Author: I'll take whatever criticism you guys have, but go easy on me in the comments please, I am new to this!

I do not anything related to Mass Effect or Ben 10. This is just for fun!

Updated 5/7/2019

Chapter 1


A red star illuminates a dark room, the entire back wall is glass window that shows the red sun and the other countless stars illuminating space. A man is sitting in a chair with a terminal facing away from the red star. The shadows cover most of his face. The only visible trait is his eyes…his blue glowing eyes. Upon further examination its apparent that they are cybernetic in nature. The man pulls out a lighter and ignites it for the cigarette in his mouth. The small flame shows a middle-aged man in his late forties to early fifties with dark hair, and wearing a tieless suite. He pressed a button on his chair and a holographic terminal appeared before him. This man's real name is unknown, and only known by the name given to him by his enemies…

The Illusive Man (One week before Shepard's awakening)

TIM pulled up the terminal screen on his chair to look over the dossiers again, and he was currently checking the dossiers of individuals on the OMEGA station. One of these dossiers was listed as priority, this was the dozier of a Doctor Mordin Solus. Ex-Special Tasks Group scientist turned medical doctor. He would be vital to solving the mystery of how the Collectors capture their victims and how we can counteract against their capture methods. The next two were efficient killers and would make excellent addition to the arsenal. Zaeed Massani, a human bounty hunter and ex-Blue Suns, who also happened to be one of the founders of the mercenary group. TIM contacted him and set up the contract, he was in and just needed to be picked up. The next dossier had little information other than his work on Omega. Archangel, Omega's local vigilante who decided to wage a one-man war against all the major mercenary groups on Omega. All anyone knows about him is that he is turian. It seems that Aria doesn't mind his little war if it doesn't interfere with her operations, and it also ensures that her enemies within the mercenary groups are taken care for her. TIM was impressed, but knew that Archangel would eventually slip up, so he decided to add him to the priority list, a man of his skills cannot go to waste. With those three checked out, TIM went to the other dossiers, seven to be exact.

These seven men appeared 10 months ago, and they were the biggest enigma TIM has ever heard of, and this goes with discovering there are genocidal machines called Reapers. Their real names are unknown, and are only known by their aliases. None of them are the same species. The only link they have to each other was a strange green and black hourglass symbol located on different areas of their bodies. The locals gave their group a name like how they gave Archangel his name. Together these men were called the Samaritans. Fitting considering what they do for people. And what makes them more unique, other than their appearance, is their abilities. Kids would describe them as superpowers, and based on what TIM as seen, he could agree with that.

TIM decided to pick out the videos he would show Commander Shepard. He pulled up the very first recording of the first Samaritan spotted and watched it again.

First Video (First sighting)

The first shows and elderly human couple (a/n: man looks like Danny Glover (Lethal Weapons), and woman looks like Kate Mulgrew (Star Trek Voyager)) being attacked by a group of Batarian thugs. There were six thugs total. They had already punched the elderly men in the face, which left him kneeling on the ground with his nose bleeding. The wife is kneeling beside him and tending to his injuries, while one of the thugs laugh and pulls out a knife, and starts demanding for all their valuables. Before anyone else could talk or make a move, a humanoid figure was shown leaping out of the shadows of a nearby ally, and landing between the elderly couple and the thug with the knife. The other thugs backed away in surprise while the leader with the knife just stared with his four's eyes widened. The humanoid kicked the knife out of the thug's hand with a talon foot, sucker punched the thug in the face, and sent the thug flying into a pile of trash.

The rest surrounded the creature in front of the couple and all are shocked at what they see. The humanoid is revealed to be what resembles a combination of a rooster and a hawk. He has three sharp black claws on his toes and talons on his hands, as well as two larger talons protruding from his arms. He has a short yellow beak. He is covered in brown feathers and has a white-brown mohawk and belly. He wears a green mask, a green belt with a white stripe, and black garments. The humanoid also wears a strap vest with the hourglass symbol on the vest hooker.

"Don't you creeps have anything better do than hassling old people." The Hawk spoke

One of the thugs broke out of his shock and asked "W…What the fuck are you?" while the hawk looked at them with a threatening glare.

"Right now, I'm the guy who is going to whoop your butts if you don't turn around and leave these nice people alone. So, leave NOW." The Hawk warned as he got into a fighting stance.

The thugs didn't take the threat seriously and instead pulled out their own knifes and surrounded the hawk while the elderly couple managed to hide behind a trash container during the commotion. One of the thugs shouted: "Kill this motherfucker!"

The Hawk jumped into the air as soon as the thugs charged with their knives. The hawk backflipped in the air and landed was right behind the group. The Hawk was pouncing on the ground when he extends his right leg and kicked two thugs in front out from under their feet and knocked them to ground, dazing the two. He jumped and let out a hawk screech as the other three turned around and performed a spinning roundhouse kick while in the air and kicked the middle thug in the face and sent him spinning onto the ground 20 feet away. The other two turned their attention to the hawk in the middle of them and both thrusted their knives at him, but the Hawk grabbed both their hands and pulled them until the thugs were on the opposite sides of where they were and were facing away from the hawk. The Hawk than grabbed the dazed thugs by their heads and slammed them together, knocking them out cold.

