Harlowe stood in the doorway leading into the living room, her eyes on the little boy who dropped into their laps the day prior. He was watching television, a kids program with giant foam costumed creatures singing an annoyingly repetitious song.

The boy was quiet. She wasn't sure if it were the type of quiet that was born from trauma or genetics considering his father's temperament, but it had her chewing the inside of her cheek anxiously.

Harlowe wanted to ask him all kinds of questions, about his mother and everything that happened to have him end up on their doorstep. But those were adult topics, and despite Jack's serious eyes and stoic face, he was still just a little boy drowning in one of Happy's SAMCRO t-shirts.

"You hungry, Jack?" She asked as she came around the couch to sit in the arm chair. "I have a super secret pancake recipe."

Jack's mouth was frowned slightly but he nodded at the question, his dark eyes flicking to the doorway behind her before quickly returning to the television.

Happy entered while pulling a tank top down his heavily tattooed torso to meet a low-slung pair of sweatpants. She couldn't stop from smiling at him in lounge wear.

"You got eggs and bacon too?"

Harlowe rolled her eyes and huffed, "How come I offer pancakes and end up making a whole spread of breakfast foods?"

"Because you're the best ol' lady around." He rasped against the crown of her head as he kissed her chastely.

"Mmhmm." She rose to start breakfast, smacking his ass when she passed. "Flattery gets you everything, old man."

"I know." He bragged with a cocky smirk as he picked up the remote control. "It's why I always get my bacon."

Happy sat down on the opposite end of the sofa with the chunky pitbull, his routine thrown off as the kid was in his preferred spot. He felt his body tense in frustration but shoved it away. He was not going to be the type of asshole to argue with a kid over a seating arrangement. That didn't mean he was going to watch the shit currently playing on the television.

"Don't know about you but I can't watch this stuff anymore." He was already accustomed to editing his foul language around the Teller kids, Tara becoming a tyrant when her son repeated something horrific during a game of grade-school kickball.

When Jack didn't respond, Happy rocked his jaw anxiously and flicked through a few channels before ending up on the Cartoon Network. The morning marathon of old Tom and Jerry episodes brought his surfing to a stop.

"Now this is good one." He commented, sinking back into the soft cushions as Opie jumped down with the smell of bacon drifting in. "You ever seen it?"

Jack shook his head, his eyes not leaving the screen as Tom chased the mouse through a maze.

"It's pretty good." Happy chuckled as the cat ran into a giant hammer, his legs and arms splayed out comically. The episode continued with grander escapades, the last failed attempt at catching Jerry landing the cat in his own trap.

"You think he's ever gonna catch him?" Happy asked as he caught the boy relaxing for the first time since he arrived.

"No." Jack murmured, his head shaking minutely.

"Why do you think that?"

"Cuz he's faster and smarter n' smaller than Tom."

"Oh yeah?"


Happy nodded along, his lips twitching as he noticed the way his attention stayed glued to the next episode starting. He used Jack's distraction to look him over, picking out the little parts of himself he recognized. The profile of his nose and chin, the way his mouth seemed to settle into a scowl. It was surprising how he even had similar mannerisms and expressions despite never being around each other.

Happy felt eyes on the back of his neck and turned to find Harlowe watching them both. Her lips pulled up at his gaze, her eyes a bit glassy as she informed them that breakfast was ready.

"You hungry, kid?" He asked the boy who turned towards Harlowe's voice.


"Good, Lowe's special pancakes are real good." Happy leaned over and rasped, "you wanna know the secret?"

"Hap, don't spoil the surprise!" Harlowe hollered from the kitchen.

Happy smirked as the boy's eyes widened when he rasped, "it's chocolate chips."

The next evening Harlowe was folding laundry on the coffee table as Jack filled in the shapes of his coloring book, his head bowed over his work with a determined focus. It was a familiar position she'd seen Happy in while working on a tattoo.

The sight of him brought a weighty affection, something she'd only ever felt for Happy. It didn't hurt that the kid was a near carbon copy of the gruff biker with the long silences and pitch colored eyes.

Harlowe was only mildly paying attention to the television show Happy was watching, her eyes bouncing back and forth between the two.

