Chapter 30

Jackson had landed and was on his way over to the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix Arizona when his phone started ringing. He looked down and saw that it was someone calling from Grey Sloan. He quickly picked up thinking that something was wrong with one of the patients that he had left back home. He answered saying, "Dr. Avery."

Jackson listened as a scrub nurse from Grey Sloan Memorial informed him that his wife had gone into labor. Jackson said, "Thank you for calling. I'm on my way."

To his driver, he said, "We have to go back to the airfield. We have to go back to Seattle."

Jackson's hands shook as he attempted to call Maggie. She didn't answer so he called Meredith, she didn't answer either. He then called his mother who answered on the second ring, "Jackson, where are you? I just came from your lab and you're not there."

Rolling his eyes Jackson said, "Between you and Maggie ...Never mind. Are you with Maggie? She is in labor."

"No, I'm not with your wife and I know damn well that MY daughter in law isn't in labor with MY grandson in MY hospital and no one paged me!" Catherine said with the annoyance clear in her voice.

Jackson sighed saying, "Mom, I need you- "

Catherine cut him off saying, "I'll call you back when I get to her."

Meanwhile in the OR Meredith continued to try and stabilize the patient while she waited for the cardio replacement to come. Once he arrived she worked with him to gain control of the situation and then quickly left the OR in search of Amelia."

She scrubbed out and walked quickly away from the ORs. She noticed that Amelia was standing at the nurses station looking at the OR board. Meredith said, "We have to get to L&D. Maggie's water broke in the OR."

Amelia quickly fell in step with Meredith asking, "What the hell?"

Meanwhile, Catherine walked up to the nurses station at labor and delivery asking, "Where is she?"

The nurse behind the desk asked, "Who are you looking for Dr. Fox?"

Catherine's eyes widened. She replied, "Dr. Pierce-Avery. Where is Dr. Pierce-Avery? Who the hell else do you think I was talking about?"

The nurse jumped up and ran around the counter. She said, "I'm sorry Dr. Fox. I will take you to her right away."

When Catherine walked into the room Maggie felt a momentary sense of relief, but it only lasted a moment.

Maggie said, "Catherine! Did you call Jackson?"

Catherine came over patting Maggie on the cheek. She said, "He called me. Let me call him back so that he can hear your voice and calm down."

Catherine dialed Jackson, but he didn't answer. Maggie started to feel anxious. Catherine looked at her daughter in law. "Maggie who is your nurse? This IV is a complete mess, Honey."

Maggie rolled her eyes trying to remain calm. She reached for the bag with her belongings in a nearby chair and Catherine swatted her hand away. Maggie took a deep breath, "I'm trying to get my phone so that I can try Jackson again."

Catherine said, "He's probably trying to make arrangements to get back here. He will call back once he gets things taken care of. Now relax. I'm here to help you until he can arrive."

The thought of being stuck with her mother in law stressed Maggie out. Catherine was over the top and Maggie wasn't in the mood.

Just when she was about to suggest that Catherine go get coffee because they would be here for a while, her sisters burst into her room. She had never in her life been more excited to see Meredith and Amelia.

Meredith asked, "Has Carina been by to check you yet? Hi, Catherine."

Maggie answered, "Not yet. She was busy with a patient. She should be here soon. But the nurse checked me out. I'm about three centimeters dilated and about eighty-five percent effaced."

When Maggie's eyes met Catherine's, she regretted saying that Carina hadn't been in to see her yet. Catherine said, "What do you mean she hasn't been here yet? How long have you been in labor?"

Seeing the stress on her sister's face Meredith said, "Catherine lets go look for Carina and go get some coffee. We're probably going to be here for a while."

When they left Maggie felt relieved. Amelia walked over taking her hand asking, "What can I do?"

Maggie said, "Finally, someone helpful. You're the good sister. Well, Meredith too, but you can get my phone out of that bag."

