The Ending of a Childhood

"Issei Hyoudou" - Talking

'Issei Hyoudou'- Thought

[ Issei Hyoudou ] - Inanis

Issei Hyoudou was a happy child with a decent life. He had some friends to play with and had kind loving parents. Issei was a reasonably tall child for his age at six years old, he wasn't a giant, but he certainly wasn't short either. He weighed more than average as well but not in fat, Issei was well built and had a decent set of muscles, while they were not huge he was only six, most six-year-olds wouldn't even have muscles.

He had dark black hair that looked like perpetual darkness it was fair in length and was slightly spikey and messy, though not in a bad way. He had deep unnaturally violet eyes; people would look in them and would comment that it looked as if they were gazing into a galaxy.

He was surprisingly smart as a child efficiently doing solving problems that other kids in his class wouldn't be able to do, even though he never paid attention in class. He was an odd child, to say the least.

Issei Hyoudou was in the park with his best friend Irina Shidou she was a child with short hazelnut colored hair; she also had violet color eyes like Issei did except hers was a much more natural shade of violet, less bright and vibrant.

The two children were playing superheroes in the park together. It was a lovely day sunny out warm with a cool breeze blowing against the children's skin. Issei and Irina are currently sitting on top of the monkey bars talking to each other about what they wanted to do in the future, and all the fun things it could hold while looking at the white clouds floating in the air. The mood went silent; they quietly sat there enjoying each others company. Issei didn't have a whole lot of friends then again he always said he wanted a true friend, not a lot.

Irina looked at Issei; he was wearing a black shirt with cargo pants and sandals. She knew he didn't have many friends and she dreaded telling him that she and her family were going to move to England soon for her fathers work. She knew he didn't have many friends, she didn't want to hurt him, but she didn't want to leave her great friend alone. She knew she had to tell him after staring at the ground building up the courage she looked at him, hoping he wouldn't take it too hard.

"...Hey Issei" She was nervous, she didn't want to hurt her friend and was scared that she would be mad at her for leaving him. She knew he wasn't the type of person to be made of something that she couldn't control, but she couldn't help but dread.

"yeah, you ok Irina you look a little down" Issei stated in concerned for her friend. It made her happy that he was concerned for her and her wellbeing. 'He always was the person to ask if I was ok, he's so nice' she thought to herself as she looked at his concerned face, a slight blush growing on her face.

"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks for asking," she said "I'm sorry to say this but... tomorrow my family is moving to England early in the morning... I wanted to tell you earlier, but I couldn't gather the courage to tell you... I'm sorry" She finished looking down, feeling guilty that she didn't tell Issei sooner. She just didn't want to hurt her friend.

She couldn't understand what he was thinking as she was looking down away from him; she didn't want to see him become angry or sad like she feared he would become. She flinched a little when she felt Issei grabbed her shoulders. However, it didn't feel like it was harsh. It felt soft and smooth like a caring mother trying to help her crying child. She looked up slightly to see his deep violet eyes staring at her with a goofy smile.

"That's ok Irina," he said, reliving her that he wasn't mad or upset. "We'll just have to meet up later and play even more to make up for our time we lost together, right Irina?" Issei asked with a smile on his faces. Irina suddenly lost all of her worry and concern that Issei would've been upset. She looked up at him staring at him surprised by his response, she smiled and leaped off of the monkey bars Issei soon following her.

When he jumped off as well, she turned and quickly pulled him into a tight embrace. Her head was tucked in his chest; she had a bittersweet smile on her face hoping that they would see each other again no matter how slim the chances are.

"Irina, what's wrong?" Issei asked putting his hands on her shoulders pushing her off a little so he could see her face, she was smiling with flushed cheeks and tears threatening to leave her eyes. "I'm fine, I'm just so happy your not upset that I didn't tell you earlier," She said sniffling trying not to cry. Issei just smiled happy that she didn't complain due to sadness. Issei couldn't help but smile due to her words; he rubbed her head a little while patting her back trying to help her.

He just wanted to see the ones he cared about smile and be happy regardless of how he felt about it. He looked at the sky as she buried her head but into his chest holding him tighter, he was thinking about the future hoping she would have a great time in England and make loads of good friends. He noticed that the sky was turning an orange color, looking at the sun he saw it was setting and gave a bittersweet smile, knowing that this will be possibly their final moments together.

"Hey Irina, we should probably start heading home our parents are going to start worrying about us," Issei said, looking at her. She looked up at him and nodded agreeing with what he said; we started to walk home in pleasant silence. We eventually split paths walking to our homes; Issei was downcast that he might never see Irina again.

