HE leaned back against the statue of Alice in Wonderalnd on her Mushroom and watched the darkness of the park. Had it really been six months ago? It didn't seem it. Sometimes it was a lifetime ago. Sometimes it was yesterday.

After the first few weeks of wondering if the sewers would suddenly be swarming with science teams....and debating amongst themselves on the subject (Raph said they should move, Leo said the scientific community would never believe a street kid, etc.) they had finally relaxed a little. Mike supposed she might tell someday, but as time went on it seemed less likely she would give their secret away. The honor of thieves it seemed, was a reality after all. At least, that thief.

They others seemed to have forgotten her now. They never spoke about her at all. Only Splinter would sometimes make a comment that made mike think he might think of her from time to time. When they had returned and told him what had happened he had said only "Choice is a very powerful thing, my sons. Through mere choice, we might change ourselves completely. the choice is in her hands, and I think now we will see who she truly is." he had smiled a little "I think she will be Jessica"

The others had no idea what he meant, but mike thought he did. Was she Cat or Jessica? He thought his master had been right.

He found himself wandering by this statue sometimes in the dead of night. He had never yet left any sign of his passing for her or anyone else to find, and he had never seen her here, but sometimes he saw evidence that someone had slept here.

And then, two days ago, he had found a note. It had been pinned to the ground with a stick, and looked like a piece of trash except for the rough drawing of a cat on it. He had taken it, and read.

Someone wants to meet you. Someone I can trust to tell, and you too, If it's all right for me to let her in, meet me. Thursday. 1:30.

Below was another picture of a cat, and beside it a rabbit.

So here he sat in the wee hours of the morning. Waiting in the dark. Jessie had kept her promise, and was still keeping it. She asked for permission and he had an idea he knew why. You never knew what was going to happen on the streets. And if Jessie couldn't look out for her, Mike could. And so he waited.

He saw her after a few minutes, standing very still in the shadows of the trees. Her eyes met his and he smiled at her and gave her a little nod. She smiled back, and turned to look at the person behind her.

They came from the trees, a thin shadow and a small shadow and sat down beside him. The little Asian girl looked up at him with wide eyes and a small smile "Oh wow" She said "You're cool. You an alien."

Jessie smiled at her "This is Mike, Rabbit. He's my friend."

Rabbit smiled. Mike returned it "Hi Rabbit" He said

Jessie looked at the child, and then back at Mike. She reached out and clasped his hand. Surprised, he looked at her, and then smiled.

Jessie smiled "Remember this Rabbit. Mike and his family are part of Shadow now."

Rabbit nodded "I'll remember" she said.

Mike smiled "Yeah...I'll remember too." he said and squeezed Jessie's hand like a brother.
