Title: White Widow
Chapter: Five
Author: Blue Rose
Rating: M (Hard R)
Pairing: Sasuke/Sakura
Summary: "Running away was easy; not knowing what to do next was the hard part." - Sakura needed to stop fantasizing about running away to some other life, and start figuring out the one she had. [Sasu/Saku, Modern AU]

Warnings: Adult Content
Disclaimer: I own nothing, and I damn sure don't make a single red cent for this either. So please, don't sue the Blue

Author Notes: Chapter is un-beta'd, so please excuse any typo's or mistakes. Sorry, I know it's been a while. I hope everyone is doing well during these times. Please be sure to leave a review/like if you can. Even if it's just a word or two, I really appreciate any feedback. I welcome emoji's and Lenny Faces 💙💙💙 (づ ͡° ³ ͡°)づ . Thank you for reading :)

:✧・ ゚・*・゚・✧ B R ✧・゚・*・゚ ・✧:

Chapter Five

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Regret was felt in her choice of footwear as her heels clicked loudly towards the elevator bank. She tried to ignore the slight pinch the black shoes caused near her smallest toe, but fashion was pain as they'd like to say and she couldn't allow the small ache to stop her strut.

The one thing she wasn't regretting?

Discreetly texting Sasuke during her meeting with her mentor. She thought she'd done a good job at being sneaky. Tsunade not verbally calling her out for being distracted made for a successful mission, in her book. At least, that was until the device went off twice; back-to-back. There wouldn't be a chance for a third.

"Do you need to get that?"

Ok... so, maybe she wasn't as covert as she thought she was. It only took a few seconds to see what was written while the apology was flying out of her mouth. Maybe a few more to type out a reply before she finally switched the phone to silent mode, out of respect. The last thing she wanted to be was rude.

Another opportunity presented itself when Tsunade received a call from her desk phone. Excusing herself to answer it, her office chair spun away from the pinkette. Sakura didn't mind at all, using the time to bring her phone closer, eyes glinting as she responded to the last message she received from him.

He was going to bring her coffee.

She felt a flare of anticipation blossom inside at the thought of seeing him again, in the flesh. Her tongue peeked out to wet her lips, before they curved into a smile. Her yearning for the hot beverage was only mentioned briefly during their exchanged texts. Usually tea would be her preferred choice, but not today. She had passed a keurig machine in the hall, but was craving something fresh and hot… a roasted brew of delight that was sure to perk her up nice and good.

His response to the passing comment?



"How do you take it?"


She didn't put much thought into it at the time. Writing it off as small talk, or just plain curiosity. Even as she typed out the simple order, it never occurred to her where this could lead. But when he replied with an ETA, it became all too real, that yes...

He was in fact, on his way… coming to see her.

It was hard to dispel the mirth that followed. Even so... she attempted to deny him. She was more than capable of scoring her own liquid gold and tried to politely decline, making sure to emphasize that, she was fine... really. He didn't need to go out of his way, for such a trivial thing. Not to mention, the last thing she wanted to be was a burden.

What if he wasn't in the area? Was he really going to brave mid-day traffic, just to bring her some if he wasn't? Granted, the city wasn't too vast, but depending on the time of day and where you wanted to go, you could find yourself stuck behind the wheel much longer than planned.

But his curt reply a moment later let her know in no uncertain terms that, it wasn't a big deal… and he would call her when he was a few minutes away. She had no choice but to let him have it his way. If he was really this insisting, who was she to turn him down? It was such a small gesture. Really, it was only coffee...


Contentment warmed her from within and she took a defiant joy in it all. Maybe she was crushing as hard as she feared she might be…

Tsunade chose that time to place her call on hold, briskly informing Sakura that she was going to be tied up longer than she thought. They would need to catch up at a later time it seemed. The demanding schedule required of a woman of her stature was to be expected... and respected.

Completely understanding Sakura excused herself from the office, making plans to connect with her at a later time as she waved goodbye.

Now… she found herself going down on the elevator. And sure enough there it was, the silly little grin only broadening as she caught her reflection against the gold plated doors. But as she stepped outside the building and into a blooming courtyard, her mind cautioned against such distractions. Because… really, her attention should be elsewhere. Like concentrating on the full schedule of school-related exams and activities. All of which were sure to be a part of her calendar, very soon.