"Stop." Happy huffed, his narrowed eyes flitting to hers before back to the screen. He was petting Opie's side, the big dog sleeping draped over his lap on the sofa.


"You know." His gaze trailed over to the boy who kept working on the page.

"I can't help it." Harlowe smirked as Jack glanced over at them, curious about the conversation.

Happy's cell phone vibrated on the table jolting the boy and the dog.


"Dont start, Lowe." He grumbled as he looked at the text. "I'm here ain't I?"

Harlowe finished folding the rest of the clothes with sharp movements, loading them into the basket to take into the bedroom. She was passing Happy when he reached out to catch her wrist.

"Hey." His voice was low and gruff, "I'm not goin' anywhere. Tig's just filling me in on shit."

She bit her lip and nodded, her eyes flicking to the boy who's own focus was on the hand holding her wrist. Happy's grasp wasn't tight and his thumb was brushing along the soft skin affectionately but the boy couldn't see it from his seat on the floor.

She gave him a reassuring smile, "you hungry for lunch yet, Jack?"

There was a stiffness in his nod and when his perceptive eyes didn't leave the hold Happy had on her wrist she murmured, "Hap."

He released her arm and then reach for face, gently pulling her to his mouth. She hummed against his lips as he left a chaste kiss on her mouth.

"Not leavin'."

"Thank you." She smiled softly. "How bout you? You hungry?"

"Mmhm." He rumbled lowly, his eyes trailing over the leggings and loose muscle tshirt she was wearing.

"Later." Harlowe kissed the snake tattoo on his head as she passed, before crouching down next to Jack to look over his near completed picture.

"That looks great, Jack." She smiled, her eyes meeting his nervous ones. "Hey, you remember what I said your first night here?"

He glanced over at Happy who was watching silently, his face neutral as Jack shook his head a bit.

"You're safe here."

Jack seemed to think over the words, his lips scowled slightly as though contemplating just how much he trusted her word.

"Even when I'm by myself?"

"Yep, but you won't ever be here by yourself." Harlowe gave him a smile, as her heart clenched painfully.

Happy spoke gruffly, "you by yourself at home a lot, kid?"

Jack shrugged awkwardly, his crayon back to the coloring book but unmoving. "Mom worked at night a lot."

"What'd she do?"

"Hap." Harlowe murmured nervously. She could tell the boy was becoming more subdued with every question.

"I dunno." Jack darkened the shapes he'd already filled in. "She just said she had to see her customers."

Harlowe's jaw clenched at the casual statement knowing it meant his mother was selling herself.

"She bring.."

"I work at a bakery." Harlowe spoke over Happy, interrupting the line of questioning. "We make all kinds of yummy things."

"Like cake?"

"Yep. Every kind you can think of and we have muffins and cookies and bread. You think you'd wanna see it sometime?" She knew that Happy would be back to work soon and they would have to occupy themselves all afternoon.


"And you don't remember his ma?" Jax asked through a exhale of smoke, his brows raised high.

"Nah." Happy grunted, his eyes on the soda shop window watching Harlowe and Jack sit together. It was Harlowe's suggestion, a trip for dessert to get Jack used to his brothers. Happy was grateful but also anxious. He wasn't fond of exposing his personal shit with just anybody, patches or not, a long lost son was as personal as it got.

The dark haired boy was eating a bowl of chocolate ice cream with blue sprinkles, while Harlowe sipped a milkshake. The pair were joined by Chibs, the Scottish man ducking his head to speak to the boy, his scars pulled up into a smile.

"That's crazy shit brotha." Jax remarked with a shake of the head. "And it ain't like you can tell what she looked like, kid is like a lil' Killer."

Happy sneered at the statement, a strange sense of wrongness at the thought of Jack being anything like him. The results weren't even back yet but he already knew he wanted more for the kid.

Something better than blood coated clothes and broken knuckle bones.

"Could check in with Forth Worth, Arnie'd probably know her." The pair stood on the curb as Jax finished his smoke.

"No need to. Got no family and don't need to know shit about the neglectful bitch."

After having the kid in their home for the last few days he could see the signs of neglect and overall poor parenting. Harlowe had caught him hiding food in his pillowcase. When she'd questioned him, Jack eventually explained that he always saved some for later for when they ran out of food or when he wasn't allowed to leave his room while she had "friends over".