(From now own well be in Issei's POV instead of the 3rd POV)

I've finally managed to catch my house in eyesight walking there I looked at the sky noticing it was starting to get cloudy, I could smell the humidity in the air. The clouds were looking darker than before, and the sky almost black.

'wow we were out there for a while, guess she wanted to spend more time with me since she knew she was moving' I thought to myself closing in on my house. I reached my home entering while smelling a delicious dinner; it smelled like rice and pork as well as a soup with many ingredients. I took my shoes putting them by the door. I walked into the kitchen seeing my mother Vylora cooking while my father Gradum is cleaning in the living room while listening to TV.

"Oh, hello sweetie glad your home dinner is almost done, we're having pork rice and some Kenchin Jiru soup," Vylora said with a sweet, warm smile, turning back to check on how dinner was going. I nodded walking to my room to play with my toys until my mother was done with dinner. I also needed to put some itch cream on my back shoulder blades.

I'm not sure why the itch is there considering I don't have a rash or anything showing skin irritation, I just ignored it and applied it on anyways even if it didn't help that much. 'now that I'm thinking about it my arms are starting to feel a little weird too' I thought looking in the mirror.

"HONEY DINNERS READY" my mother called out. I quickly put away the medication cream and ran downstairs to see my mother and father sitting at the wooden dining table with tier food and a plate of food in front of an empty chair for me.

"So honey what did you and Irina do at the park today," my mother asked with a warm smile on her face. Both of my parent's expression changed to a concerned one when I looked down at my food with a down casted look.

"Son, what's wrong did something happen between you two?" my father, Gradum asked me with a frown and concern in his eye. He stood up and walked over to put his hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me, I'm sure he can tell I'm upset.

"...yeah, Irina told me her family was moving to England today...I'm just upset that I may not be able ever to see her again," I said while tears threatened to leave my eyes.

To say the least they my parents were surprised to hear this, our families were very close and the fact that Irina's parents didn't tell them was astonishing to them. "did they say why they were moving?" my mother asked with a confused look on her face.

"no all Irina said was they were moving to England tomorrow early in the morning" I said, starting to feel a little better due to my parents comforting presence. We all decided to leave it there since there isn't anything we can do for it.

We finished our dinner, and I collected the plates to carry them to the sink I was going to do the dishes for my parents, but my father told me to go ahead and take a shower since I played in the park all day. My father was doing the dishes in my place as I went to get a change of clothes ready to take a shower.

When I got to the bathroom, I started undressing taking my dirty clothes and threw them in the laundry hamper. 'What the hell' I thought to myself as something caught my attention, I noticed to black spots on my shoulder blades exactly where my back has been itching. At the time I decided to ignore it and hop into the shower and just hope it will go away.

I spent around half an hour standing there washing my hair back hoping to get those black spots off, but most of the time I was just thinking about Irina. It was soothing standing in the shower letting the warm water run through my hair and over my body, it's very comforting.

I've been bushing my back with a brush soaked in soap this entire time, when I realized I was just wasting water at this point I quickly got out. I looked turned my back to the mirror to check on my black spots that appeared on my back.

'Wow..' I ended up brushing my back so much that it's all red preventing me from seeing any black spots at all. I kinda just shrugged it off hoping that it would take care of itself if I just gave it enough time.

I walked downstairs to see dark rooms, I assume my parents must have gone to bed already. I quickly decided to do the same thing walking back upstairs and up to my room, once I entered and practically faced planted straight into my bed.

I was exhausted mentally and physically from playing with Irina all day and learning that my best, and only friend is moving tomorrow morning far away. Well probably never see each other again. I started to doze off to sleep slowly letting my heavy eyelids close to entering a dream.

I was back at the park with Irina playing together all over again reliving everything we did today. Though for some reason I was conscious of the fact that we did this already unlike most of my dreams, In most I wouldn't know it wasn't real until I awoke from my sleep. Saying I was confused was a severe understatement, my mind was racing at practically 100 thoughts a second.

"Hey Irina what the hell is going on here, I thought we left the park, and you were getting ready to move?" I asked her analyzing my surroundings with a seriously confused look on my face the entire time. She was motionless the whole time it was unnerving; she was almost like a mannequin. When I reached her I put my hand on her shoulder, she felt cold so cold that she felt like she was made of solid ice.

When I pulled on her shoulder to get her to face me, I instantly flinched back with a slight tinge of fear mixed within my massive amount of confusion. 'What the HELL' I shouted in my mind backing up as I was shocked looking into where Irina's violet eyes were supposed to be, but instead were replaced with a void of nothingness.