He turned to find the two from earlier getting back up, and saw one of them pull out a gun. The Hawk ducks under the gunfire and rolls out of the way and into the shadows of an alleyway. The Thug fires off into the shadows until his gun is empty. They both came closer to the alleyway to see if they killed the hawk. The elderly couple looked from behind the bin to see the men looking into the shadows. The thug with the gun starts to reload his gun and just as he loads the gun a talon hand grabs his head and he screams as he is pulled into the darkness. The remaining thug attempts to turn and run, but a talon foot knocks his feet out from under him and he falls on his stomach. The talon hand grabs his left foot and drags the screaming thug who claws at the ground into the darkness.

The couple flinch as they hear the cracking off bones from within the shadows. Footsteps were heard from the shadows and the hawk reemerged, looking at the couple. The Illusive man could tell that the elderly man was still concerned about harm coming to his wife as he attempted to shied her, but TIM could see that the elderly woman was not at all threatened by the Hawk alien, she gave it a look that showed she was grateful for it stepping in to help. One thing both man and woman shared, was a look of aw and disbelief as they have never seen an alien like the hawk.

The Hawk approached them and noticed the husband's defensive posture as he was in front of his wife. The Hawk raised his hands to show he was not a threat. The wife grabbed her husband's shoulder and convinced him to relax, eventually he complied and let his guard down. The Hawk lowered his arms.

"Are you two alright?" The Hawk asked concerned. The wife was the first to respond

"Yes, but those brutes hurt my husband." the wife said in a worried tone

Husband (pained but gruff tone): "I'm fine Rita, I've had worse in the war." came the pained, gruff toned reply of the husband.

"Jake your head is bleeding and you might have a concussion…" Rita continued to worry

"I promise I'm fine." Jake assured his wife

The Hawk kneeled in front of the old and activated his omni-tool. TIM was surprised at first when he saw that the Alien already had an omni-tool and was efficient in using, it despite not being a species generally seen in the milky way.

"Here this should help with that." The Hawk said

The Hawk used the omni-tool's medi-gel dispenser to treat the old man's wounds which helped restore him to a better condition where the couple can get home safely.

"This should help with the pain at least until you can get actual medical attention." The Hawk assured.

Rita helped Jake to his feet and looked up to the hawk that towered over them.

"Thank you so much…" Riat said "...but who are?""

"What are you?" Jake asked.

TIM could see the hawk contemplating what he was going to tell the couple and finally came up with an answer that was half what they asked.

"The name is Kickin Hawk and I'm just your friendly neighborhood alien hero."

He then did a dramatic jump into the air and grabbed on to pipes on sides of the walls as he parkour away from the scene. The old couple looked at him leave and were left confused and astounded, but were also grateful for his help. They then made their way home to get help for Jake's injuries. TIM could see that this Kickin Hawk was still following them from a distance to ensure they got home safe. Once they made it home, Kickin Hawk ducked into an alleyway and out of sight of the cameras.

What caught TIM's eye was a green flash within the alleyway and a barely visible shimmer pass by the cameras. Closer examination was impossible due to the failing quality the omega cameras still active throughout the station. All TIM could make out was a black and blue blur speeding away.

Second Video:

Blue Sun mercenaries are seen outside a medical center and demanding that the head doctor comes out and pay for protection fees. There were ten blue suns five human, two turians and three batarians. Ask they continued to shout for people in the medical center to come out.

"Hey! What's with all this noise your making!?" Shouted a nasally voice.

The mercenaries turn around to find a humanoid standing 10 feet humanoid behind them with his hands on his hips. A humanoid, plant-like alien that has an overall green and black colored body, a black covered in a flame-pattern of petals (red on the side and one big yellow petal on the top of his head), and root-like feet, seemingly holding rocks. His green eyes are oval shaped with points at each end with pupils copying the shape but are smaller, and his shoulders have red petals. His elbows and legs have green frills sticking out. Closer examination shows holes in the palm of his five-fingered hands. The hourglass symbol was located on his chest. The human mercenaries who are not wearing helmets cringe their nose and cover them in disgust and the other merchandisers simply back away. According to witnesses this alien gives off a rotten stench that some would describe as a methane stench. This alien called himself Swampfire. By this time the unusual aliens have been dubbed the Samaritans.

"Back off Samaritan" Said the turian Sun Leader "This is blue sun territory and what goes on here is our business, not some shit smelling freakshow."

The mercenaries start to inch closer to the Samaritan with their guns pointing at him in a threatening manner.

"Wow, you kiss your mother with that mouth?" Swampfire asked jokingly, but then his tone and face became serious again "Now this place doesn't belong to you, and Doctor Solus has made it clear that he doesn't have to pay you shit. So, do yourself a favor and walk away while you still can." Swampfire threatened

Once again, the mercenaries refuse to listen and the leader shouts, "Light him up" and the mercenaries unload their guns into the plant humanoid. Patients and staff inside the medical center look and in fear and shock as they see the Samaritan being gunned down…or at least that's what it looked like at first.

The mercenaries look back and see that the Samaritan is still standing with holes in all over his body, even holes in his head, The Samaritan just smirks, which unnerves the mercenaries. What shocks them further is that the holes in the Samaritans body quickly heals and leaving no trace of ever being there. Swampfire responds the humans opened jaw reactions.

