AN: This chapter does contain some violence.
Connor walked into Med with Lexa following closely behind. The past few weeks had been great, he'd been able to adopt the child, she'd been in rolled in school, and she hadn't even had one nightmare! "So, where do you want to get lunch today?" He asked, giving her a sideways glance.
"CHINESE!" She said, excitedly. Since it was Saturday, she was able to spend the entire day with Connor. Nothing could ruin a day like this.
"Chinese sounds good," he said with a laugh. He led Lexa over to the lounge, "go ahead n' start working on your homework. If you get bored you can walk around or see if one of the nurses need help." Without waiting for a reply, he left the room. Right when he shut the door, a small group of men dressed in all black rushed into med. One of the guys started waving around a gun, shouting for everyone to get down. He gave Lexa a worried glance, then mouthed "hide." Before he could turn back around one of the gunmen hit him in the stomach, causing him to crash to the floor.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't the perfect little doctor," the masked man laughed. "The doctor who can't even save a life," he kicked Connor again. A large smile spread across his face when a painful groan escaped Connor's lips. The masked man glanced around the room, everyone was on their knees staring fearfully at Connor. "Everyone seems so scared for our little prince. Yes, so, so scared." He threw back his head, letting out a cruel laugh.
"Le...Lexa." Connor groaned, hoping the child was hiding.
"SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!" The guy screamed, landing several more kicks to Connor's ribs. "Does it hurt? Huh?" He said with a laugh. "Does it hurt to breathe, pretty sure I heard a snap of your ribs." The masked man pointed his gun at Connor's head, then pulled the trigger.
"DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!" Lexa screamed at the top of her lungs. "NOOOOOOOOOO, DAAAAAAAAAAAD."
"Lexa," a voice floated around her. "Lexa, open your eyes. Come on Lexa, it's okay, just open your eyes." The voice was filled with concern.
Lexa's eyes flew open, she glanced around the room wildly, as tears raced down her face. "They killed you, they killed you, they killed you." She sobbed her breath quickened, nearing a panic attack.
"It's okay, it's just a bad dream." Connor sat next to her, pulling her into a hug. Connor looked over her head, to where Will and April ran into the little hospital room. "Bad dream," he mouthed. He gave them a pleading look, trying to get them to leave. An audience was not something he wanted Lexa to have. After the two left he turned his attention back to Lexa. Lexa's face was buried on his scrubs, her eyes were shut tight, somehow she'd already fallen back to sleep. With a relieved sigh he laid her back down on the bed then left. He glanced at the clock, it was only five in the morning. "Just a few more hours of sleep," he muttered to himself. "Just a few more, then we can get you out of here."
Lexa sat nervously on her hospital bed, today wasn't the sort of day she'd expected. After she'd reawoken from her nap, Connor told her that morning that the two would head to court around lunch time. However, things didn't go as planned. She'd only been able to pick up bits and pieces from those who walked by, from what she could make out, Dr. Manning was in labor. There was also talk about someone named Sarah Reese who had to take care of a boy who had some sort of illness.
"Are you ready?" Lexa's head shot up at the sound of Connor's voice. "Sorry it's taken me so long to get you. We've been pretty busy with patients." Connor glanced down at his phone, he couldn't help but sigh at the text message. It was yet another message from his sister, asking if he was going to the thing tonight for their father's million dollar donation for the hospital. He fought back the emotions that threatened to show itself on his face. Today wasn't a good day for him, he shook his head, ridding him of those thoughts. "Maggie bought you a couple pairs of clothes. You can change into them before we go to court."
Lexa's eyes landed on the Walmart bag that he held. She nervously licked her dry lips, "what if they decide I can't stay with you? What if they take me back there?" Her breath quickened, a few tears escaped her eyes.
Connor dropped the bag, then grabbed the child into a hug. "It's okay, no one is going to take you away." He said, rubbing comforting circles on her back. "You don't have to worry about going to the people from your past." He gently pushed down on her shoulders, making her sit on the bed. "Have you had any other nightmares?"