I fell down while backing up the twinge of fear that was instilled in me growing every second I stared into the pure black void where her eyes were supposed to be. Suddenly the entire sky turned black void of any color, and the park, trees, Irina, and everything standing around in this dream world was consumed into the black void I was standing in right now.

My eyes were darting all over the place trying to figure out what the hell is going on right now, looking around all I see was emptiness I wasn't even sure which way was up or down anymore. I was watching everywhere trying to find something to hold onto because at this point I was in pure fear. Something caught my eye although I couldn't tell what it was all I saw was a flash of a vibrant violet light before it returned to pitch black.

"What the hell is going on!" I shouted into the void hoping something, anything would respond. Shortly after I heard a loud noise that sounded like a colossal mass hitting the ground at high speeds, the force from whatever caused the noise sent me flying across the void until I hit the ground tumbling over. Once I stopped rolling on the ground, I stood up and quickly turned around only to be shocked widening my eyes.

"What the HELL!" I shouted seeing a giant black dragon with violet eyes, the same color as mine staring at me almost like it was observing, and examining me. The black spikey dragon looked like it was a western origin, with four legs and giant wings that seemed to be emitting a black mist. The dragon was MASSIVE at least being 50 meters. After observing me for around half a minute, he let out a loud and powerful laugh shaking the void we were standing in knocking me off my balance.

[Well well what an interesting host I have here] the massive black dragon said with a chuckle. "What the hell are you? Where am I? What's going on?" I asked in a fearful voice.

The dragon looked at me with a bit of surprise [why are you so confused child, you are one of my descendants?] the black dragon asked me in a surprised tone. Unfortunately what he said didn't answer any of my questions only adding more to the pile. "descendant? What the hell are you talking about? I don't even know who you are!" I exclaimed.

This shocked the dragon that I didn't know what he was talking about. [I suppose I will answer your questions child, but you have to answer some for me afterward] he stated in a loud, deep, commanding voice that demanded respect.

I sat in silence and looked into his violet eyes only nodding at his words. [We are in your mindscape child, think of this as like a dream world where we can speak to one another freely without interruption. I am known as the black dragon emperor of shadow and void or Inanis a massive power that was locked away in a sacred gear that is sealed away inside of your body, which in itself is a mystery on its own. You are the son of Gradum a full-blooded dragon, he is my great, grandchild making you my great great grandchild. Making you my descendent also a dragon, however, it seems you're a hybrid between a devil and a dragon. Your mother must have been a half dragon half devil hybrid, making you 75% dragon and 25% devil. Have you noticed that your tougher, faster, your senses sharper, and smarter than your fellow peers? As well as your nails are sharper forming more claws then human nails, your teeth should also be sharper than your peers.]

The dragon finished talking making me think and noticed that everything the dragon said was correct, although I didn't see any of it until he said so. "Alright none of this really makes sense, but your not wrong everything you said about me and my peers are correct," I said in disbelief, and still shock trying to process what's going on.

"I-I don't know anything about the supernatural," I said hoping to give the dragon an answer. [Hmmmm well let me try and explain to your child] Inanis said. I sat and listened in awe as he explained about the supernatural world, although it being very brief it was amazing to me.

All the fear left me as I listened to his story in amazement learning that all those stories my mother and father told me were true, although it left me confused me as to why my mother and father would keep what I really am and our heritage really was. He also explained the rivalry between the three dragon emperors and what a scared gear was.

"Wait, so I have the power to destroy gods? Also, why is it so weird for me to own one?" I asked in my child naivety and awe in the dragon. He looked at me once again as if he was analyzing me with his large, vibrant violet eyes.

[Because boy typically humans are the only ones who can wield sacred gears, the only reason I can think you possess one is because my blood flows through your veins as one of my descendants] Inanis pondered as he was thinking as to why I could have a sacred gear. His eyes widened as he looked up into the void.

[It seems its time for you to awaken boy, I suggest you ask your parents about everything I've told about today, also to speak with me you just have to will it and mentally, and I will hear] Inanis spoke. I could only nod as a response as I was still in shock and confusion. I was met with blinding white light.

As the light faded I seen what looked like the ceiling of my room, I shot up and looked around my room. 'wow that was one dream' I thought to myself. [That wasn't a dream boy] I heard the same powerful voice of the dragon from my dream. While the voice spoke, I saw a purple light glowing on both of my hands flashing with every syllable said by the powerful voice of the dragon.

