Uchiha Family Morning

Author's Note: So this is my second story I've ever written. This story waas written whike I was laying in bed thinking about how my friend trashed my OTP SasuSaku. So it is random and I might turn it into multiple chapters but I havent decided yet. Review and let me know what you guys want and I will consider and most likely do them all. I plan on writing more stories but I would like some reviews on what I should write about. I have another NejiTen story planned and I am in huge need of a beta but I'm not sure how to work that but I'll figure it out. Anyways please review and check out my NejiTen story I've previously written. And once again don't judge me cuz this is my second story and thanks to my friend Megan for telling me SasuSaku sucks so I could get this idea and rub it in ur face. But anyways here is my story. This is also written in the time period of before Sarada was even thought of. SasuSaku just got married.

DISCLAIMER: I know I know but I gotta put this cuz the Naruto-verse is Masashi Kishimoto's thing I just put a twist on it and make it now Anyways I don't own Naruto or the characters.

As Sasuke woke up, he felt the coldness of an empty bed. As he stirred awake he realised Sakura was no where to be seen. He sleepily sat up and rubbed his eyes. He grabbed his t-shirt and tossed it over his head and yawned. It took him a minute or two to wake himself up enough to stand.

As he stood up, a strong smell hit his nose from down stairs. He could smell eggs, bacon, and what was it? French Toast? No that wasnt it. Maybe it was pancakes? Yeah that's it. Pancakes.

He made his way down the stairs and found his way to the kitchen. There, he saw Sakura standing over the stove flipping pancakes whike the bacon and eggs stayed warm on their designated burners. She had her headphones in and could not hear him come down the stairs. So he decided to surprise her. He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her cheek. She jumped a little in surprise and then smiled the beautiful toothy smile he loved so much.

She turned around and looked at him. She pulled her headphones out and smiled that toothy grin once again.

Then she told him "I gotta get these pancakes done then we can eat and get on with the rest of our day".

He smirked at her and replied with his regular "Hn". He turned and walked towards the table and waited til she finished the pancakes and the rest of the food. They sat and ate in blissful silence. He kept looking at her with love and desire in his eyes.

When she caught him looking the first time she thought nothing of it but then the second time she knew he was staring. When he realised she caught him, he just smirked and she smiled like a goofy love-sick teenage girl.

She did that every time he looked at her like this and this occasion was no different. She loved him so much even when he didn't show he loved her in the beginning. But as time went on, he realised he had loved her all along even if he didn't show it or know it himself. He had denied it for so long he had practically convinced himself he disnt love her at all.

He would lover her forever but until that forever came, this breakfast will just have to do. Even though he knew it was going to get better later.

Final Author's Note: I know I've already said it but this is just a random story I wrote while in bed. It is mostly to rub in my friend's face for saying SasuSaku sucks. But oh well. What can you do. Anyways please review and Favorite me and this story. If you want its totally up to you. Anyways the review is mostly for either to turn this into a multi-chapter story or for more ideas on other stories I should write. My private messages are open and I'll usually reply so yeah. But anyways thanks for reading and later dudes.