"Better close those or flies will buzz in." Swampfire jokes

The Samaritan raised his arm and from the holes in his hands he shoots out a purple/pink gas that engulfs the mercenaries, who desperately tried to reload their guns and back out at the same time. Unfortunate for the mercenaries who had no helmets at that moment because they immediate collapsed into unconsciousness as a result from the sleep gas. Leaving five helmeted mercenaries standing, who quickly turned on their air filters. They all backed away from the gas and fired at the gas cloud, hoping they shot at the Samaritan.

Swampfire rushed out of the cloud and through the barrage of bullets and punched the batarian in the middle so hard his helmet was dented, and he fell unconscious. He turned to his right and attacked the other two batarians. The second batarian, he hit hard enough that it knocked his helmet off but only dazed him. The third tried to hit him with the butt of his gun but Swampfire grabbed it out of his and broke it in two his bare hands. As the second batarian got back up, the two turians decided to join the fight and switched to shotguns. One managed to shoot off his right arm and it fell to the ground.

"Hey that was just rude!" Swampfire shouted.

The other turian shot his left leg off, leaving Swampfire kneeling done and grunting on his right leg and the mercenaries attack again. Swampfire smiles and swings his left arm around all of them.

"Here's mud in your eye!" Swampfire yells

Swampfire releases a mud like substance that covers the visor of the three helmeted mercenaries and blinds the non- helmeted batarian, who shouts in pain as all four of his eyes take the brunt of the mud attack.

Th helmeted blue Suns try to smear off the mud, the leader takes his off and looks at the Samaritan with the turian equivalent of a death glare. What catches him off guard is when vines protrude from Swampfire stumps and grab on to the severed limbs near him and begin to reattach themselves.

TIM was always amazed when he witnessed this Samaritan's regeneration capabilities. Miranda once proposed that acquiring a sample would yield results for future genetic engineering projects. TIM still considered the idea even now.

Swampfire than extended both hands while kneeling on one leg and flamethrowers ignited from his palms. The leader dodged but his two blind associates were not so lucky as they could feel the temperature in their armor rising as they were engulfed in the flames and screamed as they realized it was fire. Swampfire ran up to both and sucker punched the batarian in the stomach so hard he passed out from the pain. Then he shot his elbow into the back of the turian, knocking him out as well.

Swampfire turned his attention to the leader who was grabbing a pistol and held it at Swampfire who was not at all threatened by the weapon. TIM saw the un-helmeted batarian get the mud out of his two right eyes and was aiming his pistol at the Samaritan as well…until a bullet from the medical center went through the batarian's temple and dropped dead. Swampfire turned for a second but then heard a second gun shot and turned back to find the leader dead as well from a head shot. Swampfire turned and saw Doctor Mordin Solus with his Specials Task Group pistol. He greeted the Samaritan in his fast-talking manner.

"Ah Swampfire. Glad to see you" The Doctor quickly greeted "Thought I had to come out and deal with all the mercenaries. Bothersome groups. Should start displaying bodies outside as warning. Should get the message…eventually."

"Hey doc, nice to see you to" Swampfire greeted him with a smile, "I was just in the neighborhood and thought I stop by to see if everything is okay, considering what happened last time."

The Samaritan avoided looking at the dead bodies before him. TIM noticed that the Samaritans tend to avoid killing at all costs when they first arrived.

"Yes, dangerous times these are. Especially when opening a new practice. People see chance to extort money and drugs from practice." Solus said quickly, but than spoke slow and serious "Last mistake they make." (than he went back to fast) "Appreciate your arrival. Always fascinated by your fights. (Solus eyes brightened with anticipation and child-like joy) Oh, speaking of supply. Could I acquire another sample? Regeneration experiments have been making progress, (sheepishly) however I used up last samples you given, (faced paced) don't wish to take advantage but samples are proving promising for potential new medical practices. "

Ever since the Samaritans appeared on Omega, the doctor has been asking them for DNA samples every time he encounters one of them. He shows a specific fascination with Swampfire's regeneration capabilities and has talked about using the samples for research in regeneration of lost and damaged tissue.

Swampfire smirks. TIM could tell he was amused by the doctors fast talking.

"Sure doc, no problem." Swampfire said.

TIM watches him tear off some red petals from his shoulder and produce a handful of what looks like seeds from his hands. TIM has never seen him use the seeds during his entire time on Omega, though TIM suspects it's because there is no dirt or any organic ground to place them in making, them useless to use now, but Solus takes them regardless as he is eager to study them.

"Ah, splendid. These will do nicely. So close to ground breaking discovering. Will revolutionize modern medicine for all people."

Swampfire ties up the remaining eight mercenaries. He then faces Solus with friendly smile

"Well I better take off. Never know when someone else will need my help. Take care doc." Swampfire said.

They both exchange a handshake.

"Yes, always a pleasure. Stay safe out there. Will get back to research and continue making discoveries. (looks at corpses and tied up mercenaries) Don't worry about them. Will have them taken care of. Good day Swampfire." Mordin says to the Samaritan.

Swampfire nods and heads off toward the exit to the next level of the station. He glances at the restrained mercenaries with a look of uncertainty and walks away.