Happy had to walk out of the room to keep from scaring the kid with his furious glare and muttered curse words.

"Fuckin' skin and bones." Happy bit out, his teeth bared at the memory of Harlowe striping off his big tshirt when he spilled his milk, his body all sharp angles and deeply indent collarbones.

"I'd take her out if she wasn't rotting already."

"How do you feel about it?" Tara asked Harlowe as they watched the boys playing on the jungle gym in the park.

"About what?"

"Don't play dumb."

Harlowe rolled her eyes at the woman and sank back into the bench with a sigh. "How am I supposed to feel? A few weeks ago I find out I can't have kids and now we have a seven year old."

"I don't care how you think you're supposed to feel. How do you feel?"

"Hurt. Pissed off... jealous." Harlowe chewed her cheek a moment before adding, "hopeful."


"I keep thinking that maybe... maybe this is better somehow. Taking in a kid that needs us." Harlowe watched Jack sit on the thick rubber tire swing, his little feet swaying him back and forth. "Doesn't make it hurt any less. Knowing Hap had a kid with someone else and even with her gone, she's somehow in our lives. I'm just trying to come to terms with it I guess."

"You want to keep him?"

"Of course." Harlowe huffed, a wry smile curling her lips. "You know I can't resist those damn Lowman eyes."

"You and only you, Harls." Tara sipped her coffee mug with a smile, her foot pushing the stroller back and forth to quiet her fussy daughter.

Harlowe was silent a moment, her mind drifting to the evening before when she looked into those fear filled dark eyes.

"He has nightmares."

"About his mom?"

"He won't talk about it." Harlowe sighed, her arms crossed over her chest. "Last night though, he mentioned he dreamed he was stuck in his hiding spot and couldn't get out but wouldn't tell me what that meant."

"Give him time. He'll open up when he trusts you more."

"I just want him to feel safe and I don't want all the shit he's been through fucking him up for life." She leaned forward, pressing her elbows into her knees as she chewed her cheek. "He deserves to be a kid for a while longer."

"And he will." Tara reached over and squeezed Harlowe's forearm. "You and Happy will make sure of it. Kids are resilient. He'll move passed all the bad shit."

"I hope so."

"How's Happy handling fatherhood?" Tara smiled at the question, picking up her daughter as she began crying. "he's always been surprisingly good with the boys."

"He hasn't talked about it since the first night. I think he's waiting for the proof before he gets attached or at least admits he's attached."

"He's so obviously his kid."

"I know. I knew it the moment I saw him." Harlowe watched as Jack approached trailing behind Tara's boys. His head down, his eyes on something in his hand

"Mom. Mom!" Abel exclaimed, pointing at Jack hurriedly. "He's bleeding!"

"What?" Harlowe popped off the bench and rushed over to the boy. Taking his fisted hand, she slowly opened his palm to find a laceration running along his finger, curling around the digit.

"How'd this happen?" She murmured, taking a small towel from Tara to apply pressure to the wound. Jack shrugged at the question but eventually muttered, "the swing."

Tara took over tending to the injury as Harlowe kept close to the boy, her hand holding his uninjured one.

"Does it hurt?" Abel asked from behind his mom, his curious eyes pinned to the open wound.

Jack shrugged again, his brow furrowed and lips frowned. "Don't matter."

Harlowe touched his chin to bring his gaze up as she spoke. "It matters, Jack. You tell me when something hurts."

"Why?" An expression of genuine confusion creasing his forehead.

"Because you shouldn't ever hurt. It's me and Happy's job to make sure you're safe."

Jack chewed his lip before asking, "why?"

Harlowe's lips parted as she stalled on a reason, they hadn't discussed the situation yet with the boy, both figuring they would deal with it when they had the results. Regretting it now that it had come up she settled on, "because we care about you and want to keep you safe."

"Because he's my dad." It was more of a statement than a question but Harlowe answered anyways.

"He might be, they did a test. We're just waiting for the results."

Tara finished bandaging up his finger and then handed him a juice box. She packed her bag and headed for the bench with her kids giving them a moment.

"If he is, I get to stay?"

