Disclaimer- Don't own, don't sue.
This will be the fourth chapter in a series of one! I seem to be turning in to Douglas Adams!
Thank you to all my reviewers who gave me such lovely comments, pointed out my daft errors, and asked so nicely for more that I couldn't refuse!
You rock! ^___^
Heavens Littlest Angel- I always figured Hawkeye was an only child, but in Mail Call he gets a cardigan knitted by his sister. But then he also says Ho John can stay with his folks, then later seems to be under the impression his mother is dead. Does anyone out there know for sure what the state of Hawkeye's family is?
Stirred Emotions Chapter 4- Still Together.
I would feel wrong writing dear diary' here as it's not mine. It belonged to my mother, Margaret Pierce. She kept a diary for many years, starting with her first day in Korea and ending about two weeks ago. And this is why I'm writing in this today. I found it whilst sorting through her clothes and feel it is only fitting to complete the record she started.
14 days ago tomorrow, on the 14th of February, my parents, Ben Hawkeye' and Margaret Pierce were found dead in together. They were lying in each others arms with small smiles on their faces, as though on their last moments they had been able to look back at lives worth living.
Over 100 people turned out for their funeral, friends, family and friends family. They were buried together on a bluff overlooking the sea which had ben a favourite place with them ever since they returned home from Korea.
They left behind them children, grandchildren, and, thanks to this diary, alive time of memories, which, like them, will never be forgotten.
Hawkeye and Margaret stood arm in arm, smiling as they watched their eldest daughter scribbling in the old and battered diary. A tear slid down her face and their smiles grew sad, but a second later a smile appeared on her face.
Satisfied the pair turned and left the house. They walked slowly through the small town that they had made in to their home, stopping to watch people that they knew and loved. Their walk led inevitably to their bluff and they stood with their backs to the sun and looked over the whole of their home town.
We did it, whispered Margaret.
And we're still together, replied Hawkeye.
And there they stood for on last time, watching over their family, together.
A/N- In case any of you were wondering why I chose St. Valentines day for their deaths, it is the day my Great Grandfather died and I thought it was the most romantic thing in the world that he left to join his wife on the only day that celebrates true love.
I hope you have enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Please review and let me know what you think of this small but somewhat larger than expected fic.