TIM knows the doctor will make good on what he said, and he had the other mercenaries killed, and displayed the bodies as a warning to the other mercenaries not to come near his medical practice and that would ensure some peace for a time. He takes note again of the Samaritan's hesitation to kill and wonders why they were so hesitant at first. Like the last video, the Samaritan walks into an alleyway and a green flash is seen. He spots a blue and black blur leaving the area where Swampfire disappeared.

"What is that blur?" TIM mutters

Third Video

The next footage takes place within the Afterlife nightclub that Aria runs. It was tricky getting any recordings at all from the establishment, but TIM managed to get this one before it was cut off along with the rest of the feed from the bar.

What stands out the most from the usual commotion from the bar is the one man not drinking or dancing in the club. A man with graying hair, yellow-gold armored plating and mismatched eyes with a scar on the right side of his face. Zaeed Massani was on a job. He was sitting at the bar with a drink in his hand and staking out the area looking for someone, or some people as he spots a table with a salarian, a human and a krogan enjoying drinks while they laugh during their conversation.

This next part of the recording gets disoriented for a few minutes due to having to hack Aria's systems, which was spotty at best. TIM had to fast-forward through most of the static. One minute it shows Zaeed walking toward the group. (static) Than it shows him talking to the trio and they share a look of unease and hostility when looking at the bounty hunter (static). Next it shows Zaeed throwing the human over the bar and then punching the salarian who tried to sneak up behind him. (static) Next scene shows Zaeed being through across the floor by the krogan. (static) People are either leaving or backing away from the brawl. (static) Camera spots Aria and her men looking at the scene over the balcony of the second floor, she instructs the men to just watch and see how this plays out. (static) the human grabs an asari clubber, who screams as he pulls a gun and points it at her. (static) Zaeed is facing the trio who have regrouped and are using the asari as a hostage. Zaeed simply fold his arms and looks at the group as if he has already won this fight.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." came the gruff reply of the bounty hunter

"Back the fuck up before I blow this bitch's head off!" the human shouted

The asari whimpers as he puts the gun to her temple.

"My friend really doesn't like it when people like you rough up the ladies." Zaeed warned "That's a big no, no in his book."

The three men look at each other and look around the crowed, they quickly avert their gaze from Aria, who merely looks around the room herself wondering where this "friend' of Zaeed's is hiding.

"Who the fuck you talking about old man!?" the human shouts

This next moment made TIM widen his eyes and stand up straight in his chair when he first saw this video. A blue see-through outline of what looked like a moth man-like being phased through the ground and appeared behind the trio, right behind the human bounty. Zaeed smirked and the crowd gasped quietly as the mothman moved to the right side of the man's head and whispered into his ear.

"Me…" said an eerie voice

The man's eyes snapped wide open and turned to strike the mothman with his gun, but his hand went right through the mothman and the moment it went through, his hand was frozen solid in a block of ice. Everyone looked at the scene in shock, while Aria looked at it with a look that said she was intrigued. Before the man could process what just happened a bullet went through his arm shattering his hand and the gun. The man let out a yell and the asari screamed. He let her go as the pain caught up with him while the moth man became tangible and swooped up the asari. Both became intangible and passed right through the stunned krogan who was about the charge but then he became encased head to toe in ice and unable to move. The salarian was about to use his own gun but it was shot out of his hand. It was revealed to be Zaeed who fired the shots with his own pistol. He then walked up to the salarian who was holding his hand in pain and sucker punched him in the face, knocking him out.

The mothman landed and became tangible as he placed the asari down who was still shaking from the experience. She then got a better look at the mothman and was left in awe by the sight. The mothman has four wings, a pair of antennas on the back of his head. He has a black body with cyan patches on his arms, shoulders, legs, the back of his wings, and the back of his neck that resemble ice chunks. Each patch has thick blue outlining except for the ones on his wings, which are outlined in black. There is also a black line that runs on the edge of the outer margin on the back of each wing. On his torso are three blue plates. One resembling the chest, a shorter plate under the chest, and one resembling the stomach. On his face are blue cheeks and underjaw, a mouth that always shows bluish white teeth, and large green tinted eyes. The top of his head also sports a blue Y-shaped marking that extends over his scalp. He has four pointed fingers and a thumb on each hand, and two toes on each foot and a third toe-like extension on his ankles. The hourglass symbol was on his chest.

His wings and antennas began to fold around his body and looked like he was wearing a cloak. This gave him a phantom-like appearance. He looked at the asari who was clearly unsettled by his unusual appearance.

"Are you alright miss?" the Moth asked in a concerned tone (his moth never moved or opened when he spoke, which made more unnerving for the asari)

The Asari broke out of her shock as she realized this being saved her from the madmen.

"Y…Yes, I' alright…thank you so much, b…but who…what are you?' the asari stuttered

TIM notes that not everyone in the crowd appears to be surprised by the moth aliens presence. The usual omega resident has seen the Samaritans at least once, but the new residents and visitors have only heard stories of them and rarely see them unless they stumble upon their fights, or are the victims in the crimes. The moth gave the asari a friendly smile.

"The names Big Chill and no thanks are needed, it's all in a day's work." Big Chill says.

The asari smiles and gives him a grateful node as her friends come to check on her and make sure she's okay. The crowed begins to go back to their clubbing as this is Omega and violent commotions are just the norm for everyone. Zaeed drags the three targets together…or drag the two unconscious to the frozen krogan. He then approaches the Samaritan and gives a tried and annoyed look.