Back in Arizona Jackson had made it back to the Catherine Fox plane. However, his pilot was telling him that they hadn't been cleared by air traffic control to take off. Jackson was frantic. He asked, "What do you mean that we haven't been cleared to take off? Why aren't we cleared."

The pilot looked at Jackson strangely. He said, "Well, there are other planes in line to take off. You know how this all works."

Jackson said, "Is there someone I can talk to? My wife is in labor and I need to get back to Seattle as quickly as possible."

The pilot stood staring at Jackson for a moment. He had been working for the Avery family for a while. Jackson always struck him as pretty rational, especially for someone with his privilege, but he was being completely unreasonable at the moment. However, he understood. The man's wife was pregnant, and he wanted to get to her. That would drive anyone crazy. Makes you wonder why he was traveling in the first place. He had to have known that his wife was going to go into labor at any moment.

Jackson noticed that the pilot didn't respond. He said, "I understand that I am being unreasonable; however, I don't have good memories of the births of my children. My son was born with a severe defect and only survived minutes. My daughter was born on my sister in law's kitchen table with a cesarean performed by a resident with a kitchen knife. This is my wife's first pregnancy. I need to be there to see my son born and I need to be there to help her through this. I would never forgive myself for not being there."

Nodding in understanding the pilot said, "I'll call back to air traffic control and see what we can do. I will do my best to get you back to Seattle as quickly as possible."

Back at the hospital Meredith had taken Catherine to visit Harriet in daycare. They then went to get coffee and slowly made their way back to L&D to find Carina. They found her at the nurses station and luckily she had just left from checking on Maggie. Catherine said, "Dr. Deluca, what took you so long to go check on Dr. Pierce-Avery?"

Carina's eyes widened. She said, "I was in the middle of a delivery. I had one of my nurses check on her for me. I just checked on her and she is progressing nicely. As one would expect a first-time mother."

Catherine said, "I need for Dr. Avery to be your priority today. Is that going to be an issue for you?"

Carina, "No, no problem. I just checked her, and she is a little more than 3 centimeters dilated and her cervix is continuing to soften. She is still in the early stage of labor. We're going to be here for a long while."

Meredith sighed with relief. She said, "Well, that's a good thing because maybe that will give Jackson enough time to get here."

Catherine nodded saying, "Yes, because he has to be here for this one."

Catherine and Meredith walked into Maggie's room to find Amelia sitting next to her bed as Maggie talked on the phone. She said, "Daddy, I'll see you when you get here. By the time you get here you might be a grandfather. Daddy, I have to go, that's Jackson calling me back."

Catherine pulled up a chair on the opposite side of Amelia saying, "It's about time. Ask him when he's getting here. He better not miss this birth."

Ignoring Catherine Maggie said, "Jackson? Our son decided that he no longer wanted to wait. He took it upon himself to try and come now. How long do you think it'll take you to get here?"

"Babe, I'm trying to get to you as fast as possible. Right now, we're third in line to take off. We were further than that, but I'm trying to move heaven and earth. If I can help it I won't be missing the birth of our son. How are you feeling?" Jackson asked with concern evident in his voice.

Maggie said, "Things haven't gotten too bad yet. I just want you here, Jackson."

Jackson sighed, "I know babe, and I'm trying. You still decided against the epidural? There is no shame in needing it."

Maggie said, "I don't want it. I want to try and do it without. I don't want to pose any risks to our son."

Amelia said, "I gave birth without an epidural. Do it."

Looking at her sister Maggie said, "You gave birth without an epidural and you had no drugs after your brain surgery. I think I can manage."

Jackson said, "I'll support whatever you decide."

Maggie said, "I just really want for you to get here."

Once Maggie and Jackson finished their phone call Catherine got up saying, "I'm going to go get you some ice chips."

Maggie said, "Catherine, you don't have to do that. My nurse can do that."

Catherine looked around then asked, "Well, where is your nurse? How are they going to bring you ice chips if they're not even here?"

Maggie said, "It's ok. I'm not their only pregnant patient."

Catherine said, "Well, you're the only one that I care about in this moment."