Harlowe smiled and asked, "would you like that?"

"Yeah." Jack nodded hesitantly, his lips scowled in thought. Harlowe let him think, much like she would with Happy when he was struggling to get something out.

"What if he isn't?" the boy's voice was neutral but she could see the fear in his eyes, the sight clutching at her heart.

"Then we'll work something out so you can stay anyways."

Jack stared at her for a long quiet moment, looking for deception much like her old man would. After a long a calculating gaze Jack replied, "Okay."

The results were conclusive, Jack was Happy's biological son. A 99.9% chance seemed like a sure shot to him, not that anyone had any doubts to begin with. They completed some paperwork and were scheduled for a visit by a social worker in two weeks to check in on the new family unit.
Harlowe had arranged delivery for a new bed and dresser for the guest room that day, her shrug when he asked when she'd ordered it an answer in itself. He knew now that even if the boy hadn't been his, Jack would still have been theirs.

The club decided, meaning Tara convinced Jax, that a welcome to the family barbecue was in order. Harlowe was all for it, but Happy was reluctant to share such personal news so widely. He was a private person and preferred to keep such details about his life to himself. The boy's excited eyes when Harlowe had mentioned the bounce house Tara rented was enough to change his mind though. It was a rare occurrence that they got such a reaction from Jack that Happy couldn't ignore the way his chest clenched at the sight. It was that reason that the Tacoma killer found himself standing in Jax's backyard supervising the delivery and set up of the giant castle shaped bouncy house at five in the morning.

"Jesus." The prospect grumbled rubbing his eyes. "It's too damn early for this shit."

"You sayin' my kid's not worth?" Happy rasped deeply, his dark eyes narrowed and cold.

"N-no. No." He stammered with panic filled eyes. "Of course not. H-he's real worth it. Totally and yeah, I'll just um help them with that."

Happy waited for the kid to jog off after the party suppliers crew to let a smirk curl his lips.

"That was just cruel, Hap." Tara commented, her arms filled with a fussy baby.

"Whatcha doin' up?" He asked as he approached the pair, his dark eyes watching as the baby reached out towards him.

"Little Miss Princess here doesn't agree with the whole sleep thing. She prefers to scream and cry."

"Ah." Happy reaches out and took the baby from her arms, the girl settling down against his chest. "You causin' mama problems, huh?"

The girl's responding gurgle and pudgy hands smacking at Happy's cheeks had him smirking. Tara laughed under her breath as they both watched the crew begin to air up the giant castle.

"She's gonna have all you boys wrapped around her finger before she can walk."

"She already does." Happy replied while bouncing her about to get a shrill giggle. "Right princess?"

"Poe!" Harlowe exclaimed as the electric ramp lowered to allow the man's wheelchair to exit the vehicle.

"Hey there, Lowe." Poe greeted, wrapping an arm around her shoulder when she hugged him. "How's my girl doin'?"

"Good, glad you could make it down." She replied walking alongside his chair as they made the trek up the driveway to the backyard. "The drive okay?"

"Yeah." He grinned a bit as he glanced back towards his full time nurse. "Annette's got a lead foot so we made good time."

"I do not." The woman replied before bending down to kiss his temple. "Stop making up rumors."

When the woman wandered further into the party, Harlowe cocked and eyebrow in Poe's direction.

"Somethin' you gotta tell me, old man?"

Poe chuckled with a slight shake of his head, "what'd you expect? No one can resist my charms. It was bound to happen."

"Right, right. Of course, how could I forget you're the Don Juan of Washington state."

Happy joined them, his body bending down to give Poe a manly hug and kiss on the head. "Good to see you, brother."

"You too. How's fatherhood treatin' ya?" Poe inquired with raised eyebrows. "Never thought I'd see the day when Tacoma killer was changin' diapers."

"Kid's seven years old, brotha. Ain't changing fucking diapers." Happy rasped with a tip of his chin towards the boy in the bounce house. He was jumping around with Abel and Thomas, all three laughing as they fell in a heap.

"Damn, he does look just like you. Thought Tig was exaggeratin'."

"Nope." Harlowe smiled fondly at her old man, "he's even got his patented scowl down pat."

