(Disclaimer: I do not own The Loud House or any of its characters. All of it is under full ownership of Nick and the Loud House creative team. So...please, don't sue me)

Chapter One

A Rough Night

Saturday night in Royal Woods; the scene opens with a shadowed figure inside of one of the houses. Slowly and silently, a round window of this house opens and a rope made from sheets descends down the wall. As the figure proceeds to slide down the wall, a loud bang sounds off inside; causing him to slip.

Thankfully, the figure wasn't that high up and managed to land softly on top of a bush. As he rolled out of the leaves with a groan, a light turns on from inside and the figure's face is revealed to be...Lincoln Loud. With a startled yelp, he quickly ran back into the bush; only reaching out to grab his backpack.

Lincoln's eyes dart side-to-side worriedly, thinking his crash would alert someone. Thankfully, all appeared to be quiet; which meant that no one seemed to notice he was outside. He lets out a quiet yet relieved sigh and then, he notices the viewers watching him.

"Oh...nice to see some friendly faces" Lincoln said with a wave, "you're probably wondering why I'm sneaking out of my own house?" He sticks is head out slight from the bush and looks at the chaos in the house. "See...my sister, Lori had a golf game today and we went to support her" he explained, "sounds like a normal Friday night for my family and I, right?"

Before he could continue, a loud crash sounded off from the window above him and a golf club went flying through the glass. This same club landed on the yard of Ol' Mr. Grouse's yard. As if on cue, the man in question stuck his head out the door and spotted the club in his rose bushes.

He gasps loudly in horror, rushes over to his precious flowers and laments the unwarranted abuse they suffered. Then, with a bitter growl; he collects the club from out of and carries it into the house. As he stomps his way back into his house; Mr. Grouse glares at the Loud House and shouts "MY YARD, MY PROPERTY!"

With that said, he goes back into his house and slams the door. While this was happening, Lincoln did his best to remain hidden and keep as silent as the grave. While this was going on, the inside of his house echoed with the sounds of his sisters locked in another one of their famous fights.

With so much noise going on, this gave Lincoln the chance to sneak away. He tiptoed his way out of the yard, hid behind another neighbor's garbage cans and proceeded to do this all along the block. "You're probably wondering what's going on at my house, right" he asked the viewer, "well...it all started earlier this afternoon..."

(Line Break)

The scene flashes back to earlier that day, at the town golf course. Lincoln was sitting on the sidelines; watching his eldest sister, Lori attempt to sink the final ball into the hole. Tonight was the big Royal Woods High Open and Lori had been prepping hard over the past weeks for it. Throughout the game, she had made several successful strokes.

But she also missed a few of them, earlier on. In spite of all this, she had made it to the final hole and her score had enough points to edge her closely towards winning the trophy. All she had to do was sink one last put and victory would be hers.

Everyone was a-quiver with anticipation, hoping for Lori to succeed; even Lincoln. Then, just as Lori moved her club back; the skies echoed with a fearsome blare. This sudden noise caused Lori to swing her putter with great force, sending the ball flying into a water hazard.

As Lori stared out at the pond in horror, she had failed to hear the judge declare victory for her opponent; Carol Pingrey. As she slowly came back to her senses, she turned around and bitterly demanded to know who ruined her shot. At that moment; she quickly looked over towards her sister, Leni.

She was wearing sports face paint on the left side, waving an air horn wildly in one hand and pumping up a foam finger with the other. In spite of all the times she attended Lori's games, the second eldest Loud sister almost always seemed to forget the golden rule of golf; keep...quiet! Losing a championship game was hard enough of a blow for Lori.

But losing said game to her frenemy felt worse than missing out on the biggest mall sale of the year. To say that Lori was angry with her sister would be a gross understatement. The camera suddenly flashes forward back to Lincoln, who had now found a hiding new hiding place behind someone's garden shed.

"After that loss; no one dared to speak a word, on the drive home" he stated, "but all that changed, the moment we all got in the house." At that moment, he suddenly hears a loud crash; which was followed by the blares of a guitar riff. "To make a long story short, everyone...this brought up another 'Sister Fight Protocol' situation" he groaned while using air quotes, "something I did not want to get mixed up with again."

Lincoln went on to explain how he felt it best to...lay low from the family, until further notice. However, one glaring question had yet to be answered...where would he go or stay while his sisters were busy feuding? Before leaving, he thought about heading over to Clyde's house.

But then, Lincoln realized if he did; his BFF would attempt to "console" Lori in her "hour of distress" and he did not want to see him get hurt. Next, he considered crashing at Liam's family farm. But while it was a nice place to visit; for a suburban boy like Lincoln, it wouldn't be the best place to live (even temporarily.)

Then, he considered going off to Great Lakes City and bunking with Ronnie Anne. But that idea held two problems, much to his dismay. Not only did Lincoln not have enough money to take the bus there. If he did, somehow get to the Casagrande Residence; either Ronnie Anne's mother, her relatives or her older brother, Bobby would call up the Louds and tell them he was there.

This would, no doubt cause Lori to become even more flustered than she already was. Realizing he had few logical options left; for the moment all Lincoln could do now was walk and think.

(Line Break)

The time was now 8:30 PM and he soon found himself wandering into the downtown area of Royal Woods. He was surprised by how far he had been wandering but didn't feel too concerned, though. Lincoln had traveled to this part of town so many times, it all felt like his home away from home.

He took a look at the time on his phone and smiled, realizing that many of his favorite places would still be open now. But then, just like with the bus ticket; Lincoln realized he didn't have enough money to spend too long of a time anywhere here. "Great, what now" Lincoln groaned, "I don't have enough money to do the stuff I like and I can't go home yet...what do I do now?"