Meredith laughed, "Derek said something similar to me when I had Bailey."

At that moment Bailey and Richard walked into the room. Bailey said, "Did I hear my name?"

Meredith said, "I was just talking about when I gave birth to Bailey."

Bailey snorted saying, "That was a day. A power outage, you having a c-section in the dark and going into DIC. Jackson being damn near blown up and Richard getting electrocuted. Oh, and that intern died."

Catherine said, "I couldn't get to Seattle fast enough."

Maggie said, "Wait a minute. Jackson almost what and this is the second time that I've heard about Richard being electrocuted. What the hell?"

Meredith said, "Richard almost died. Bailey saved him. Jackson was fine. A few scrapes and bruises and a dislocated shoulder."

Catherine said, "Hmm, Richard survived after Bailey almost killed him."

All eyes flew to Catherine. She said, "What? Why are you all looking at me? She rushed him into the OR not caring that he was in cardiogenic shock. He survived. I no longer hold it against you. Stop being all sensitive."

At that moment a strong contraction hit Maggie causing her entire body to tense. Catherine left the room and Amelia grabbed her hand. Meredith rubbed a hand soothingly on her back encouraging her to breathe through the contraction.

Catherine came back with a cup of ice chips and a spoon for Maggie. She fed her the ice chips between contractions. She hated to see Maggie in such pain and needed to do something, even if it didn't help much.

Over the next four hours everyone came and went. They still had patients and work that needed to be done. Meredith and Amelia both reassigned their patients for the day so that they could be there for Maggie. Catherine vowed not to leave Maggie's side until Jackson arrived.

Maggie prayed that her husband would arrive soon.

Carina walked into the room. She said, "Maggie how are you doing?"

Looking at her doctor Maggie said, "I'm over this already. The contractions are getting worse, Jackson isn't here and I'm tired."

Catherine placed the spoon of ice chips to Maggie's lips. Maggie turned her head saying, "Catherine, I'm ok. I don't want any ice chips."

As Carina finished up her exam Jackson walked into the room. Maggie had never in her life been happier to see him in her entire life. She immediately burst into tears saying, "You made it!"

Jackson leaned over kissing Maggie on her forehead. He said, "Not making it wasn't an option for me. The pilot was trying to do all he could, and I was looking for the next commercial flight, but we were able to get cleared for takeoff and here I am."

Catherine smiled at her son. She said, "I'm going to leave you and Maggie alone for a little while. Richard is a nervous wreck so I'm going to go check on him."

Carina said, "I will be back. You're about six centimeters dilated.. You are progressing nicely."

When Catherine and Carina left the room, Maggie let out a relieved sigh. Jackson took the seat next to her grabbing her hand. At that exact moment another contraction hit Maggie hard. This one was harder than any of the previous ones that she had.

Jackson held onto her and calmly instructed her to breathe. Once the contraction ended Maggie burst into tears. She said, "I wish my mom was here. I can't do this without my mother."

Jackson smoothed back her curls. He kissed her temple. He said, "Babe, Diane is here. I believe she sent us our son. You're doing just fine. Have you called your father? Is he on the way."

Maggie continued to cry nodding. She said, "He should be here in a few more hours. Richard is going to pick him up from the airport."

He said, "Wow, he might actually make it."

Maggie gave Jackson a pained smile. He looked his wife in the eyes and saw everything that she wasn't saying. He saw that she was terrified. He saw that she was anxious. He saw her. He knew that what they were about to experience was something completely different from anything she had ever before experienced.

Maggie looked at Jackson and there was so much that she wanted to say and so much she was feeling that she didn't exactly know how to express. As a kid that was adopting there was some sort of big deal about having your own child. Maggie loved Bill and Diane. She wished her mother was there with her to go through all of this with her.

However, there was something about having a family member who shared your DNA. Someone who had part of your genetic makeup. Maggie had been blessed to find Meredith and Richard. She had experienced having interactions with people who she shared genes with, but this was different. This child had a purpose from the day he was conceived.