Poe chuckled at that and watched as the boys continued to play. "He seems to be settling in good."

"It's going okay." Harlowe replied while leaning against Happy's side, his arm resting heavily over her shoulders. "He's his old man's kid so getting him to talk is like a tooth extraction."

"Aint that bad." Happy rolled his eyes at her, his gruff response causing both to laugh.

"Yeah, you're as open as a bible on a sinner's lap on Sunday, Hap." Poe remarked with a grin, "Now, who's grabbing me a beer?"

"Hey Ma." Happy kissed his mother's cheek as she arrived to the barbecue, her neighbor having driven her up from Oakland for the day. "Glad you made it up."

"What kind of grandmother misses their grandson's party?" Elena Lowman asked, the scowl straight from Happy's playbook. "It's bad enough I missed his first six birthdays."

"I told you, ma. I didn't know about him until a couple weeks ago." Happy huffed as she scolded him for what felt like the thousandth time.

"That's two weeks too long." Elena retorted as they entered the backyard, her hand resting on his inked forearm.

Happy sighed at her rapid Spanish scolding until she finally grew silent, her eyes on the little boy standing in front of Harlowe. She was crouched speaking to him, the boy looking on as the other kids played in the sprinklers.

"Oh, Hap." His mother's wobbly voice brought his eyes away from the scene to see tears flooding her eyes.

"Ma." He sighed in what sounded like frustration but truthfully he just hated making his mother cry. He put a hand on her back, rubbing it comfortingly.

"He looks just like you, mijo." Her voice cracked as she spoke, her fingers brushing away tears as she watched Harlowe and Jack.

"C'mon, ma." Happy ushered her further into the backyard towards the picnic table. "Let's sit down, I'll get you a drink."

"I want to meet my grandbaby." She grumbled as he got her situated in a patio chair.

"Yeah, yeah. You will, just sit down already."

Elena slapped at his hands as he tried to help her sit. "I can do it myself, Happy. I'm not an invalid."

"Hey, ma." Harlowe kissed her cheek after the boy joined the others in the sprinklers. Happy noticed he was still in his T-shirt while the other kids ran around in swim shorts.

"He okay?" Happy asked as they watched Jack hang back while the other kids played.

"He didn't want to take off his tshirt."

"Why?" Happy's mouth was downturned and eyes dark as a surge of protectiveness flared inside him. "They say something to him?"

"No, nothing like that. He wouldn't say but I think he's self conscious of being so skinny." Harlowe replied while handing Elena a glass of ice tea. "Here, ma. It's hot out."

"Thank you, mija." Elena sipped it as they watched the kids slip and slide along the long strip of plastic sheeting.

Jack hung back, his eyes narrowed slightly and downturned lips. Happy felt his chest tighten with a aching need to do something but wasn't sure for what exactly.

"He'll be okay, Happy." His mother commented as Jack seemed to decide to take a shot at it, his body slipping across the water slide and into the grass. Happy felt his lips pull up as the boy flashed a grin before running back to the line up for another turn.

"See. He's his father's son. Thoughtful and brave." Her warm hand came to rest on his forearm, the skin soft and comforting. Happy cupped his hand over hers, squeezing it gently. "Thanks, ma."

"Hey Jack." Harlowe held up a soft gray towel as the kids dispersed to dry off before they went home. The boy joined her on the patio next to Happy and his mom. His eyes flicked between them, his shoulders not as stiff as when they first arrived but still cautious.

"This is Elena, she's Happy's mom. So that makes her your grandma."

"Oh." Jack murmured as he looked at Happy and asked, "are you getting locked up?"


"My friend Sam, he went to his grandma's when his dad got locked up."

"M'not going anywhere, kid." Happy leaned forward so he was eye level with the boy. "I gotta travel sometimes, for work but I always come back."

"And I'll be here." Harlowe offered him a smile.

"I couldn't miss your celebration." Happy's mom finally spoke up, her smile soft and eyes watery. Jack looked confused until Elena explained, "It's your welcome to the family party."

His brow was furrowed, as he looked back and forth between the three of them.

"Yeah, kid." Happy nodded resolutely, his intense gaze not leaving the boy to hopefully get through to him. "You're our family now and we're yours."