"(sighs)You couldn't have shown up before a giant reptile threw me across the bloody room." Zaeed complains

Big Chill places his right hand behind his head and gives him a sheepish smile.

"Heh heh, sorry about that. Had to stop a mugging on the way here. It couldn't be helped." Big Chill Sheepishly replied

Zaeed rolls his eyes and shakes his head. "You Samaritans and your heart of gold…though I guess that's why people love you…except for the people you go after, that lot would love to kill you." Zaeed notes. Big Chill looks amused.

"Heh, they can try." Big Chill said "I'm sure some of them tried to take a shot at you too."

"Eh, comes with the job." the bounty hunter replies as he amusingly shrugs his shoulders

Aria is shown descending the stairs as the two continue talking. She approaches them and interrupts their conversation.

"Well, that was quite a show you put on Samaritan." Aria said coolly "Though I prefer it outside and not messing up my bar."

The two looks at the Queen of Omega. Big Chill has cautious look while Zaeed has his usual calm expression, not really phased by talking to a person that could have killed as soon as she gave the word.

"Sorry about the mess, didn't think they would make that big of a scene." Big Chill apologized

Aria looked at the Samaritan and their eyes met. Even though he had no pupils and little facial expression, TIM could tell that he was trending lightly with his words. TIM also notes that Aria still has the same fascinated look she had before, he wouldn't put it past her to have spies everywhere trying to follow the Samaritans to wherever they go to hide, of course they disappear too fast for them to follow. It seems that Aria was in a forgiving mood because she waved her hand in dismissal with an amused expression.

"Tell you what, keep it outside for now on and will call it even." Aria replied.

Big Chill was confused, but TIM knew why she was fine with it. The Samaritans have been keeping her enemies in check with their vigilantism and keeping away from her own operations.

Arai turned to Zaeed "Zaeed" she said

"Aria" Zaeed calmly replied

With that she walks away and leave the two to carry out their bounty. Big Chill lifts the frozen krogan with little effort and flies through the wall as he became intangible. Zaeed dragged the human and salarian on the ground, muttering, clearly displeased that he must drag them to the docking area.

The video changes feed and now the camera in the docking area showing a well-dressed turian with two batarian guards. One of the guard's hands Zaeed a case and the guards take the human and salarian away. The frozen krogan is carried off by two krogan enforcers. What TIM notes is that the Big Chill doesn't show any sign of unease when the men are taken away to be what he most certainly knows is to be killed. It's possible that he just isn't as bothered as Swampfire, but other recordings have shown that the other Samaritans are gradually accepting the lawlessness and crime-controlled society of omega.

After the employers, Zaeed turns to the Samaritan and hands his share of the bounty. TIM noted that usually the Samaritans would turn down the offer of money from residents on Omega, then they stared to join the bounty hunter on jobs on Omega after they became better associated with him. TIM could only assume that they needed finances to live and hide. They normally only joined Zaeed on hunt and capture jobs, so far, they have not joined on any kill jobs. The bounty hunter and Samaritan shook hands

"Till next Samaritan" Zaeed stated.

"Take care Zaeed." Big Chill replies.

Big Chill unfolds his wings and becomes intangible as he flies through the ceiling while Zaeed walks away.

Fourth Video (no audio)

The video shows a turian in blue armor whose face is covered by a helmet, this is the vigilante known as Archangel, and he is currently hiding behind a crate being shot at by 15 Eclipse mercenaries…inside the Eclipse base. Archangel tried to eliminate Jaroth, leader of the Eclipse on Omega. He failed but managed to kill the leader's brother along with many of his men.

The gunfire stopped, and Archangel looks from his cover to notice the Eclipse were sending in a heavy mech to charge through his cover as it stared to fire its weaponry at the vigilante. Archangel managed to aim his sniper rifle for a head shot but it fired off a series of mini missiles that forced Archangel to take cover. The mech was five feet away from Archangels position, when a dark figure pounced on the mech which resulted in the mech stumble as it attempted to knock the figure off. Archangel and the Eclipse were surprised to see a Samaritan appear from nowhere.

The Samaritan has a black and white color. One green cyclops eye in the middle of his head. He has two antennae and a tail each featuring a plug on the tips. He has four fingers on each hand with similar plugs on the tip of each finger. He has only two front toes on each foot. The hourglass symbol is located on its chest. This Samaritan goes by the alias: Feedback.

Feedback pierces the head of the mech with both his antennas and pierces its back with his tail. Energy begins to surge from the appendages as the Samaritan begins to siphon electricity from the mech, which began to drain it the point where it ran out of power as it collapsed. Feedback jumped into the air. Mid-way in the air the Samaritan aimed his arms at the stunned mercenaries and fired a surge of electrical blasts from the tips of his fingers. The blast hit the middle of the group and a small explosion that sent the mercenaries scattering across the room from being shocked or pushed by the shock wave.

This video stands out to TIM because this was the first incident where a Samaritan was confirmed to have killed his enemies. Most of the mercenaries were either electrocuted to death or died from impact with the walls at a speed that broke through their shield and crushed their bones.

The next feed shows outside of the Eclipse base as Feedback and Archangel run from another group led by Jaroth himself, who has an enraged facial expression.

TIM notes how Feedback showed no distress from killing, he had no reaction to his actions.

