with Eliza.

"Alright Drippy upstairs and shower before dinner and before you make a wise comment let me make a wise decision and say don't".

"You know there was a time you said I looked cute muddy you know like the fifty two cent a day orphans on the commercials?"

"Ughhhhhhhhhh you're dirtying my clean floor Elle just go shower please and your homework better be done young man".

Elliot heard a growl in his moms voice and knew not to test her in this mood which the younger siblings still haven't learned.

"Your brothers and sisters had better start heeding my warnings or so help me this Summer is going to be like a prison for them".

Elliot gave Cindy a thumbs up and dashed off to shower the other siblings trying to go the way Elliot did and blocked up the dog door.

"Aww looks like the one at a time through the doggy door rule didn't stick now did it? What am I going to do with you kids?"

"Mama-hurry-pull-us-through-the-streetlights-aren't-on-yet-and-we-saw-Elliot-just-slide-through. Why-can't-we? Scout Neutron the youngest Neutron asked.

"Because Elliot is one person not five people now let's see those lights come on in 5-4-3-2-1-and taduhhhhhhhhhh streetlights" Cindy said as all the streetlights blinked on and Cindy pulled all the kids in.

"Ouch we should have done what Elliot did and came in one at a time but then we would have been inside after curfew and we all remember what happened last time" Lisa Neutron said rubbing her thighs which were stuck in the doggy door when Cindy pulled them through.

"Hey you all know the rules you chose not to follow them whereas Elliot follows every one without complaint".

All the kids moaned in pain from being pulled in as next door we hear John arguing with his eldest Miracle about her clothes.

"Daddy there just clothes what is the problem with them? I mean Lady GaGa wore a meat dress I'm just wearing a top showing off my mid drift, a short skirt, and black stiletto's their Ellie's favorite" Miracle said posing for selfie's on Snapchat.

"Young lady we have rules and I also don't like you dating Elliot I mean I know you two were adopted together but do you have to play the Winnie to his Dennis?" John roared as Eliza ran in shushing John and Miracle.

"I just got Dorian asleep and I'll be damned if shrieky and shriekier are going to wake her up. Now what is with all the hubbub bub's?" Eliza asked as John pointed at Miracle who was calling Elliot.

"Look at her Eliza she's testing the waters and I don't like her testing these waters. I mean we made rules for a reason didn't we?"

"Mare why do you like making him angry? I mean am I being punished for something I did in the past? Did I not raise you right?"

A dog ran into the kitchen as Eliza squealed hiding a secret that Miracle would soon inherit and she knew it would freak her out.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhh shut it Fozzy and I'll give you unlimited treats I promise now where's Gidget? Please don't tell me she's looking to communicate with Miracle first".

Eliza ran off as a small white dog skidded in front of Miracle and Miracle could have sworn she heard it giggle.

"Hi Mare the human so allow me to introduce myself I'm Gidget as you've named me after watching Secret Life Of Pets and you were obsessed with her" Gidget spoke as Miracle gasped and wiped her sleeve on her glasses staring down at Gidget.

"Now as the rules state you're not allowed to tell anyone you have this gift or you'll lose it. But the weird witch doctor is giving you a freebie and his names Elliot Neutron".

Miracle slowly backed away as Eliza steadied her fainting daughter two boys racing into the kitchen chugging sodas.

"OMG does nobody notice the sleeping baby in the crib? I mean why must we always be so loud? Dorian hardly sleeps as it is".

The boys shrugged as Eliza got pots and pans out Miracle carrying Gidget and Fozzy to her room hoping to get more animal talking in.

"Ok so why talk to me now Gidget? I mean I was six when I got you I'm eleven now and you're five and I don't know how old in dog years" Miracle said plopping on her bed Gidget feebly climbing in with her.

"The baby sis you call Deidra who's birthday is tomorrow can talk to us too. Why do you think she goo goo ga ga's all the time she's around us? We don't understand her but for some odd reason she understands us".

Deidra feebly walked into Miracles room giggling as Fozzy ran knowing there was a reason the animals in the house called her an ear, fur, tail puller.

"Puppy, puppy, puppy, woof woof puppy doggie. Here puppy, puppy, puppy" Deidra screamed happily as Gidget whispered uh oh also knowing Deidra's reputation in the house.

