Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Basket and everything affiliated with it, Natsuki Takaya does.

AN: Well guys look! We've made it to chapter five! I'm so proud, this story has really taken on a life of its own! It's went into a completely different direction than planned! I'm so happy! And as always, a shout out to my faithful reviewer! You the best! Please read and review!

The road so far: (Yes i so threw a Supernatural reference in there! And no, I do not own supernatural in anyway either) Finally Yuki and Machi got married! And we got a glimpse of Mary, sadly she had a jealous moment, but I'm sure Tohru will forgive her, but will Momiji?

The reception was in full swing, everyone was laughing and have a great time. Yuki and Machi were watching everyone with smiles on their faces. "Yuki? Do you think Tohru and Mary will become friends?" Machi asks almost worriedly as she sees Kyo and Mary walking around trying to find Tohru. "Machi my dear, if i know anything, i know Tohru will forgive Mary for her outburst. I do wonder what Momiji will say when he hears though? He is quite protective of his princess.." Yuki trails off as his eyes land on Tohru and Momiji laughing and talking. "Do you think she will even mention it?" "Machi, i was with Momiji when he saw Tohru walk by with tears in her eyes,"


Tohru had just walked away from mary and the others; 'Mom, what do I do? I am so mad and hurt that this girl would even say such embarrassing things about me and Ritsu. What on earth could I have done to her?' Tears start to stream down her face, out of the corner of her eye she sees Momiji and Yuki rush over. "Tohru? What happened?" "Honda-kun? Did that cat do something?" "No, Im fine.. Really, silly me, crying over how beautiful this wedding is" Tohru says as she tries to wipe her face. "Nonsense, What happened?" Momiji grabbed her chin as she starts to tell them both about what that girl said. (Tohru still doesn't realise that it was Mary) With every word she says, Momiji starts to get mad, 'How dare she say that, how dare she even think that Tohru is that kind of woman?' "Miss Honda, please do not be upset. That was Mary, Kyos girlfriend, she is just jealous over the fact that Kyo used to love you." Tohrus head snapped up as she exclaims, "That is silly! Everyone knows that I love ummm.. " She trails off and blushes as she remembers who is sitting with her. Yuki starts to chuckle as he walks away.

"She admitted it? Really?" Machi starts to squeal. "Well, in a roundabout way i guess she did. Although i doubt Momiji noticed. He was too busy thinking of ways to yell at Kyo." Yuki says as he rubs the back of his head sheepishly. Machi just rolls her eyes and watches as Kyo and Mary walk up to the couple.

Momiji and Tohru are laughing and having such a great time that they don't even notice the pair coming up behind them. "And then, believe it or not, Ritsu-chan tells the store clerk "That's my dango, and i would very much like it if you would let it go. He was so red in the face, oh Momiji, it was so funny." Momiji lets out this deep laugh while he wraps his arm around Tohru, her face becomes beet red. "Ah-hem, um Tohru?" Kyo says quietly, making both of them turn around super quick. Tohru's eyes light up at Kyo but slowly dim when she sees that girl standing next to him, Momijis eyes just narrow at the intruders, "Ah Kyo-kun, what brings you over here? Me and Tohru were just catching up on old times." Momiji says while he wraps his arm back around Tohru. Kyo notices this and starts to laugh silently. 'Is he for real? Does he really think I am challenging his claim to Tohru?' "Well rabbit," Mary looks confused for a minute, "I brought Mary over here to introduce her to Tohru. I have a feeling that given another chance, they might become friends." Mary looks down at her feet, embarrassed about the way she acted. She can tell that Tohru is head over heels for the younger Sohma. "Ano, Tohru? I am really sorry about how I talked to you. I was jealous and petty over a number of things." Tohru suddenly stands and grabs Mary and holds her tight, whispering in her ear "Its ok Mary-san, thank you for showing Kyo true love." As the girls break apart, both of their eyes are shining with unshed tears, "Ah damn it! Tohru, you know how I am with crying females!" Kyo starts yelling in his typical Kyo fashion. Mary and Tohru just giggle and the four of them start trading stories back and forth, trying to fill in the gaps from when they last saw each other. Momiji just sits back with his arm around Tohru again in silent thought with a smile on his face. 'This is the girl of my dreams, I will not let her go again.'

Finally the night wears down, Machi and Yuki have already departed for their honeymoon, everyone else was still hanging out in the bar of the hotel deciding on what they wanted to do. Kyo and Mary decided that they were going to call it a night and after many goodnights they were off. Ritsu looked around for his roommate and smiled as he sees her walking with Momiji out to the gardens. 'Seems like my Tohru might just get her happy ending.'

"Oh Momiji! It's beautiful out here!" Tohru exclaims as she looks at all the flowers under the moonlight. "Not as beautiful as you are Tohru," Tohru suddenly looks at Momiji, she blushes under his intense gaze. "Do you know how long I have waited? I love you still as I loved you then Tohru. I am sorry i hurt you then-" "No Momiji, I am sorry. I ran off without even saying goodbye. I hurt you, I left you, I didn't realise what my heart was saying then, but I know what it is saying now." Tohru leans toward Momiji with a blush on her face and grabs his around the neck, she lifts her lips to his and closes the distance. Momiji is stunned stupid for a moment, then with everything he has, he pours all of his feelings into their first kiss. Both break away to catch their breaths, Tohru's face is as red as tomato, She looks at Momiji and they start kissing again. Neither one of them wants to stop incase this was just a dream. Finally the need for air comes up again, "Tohru, what was that?" She looks at Momiji, "I love you Momiji, I always have. I just didn't know it. The former rabbit looks at Tohru with his hopeful look, "Does this mean forever?" "Hai, forever"

AN: So everyone, decision timeā€¦ should i end it here or do a few more chapters? Let me know in a review please! Thank you for reading!