As Lincoln began to sulk over his tragedy of an evening, a vehicle suddenly pulled up along the sidewalk behind him. In that instant, Lincoln's world had suddenly been rocked by the loud "tooot" of a car horn. As this horn sounded off, headlights suddenly flashed on behind him.

This combination of things filled Lincoln with such terror, he leapt up into the air and held his hands above his head; as if he were confronted by the police. Much to his surprise, he didn't hear the sounds of grown-up police officers. Instead, his ears were filled with the soft yet jolly giggles of teenage girls.

After taking a moment to calm down and clear his vision, Lincoln got a good look at who it was that confronted him. Much to his surprise, it was none other than Carol Pingrey and two of her friends, Becky and Whitney standing behind her. "HA-HA-HA! Boy, did we get you good" chortled Carol, "you should see the look on your face right now!"

Becky and Whitney joined in on the laughter but Lincoln was not amused. As the laughter slowly died down, Becky got a good look at the boy. "Hey, I know you" she murmured, "yeah...you're Lori's little bro." Lincoln's mood softened slightly, humbled by the fact she remembered him.

They had only met twice, in the past; the first being at Lori's "sophisticated" house party and the second at the Ace Savvy Convention. During both times, he and Becky seemed to have gotten along very well. However, he had only heard of Carol and Whitney be mentioned by name by his sister.

Other than that, this was his first time meeting the others. Carol suddenly began to study the boy very intensely, which made Lincoln quite nervous. Then, she let out a soft giggle and ruffled his hair. "Yeah, I remember you" she stated, "I've seen you on some of Lori's social media pics."

In an instant, Lincoln remembered Lori's desperate desire to outdo Carol by getting more "likes" on her pictures than her. During such times, Lori would either bribe her siblings (including him) into dressing up for a photo or trick him into leaving the scene. In the end, the two girls realized their competing did more harm than good to each other.

Surprisingly, this lead to the two ladies towards becoming friends; which was something no one had expected. Needless to say, she looked like an okay gal. But Lincoln wasn't ready to lower his emotional walls just yet.

"Why are you outside at this hour...and on your own no less" questioned Whitney, "shouldn't you be at home having fun with your family or something?" Lincoln rolled his eyes and scoffed at the idea, proclaiming that home was the last place where he wanted to be at the moment. "Why would you say that, dude" Becky asked, "you wanna talk about it?"

Just as Lincoln prepared to respond, a deep gurgle erupted from his belly. He covered his arms around his gut and blushed nervously, clearly embarrassed by the fact the ladies unintentionally heard such noises. The three High School girls couldn't help but giggle at this.

"Sounds like somebody's a little hungry" Carol implied, "didn't you have dinner before coming out here?" Still feeling cautious, Lincoln confessed that he left home just minutes before dinner was even served on the table. This revelation caused the ladies to gasp in shock.

"Why didn't you eat before you left home" questioned Carol, "didn't your family make dinner yet." Lincoln looked up at them nervously and confessed that his parents would've, probably been too nervous to set foot in the kitchen to serve anything. Feeling even more confused, Carol insisted Lincoln to tell her what happened.

"Let's just say...she didn't accept her earlier loss at the golf game with grace" he replied, "she would've won, if Leni hadn't interrupted her swing." While not going into too much detail; Lincoln did however, reveal that the loss resulted in the two aforementioned sisters getting into another big fight. "I had to escape, in order to not get caught up in the chaos" he stated, "I've got enough bruises, bumps and indents on my body from past incidents to help remind me of that."

This explanation only caused the ladies to recoil viciously in horror. "I know Lori had some issues with me beating her before" Carol admitted, "but allowing her ill behavior to affect other members of her family, especially her only brother...that's going too far." Becky and Whitney unanimously agreed with their friend and vowed to give the girl in question an earful about all this, come their next meeting.

In an instant, they all suddenly remembered who was in trouble now and looked down at Lincoln. Carol scratched her chin slightly and her brow furrowed deeply in thought, as she pondered on what to do with him next. Then, not a moment later; an idea began to form in Carol's mind.

"Hey...uh...Lincoln, is it" she asked suddenly, earning a soft nod in response from the boy. "I'm guessing you've heard of Gus' Games n' Grub, right" she asked, earning another nod from Lincoln. This caused a small smile to appear on Carol's face.

"Sweet! How's about we head on over for some fun and food, huh?" she offered, "you look like you could use a little of both tonight." Naturally, Lincoln agreed to the offer and that he was in need of something to help brighten his mood a little. At the same time, though; he was surprised to hear that Carol or her friends knew about the place.

"What, did you think teens didn't like video games and garlic knots too" Becky asked in a mockingly accusing tone, "sometimes, even we like to let out our inner kids again." Lincoln was greatly surprised by this turn of events, to say the least. After so many years around his sisters, you would think he'd learn to never be fooled by appearances (physical or emotional.)

But he never imagined such a lesson would apply to other people as well. With that in mind and his stomach loudly demanding to be fed, Lincoln accepted Carol's offer to go to Gus' and climbed into their car. He took a moment to place his backpack on the floor, before buckling his safety belt.

After that, Carol revved up the engine and they were off. "Get ready, Lincoln" Carol cried with glee, "we're gonna have a blast tonight!"

(AN: This story was requested by one of my reviewers/followers, crafordbrian17. I hope that, when you read this first chapter, it will meet your expectations.
Anywhoozer, what do you all think will happen next? Will Lincoln find new female figures to bond with in these ladies or will his mind be too far gone by the stresses of home? Tune in next time, to find out)