Sighing, she brought a hand to her eye, attempting to rub away the tingle she felt behind it. Recognizing the signs of a stressed induced headache when she felt it, she willed herself calm.

Sure, there was much to be done between now, and the start of classes. There were forms to fill out, studying to do… not to mention moving into a new place. It could become overwhelming if she wasn't careful. Luckily, she considered herself to be a fairly organized person. All she needed to do was use her time wisely from here on out. And there was no better time like the present to start planning, she supposed. At least, that was a phrase her mother used often.

Part of a good work ethic is planning ahead, she would say. Don't wait until the last minute to do something, if it can be taken care of now.

She needed to have a little more faith in herself, she thought; feeling her confidence return as quickly as it left. She needed to start trusting that everything would work itself out. There was no need to start stressing out now, so soon.

Besides, what was a little coffee and meetup going to hurt? Surely she could handle academics and boys at the same time, just fine. It's not like she hadn't before...

Not liking where those particular thoughts were pulling her, Sakura distracted herself by glancing at her phone. Making her way out to the street, she paused to look around… hoping to catch sight of the tall, dark, and handsome distraction who should actually be arriving soon. Her phone vibrated with a new message.

He was here.

She raised her chin, watching a large SUV pull to the curb further down the block. She weaved forward when the lights flashed briefly, forgetting about the small pain on her foot. She strolled towards the waiting vehicle, trying for her best poker face. She would do herself no favors if she appeared as giddy as she felt at that moment.

Raising the phone to her ear, cracks of a small smile kept slipping through with each step she took.

"Is that you?"

"No... it's a serial killer with duct tape and rope."

Ok, so maybe that was not the best choice of words to say to her but it was amusing. The sour look on her face alone was worth it, and he chuckled as she got closer.

Was she always this easy to rile up?

As she got closer he ended the call, pressing the unlock button when she reached up to open the door. As it opened he couldn't help but take her in.

Their eyes met while she idled outside on the curb, still grasping the door handle as she drew nearer. Hesitant, her eyes darted between him and the seat, calculating the distance.

Holding his tongue, he said nothing about her height as he pointed to a grab bar with a nod and she rolled her eyes.

Her slender hand reached for it anyways, balancing one heel on the step bar below the door while the other swung inside. His eyes caught the way her curves finally settled, her opaque tights matching the black leather of the cars' seats. He adjusted the temperature on the console dash, catching a glimpse of pink on her rounded cheeks.

"Are you sure you should be in the front seat? I could pop the trunk open… that's usually where victims are kept, right?" He continued with the morbid joke as she shut the heavy door.

She huffed, eyes challenging as she met his own.

"As if… I could gut you in four different ways before you ever got the chance." Sakura fired back but graced him with a smile in greeting. So innocent and sweet, despite the threats of bodily harm spewing from them just a few moments ago, and he had no doubt she could make good on her promise.

Damn did she have a pretty smile.

Akuruma decided that now was a good time to make his presence known. He was all fur and wet snout as his head popped up between them. She instantly coo'ed and turned, greeting him with a much larger smile than the one she had gifted him with.

So the mutt was going to receive more attention than him?


Her hands petted Akumaru's head a bit more, but her thoughts were elsewhere. Animals were such sensitive creatures, and the puppy sensed it was time to settle back down. Sasuke used that time to threaten him if he marked on anything.

Watching him from the corner of her eyes she wanted to know what else pissed him off. It should have been weird, but her curiosity got the best of her. What were his other ticks and dislikes? What made him smile, what did he do for fun or what was his favorite show?

Did he even watch tv?

She wanted to know his favorite color and what was the meaning of the intricate tattoos on his back and arms... maybe a little audaciously; how he liked his eggs cooked in the morning?

There was this urge to analyze the feelings that seemed to linger between them, and it grew the longer she found herself in his presence. The need to understand why they'd become so magnetic... and why the attraction was just as intense now, then it had ever been. It didn't make sense because it should have peaked, especially after they melted the sheets in their passion that fateful night. But even now, there was this... yearning.

It manifested physically when her hands became itchy and needy. Her fingers tingling with the urge to reach out and touch him and she couldn't help but notice their proximity. How he was sitting close but yet, much too far away. She promised herself she wouldn't be greedy... a few touches would placate her for the time being. Hell, even holding his hand, as corny as that was, would do just fine. Hands that were so much larger than her own she noticed, not for the first time. Strong fingers stemming from a large, warm palm that could leave trails in their wake.

