Disclaimer-I don't own Miraculous Ladybug or anything involved in it.
Warning-Fluff, tooth rotting fluff, some family fluff, some love fluff, but this is fluff. Also some attempts at humor, but mostly fluff.
Summary- Chat wanted some Macaroons, and after feeding a stray cat they keep coming back. After a while he's introduced to the rest of the family as Marinette's boyfriend. One shots of there relationship, not chronological or anything, but all the same overarching story.
Note- Once again, no smut in this fic, but this is a steamier chapter with a lot of mentions of nudity, the steamiest chapter I plan on writing for this fic in fact.
Also as they are playing cards as of now not sure if I want to just try writing this and hope for the best, or get a pack of cards and try to recreate this, and I also don't know how much attention I'm putting on the game itself or on just the outcome.
Start, Jealous, Disney, Secret, Pre-Sin, Wrong Drink, Tom, Sabine, Biker Girl, Bite, Cards
Marinette was shuffling a deck of cards, waiting for her cat. It was a week after the whole Bite incident(her mother still teased her about it), and Marinette had the perfect revenge, a way to reduce her Knight to a blushing mess(not that that was hard to do, even after all this time Chat would get more flustered then she had around Adrien if she showed enough skin or talked dirty).
Her parents were out(she didn't question where they went these days when they left for a night to leave her and Chat alone. She suspected they were doing what they were letting her and Chat do, and that's not something she wanted to think about), her outfit set(jeans, socks, a dark t-shirt, and of course underwear underneath), the cards shuffled, and a space on her floor laid out, now all she needed was her Knight to show up.
And speak of the devil(or the kitten), and he shall appear, as Chat knocked on her trapdoor twice, before just slinking in, dropping to her bed, then jumping over the railing to the floor right next to her, kissing the top of her head in one smooth motion.
"Good afternoon Purr-incess playing solitaire?" came his normal greeting and a question.
"Nope, waiting for you Alley Cat, wanted to play a game, how do you feel about Rummy?" she asked, she felt like that game would suit her plan best, but it'd depend on him of course.
"Heard about it, you do matching 3 or 4 cards, or a straight of a suit, and when you run out of cards you add them up." he explained what little he knew of the game.
"That's right Chat, you start a turn by either taking a card, or picking from the discard line, you play any matches, straights, or you can play off of old matches and straights, then you discard only instead of just a pile it's a line. You can pick up the line from a card you can use, taking all cards on top for a big payoff, but a lot of cards in your hand. Once one of us 'goes out', in other words is out of cards they add up the cards on there field, then the other person adds there cards on the field, subtracts from the cards from the hand. If a person throws down a card that can be used on the field the other can call a 'rummy' and play it themselves. First person to 500 points wins."
He blinked for a minute, an explanation of a card game clearly not what he was expecting, but as she thought he was up for pretty much whatever she suggested, or at least up to try it.
They first played a practice round, playing slow, talking about there cards, making sure Chat understood the game.
And with that out of the way they played the first round, Chat kept glancing up at her like he was nervous about something, probably because she had a small smile on her lips the entire time, the trap ready to be sprung.
First round she went out for 90 points while Chat only got 35.
Next round he went out for 55 while she only got 20.
Third round and she went out for another 60 points, and Chat finally hit the mark she was waiting for when he got 40 points of his own. She had a total of 170 points while he had 130.
"Alright Alley Cat, let's give you some motivation." she told him, before taking off her socks and throwing them into the corner.
"Motivation?" he asked watching her warily, he was just aware as she was how weak he could be(at least weak for her).
"That's right, I had on socks, shirt, pants, bra, and panties, and to win you need 500 points. So every 100 points you get I'll take off another, of course if you want me naked you'll need to win." she saw him visibly swallow, he really was to easy, they had done way more then just see each other naked, but he still acted like it was the first time(she had been just as bad then, but she'd grown used to it way more then he had).
He scratched the back of his head, blushing, and mumbled what she thought was an agreement, and she couldn't help but grin. He really was to easy to tease, and far to ready to believe her considering she had absolutely no plans to stop at just light stripping.
