A:N. Hi! This story is very AU. Set sometime after season 2, Roman is good and he works as a combat trainer/weapons expert for the NYO. His relationship with Jane and the rest of the team is good. Jane and Kurt are married and still live in NYC. The entire team still works at SIOC. Taylor Quartermain is my OC, and I very rarely put my own characters into fanfic like this, but I like this one. I hope you do too! Reviews appreciated!

xo Laptopheroine

Chapter 1

"It's. . . a kid," Jane says breathlessly. She puts her gun down and slowly walks towards the girl curled up in the fetal position on the floor. The girl has no weapons, no suicide bomb, nothing except the clothes she wears. They're plain blue pyjamas, cheap flannelette like the ones you buy from Walmart or Target. She has long honey-blonde hair cascading in gentle waves.

"What do you mean, a kid?" Kurt demands as he runs up the stairs to meet Jane.

"I mean, a literal kid. A teenager. Can't be older than fourteen or so."

The ground rumbles as Kurt, Reade and Tasha join Jane in the empty concrete room.

"Is she dead?" Reade asks.

Jane puts two fingers on the girl's neck, sighing in relief when she finds a pulse. "No, just unconscious."

"We have to get her out of here," Tasha says. Kurt nudges Jane out of the way so he can pick the girl up.

The girl remains unconscious for hours. They put her on a cot in the medical wing and take her blood. Patterson begins searching databases for her.

Jane sits next to her and waits for her to wake up. She notes the pinpricks in the girl's hands, the telltale bruising of a shunt. She has a small scar on her left temple in the shape of a jagged circle.

All of a sudden the girl sits bolt upright, hyperventilating. She looks at Jane with a mix of fear and confusion. "What's-?" she says.

"It's okay, you're in the New York office of the FBI. My name is Jane. Can you tell me your name?"

The girl's hazel eyes widen further. "I- I don't know."

Jane's heart sinks. Oh, no.

"I don't know," the girl says again.

"Jane!" Kurt runs into the med wing. "We got the blood tests back. She's been ZIPPED."

Jane turns to look at him and Kurt realises that the girl's awake. "I know."

"I don't know!" the girl says again. It's obvious that this is getting to her. She rubs at the blood pressure band on her arm as Tasha continues to ask her questions.

Patterson approaches Jane and Kurt where they stand behind the one way glass. "I combed every database we have. FBI, NSA, CIA, military, WITSEC. There is nothing on this girl. It's like Jane all over again."

"Well, she's not Sandstorm," Jane says. "They have no motive to ZIP a teenager and put her in a warehouse we were investigating, and besides, she was only ZIPPED about a day ago. Do you have any information on her from the tests?"

"I do, but it isn't much." Pulling up something on her tablet, Patterson starts talking. "She's fifteen years old, Caucasian, definitely not born anywhere but the US. Whoever did this ZIPPED her thoroughly, gave her some knockout drugs and something else that I can't identify."
"We get anything on how she got to the warehouse?" Kurt asks.

"Nothing. There are no cameras in the area."

'Any clues from her clothes?"

"Absolutely nothing. The clothes are generic storebought ones that sell in about a hundred different chain stores across the country." Patterson pauses. "There's something else we need to talk about."

"What?" Kurt and Jane say simultaneously.

"What are we gonna name her? Jane Doe's already taken and so far we can't find her own name."

"What about Taylor?" Jane asks, still looking through the glass at the girl.

"Taylor?" Kurt says. "Are you sure?"

"I don't know, it just fits, don't you think?"

"She even looks like her, a bit," Kurt says quietly. "Different coloured eyes, but same. . . strength in them. She's afraid, but she's still fighting."

The pair watch as the girl stands up and rips the band off her arm, telling Tasha that she wants to know what the hell is going on.

"Taylor it is," he says. "Patterson, what's the street of the warehouse we found her in?"

"Quartermain Avenue."

"Taylor Quartermain. I like it," says Jane.

"Will someone please just tell me what the hell is going on!" the girl - Taylor - shouts as Jane enters the interrogation room. Taylor looks from Jane to Tasha. "Sorry."

"It's okay," Tasha says. "I'm gonna let you two talk."

Jane takes a seat while Tasha leaves. "Hi. You met me a couple hours ago, do you remember?"

"It's about the only thing I remember," she grumbles.

"We haven't managed to find you in any of our databases, but we're going to keep looking. For now, we may have come up with a name for you."

"I'm listening." The girl tugs at a strand of loose hair and her grey eyes dart up to Jane's.

"Taylor Quartermain, after an old friend and the street we found you on."

"Okay, so you've given me a name, what now? You've done a million tests, if you could find something you would've."

"Hey." Jane puts her hand over Taylor's. "You're going to be okay. I know you're scared right now, but-"

"How would you know anything about what I'm feeling?"

If only she knew. "Because I've been in the exact spot you're in right now. A few years ago my memory was erased too. I was. . . terrified, and confused, and angry all at once. I didn't know who I was and I had no idea who I was going to be, either. I was just kinda stuck in this. . . limbo."

Taylor nods. "Yeah, that's exactly how it feels."

"Taylor, my team and I are going to do everything in our power to find out who you are and what happened to you, okay? But it's going to take some time, and it's going to take some cooperation on your part. Can you do that?"


"Great. Now we've gotten that out of the way, do you wanna meet the team?"

Taylor nods and lets Jane help her to her feet, following her out to SIOC.

Once Taylor's met everyone, Patterson takes her to get some food and some clothes while everyone else discusses Taylor's living situation.

"We can't put her in a foster home. We don't know her situation or who could be after her," Kurt says.

"Well, we can't just stick her in a safe house with a detail. She's a fifteen-year old kid, Weller, not some witness," Reade says.

"Yeah, he's right," Tasha adds.

Kurt thinks for a moment and looks at Jane. The two share a silent conversation before Jane pipes up. "We'll take care of her."

"Are you insane?" Tasha says. "You are aware you're volunteering to take care of a living breathing child, right? Indefinitely?"

"She won't be safer than with two FBI agents," Kurt counters. "And she needs someone she can trust. Jane was the first person she saw when she woke up and the only person who understands what she's going through."

"Well, I'm cool with it," Reade says. "I mean, whatever's best for Taylor, right?"

"It's probably the best option we've got," Tasha admits. "Congratulations, you guys. You've got a kid."