'Inanis? So that was real...what the hell' I said as I flopped my head back down onto my pillow. [Thats right boy everything you experienced is real, I suggest you go speak to your parents about this] Inanis spoke. The only real thing I could do was nod in agreement seeing as I had no other good course of action with this massive discovery. I got out of bed and put on some black shorts and a black shirt.

I quickly ran downstairs to look for my parents. I reached the kitchen and saw both of them working on breakfast. I could smell the delicious fragrance of bacon, eggs, sausage, and pancakes, safe to say that it smelled absolutely heavenly. "Mom, Father!" I shouted getting their attention while startling them due to my shout, considering I was generally quiet and composed around them.

"I need to talk to you both about something, it's imperative" I stated which once again surprising them due to how I was acting. They looked between each other with concern about how I was acting, they both nodded grabbing us plates to eat and talk about what I needed to say while eating breakfast.

"Ok honey, what is it that you needed to talk to us about?" she asked once we all got seated with a look of concern in her eyes, she has never seen me ask about something like this. "last night... I had a dream, in that dream was a giant dragon with violet eyes that told me about supernatural beings, scared gears, and dragons saying that I was a hybrid of a dragon and devil... he also said I was his descendant. He said I should ask you guys about it" I said telling them about everything that happened in my dream last night.

Once I finished both of my parent's eyes widened in shock at everything I told them. My mother looked at my father as he regained his composure. "Son, I was going to explain this to you later but as it seems you've already learned if Inanis told you then I suppose your ready" my father said as he told me to follow him into the living room so we could sit on the couch and he would explain everything to me.

After around an hour and a half, he had concluded his explanation to me, telling me about the supernatural world about devils, fallen angels, and angles. He told me about how I was a hybrid between a mighty bloodline of both dragons and high-class devils with extraordinary destructive power. He explained about my itching areas are my wings and tails growing, and how my eye pupils will slit the older, I get as well as how I will grow claws and fangs that could be so sharp that I could slice through steel. He also told me how my skin will get thicker allowing my skin to be as resilient as dragon scales making me highly resistant to physical and magical attacks. He also told me that my strength, speed, senses, and intelligence will only increase by multitudes as I age, and my draconic attributes mature more.

'Wow, I could have all this power in me, and I wasn't even aware of it' I said in my mind, amazed by all that my father has taught me about our heritage and the possible powers I could possess from my strong bloodlines.

[Thats right boy, you have the potential to be the strongest black dragon emperor in all of history by a wide margin. Your natural draconic abilities will only increase naturally as you get older, and you mature, even if you have better control of my powers because your my descendant, your still far too young to use my power correctly, including your destructive devil magic] Inanis stated, except for this time it was aloud so my father could hear. To say my father was surprised was a vast understatement.

"So Issei, what do you want to do after you learned all of this," he asked me with a severe expression on his face, the most serious I've ever seen him have.

I pondered upon his word he said to me, it was a tough question. Power in all the stories I read always told power could be dangerous if not used properly, to be honest, it kind of scared me. After thinking about this for a little while, I decided what I wanted to do with my powers. I rose off the couch and looked my father in the eyes, he maintained the serious expression he had when talking to me knowing that this was a vital point in how my life will play out.

"I want to use my powers to protect those I love and care about, my friends, family, and loved ones," I said with confidence standing firm and proud of what I want to do. "I want you, mother, and Inanis to help me master these powers so people I care about won't be in danger" I continued and bowed to my father and pleaded to train me on how to use my powers properly without putting those around me in danger.

My father's serious expression changed into a smile as he heard my words and pleas to help protect people. Suddenly purple lights glowed on both of my hands catching both me and my father's attention.

[You have good boy grandson I think your boy will turn into a good man and an even better host for me] Inanis spoke aloud surprising me. Upon hearing this, my fathers smile widened in pleasure upon hearing a heavenly dragon talk so profoundly of his son.

"Alright son Ill train you to be a proper dragon and ill talk to your mother for your magic training, we will start tomorrow," my father said with a wide grin on his face. He walked away to talk to my mother who heard everything and was happy upon hearing this information in more detail.

'I can't wait to get stronger' I thought to myself, Inanis only chuckling to my excitement and determination. [indeed boy your life is about to take an exciting turn of events, whether it be for better or worse] Inanis spoke to himself in amusement.

So that's the end of the first chapter, this is my first fanfiction so I would love for you all to leave constructive criticism, and feel free to leave suggestions as well I'm open to others ideas.

Inanis = void in Latin according to Google, so that's why I decided to that name I'm not a massive fan of it, but I don't think it's terrible, and it makes sense

So I'll try and post the second chapter sometime soon, but I can guarantee that it will be released early due to my schedule not being set and stone.