"Next hand Alley Cat?" she asked sweetly shuffling the cards again.
The next hand didn't go very well for her lovable cat, he made 2 obvious mistakes and only by virtue of a lot of luck came out of it with a positive 10 points, meanwhile she went out for 90.
"Come on Alley Cat, I'm already half way there, don't you want to win?" she taunted, which got some fire in his eyes, although his eyes still had a habit of skirting over her in embarrassment.
It turned out he just seemed to be lucky in cards as he went out and after picking up a large discard pile and ended up with a whooping 105 giving him a total of 245, meanwhile she broke even staying at 260.
He glanced at her hopefully only to look away with a blush(he was adorable and she loved him for it, but honestly couldn't understand how after all the things they had done together, this slow stripping still had this much of an effect on him, sure she liked seeing him to, but after the dozenth time it stopped driving her to the edge of embarrassment) "For being bad luck personified you have some amazing luck at this game. But a deal's a deal, shirt next." taking off her shirt and throwing it to the side, this time he seemed just incapable of looking away even as his blush deepened.
"Come on Alley Cat, head in the game." she said sweetly dealing the next hand. After getting a considerable lead on her he stupidly threw out the wrong card letting her get 3, then all 4, aces before going out. She got 75 points for a total of 335 compared to his 60 giving him 305. But that did give him another hundred so...
She stood up as an undid the front of her jeans, his eyes following her fingers. "Come on Chat, you've seen this before, don't start drooling or anything." She was starting to feel at little mean, his blush was so deep, and he seemed unable to talk. He really was just an innocent kitten no matter what they did.
Jeans gone and thrown aside she didn't immediately go to the next hand, mostly because Chat looked like he may explode if she did.
He finally got out "You were a mess too when you first saw me." half defiantly half choking.
She laughed at him "Of course I was, that was my first time seeing another person naked outside of the locker room, much less my boyfriend. That was also ages ago and before we'd even really touched those parts, much less all the things we've done now. At this rate I'm afraid we'll be 40, and you'll still be a mess every time I need to change my shirt."
He grumbled out something that sounded suspiciously like "I'm not that bad"(which they both knew wasn't true), and took that as her cue to deal the next hand.
Luck did not seem to favor Chat that night though(which seemed obvious considering he was literally bad luck and she was good luck) as despite going out they both ended up with 70 points for 405 verse 375.
"Come on Alley Cat, if I get 500 points here you won't even see anything more." she blatantly lied, although he was to distracted to notice.
The next hand was the most interesting, as despite being able to go out very early she held off sine she wouldn't have enough points to win yet, giving Chat the chance to rack up is own points. But eventually good luck prevailed, and she went out with 125 points to his 80, giving a final score of 530 to 455.
Chat visibly drooped to her amusement(how a man that, at the youngest, was in his late teens still managed to be adorable was beyond her). She went over to sit right next to im and leaned onto him "My turn My Knight."
He blinked in confusion, still avoiding her eyes "For what Princess?"
She chuckled deep into her chest(he shuddered, he actually shuddered which nearly caused her to break into laughter, but that'd probably bruise his ego right now so she refrained) "Your reward was at 500 points I'd be naked, and since I was wearing 5 pieces of clothing I split it up into 1 piece for every hundred points. Well instead I got 500 points, and you are only wearing a 1-piece, so it's my turn for a reward."
He nodded after a second, and his zipper started to go down.
Not super happy with this chapter. I started it as a way for Mari to mess with Chat, and to show that despite everything he's still a cinnamon roll, but it felt a bit to porn-logic for me. But I wrote a complete chapter, so I see no reason to just not post it. Still though I think it's the weakest chapter in the story.
Next time I think I'll go for video games, just not sure if I want to go for Mario Kart, an older Mario Party, or Super Smash Brothers. They all have possibilities and I may just do them all 1 day, but for now I'm wondering which one first. Leaning towards SSB as that one has a lot of teasing potential with what character they pick and why, but maybe not.
Start, Jealous, Disney, Secret, Pre-Sin, Wrong Drink, Tom, Sabine, Biker Girl, Bite, Cards