Violet opened her eyes to the very pale light that comes right before the sun rises. Klaus's room was chilly because they had fallen asleep with the window open. The two had rolled apart during the night, but Klaus had kept his fingers entwined with hers. His face was peaceful in sleep, and without his glasses he looked younger. Last night had been a revelation to her, a sweet satisfaction knowing that Klaus truly loved her and wanted a future with her. Looking at his slumbering form now, emotion overwhelmed her. She wanted Klaus to know how much she cherished him and how grateful she felt to be the one that he loved.

A glance at Klaus's alarm clock told her it was well before six a.m. and the girls would be asleep for several hours yet. She carefully closed the distance between their bodies and placed a chaste kiss to Klaus's lips. She planted several kisses on his face before he began to gain consciousness. As soon as she knew he was awake she ran her fingers over his chest and the soft hair there, following a dark line of hair down, dipping beneath the comforter, to brush over his belly button.

He hadn't fully opened his eyes yet, but Klaus tangled his fingers in her messy hair to cradle her head and kiss her, making a low hum of pleasure in his throat. Violet pushed her hand down along his outer thigh and back up his inner thigh to feel his erection, which was growing quickly with her touches. She held him lightly, softly squeezing and stroking, making him lay his head back on the pillow, concentrating on the feel of her soft hand wrapped around him.

She moved her hand away to lift her leg over his waist, centering herself over his body, enveloping him in her moist heat that pressed onto him as she sat up. Violet let her hands idly rub his sides, rolling her pelvis over him with sweet, slick friction. Klaus watched her intently, the color rising in her cheeks and blooming down her chest. Her breasts were soft pale swells of skin with dusky pink nipples that stood erect in the chilly air of the room. Her waist tapered, to swell again at the hips, thighs lean but curvy. Her pubic hair matched his own, but he tried not to dwell on that fact.

"Klaus," she whispered, gaining his attention back to her face. She lifted herself up on her knees a bit and he reached between them to line up his erection with her entrance, hooking the head just inside. Violet was careful with him, didn't want to hurt him in her inexperience, so lowered herself gently, feeling an ache that must be leftover from last night's activities.

Klaus let out a breath of a laugh. He could hardly believe this wasn't a dream. "Can you wake me up every morning like this?"

"If you like," said Violet, slowly lifting her body up and down his shaft, taking her time. Pulling her hair all to one side she leaned down, hands on his chest, to kiss him softly then resumed her position over him, moving him in and out of her body. The next time she leaned for a kiss, he pressed her close to his body, holding her there with his arms wrapped around her back. He planted his feet on the bed, bending his knees to thrust into her faster and harder, as he held her body still.

The pleasure was so intense that the pair quickly threw inhibitions aside. With every thrust of Klaus's hips, he would hit a spot deep within her that made her gasp and moan, and he delighted in the enchanting noises Violet made into his mouth, swallowing them down along with her kisses.

"Violet," his breath was ragged. "Violet, yes. You feel so good." He lowered his hands to cup her bottom and thighs, dragging his fingers through the soft flesh and then back up her spine.

"Don't stop… oh God, right there!" Violet's forehead was pressed against Klaus's, noses side by side, their mouths open and brushing one another's, but not kissing now, only panting out hot need. "Right there, right there…," she paid no attention to the squeaking bed or to how loud her voice sounded in the early hours of morning. She let out a lovely moan, all her muscles tensing up, only to fly apart. Her body trembled uncontrollably. "Klaus… God, Klaus!" He was pushing hard through her orgasm as her body tightened around him in exquisite sensation. He continued to thrust after she was done and she had to bite his shoulder to keep from screaming out. Finally, he grabbed her hips and with a low groan, let go deep inside her body.

They lay, sweaty bodies pressed together and breathing hard. Violet nibbled at Klaus's earlobe, whispering, "I love you."

He turned his head to kiss her, brushing her hair off of her neck and shoulders. She was looking at him with adoration on her face, making his heart swell, making him smile, which made her smile. "I love you, too, Violet Baudelaire." He kissed her again. "Now a promise is a promise, and you promised to wake me up everyday just like this." Violet laughed and rolled off of him, turning in his arms so that her back was pressed against his chest, his arm snug around her.

"I think we could manage to sleep for a few more minutes," Violet murmured, "before the girls wake up." Then just as the two were drifting off into sated slumber…Speak of the devil!

"Papa?" came a sleepy voice from the doorway, where stood Beatrice in her rumpled nightgown and messy bedhead. "Mama! There you are. I couldn't find you in your room and I was worried. I had a bad dream."

"Oh, Sweet Bea," Violet exclaimed, using her pet name. "I'm sorry if I worried you. Do you want to come lay down with us? I'm not ready to wake up yet." Beatrice nodded and headed across the room to Violet's side of the bed. "Bea, can you hand me that shirt on the floor?" Violet asked her. Violet sat up and pulled Klaus's button up shirt over her nakedness, quickly doing two or three buttons before grabbing Bea and pulling her into bed. Beatrice made up the third spoon, and she was soon back to sleep, with her thumb in her mouth and her hand reaching up to hold Violet's ear.

Violet could feel Klaus's silent laughter behind her. "What?" she whispered.