His blood burned through his skin and seeped into your own when pressed against him. Not too blistering to be uncomfortable, but definitely noticeable. She wondered briefly if it would be awkward sleeping next to him in the warmer months when the nights could get humid and sticky.

Would she try to move away?

Or seize the opportunity to bask in the balmy heat no matter how torrid it was, because-

Sakura mentally hit the breaks… swallowing thickly as her eyes fluttered up to catch his gaze before turning away. Damnit... she was too grown to be daydreaming about a guy, specifically if said guy was sitting right there, next to her.


He greeted her and she responded in turn, noticing how soft the words sounded coming from them, even to her own ears.


She could feel his eyes on her as she shifted in her seat. Her toes curled slightly as she became nervous at her own inability to keep her more… deviant thoughts in check. Trying to taper them down was becoming harder and harder these days. And that was a very dangerous thing for a person like herself, who was much too expressive for her own good.

Besides, she still had yet to solidify exactly what it was she was looking for, with wanting to spend time with him. Was she even looking for anything at all? And what about him and his intentions? She could think of one or two things he might be interested in, but...

In the end, it left her with more questions than answers. It really drove home the warning of how careful she should be around him. At least until she figured some things out. But reaching this conclusion did not stop her heart from picking up a beat or two in her chest.

He was still looking at her.

She could feel his dark eyes lingering on her form as she kept her own averted, gazing out the windshield before looking down. She was running out of time to compose herself and her small hand came up to brush against her industrial piercing, hoping her hair was doing a good job at covering her ears. The cartilage must be painted with color by now with how hot she was feeling.

Her eyes finally rose from her lap as Sasuke reached down and grabbed something from the cup holder, raising it between them.


She was so preoccupied, that she completely spaced as to why he was here in the first place. Sakura's eyes brightened in pure excitement as her own hand extended.

It was at that moment, she realized just how quiet it was around them, in their little bubble. There was currently no music playing, and Akumaru had settled down in the back for a quick nap. So in the silence, as she reached for the coffee that was much appreciated...

Her stomach took the opportunity to let out an angry growl.

She winced.

And he gave her a dirty look.

"Have you eaten?"

She winced again, avoiding eye contact for the second time.


"Food. Have you had anything to eat today?"

It was supposed to be a question, but she easily picked up on the accusation in his tone. Her eyes narrowed, not wanting a fight, but sure as hell ready to give one. She was not one to easily back down; even if he was hot as fuck.

"Yes... earlier."

She extended her arm to reach for the hot brew but really, she should have known better. Nothing regarding Sasuke Uchiha would ever be that easy.


The beautiful dark grey iris she was always charmed by, trapped her for a moment. But she was quick to move again, even if it was on principle alone...

"This morning..." She bit out, managing to sway to his will anyways. It didn't matter she thought, moving to try again.


He held it just out of reach without a word, and if she wasn't afraid he'd accidentally spill it everywhere, she'd deck him good.

Or... at least nudge him in the arm for being so cruel. She could smell the sweet scent drifting towards her and he was being a big, fat jerk right now.

"I had a smoothie earlier, ok? Now can I please have my coffee?" She elaborated, giving him the answers he was seeking.

"You mean your crack?" A smirk had spread across his face, mistaking the deep craving she had today, for caffeine addiction.

Sakura's fist clenched, a knuckle popping.

He brought the drink in front of her, and she would never know if it was because of mercy... or self-preservation.

She took one deep breath, allowing the vanilla to seep into her pores as her fingers gripped the warm cup. She didn't bother to turn and sit properly before she took a sip, still facing him when her eyes closed... a soft moan of contentment leaving her.

Sasuke's eyes followed one swallow, then another… before finally cutting his eyes away. He grabbed his own drink from the cup holder, grateful to have something for his suddenly parched mouth.

She smiled and ultimately settled back, giddy, and happy as can be now that she'd gotten her prize.

"So... what are you in the mood for?"

Sakura opened her eyes and tilted her head in his direction.


While he did not enjoy repeating himself, there was a lack of annoyance in his tone.