"Aww hey Dee so how's the party decorating for your first birthday coming short stuff? Did mama send you up here for something?" Miracle asked as Deidra her hands sticky from a lollipop pet Gidget and she moaned her white fur getting sticky and some of it getting yanked out.

"Ouch you better warn sticky fingers over there that if she makes me sticky or pulls my fur out again I'm gonna bite".

"Come on Dee let's get you washed up then you can play with Gidget the woof woof puppy doggie. While you do that I'll call Elliot and see what time to expect him for your birthday tomorrow".

Miracle washed all the stickiness and white fur from Deidra's hands and carried her back to Gidget and Deidra laughed hysterically barking at Gidget knowing if she barked enough times Gidget may bark back Deidra's favorite noise.

"Hey Ellie so what time are you coming tomorrow and whatever should I wear? What do you mean wear whatever I want to know what turns you on?"

"Anything he's a hormonal boy and girl if you want him you better act fast before someone else snatches him up" Gidget barked as Elliot heard bark, bark, bark but not for long Deidra loving to play with jewelry.

"Elliot Susanne has no interest in you I-well-I-well-maybe-well-alright I do and there I said it what do you have to say to that?"

Deidra giggled her baby head off and placed a lock of Elliot's hair in a locket and opened it colors swirling around Miracle's room and Eliza walking by and Miracle both said uh oh that can't be good.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh Deidra what did you do? I mean my jewelry's not play stuff you have toys and talking animals to play with".

Deidra shrugged slowly walking out of the room teetering still trying to learn to fully walk and Eliza stared down at Miracle with accusing eyes.

"OK I know put the animal mojo stuff up but Deidra should learn boundaries I mean she wouldn't like it if I took her toys would she?" Miracle asked as a bloodcurdling scream was heard next door.

Elliot was in his room his favorite place these days since he was becoming a teen discovering girls he didn't want to be around Cindy or the other girls and Jimmy was always at work or sleeping.

A dog whimpered in its sleep and Elliot pat it calming it down him naming this dog Buster and Gidget has developed a crush on Buster that only Buster and Gidget knew.

Elliot's door opened and Scout hopped in humming Here Comes Peter Cottontail under her breath and plopping on the bed next to Buster.

"Whoaaaaaaaaaaaa killer lightshow over at Miracles maybe she's making a love potion to force feed you Elliot" Scout said as Buster slowly raised his head and Elliot was not prepared for what happened next.

"Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh we need new neighbors just keep Gidget I really like her but I can do without the lights" Buster growled as Elliot rubbed his eyes thinking he was dreaming.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM I smell leftover night have fun with you rmangy dog Ell I'm getting first dibs on food.

Scout closed the door and Elliot ran up to Buster and they were eye to eye as Buster licked Elliot's nose and Elliot backed up not knowing if he really heard what he heard.

"Oh boy Gidget's at her window across the street I found my nightly activity I mean roarrrrrrrrrrrr am I right?"

Buster growled in a sexy way and Elliot whispered this is not happening this is not happening this is not happening.

Jimmy's car peeled into the driveway and Elliot knew bad news was following him judging by the frown on his face, his untucked clothes, and his voice arguing with himself outside.

"I hate to freak you out boy named Elliot but could you scooch over Gidget staring is my favorite past time".

Elliot mumbled whatever and walked downstairs meeting Jimmy at the door and he hugged his son afraid to talk to Cindy about his day.

"Dad you're a guy right? I mean you were a teen boy once am I right? Anyways girls are on my mind all day and I don't know what to do I mean how do you make them thoughts disappear?"

"Not now Elliot I had a hard day and I need to find some way to gently tell your mother I'm fired then we can deal with your problem" Jimmy said opening the kitchen Cindy cursing over a wok.

"Damn I don't know why we can't just order food I mean we're made of money and we're still pinching pennies" Cindy said setting plates and cups around the table and Jimmy sat at the head of the table Alexandria the baby Neutron placed in her high chair.

Hey Mi familia daddies home and I'm sure you all can't wait to bombard me with stories about your day. Can we do this one at a time please my day has been the hardest".

