Clementine affectionately listens to Louis' heartbeat as she lay beside him with her ear pressed against his chest.

Clem loves when he's this relaxed. It calms her, she is able to sleep comfortably with the steady beat of his heart.

Louis has his arm wrapped around Clementine's right side with his hand gently laying on her hip.

They must have been laying for hours, but they loved every minute they get to hold each other.

Clem has her right arm laying from his torso to his midchest. The heat coming off of his body always gives her butterflies.

She then notices that his heartbeat rose, and she could hear raspy quick breaths pumping out of his chest. She lifts her head looking at him. He has tears flowing down the side of his face. Staring at the ceiling, he is letting out quite whimpers, obviously trying to keep himself from waking his partner.

"Louis?" Clem hoping her voice would make him give an answer. He doesn't break eye contact with the ceiling, trying his best to control his emotions, but they overpower him.

"L-Louis, what's wrong?" her heart starts to break at the sight of his distress. She knows that he was battling the emotions to look strong for her, she just wants to ease his pain.

Louis looks down to her face. He stares into her eyes, his lips quiver and the tears flow like a waterfall. He sniffs trying to clear his sinuses, but to no advail.

His broken eyes pull a million red flags in her head. She sits up and pulls his upper body onto her lap. She lifts his torso and holds him as tight as she can.

"J-Just tell me what I can do Lou. You know I hate to see you like this." He buries his face into her breast soaking her shirt with his tears.

Clementine has never seen him like this before. This is beyond his normal nightmares that he gets from the incident with Dorian, but she has never seen him so broken.

Clem tilts her head onto his. She kisses his forehead "I'm right here. I'm right here."

She hears a faint murmur from her breast "I can't lose her. I can't lose him. Take me instead. Please."

She takes a gamble that he's talking about her and AJ. Her heart sinks into depths she didn't know exist. Tears start to form and blur her vision.

She tries to speak but the tightness of her throat blocks her words.

"Please, please don't take them from me." Louis continues his sob into her shirt.

She is able to pull herself together to form words. "We're not going to leave you Lou." She sits paralyzed, not knowing what to do to soothe the pain.

"They're all I have left...Please...Please." The faint remark made her cheeks turn bright red. She never knew he felt like this.

His restless body starts to give, his tears dry, and he falls back to his dreams, in the arms of his partner. Exhaustion causes his body to fall limp. She stares into his face with a look of concern, but she gives a smile, knowing he is at peace.

She lays her back against the wall. She feels his heartbeat return to its normal routine. Her eyes feel like iron shutters and she closes them.

She thinks to herself We won't leave you.