It was a bar like any other, filled to the brim with drunkards and fools, waitresses showing off perhaps more than they actually had, and the hazy smell of lost inhibitions. Yet nestled deep within the atmosphere of inebriation and frivolity, there was an undercurrent of malice.

No one really seemed to notice it, or to notice the individuals that exuded said antagonistic vibes.

No one noticed until she walked in, that is.

The alien was tall, female and scaly, her long pink legs attracting stares from everyone she passed, though the ever-shifting tentacles on the back of her head dissuaded any catcalls or wolf whistles.

She was on a mission, the urgency in her stride bringing her quickly to the back of the bar, where a single individual sat at a table, a drink in his hand.

For all of her grace and lithe beauty, it was with a very un-feminine grunt that she sat down at the table, crossing one of her legs over the other with an air of finality. Her tiny skirt molded to her body, keeping her modest enough, if only by a small margin.

"You're late." A male voice spoke calmly from the shadows. It wasn't an accusation, but merely a fact.

"We have a problem." She replied evenly, her rosy lips thinning enough to match the rest of her pale pink face. When no reply was forthcoming, she continued. "The RSR has been compromised."

"Completely compromised?" He seemed surprised. "How did it happen?"

"The Nova Corps haven't arrived on the scene yet, but we know they're on their way."

"What happened to the Dispersion Plan?" The male before her put his drink down, then pressed his hand flat to the table. His hand was a pitch-black color, but greyed with the tension that he was applying.

"I don't know if you recall giving the order, but a few complaints came in from our customers about a small group of individuals …"

"Ah, yes. The … Protectors of the Planets or something, if I remember right."

"The Guardians of the Galaxy." The woman pulled out a small disc, placing on the table between them, very close to the man's hand. "You ordered their removal."

"Ah, yes. I said I didn't care how." The figure nodded. "I'm assuming Leynak and Jaifo couldn't take care of it?"

"Apparently the Guardians were too much for them."

A hologram jumped up between the two figures, showing a dramatic fight scene that began with the impersonation of a guard, and ended with an explosion. The two men in the video fought together seamlessly, despite the fact that one was clearly injured.

No one spoke as the video played, making the grainy voices shouting from the recording the only sound between the two figures.

"This was the human, Star-Prince, and this was the one who freed him." She pointed to the injured impersonator and the green tattooed man respectively. "Drax the Destroyer."

"The one who calls himself Star-Lord was captured then?"

"All of them were captured except for the Destroyer. It is why he was able to free his friend."

"Ah. And Star-Lord took the information to ruin the RSR." The man across from her appeared thoughtful, his other hand coming up to rest its fingers against its counterpart. "Do we know of the other Guardians?"

"We do not." She frowned. "We are investigating now, but I suspect that if this- this Star-Man and the Destroyer got away, they immediately left to help their team members."

"Raikna." The sound of what must have been her name caused the woman to look up sharply as he man leaned forward, his chin jutting forth from the black of the shadow to show gritted white teeth in the black features. "Do you believe them capable of rescuing the others?"

"I do." Raikna said.

"I do as well." The chin retreated, and the man's voice finished. "They will need to be taken care of more permanently this time."

"Understood, sir. Which branch would you like to do the job?"

"Well, I suppose the RSR is already coming to its end, so they're out of the question."

"That could certainly be said." Raikna seemed to be slightly annoyed with the time-consuming response of the man, though her red eyes were expertly schooled into an expression of patience. "So either the DoM or the DROGA will have to do it."

"Try the DoM." A dark hand waved her off dismissively. "If Yegs can't take care of them, he doesn't deserve his job."

Raikna nodded. "I'll make sure he hears of it." She stood, her tentacles twisting slightly behind her head, almost like a form of fidgeting.

"Oh, and Raikna," The figure called before she could leave, leaning forward out of the shadow completely. His face was young and thin. His hair and eyebrows were white, sticking up strangely. The teeth were blinding, pulled into a sharp smile, but it was his glowing white eyes that caught the attention. "If there's a chance that one of them survives the encounter, bring them to me. I'd like to meet one of these … Guardians."

"Of course." The woman stalked off much the same way as she had entered.

"Of course." The man picked up his drink as he echoed her, swirling it lazily in his grip before taking a long draught.

What?! It's over?!

I can actually hardly believe that this fic is complete. How long did this take me? Do I have a life?!


Well, there ya go, the epilogue to Drax's story, and the teaser for Groot's. Follow me or just check in all the time and you'll know when Groot's goes up. :) It's gonna be so awesome. I have it all planned out in my head!


Anyway, thanks for sticking with me for so long! I know it couldn't have been easy, and I thank you for the reviews, views, follows and favorites that I've received and may continue to receive for all I know.

You guys are the only reasons that I kept it up. Thank you.