Cindy mixed vegetables in the wok as all the kids crowded Jimmy bombarding him with questions knowing he could never say no being the pushover parent.

"Daddy can I sleep at Jenny's tonight she's having the biggest sleepover ever and mama said no but there are two parents in this house" Scout said as Jimmy looked at Cindy and she eyed Jimmy daring him to defy her.

"No not tonight Scout I'm deeming tonight Neutron family fun night and we are all spending time as a family tonight".

"Great do you remember the last family fun night we had? Alexandria ate the Monopoly race car and we were in the ER all night as a family".

"Scout we are going to get into why you're grounded during dinner young lady and you know why you're grounded" Cindy said placing the wok on the table and setting chopsticks next to forks on the table all the leftovers from the week joining it.

"Kids dinner and let's get a move on Neutron Family Fun Night begins now. And after dinner we're going to the Thornberry's to enjoy their company".

Pounding was heard on the stairs as all the kids burst into the kitchen Elliot last and he looked sad and forlorn not knowing what his hormones would do to him next.

"So again I ask how was everyone's day? I will go last because my day was the worst day ever. Cin how about you how was your day?"

Cindy was making faces at Alexandria trying to get her to eat as Alexandria clapped and opened her mouth a spoon of mashed potatoes flying into her mouth.

"Mommmmmmmmmmm you're making weird faces again" Natalie another Neutron kid said as Cindy made more faces just saying no I'm not.

"You do make weird faces Honey but Lexi seems to love them so it doesn't bother me as much as it bothers Natalie" Jimmy said as Cindy shot him an angry glance asking if he had to take sides at the table and he said he did.

"Smaller bites Scout yikes. Jimmy can you help the carnivore cut her meat? Scout is there anything you'd like to tell your father about school?"

"Yea totally in bio today we dissected a frog and Mrs. Cremshaw said mine was the nicest looking dissection ever no blood, or guts, or slime, or anything".

"This isn't really dinner conversation Scout so Cin I'm thinking there's more to this story so how's about you tell me what that is".

"Scout got sent to the principal's office today. She's failing math and I don't see how seeing she's playing three card Monty and taking kids lunch money".

"Good, good that all sounds good three card Monty sounds like a great thing Scoutie Honey. So does anyone want to hear about my day?"

"No Jimmy that's bad Scout got sent to the office again for flunking math and playing three card Monty would you pay attention I mean where is your head at?"

"What your failing math Scout you're a Neutron we don't fail classes we pass with flying colors. I mean how could you be failing math?"

"She also played three card Monty but for the third time I can see you don't really care and you're head is somewhere else these days" Cindy said as Jimmy looked excited.

"Whoa you played three card Monty and you never got caught? Usually everyone gets caught playing that game. How much money do you think you made?"

"Jimmy we are not encouraging this Scout your father and I will have a talk about your punishment and then we'll decide whether or not you're joining us on our camping trip this Summer".

Jimmy got so excited he cut through the table and he grumbled just great first I lose my job now I have to pay to fix the table.

"Whoa, whoa, whoaaaaaaaaaa hold up you lost your job and you weren't even going to tell me? I mean I'm your wife not some prostitute off the street".

Jimmy just slid Scout a new plate with cut up steak and he sat back down acting as if losing his job never left his mouth.

"Jimmy this conversation isn't over by a longshot have you ever thought what we are going to do money wise? Geez I swear I'm living with absent minded people these days".

Elliot poked his food as Scout grinned devilishly as she swiped his journal and started to silently read it and Cindy noticed this and knew Elliot was going through a hard time thanks to puberty and hormones and she felt bad for her eldest son.

"So how about you Ellie how was school? Any girls catching your eye yet if not I'll go to their houses and pound them because you really are a very sweet boy".

"Nothing to report mom just a typical day like any other day I walk down the halls and not get noticed by anyone because God forbid I get invited to a party or act normal" Elliot said depression showing in his voice as Scout giggled over Elliot's journal.

"Elliot we talked about this and your father and I agreed that we know how those parties are and I don't want you exposed to sex, drugs, and rock and roll".

"Mom how do you know what those parties are like now? I mean dad and you graduated an ice age ago it's different now".

"Ellie there is something definitely wrong with you I mean you barely touched your food and it's leftover night your favorite".