Fifth Video (no audio)

The feed showed a seemingly abandoned warehouse. Five seconds later the wall breaks open as a krogan flies through and lands on its face. The krogan gets up and is revealed to be Garm, the leader of Omega's Blood Pack, and he turns to the wall with an angry glare as a giant red figure jumps through with an injured Archangel in its hands.

The Samaritan is approximately twelve feet tall, has well developed muscles, two pairs of four-fingered arms, and red skin. A black stripe goes from his chin to his lower lip, and he has four yellow eyes: a main pair, and a smaller pair below them. He wears a white T-shirt with a black line going down it, black pants, and fingerless gloves. The hourglass symbol is located on the upper left shoulder. This Samaritan goes by the alias: Four Arms.

He carried Archangel in his second pair of arms while he had two vorcha in his primary arms. Without hesitation, he smashed the heads of the vorcha together, causing them to explode upon impact and splattering the Samaritan in the face. Four Arms is unfazed by the gore. He tosses the bodies right at Garm who ducks down as the bodies fly over him and splatter into the wall behind him. As he got back up, he saw the Samaritan leap 30 ft into the air and disappeared into the lower levels or the area.

The video ended. TIM wondered why the Samaritans suddenly changed tactics and resorted to killing their enemies. Not that it really mattered to TIM as it just means they would be better soldiers for the mission if Shepard could get them onboard.

Sixth Video (no audio)

Next video shows the upper level buildings. This building is where the Omega Blue Suns leader Taarak is known to reside. A few seconds, later a Blue Sun gunship arrives and is hovering near the level of the building Taarak lives. The windows burst as what appears to be a wave made of crystal pushes through and begins to loop around the building and forming a makeshift slide. Two individuals are seen sliding down the slide and flying into the air.

The first one to land is another Samaritan. He appears to be a silicon-based life form. His body is composed of pale green crystals. He sports four crystal shards on his back and has a sharp head with yellow eyes. He wears a uniform which was black on the right half and white on the left with a black patch on the left shoulder where the hourglass symbol is located. This Samaritan goes by the alias: Diamondhead.

Diamondhead holds out his arms for the second individual about to land near him and catches Archangel. He sets Archangel down, who appears to be slightly disoriented from the swirling diamond construct. Both turn their head to the approaching gunship that is preparing to fire at them. Diamondhead gets in front of the recovering Archangel and places his palms on the ground. As the gunships fires missiles at the duo, a wall of diamond shoots up from the ground that covers both Diamondhead and Archangel how take cover behind the wall at the missiles hit and engulfs the wall in an explosion.

The smoke clears, and the wall is shown to have held again the attack. Diamondhead jumps on top of the wall and fires off diamond shards from his hands which aim for the gunship's engines and cockpit. Both areas were hit, and the gunship begins to descent near the duo.

Diamondhead and Archangel are shown jumping off the roof as the gunship crashes on the roof but surprisingly remains intact.

TIM finds this alien fascinating as it has proven to be the most durable of the Samaritans, even more so than Four Arms, as no bullets or explosives have ever managed to make a dent in Diamondhead. TIM had his agents on Omega acquire samples of the shards Diamondhead leaves behind for research. Not surprisingly, residents on Omega manage to collect these shards and sell the for high price due to their durability, high quality and exoticism. Many have tried to corner the Samaritan with the intent of capturing him and use him as a living diamond mine. It's this reason that the Samaritan is rarely seen anymore and only shows up for dire situations such as this incident with Archangel.

After the first three months, the Samaritans have formed an alliance of some sorts with Archangel and his band of merry men. The Samaritans teaming up with Archangels group has earned them bigger threats from the mercenary groups who are frequently targets of Archangel and his group.

TIM opens the next video. It was also the last video from Omega surveillance cameras.

Seventh Video

This video shows a squatting area for a group of Vorcha talking and fighting among themselves for the scraps of food and supply they've acquired. They are considered violent and idiotic vermin by most of the other races, the Blood Pack are the only ones known to recruit them to be expandable foot soldiers.

What stood out to TIM was one vorcha that was walking along the edge of the group, hugging the wall. This vorcha appeared different physically from the others. He looked less rabid and cleaner when compared to the others and facial expression looked more calm, gentle, and less menacing. He wore a torn-up poncho that covered his shoulders and upper body as if he was concealing something, something he didn't want the other vorcha to see. The most obvious difference that TIM noticed was that his eyes were not the typical bloodshot red eyes of a vorcha, but instead were brilliant emerald green eyes. They do not possess the psychotic or murderous intent of most vorcha but instead keeps a stoic look in his eyes as he looks at the others.

The green-eyed vorcha stares in the direction of where the video feed is coming from for a brief second, but TIM can tell he knew that he was being watched, especially considering what happens next. The vorcha disappears for the feed. After a few moments, a surge of green electricity is being shot from the direction he left, and it hits five vorcha near that location, electrocuting the five vorcha, who drop dead and with burnt spots on their bodies where the electricity hit.

Three vorcha charge at the location while the rest draw their weapons and begin to fire at the location. One of the charging vorcha was shot back at the group with another surge of electricity that killed that vorcha and the two that he slammed into and no doubt breaking their bones.

Next, a giant figure is shown approaching the scene. His back is facing the camera, but TIM can see two large conductor-like devices protruding from his back and his green skin with stitching's all over his body…than the video cuts off.