"Where do you want to go for lunch? Pick something, or I will. And make sure it's something good too, because you will eat every bite... especially if I'm paying."

The smirk had returned on his face... softer this time before hiding it behind his own cup as he took another sip.

The corner of Sakura's mouth quirked and she mirrored his expression... before reaching for her seatbelt.

✧・゚* : *゚・✧

"-and if they were going to change their minds, surely you would have shared that information by now."

The wallpaper that stretched across the back western wall never ceased to capture his attention, whenever he visited the spacious office. It was a replica of the world map. The background was a solid black, with slate grey lines outlining every continent and body of ocean.

"Well, maybe you should speak with Mr. Andrew Williamson at the downtown branch. The little shit would sell his elderly mother to gutter stock if it meant getting-"

The names of continents and countries were etched along the surface, the calligraphy outlined in silver glittery ink. The reflection causing it to sparkle like faded diamonds. Numbers lined the borders, mapping coordinates to places he'd never been… places he'd probably never see.

"-how the hell should I know? That's YOUR job. A career that should be reconsidered, if things progress the way they have-"

It reminded him every time of how he really should take a vacation, why simultaneously mocking him for even bringing up such a thought.

"-don't call me until it's done, understood?"

The figure leaning just inside the doorway straightened slowly. Seems like that unfortunate phone call had wrapped up. He adjusted his pose, folding his arms as his booted feet shifted. He opened his mouth, but the man behind the large, oak desk raised his hand; the other wandering to pinch the bridge of his nose.

"If this is more bad news, I'm afraid I have very little patience for it at the moment."

"Hmph. Quite the opposite, in fact."

The dark-haired man behind the desk lowered his hands to peer at the doorway. He removed his reading glasses and stood when the figure at the door flicked his wrist in a come heather motion.

Moving to stand at the entrance they both looked down the hall, to another figure waiting at the far end. The dark-haired man turned back to his business partner with raised brows.

"Stephen-… something or another." He answered easily, inclining his head. "But he goes by the name 'Beez'."

"And why would I care about some kid named Beez?"

The youth in question was unaware of the eyes on him as he stood at the end of the hall, waiting. His phone kept changing color as the screen flashed while loud music could be heard humming from his earpods.

"Because he's the answer to that little problem we have. Remember the group that hacked the app? Well, Beez here was apart of that group. Wasn't hard to find… little shits these days can't help bragging. So I thought… what better person to track down exactly what happened, then someone responsible for the mess in the first place?"

The dark-haired man squared his shoulders, deep lines marking his disgruntlement.

"If what you say is true… then why shouldn't I put a bullet through his meddling skull now, and be done with it. Since he's the reason my money is missing."

Their voices were kept low but it didn't matter, the teen was none the wiser.

"Weren't you the one just cautioning against more killing?" He contended.

"Yes, I did. And if I remember correctly, I'm sure that was mentioned before you-… took care of Hidan." The dark-haired man deadpanned.

"And what exactly would you have me do? Seal him in some deep hole, in the middle of a magical hidden forest? Imprisoned?"

Truly, he swore; sometimes... there were no better options than to give someone a night of permanent sleep.

"I would warn for more caution, regarding our future moves. That includes taking care of problems, that took care of other problems. The last thing we need is to leave any trails behind. One mess is enough to deal with."

An eerie pause, before he continued.

"After this one... of course. But only if needed."

Their gazes met in understanding.

The tall figure glanced down the hall one final time, before returning to his office.

He needed a fucking advil... and a shot of something strong.

✧・゚* : *゚・✧

She could not quite remember the last time she'd eaten ramen. Funny thing was, she had not had a craving for it, in ages... but something about today had made her pallet crave something steamy…



Maybe it was in the way Sasuke had fussed over her eating… or lack thereof. The concern, quickly followed with trying to shove something edible down her hatch, well... it was something that reminded her of another time… of another person.

A different place.

And before she knew it, a shadowy figure came to mind in the midst of it all. That beaming smile… so full of concern and care. Bright enough to ease the sting as he'd often berated her wacky eating habits.

"You need to eat… Sakura-chan-"

Sakura mentally shook herself from thoughts that made her want to cry, and laugh, at the same time. She tried clearing away the memories along with the accompanied voices, as fast as they manifested. She tried to save herself from the impending heartache that line of thinking would surely bring. Now was not the time to be getting sentimental and teary-eyed.