"I'm not hungry for meatloaf mom in fact I'm meatloafed out if you ask me. I want excitement, I want to let my hair down, mom I want a girlfriend that can show me the magical world of dating".

"Well it is leftover night what are you hungry for? And sorry girls aren't on the menu unless you mean me and your sisters".

Scout cackled and closed Elliot's journal eyeing him and he gulped realizing the book Scout was reading as the room grew deathly silent.

"I know who he's hungry for mom Raina Lewis and Miracle Thornberry he's crazy for them at least that's what his journal says they are all he writes about" Scout boasted as an anger flashed across Elliot's eyes and he angrily pushed his chair back his eyes landing on Scout's.

"Shut up I am not hungry for Raina or Miracle I just don't want stinking meatloaf alright? I mean is it a crime for me to not eat meatloaf?"

"Well he is I mean if he doesn't like them why are they all over his journal? He daydreams of being on a beach with them and their in bikinis and he's buffed but he's a dreamer so no buffness for him".

"I said shut up you little insect I don't like them no matter what that journal says now let's eat or in my case not eat in peace and dad can learn to be a little more fatherly to a boy crying out for help".

"I bet he'd eat if we were having Miracle Loaf with a side of Raina potatoes" Lisa said as the girls excluding Cindy laughed and Elliot lunged at Lisa and Scout attacking both of them Cindy storming up hating the fact that her mama senses never tingled to tell her this was happening.

"Hey no shouting or hitting at the table now you sit down, you sit down, and you sit down and Jimmy not that I don't love you being a bump on a log but INTERVENE WOULD YA!

Jimmy shrugged pushing a button and robotic arms held Scout and Lisa to their seats Elliot growling still trying to lunge at Scout and Lisa who screamed seeing they couldn't go anywhere.

"Ellie I think they get the- alright I can give you two the best of guesses where he is and here's a hint Lilo and Stitch" Cindy said as both Lisa and Scout gulped hearing their bedroom door open and all's we hear is ripping and Scout and Lisa screamed bloody murder.

"There I don't know about you ladies but I feel a lot better. Let that be a lesson to anybody else looking to invade my privacy I have evil ways under this dark, depressed, angry exterior and if I have to use them I will".

The girls gulped as Buster strutted across the floor looking up at Elliot a pleading look in his eyes and Elliot hated that he was the only one in his house that understood him.

"MMMMMMMMMMMM din din my favorite time of the day so give me that hunk of meat on your plate, some mashed potatoes heavy on the gravy, corn, and chocolate chip cookies if you please" Buster said as to the other kids all it sounded like was whining.

"Buster you have dog food now beat it and let me contemplate eating this delicious dinner please. I mean geez you were never this needy when I couldn't speak to you" Elliot said poking his food as Cindy nervously looked at him still scared on what was going on in her sons head.

"OK when everyone's done eating file out to the Thornberry's house where fun, fun, fun, and even more fun will wait for you" Cindy said as the doorbell rang and Jimmy answered it to a girl in glasses, braces, a plaid skirt, a white blouse, a black blazer with patches, a brown ponytail, green eyes, and scuffed Converse greeted him.

"Hey Mr. N is your son home by chance? He's having a bad day and I'm here to perk that bad day up with what I call the bad day care package" The girl Raina Lewis said as Jimmy led Raina into the kitchen where Elliot suddenly hungry wolfed his food down and Cindy knew his problem.

"Salutations Raina so what brings you around here during dinner? I mean Elliot is getting his appetite back so I guess you're a miracle worker".

"Hey Raina I was reading a very interesting book earlier today and-" Scout began as the robotic arms covered her mouth and Lisa's mouth as a safety precaution.

"Cool beans Scout reading is amazing. So what was the book Go Dog Go or The Cat In The Hat? I mean you can only read to your reading level am I right?"

Elliot giggled until one of the robotic arms being mind controlled by Lisa the third smartest Neutron pushed a black book to Raina and turned to the page Scout read during dinner.

"Raina you weren't supposed to read that those are my secret thoughts and I'm never going to let my sister's forget this day I swear I will get even with you two" Elliot growled as Raina's eyes widened and she giggled blushing as Elliot blushed too.