"Impeccable timing!" he laughed, kissing the back of her neck. "But seeing you with her, seeing how much you love your family, only makes me love you more. It makes me want you even more." He pushed his hand up under the shirt she wore, in-between where Beatrice lay, to hold her breast and rub his hand over her nipple. She could feel him press a new erection into her bare butt cheeks.

"I feel the same way about you. I could watch you love our little girls all day long," she reached back to run her fingers through his hair, holding his head close to her. "I love you. I hope you won't get tired of me saying it, but I feel so overwhelmed right now, I can't help it."

"Never," he promised.

Hours later, Klaus carefully left the bed, surreptitiously glancing at Beatrice to make sure she was still asleep, before he put his boxers on to head to the shower, with plans to start breakfast soon.

Freshly showered and dressed, Klaus was surprised to see Sunny already at the kitchen table. She sat in her pajamas with Hammy's cage on the table, and stared passively at the hamster running on his wheel. She looked tired and unhappy.

"Good Morning, Sunshine," Klaus said to her as he began to dig around in the fridge. "What are you up to this morning?"

"Nothing," she said morosely.

Klaus pulled out eggs and juice and fruit, then turned to look at his sister. "What's up? I can tell something is wrong."

Her face pinched up and then she was crying. Klaus sat down on the chair next to her and rubbed her back. "What is it?" he asked anxiously, for Sunny was not prone to dramatics and hardly ever cried. "Are you sick?"

She shook her head. "You and Violet…" she gulped and sniffled and started again. "You and Violet had sex last night." It wasn't an accusation, exactly, more of a statement.

Klaus's eyes about popped out of his head. "Sunny!" was all he could manage to say, wondering how such a little girl could know, but Sunny was always exceptionally bright and wise beyond her years. He thought back to times when Sunny was just an infant, and remembered how brave and astute she had been even then, though those unfortunate memories were very faint for her now.

"It's not fair…I didn't know you were going to marry her. I thought you were going to marry me," she cried. "Violet is prettier than me and smarter than me and older than me. I'll never be as good as Violet, and it just isn't fair!"

Klaus pulled Sunny into his lap, cuddling her close. "Sunny, you sweet girl. You always sell yourself short. You are smart and pretty. You are funny and kind, helpful and generous. You are a very good student. Beatrice couldn't ask for a better sister." He paused, trying to get the wording right on what he wanted to say next. "Violet and I, well…we love each other the way mothers and fathers love one another, and we love you the way parents love their daughters."

Sunny nodded, not fully appeased, but wrapping her arms around Klaus's neck.

"I love you so much, Sunny, and I am very proud of you!" Klaus told her. "You don't have to be jealous of Violet. She also loves you, more than life itself, and would sacrifice anything and everything for you to be safe and happy. You know, she hasn't gone to school at all, because she wants to be always there for you if you need her, to be the best mother she can be for you and Beatrice... Do you think you can be happy for us?"

"I know. I am happy for you," said Sunny earnestly. "I'm sorry I was so jealous."

"Well, it is understandable," Klaus teased. "I am very handsome." Sunny laughed and Klaus set her on her feet. "Now let's make some breakfast for those sleepy girls." Beatrice soon made her way into the kitchen stating that Mama would come eat after a shower.

When Violet made her appearance to breakfast, she was obviously in a very good mood, kissing Klaus on the top of the head as she passed his chair, and giving Sunny kisses up and down her neck in rapid succession, making her squeal. "Good Morning, Sunshine," Violet addressed Sunny. "Want to do something fun today?"

"Sure. What?" Sunny asked, already ashamed of her earlier outburst with Klaus. She glanced at him and he winked at her.

"Well, it is going to be a beautiful day. I was thinking we could go to the zoo. We haven't been in such a long time. You can use my phone to take pictures of all the animals, and when we get home we can make an animal picture book together."

Sunny jumped from her seat to wrap her arms around Violet. "I'm sorry, Violet. I was jealous, but you really are the best. I am so glad I have you. You and Klaus are the best parents anyone could ask for." Sunny said all of this with a rush of affection. Violet raised her eyebrows and looked to Klaus for help while holding the girl tight. He only shook his head slightly and mouthed 'later'.

"Well, I'm glad you think so! We think you and Beatrice are the best little girls in the whole world and that we are very lucky to have you in our lives! I take it you like the idea of the zoo, then?" Violet asked with a laugh.

Both little girls chatted excitedly as they finished their breakfast and planned their day. Once they ran off to get dressed, Klaus wrapped Violet in his arms and she rested her head on his chest. "I'm really looking forward to the rest of our lives," said Violet, content and happy.

Sunny ran back into the kitchen and pulled Klaus's arm until he bent down, hands on his knees. "Can I have a little brother?" she asked excitedly.

Klaus laughed out loud and tickled her. "Not a chance! There are enough heathen children in this house already!" and he chased her out of the room and down the hall to help her pick out her clothes for the day, leaving Violet to clean the dishes off the table. She filled the sink and looked out the window at the cherry blossoms raining down in the breeze, thinking of all of the events that had led them here, to this life. And, maybe, if she had to do it all again, she would, just to be here, right now in this moment. She felt... fortunate!