When TIM first watched this video, he was initially confused. He wondered why the video stopped when the video came to life again only this time, there was no more of the video. Instead, what appeared was a black screen and a glowing green circle in the center of the image, and what looked like green circuity were visible on the ends of the image. What further surprised TIM was the circle bending in a manner that made it look like it was frowning at him. Next came a green text that read "Shows over" and the feed cut.

It seems the Samaritans became aware that they were being watched, because after that, Cerberus lost all feed from Omegas cameras, leaving them blind to the events that occur on Omega, having to rely on agents physically there to record a fight or rely on recordings from residents who post their own videos. However, most are removed by an unknown hacker (presumably a Samaritan) almost immediately after they are posted. TIM's computer experts are always vigilant for them so they can download them fast.

Eight Video: Collection of videos at various times

While he no longer had Omegas cameras, he did learn something that made him curious. He checked other feeds and found one of two turians discussing the vorcha overpopulation. One turian was one of Aria's who has been instructed to figure out a solution to the nuisance the vorcha have started to become. The other turian wore black armor with white highlights and a heavy trench coat that covered most of him. His face's skin/exo-skeleton was white grey/light grey with a green marking going down between his eyes and over above his eyes. It almost looked like the Samaritan's hourglass symbol painted on his face. What stood out more was the turians eyes were emerald green. The guard was offering discussing rewards for anyone who can reduce the vorcha numbers, and the green-eyed turian seemed intrigued and said he and his "buddies" would be interested in the job. An hour later TIM's agents confirmed that a Samaritan decimated the vorcha population to a more "manageable" size.

Another feed showed a Quarrian wearing a tattered poncho talking to a quarrian vendor, Kenn, in the market area of Omega. The Poncho Quarrian's suit was black with forest green markings and his helmet had a light green visor. TIM could take an educated guess that his eyes are green as well. Kenn was telling the green quarrian of his massive debt that he required during his pilgrimage which left him having to repay an elcor vendor until he had the means to leave the station and continue his pilgrimage. The green quarrian assured him that he "knew a guy" that would take care of it, and left Kenn confused and worried that he may have started trouble.

Another feed showed the Samaritan, Diamondhead talking to the elcor vendor and dropping a bag of what was his own shards on the table and made it clear to the elcor with an intimidating tone that the quarrian was free to go. The intimidated elcor complied and took the crystals.

Minutes later the green poncho quarrian returns to tell Kenn the good news and hands the vendor a bag of Diamondhead shards. The shocked and speechless vendor accepts the shards and excessively thanks the green quarrian who waves goodbye to Kenn as he walks away from the stand where the vendor begins to pack his things.

Another feed shows a salarian in white armor with black highlight and sporting a trench coat, and red-white skin-tone like Dr. Solus. He is conversing with a group of humans who reveals to him of a batarian bartender in Afterlife that's posing the drinks of all the human patrons, and how he killed friends of these humans. The salarian looks at them with a determined face and told them not to worry about it, that he "knew someone" who could deal with the killer bartender. He leaves the humans confused and concerned.

Switching to feed in the club. The Samaritan, Big Chill, phases through the floor and becomes tangible and folds his wings around himself. The patrons are stunned to see the cloaked Samaritan just show up while Aria looks down from her "throne" upstairs. The cloaked insectoid calmly and menacingly confronts the bartender about poisoning his customers. A turian patron hears this and walks up the confront the bartender himself. The bartender is starting to get agitated as he claims he doesn't know what he is talking about. The Samaritan asks if he hates turians as well and would soon poison them as well. The turian demands the bartender answers. The bartender angrily pulls a gun on the Samaritan but the turian patron pulls his own gun and kills the bartender, claiming its better to be safe than sorry. Big Chill looks up at Aria, who has a smirk at how Big Chill turned the patrons against the bartender. Than out of nowhere, he pulls out a Diamondhead shard and places it no the bar, saying "Sorry about the mess" before becoming intangible and phasing into the ground.

The next feed shows the former leader of Omega, Patriarch telling stories to young omega residents and giving advice that would help them survive during their time on Omega. A young krogan enters the room. He wears fully black armor and has red/orange-yellow skin, a closer look at the krogan's face makes TIM think he looks like a younger version of Patriarch. What stands out is the green bandanna wrapped around the krogan's head platting.

He approaches the elder krogan and the elder seems pleased to see him again, TIM learns from his agents that the young krogan has visited the elder many times to talk and learned from the elder krogan's experience on Omega. However, the younger krogan came to warn Patriarch that the Blood Pack have marked him for assassination to undermine Arias authority and to silence him from revealing any knowledge he possess of the other Omega groups. Patriarch was angered of the news but seemed to be accepting of this and talked as if he was going to face the threat head on. The younger Krogan stops him and offers to be the elders krantt and he would gather his "comrades" to fight to restore his honor and status among omega's powerhouses. The elder krogan is astounded by the younger one's desire to fight for him and accepts with renewed sense spirit.

The feed switches between individual fights of the younger krogan and Samaritans fighting Blood pack assassin at different place and times. According to TIM's agents, the Samaritans are still thwarting attempts on the krogan's life.

