Master Frown sat in his room, upset. He couldn't believe that Brock took his job! The one thing he loved(other then Unikitty and her friend miserable.). He was angry at Master Doom. He was angry at Brock. He was angry at everything.

"Dude?" Brock's voice had filled the quiet apartment.

"Im going out..." He said. Then Master Frown heard him close the front door meaning he left.

Master Frown could tell that he was going to do Doom Lord stuff because of the tone of voice he was using. He sighed in annoyance.

He decided to use his laptop. It was a gift he got for himself.

He decided to go on FrownCord but no was online in the server he was in. He sighed before closing his laptop.

His phone then buzzed surprising him. What wasn't so surprising was who it was.

It was a text from Unikitty it read:

"Hey, Master Frown! I heard you lost your job. Sorry to hear that."

"But don't worry me and Puppycorn are gonna help you find a new one! We're over there soon!"

Master Frown rolled his eyes. He didn't want them to come over. All he wanted was to be left alone.


The doorbell had made a sound. Annoyed, Master Frown got up to answer it.

"Hi, Master Frown!" Greeted Unikitty.

"We're here as we promised." Unikitty said.

"Go away! I want to be left alone. Who even told you I lost my job?" Master Frown asked.

"Brock did!" Puppycorn smiled.

Master Frown sighed.

"Let's go! Your gonna miss you first interview!" Unikitty said she and Puppycorn pulled him out the apartment into Unikitty's cloud car.

They drove back to the Unikingdom where they arrived a booth.

"This is lost and found booth! It's for the citizens who lost something." Unikitty said.

"We'll be sitting at that bench." Unikitty said.

"Good Luck!" She cheered as she and Puppycorn when over to a nearby bench.

It wasn't along before Feebee came up to the booth.

"Hi, there! I lost my wallet. I was wondering if it was here." Feebee said.

Master Frown had gotten a wallet that had Feebee's ID in it.

Get ready for a SpongeBob reference

"Is this yours?" Master Frown.

Feebee looked at the wallet.

"Not mine." She sighed.

"Yes, it is." Master Frown said but in a more angry voice.


"This is what you look like, correct?" Master Frown asked showing the ID with a picture of Feebee.


"And your name is 'Feebee', correct?" He asked.

"Yep again." Feebe told him.

"Then this is your wallet!" Master Frown yelled.

"No need to yell! Rude service!" Feebee yelled before leaving.

Uni kitty and Puppycorn had walked over.

"Okay so maybe this job isn't the ride one for you." Unikitty said.

"Well, you don't say." Master Frown said sarcastically.

"I know maybe you can help Rich-"

"Nope. Never gonna happen." Said Richard from the castle who said it through an open window.

"Maybe you can help Dr. Fox!" Unikitty said.

"She always says how she needs assistance and she says she'll pay them too." Unikitty explained.

"I'll think about it but for now I'm tired. I'm going home." Said Master Frown leaving before Either of the royal siblings could object.