Lexa glanced away from his worried eyes, not wanting to talk about the nightmares. Ever since Connor walked in on her having a nightmare a few weeks ago, he'd been trying to get her to talk Dr. Charles. However, something deep down prevented her from talking. She wasn't sure if it was the sheer fear that the nightmares could be real or the fear that they'd think she was weak. She took an uneven breath, "no sir," she muttered. "I haven't had the nightmares in a while... Well, except for this morning." She could feel her face heat up from the lie.
"Lexa," Connor's voice was stern but soft. "I know you don't like talking about it, but I appreciate it if you don't lie to me." He brushed a couple of loose strands of blond hair away from the girls face. He grabbed a chair, pulling it over to the bed, sitting down. "If you want to talk, I'm here to listen." He said, softly. "I won't force you to talk, however, the social worker may try to get you to talk about it. Dr. Charles thought it would be easier if you and I talked about it before leaving for the meeting."
Lexa fought back that tears that threatened to spill. "I'm always standing in this foggy meadow," she whispered. "The ground is covered in bright red blood, I think it's my blood..." Her voice trailed off, saying it out loud made it seem like it was real. "I'm wearing this white dress, it too is covered in blood. I hear someone yelling... He..he..." Tears raced down her face, only to be wiped away by Connor. "The guy calls me bad names...Saying I'm a worthless freak...saying...saying I...I... I killed my mother." She buried her face into Connor's chest, letting out a sob.
"It's okay," his voice was surprisingly calm; on the inside, he seethed with anger. "Lexa," he gently leaned the child up. "I'm glad you told me. I don't know what happened in the past, but I know that you're not worthless or a freak. I also know that you didn't kill your mother." He paused a second, allowing the words to sink in. "Why don't you get changed up and I'll grab you some lunch from the cafeteria, then we can head out." He landed a soft kiss on her forehead before heading out.
With one last glance, Connor made his way to the cafeteria. Thoughts of his mother's passing, his father's donation, his longing sister and poor Lexa weaved its way through his head.
"How is she doing?" Will asked, walking over to where Connor was at.
"What? Huh?" Connor's head snapped up, his eyes glanced around, taking in his surroundings. He'd made it to the cafeteria, and had grabbed a yogurt and sandwich. That's what I get for being Absentmindedly, he thought to himself. "She's calmed down a bit," Connor's replied. "But is still shaken up. I've never seen anyone have such intense nightmares before." Connor's voice made him sound small.
"It's going to take her a while before those go away." He glanced at the yogurt and sandwich. "Are you eating that or is she?" He asked with a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.
"It's breakfast for her, she can eat it on the way to our meeting. I planned to take her over to the apartment and get her settled in, but with the nightmare from this morning, I wanted to let her sleep in a little bit."
"You're having her go to court in a hospital gown?" Will gave Connor a mock glare.
"Nah," Connor said with a chuckle. "Maggie bought her a couple pairs of clothes, she's changing while I'll I grab some food." Connor turned to leave but stopped when he felt a hand on his shoulder.
"I wanted to say sorry for how I've acted towards you..." Will's voice trailed off, "I'm sorry to hear about what happened to your mother."
Connor gave the other man a quick nod, not trusting his voice. Connor slightly lifted the items in his hands, indicating that he needed to head back to Lexa's room.
Lexa glanced down at the clothes that were given to her. She had a teal plaid western shirt, Levi blue jeans, white ankle socks and a pair of tennis shoes. Her eyes lingered on the shirt, something about it stirred something deep within but wasn't sure what. She quickly slipped on her new clothes, they felt ten times better than the itchy hospital robes.
"HEEEEELLLLLLLLLP!" Someone screamed down the hallway, causing Lexa to jump.
"GET DOWN!" Another voice shouted, causing Lexa to freeze. It seemed like her nightmare from this morning was coming true.
AN: Sorry for the cliffhanger! Also, Did you guys really think I'd get rid of Connor? Sorry if I scared anyone, just thought it would be fun to write.