"Well what if I told you I felt the same way as you do and like you my hormones won't let me confess a word to you? I mean Elliot Neutron you aren't the only one with hormones and going through adolescence you know".

Elliot mumbled I'm so embarrassed and threw his dishes in the sink as Raina handed him his bad day care package and she became his shadow following him into his room Buster close behind them.

"OK so you're secret's out is it that bad? I mean at least I KNOW the question is does Miracle know and if she does she's a real jerk because Josh Simms is pulling up to her house on his scooter to I'm guessing take her out or spend time with her".

Elliot ran to the window to find a suave looking boy in cut up jeans, a T shirt, and blonde hair his bangs in his eyes walking to Miracle's door.

"No I never told her and now look she's got a boyfriend and I'm such a dummy squared I mean why didn't I tell her?"

Elliot replaced his journal on his dresser and Raina hating to do what she was about to do gave him her diary and flipped to a page.

"Here read on and you'll see that we're one and the same hormonal, adolescent, puberty filled teens. Then we can talk about us" Raina said as Elliot read about him and Raina on a beach nude and Raina sat next to him patting his shoulders.

"See at least in your fantasies we're wearing clothes in mine we aren't and trust me you are very buffed in my fantasies Ell. Also I want to say sorry for what the jocks did to you today it was uncalled for".

Elliot rummaged through the box and grinned as Raina grinned back finding the photo album he made for her when she had appendicitis showcasing their friendship from the beginning.

"I can't believe this thing is still like new I mean it's what seven or eight years old?" Elliot asked flipping through pictures and Raina grinned finding one she loved.

"There's where I taught you to dance for the middle school dance remember you were so clumsy and my toes were black and blue".

Both the friends laughed as Raina expecting she was going to have to make the first move leaned in and kissed Elliot as he slowly kissed her back having no idea what to do but he followed Raina's lead as they both pulled out of the kiss they smiled at each other and Raina giggled girlishly.

"Wow my hormones actually did what I wanted them to maybe that's my super power I'm DUMM DUMM DUMMMMMMMMMMM HORMONAL MANNNNNNNNN!"

Raina rummaged through the bad day care package and pulled out The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles and Bohemian Rhapsody all movies being her and Elliot's favorites.

"Pop some corn, grab a case of sodas, grab candy and other snacks, then meet me back up here for a movie fest for the ages".

The doorbell downstairs rang and Elliot rushed to it and opened it to find Miracle and Josh standing behind it and they smiled when they saw him.

"Uhh hey Mare and Josh so what are you guys up to tonight? Don't say nothing I saw Josh's scooter from my window and heard it too".

"Well my house is being invaded by Invasion of The Frozen and Frozen 2 decorators and since you're next door and looked lonely I decided to bring Josh and I over to cheer you up" Miracle said as Gidget barked happily and dashed in looking for Buster.

"I'm not exactly alone Raina's here with me and we were just about to enjoy our favorite movies The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, and Bohemian Rhapsody".

"Awesome it can be a double date I love those and Raina's stopped talking to me so I would love some time with her if to at least figure out what I did".

"Fine the more the merrier but this is kind of you know like my first date so no causing trouble please. Raina's upstairs and I'll be up in a bit I'm getting refreshments" Elliot said as Miracle and Josh pounded upstairs and Elliot walked into the kitchen to find the robotic arms spanking Scout and Lisa.

"That should be enough and I'm glad we understand each other ladies. Your brother's thoughts are his and nobody else's now across the street you go while Elliot, Raina, Miracle, and her main squeeze double date upstairs" Cindy said handing Elliot snacks and kissing his forehead.

"Ellie I know right now you don't want to talk but just know when you do want to talk I'm a great listener and even if he doesn't show it so is your father".

Elliot sniffled and rubbed his eyes as the girls rubbed their butts and ran across the street not wanting to be spanked again.

"Thanks mom for the snacks and the pep talk and if there wasn't a pretty girl that kissed me waiting in my room right now I'd totally be up for talking".

Cindy smiled hearing her son got his first kiss and he dashed upstairs with all the snacks Raina and Miracle still not talking to each other and Josh was in the middle of the silent war.

"Ladies snacks ahoy so let's sit back, relax, and possibly find out where our friendship sailed on and we can work on it".