He was created in love to parents who were excited to see him, to teach him, and to watch him grow. Jackson and Maggie were beyond excited about the arrival of their son and she couldn't wait to place eyes on what she and Jackson had created.

Jackson looked at his wife. He took her hand in his and simply said, "I know babe. I know."

Maggie asked, "We can do this?"

Jackson nodded saying, "We can do this."

He was grateful that he was there. He wouldn't have wanted to miss this for anything in the world. He wouldn't have forgiven himself for not being here for Maggie when she really needed him. He knew that she would need him for this. He knew for the simple fact that Diane wasn't here to go through this with her. He was sure that she was also going through a host of other emotions.

Over the next three hours Carina came in and did several checks on Maggie who was now nine centimeters dilated. Richard was on his way back to the hospital with Bill. Meredith, Amelia and Catherine were permanently camped out in her room.

Carina came in saying, "We will probably start pushing soon. Who is going to stay in the room?"

Meredith said, "We're all staying."

Jackson said, "Meredith and Amelia, I appreciate you wanting to be here for your sister, but you know it's going to get crowded with Carina, my mom, me, the nurses."

Amelia said, "Don't finish your statement Jackson. You're not about to tell us that we can't be here for our sister."

Jackson said, "I'm just saying the more people in the room the more stressful it is for Maggie and she is the one going through labor. We need not stress her out."

Amelia and Meredith stared at Catherine. Amelia said, "Well, if we have to leave then Catherine should leave too. Let Jackson and Maggie have their moment with their son.

Catherine said, "I don't know why you all are looking at me. I wasn't able to be there when April had Samuel because of the situation. I wasn't able to be there when Harriet was delivered. There is nothing that is going to get me out of this room."

Then everyone's eyes fell on Maggie. She looked up at Jackson. He kissed her saying, "It's whatever you want babe. I will honor whatever you want."

Maggie looked at everyone and sucked in a deep breath as another contraction ripped through her. It lasted about seventy-five seconds. When it passed Maggie said, "Everyone go. It's not fair for me to choose Catherine over you or vice versa. I just want it to be me and Jackson. I want us to meet our son together and introduce him to his family members together."

Catherine started to protest but Jackson cut her off saying, "Maggie has spoken. We love you all, but we're going to go through this moment with one another."

Maggie's sisters and Jackson's mother all stayed until Bill and Richard arrived. Bill teared up upon seeing his daughter. He said, "I'm so proud of you and I know your mom is too. She saw all of this for you. She saw you as THE heart surgeon. She saw you married, and she saw you as a mother. She's proud. You've made her extremely proud baby girl."

Maggie and Bill hugged until the next contraction hit. Maggie only had mere minutes to wait in between contractions before the next one hit. After that contraction Carina came back into the room asking everyone to leave so that she could check Maggie. She said, "I think we will be about ready to deliver."

Everyone took turns kissing Maggie as she went through another round of contractions. Maggie screamed saying, "Carina, just get this little boy out of me. I feel like my body is being ripped in two."

The next hour and half was the longest and most intense hour and a half of her life. Several times she had looked at Jackson saying that she couldn't do anymore. Maggie was completely spent.

It had been nearly twelve hours since Maggie's water had broken in the OR. Their son was born at five pounds eight ounces, and twenty-two inches long. He had a head full of dark curls and an angry red face.

When Carina place the little baby on Maggie's bare chest she instantly fell in love the likes of which she had never known before.

Jackson looked down at his wife and his son. With tears running down his face he said, "Babe, look what our love did."

Maggie looked up at him with tears of her own saying, "Our love produced the most perfect little boy."

Some time later after Maggie and the baby had been cleaned up, and rested up a bit, Jackson left to go get Harriet from the daycare. He came back carrying Harriet. She said, "Baby!"

Jackson laughed saying, "Yes, baby."

When Jackson was standing next to her bedside Maggie said, "Harriet, meet your little brother J.J."

The four of them sat and got acquainted with the newest member of their family before inviting in the rest of their family to meet the new addition to the family.