Especially in the presence of her current company.

It was easy to pivot, matching the grin Sasuke threw her way as she dialed in to pay attention. He continued on with the conversation without interruption, and she perked up to listen once again. There wasn't a valid reason she should be distracted, not when he was here. The corner of her eyes crinkled as her smile matched his, and she found herself lost in his eyes.

So piercing...

So mesmerizing... stealing away her attention and she actively gave in, wanting to lean forward just a bit, if only to get closer.

This was nice.

Just being here in this moment, with him. So carefree and chill... it was everything she needed right now. Like a balm on a wound she wasn't aware of.


Soothing... and peaceful.

Like a warm blanket, you wanted to snuggle under during a chilly night. A feeling she had not felt in a very long time, and she wished this moment would last just a bit longer. But, she needed to come back down to earth at some point.

"Thank you for the food, I haven't had ramen in forever."

She drew a palm across her full tummy, her fingers running across her wool houndstooth mini skirt.

Sasuke's chest rose and fell with a snicker, mentioning that this was the cheapest date he'd ever been on. Admittedly, the ramen food truck was the most delicious either had in a while, though.

Wait… this was a date?

The question slipped out and he turned towards her… his mouth twitching in amusement.

"I don't know, is it?"

She released an unladylike snort, folding her arms.

"You never asked me out… so no." She could be very stubborn when she wanted to be. A certified brat, if left unchecked.

The hand resting on the steering wheel moved so he could rest his forearm on the midrest between them. Several glossy strands of ink fell into one eye as he turned towards her.

She felt compelled to lick her lips and his greedy eyes followed the movement. Her forearm brushed closer to his and she met his gaze, feeling an amorous heat underneath her that had nothing to do with the heated seats.

Dark lashes broke eye contact as he moved forward, but her eyes stayed stubbornly open in surprise as his nose bumped against hers... her pupils dilating with the soft brush.

The sharp gasp that spilled from her was inhaled by him when their lips finally touched. A small touch of sweltering heat that was barely anything but still so very real, before he leaned away to open his eyes; sending her a teasing glance, draped in want.

It made her feel daring, knowing her earlier thoughts were not so crazy after all. Daring enough to lock gazes with him before she traped his bottom lip between ivory, taking advantage of the reduced distance to scrape the soft flesh with her teeth. A hint of tongue was meant to dampen the sting after the fact… but it just made the fire worse, for both of them. It was her turn to swallow a gasp, this one released by him; as she brought them closer together. The intimate press was everything she'd been craving since at least this morning…

And she wasn't talking about the coffee.

He appeased her, tilting his head in just the right angle to take over. Her hand came to touch his angular jaw as he pressed his tongue to her lips, sighing when she let him in.

His kisses were as sweet as she remembered them to be, with just the right amount of recklessness to make her fingers curl up into his hair… moaning into every savory caress. Receiving another taste she wondered what his reaction would be, if she slid into the seat with him to remove all of the distance and smiled because her inner self was always so much more daring then she ever cared to be. It wasn't often she made an appearance but seemed to be completely on board with the impromptu makeout session. She knew she'd promised not to be greedy but did it count if he was the one pushing closer to her now? Dominating the heated lip lock and she just followed his lead, softening against him at every point of contact.

A small… whine of a sound curled up between them and Sasuke broke away first, eyes peeking open to study her. It took a while for her to gather her wits, breathing harshly along with him. She shook her head as her voice spoke up, scratchy and low but-

"That wasn't me."

Another second went by… long enough for their minds to clear from the sensual fog and to mutually place the sound as they drifted further apart, eyes darting to the back seat of the warm interior.


The driver's door was opened and closed faster then she could fully process just what the hell was going on.

He circled around the back, before coming beside the rear passenger door. The heavy metal was whipped open so rapidly her hair stirred around her head, even though she was sitting in the front seat.

A jingle of chains and another curse before the door was closed firmly.

Sakura turned in her seat to look out the dark tinted window as Sasuke stood a short distance away… Akumaru squatting next to a tree to do his business.

A tinkering laugh sprung free before her hand could cover her mouth. She hoped he was too far away to hear anything. The windows were up after all.

But the sharp glare Sasuke threw her over his shoulder let her know that she'd epically failed.

End Chapter

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