"Awwwwwwwwww thanks Ellie you are so sweet and your lips are so kissable too I just love kissable lips" Raina said snuggling closer to Elliot and he blushed but pulled her in.

"Don't ask me where the friendship sailed to ask her she's the one ignoring me in the halls, not answering my calls, ignoring my texts and voicemails, denying my presents I'm just trying to figure out what I did".

"Seriously Miracle are you going to sit there and tell me that you have no idea why I'm pissed at you? After the Facebook incident where you called me a geek and then accusing me of cheating in English when you did it? You are so blind if you even have to ask why I'm angry".

"So who wants to watch what first? I mean these are all pretty cool movies or I have a nice collection and we can pick one out together" Elliot said as Miracle scoffed and locked eyes with Raina.

"If you weren't strutting around school like a peacock with pretty tail feathers and telling everyone one day Elliot would date you I never would have done what I did if this is anybody's fault it's yours".

It was Raina's turn to scoff as she grabbed a Pepsi and settled next to Elliot and like Josh Elliot couldn't help but feel he was a pawn in a war that he never started.

"So Josh we haven't seen each other in weeks so what's new? Seen any good movies lately? What's the 411 on Josh".

"Yea Ell I'm sorry man but I promised Miracle that we wouldn't hang out unless she was with me and this whole war started because of something or another" Josh said hugging Elliot as Elliot hugged him back.

"Yea well what makes you think you weren't strutting like a peacock? I mean you told everyone that Elliot and you were dating and I doubt that very highly" Miracle said and it was Elliot's turn to get angry.

"What do you mean by that? I mean if you even say she's not my type I'd like to know my type Mare. It's not you your dating Josh and believe it or not Raina is my type and we're dating" Elliot said as Miracle gasped and stared at the both of them.

"Raina's my type she's cute, funny, loving, beautiful inside and out, she's just like me a jumble of hormonal wires and adolescence chewing its way through those wires also causing puberty".

"Well we tell each other everything Elle and you never told me you and Raina were official I thought you two were just flirting. I mean you knew I liked you and you run after Raina how could you?"

"Mare you're dating Josh and if you're not then cut him loose and don't string him along because he's my best guy friend and he doesn't deserve that. If you are then you shouldn't care who I date".

"Fine you're right let's just sit here in silence watch some stupid movies and then I can go back home and watch as they decorate for a stupid babies first birthday".

Josh chose the A Nightmare On Elm Street Series and Raina was as pumped as Josh and Elliot because they were gore fans Miracle not so much.

"Guys I don't do scary well so could we watch something different please? Maybe A Star Is Born that was romantic in a Romeo and Juliette kind of way".

"Fine let's pick something less gory and enjoy our first date and tomorrow it's party time for Dee. I mean Mare you must be excited for that right?" Elliot asked as Miracle wept and shook her head no.

"I'm used to being the only child and now I have four other brothers and sisters to fight for attention and it's just so hard".

"Mare I'm so sorry for ignoring you but you hurt my feelings and I know you didn't mean it but sometimes words do hurt girl" Raina said hugging Miracle as Miracle squeezed Raina tight and she had a bright idea.

"What about a campout just like the old days? We can eat junk and if you really want to watch those scary movies I have Josh and Gidget they'll protect me from the scary man with the claws" Miracle said as Gidget stared into Elliot's eyes.

"I thought it would be you but at least Buster and I can still be lovey dovey and all that junk. I mean he's so snuggly" Gidget said as Miracle opened her mouth in surprise and Elliot made a zipping motion on his lips and she nodded.

"Are you sure Mare these movies are pretty scary and since I own them we can watch them anytime we want".

Miracle nodded as Jimmy put a big screen down and Eliza and John watched as kids they grew up with one being their own snuggled close in two separate tents and started A Nightmare On Elm Street.

"Miracle must really like her friends she's usually not the gory, bloody, hack em up movie fan. But maybe she'll become one and Elliot can introduce her to a whole new world" John said sipping a beer as Jimmy and Cindy went back inside to discuss his recent firing.

Well that's it for now and Dee again I love that you loved this story way back when and I know it may not be the same story but I love that you inspire it so R&R everyone.