TIM found another video that takes place an hour before the younger krogan's meeting with Patriarch. Aria keeps the upper areas free of any cameras and possible spyware, so he had to rely on agents to get as close as they could to the upper floor and see the asari and who she was meeting. What caught TIM's attention was that the agent swore he saw a batarian wearing the hourglass symbol on his armor.

The video lacked audio as Aria has no doubt installed means to make eavesdropping as difficult as possible. But TIM could clearly see a batarian sitting with Aria. The Batarian wore black and white armor, and his skin was yellow-brownish. The eye is black like all batarians, but TIM had no doubt the irises would be green if they were visible. And the video confirmed that the Batarian does in fact have an hourglass symbol on his left shoulder pad. The batarian seems frustrated by whatever they're talking about while Aria still possess her usual cold smile as the batarian accepts whatever she told him. TIM figured it was about protecting Patriarch, but the reaction and body language told TIM that Aria knew something that the batarian didn't like.

TIM ended the video and compiled all the videos he selected to play for Shepard when they meet'.

TIM closed his eyes. He thought about the batarian with the hourglass symbol and deduced that the Krogan, Salarian, Vorcha, Turian and Quarrian all wore the symbol under their ponchos or coats. He suspected that these could be the select few that the Samaritans trusted to be their eyes and ears of omega and alert them of any danger to civilians. But he found it odd that these honorary Samaritans "helpers" had a black and green color scheme to their physical appearance, is it coincidence or do they wear these colors to alert each other that they are on the same side? It wouldn't be unheard of to see various races who hate each other team up, as Archangels vigilantes composed of species that are normally enemies. And of course, Shepard's old crew. But then another thought struck TIM.

"There never seen together." TIM thought.

No video or reports from Cerberus agents or other witnesses, have ever show any of the Samaritans together. He thought it was to keep them from being ambushed, but there is also no footage of them meeting up with any of their helpers, and the helpers disappear as quickly as the Samaritans. TIM thought back to the time stamps of the appearances of both Samaritans and the helpers. When one of them appears it's the only one to be sighted at that time, and after their work is done, they will disappear, and another would pop up later and at a different location.

Were they working in shifts? Wouldn't it be more practical to have multiple Samaritans out in the field than just one at a time? Because there have been incidents where a second Samaritan in the field could have responded and assisted, and how do they choose which incident to intervene? And where do the helpers go when a Samaritan appears? What about that green flash and blue blur? Was it some sort of advanced transportation technology? Because they always seemed to arrive at a scene with perfect timing.

TIM was snapped out of his musing as his terminal alerted him of a message from Miranda. It was a report of Shepard's improving condition and assured him that she would be ready within the week.

"Maybe Shepard can get some answers. And hopefully recruit them…" TIM thought

Post-Shepard Awaking

TIM has been examining the dossier list repeatedly until he was sure he found the right men and women for the mission. He also examined the crew files of the Normandy as a precaution…again. While he was pleased to hear news that Shepard was up and about…and apparently fighting rogue mechs within the facility after being awake for five minutes.

"Damn you Wilson." TIM muttered, slightly irritated "I should've known the Shadow Broker would get to someone on the inside." he thought.

TIM regained his focused and finished checking the crew manifest, he is now confident with his choice in the ship's crew, especially a crew with Miranda Lawson and Jacob Taylor. They will ensure no more incidents with Cerberus personal, although he is confident in his choice of crew, because they lack the greed, deceit and ambition to sabotage the mission, especially when they know the importance of the mission.

He returned the screen to the dossier list and was about to check the Samaritan dossiers again…until a message from Miranda came, telling him that Shepard was waiting for his call. He then activated the holographic projector in front of him and waited for Shepard's image. He pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

The lifelike hologram of Commander Shepard appeared. A red-headed pale skin woman, she wore her iconic black N7 armor, this one however was created and designed by Cerberus after her original was destroyed beyond recovery. The left side of her face showed glowing orange scars that resembled circuitry, as result of the healing process being interrupted by the traitor Wilson. Hopefully Miranda and Doctor Chakwas can ensure that her healing process is completed and ready for when the time comes. He also noted her pale skin complexion was very unusual…almost like a corpse. Most likely another side effect from being awoken early, though it shouldn't be a problem. Right now, she just needed to begin recruiting members for her team, especially the Samaritans. He gave a small smile as he found it humorous that she also possessed emerald green eyes. TIM took a long inhale of his cigarette.

"(inhaling smoke) Commander Shepard (exhaling smoke)."

Shepard crossed her arms and gave him a hard stare "Illusive Man…"

Author: Alright guys let me have it. I won't hold a grudge, I know my writing sucks and needs work. I assume most of you have played (or seen walkthroughs) mass effect so I wasn't as detailed as some expected me to be. I know some of the dialogue isn't as clever but I am working on it.

About the Story: The Ben in this story is an alternate Ben 10. The Ben from the cannon (I call him Ben Prime) will make an appearance somewhere in the story, but not for sometime. This Ben has the Master Control (for now until I think of a scenario where he loses it) and the omnitrix recalibrated and gave him a random list of ten aliens from the cannon material. I was originally going to start the story with explaining how Ben arrived to the mass effect, but I wanted to star off with him meeting Shepard as soon as possible, and he will in the next chapter. I'll explain how he arrived when Shepard goes through and ask them about their story, this will give me more time to explain the situation and continue with the story.