Tomura and Mr. Compress entered an abandoned warehouse that was situated near the far side of town. It was grungy and ran down, but it was sentimental. After all, it was the same building All For One used for recovery purposes. His chair, which resembled a throne, was situated in the middle while several medical devices were scattered along beside it.

This would be the new headquarters for the League Of Villains.

The League would not die, instead it would be reborn stronger than ever before.

Tomura sat upon the seat that All For One had previously occupied and felt as if it was a hand and glove fit. He visualized dozens of loyal soldiers, followers and subjects standing before him and awaiting his command. Those who proved their loyalty would be at the forefront, and his soldiers would be armed and ready to wage war on all pro heroes and their supporters.

"The chair suits you," Mr. Compress complimented him. He turned to survey their surroundings and appraise the room.

"Why, we could turn this into a throne room," He added.

Tomura did not respond, for they were already on the same page. It seemed that the two of them clicked in a way that he honestly had not anticipated. Yet, he felt the same about Kurogiri, as well as Twice. It made him wonder….

"Compress," Tomura began to speak. "Tell me the truth. Why did you choose to follow me?"

Mr. Compress turned back around to face him. His expression was unreadable due to his mask, yet Tomura knew that he was searching for the right words to say instead of speaking his mind.

"Speak freely," Tomura urged him.

"Well," Mr. Compress started. "I went with my gut, and my gut told me to follow you. My instincts have served me well so far, so why stop now?"

Tomura narrowed his eyes at him. His glare was a menacing one, and it would cause most people to buckle under the pressure.

"I thought I told you to speak freely," Tomura reiterated.

"That boy, something is off about him. He is dangerous, yet not in the conventional manner. He is a danger to all whom he comes in contact with."

Tomura said nothing, yet he remained in deep thought.

"To put it simply," Mr. Compress continued, "He is not just the enemy of pro heroes, or the enemy of villains, but he is the enemy of all of mankind."

Tomura scoffed. A boy without a Quirk was dubbed the largest threat known to man. What a joke. But perhaps that's what made him so dangerous. Pro heroes all but turned a blind eye to petty crimes, much like how the people turned a blind eye to his own suffering and expected a pro hero to take care of him.

Perhaps he and Izuku shared similar backgrounds. Both of them were failed by pro heroes and society as a whole in their time of need. However, there was a distinct difference between the two. Aside from All For One's machinations being the cause for Izuku's misfortunes, the boy used what he had gone through as an excuse to terrorize everyone. He had no moral code, and it was only a matter of time before he turned on his very own followers to suit his own agenda - whatever that may be.

And therein lied his weakness.

"He is insane," Tomura said. Before when he called him insane, he spoke in a condescending tone. Now however, he took pity on him. "Yet, his insanity seeks solace. That's why he allows Toga to cling to him."

Mr. Compress nodded his head in understanding. He was able to follow Tomura's logic, and thus, he was able to put the pieces together himself.

"Deep down, he is afraid of telling a joke, and being the only person in the room who laughs."

A sinister smile crept up on Tomura's visage.

"Precisely. We shall build our forces and allow him to weaken the pro heroes for us. Then, we will attack him when he least suspects it. And when his back is against the wall, he will reveal his true colors to his followers, by then it will be too late for them all."

Katsuki was in a daze.

He couldn't believe that Deku-no, that Izuku had been alive this entire time. He thought that he had died, but he was wrong. Yet, just like that, he was taken away from him in the blink of an eye.

And there was nothing he could do about it.

He was often praised for the potency of his quirk as well as his resourcefulness and his guile in combat. But, no matter how much stronger he had gotten, he had still failed to save a friend when he needed him the most.

It was no different than when he was captured by that disgusting slime villain. The pro heroes at the scene praised him and his Quirk, but he was far too weak to save himself. All his life he was told how special he was, how he was destined for great things, and there was a point in time when it fed his ego.

So why did he feel so weak?

The fiery youth barely listened to his instructor, Shota, explain why he had to attend a meeting in order to decide the future of U.A. and thus would give the class recess for the day. He was just glad that he would be given time to think.

Eijiro attempted to hold a conversation with him on several different occasions, but all Katsuki could regard him with were half-baked responses of acknowledgement.

"Hey, are you listening to me?!" Eijiro stepped in front of Katsuki. The two close friends had been walking off campus towards the direction of their respective homes, but it appeared as if the spiky haired blonde had been day dreaming the entire time.

"What is it? You're noisy…" Katsuki said.

"And you're not paying attention!" Eijiro fired back at him.

There was a slight pause, and Eijiro sighed as his expression changed to that of concern.

"You've barely said two words to anyone all day. Even after Shota said that the meeting he was going to attend could end with U.A. shutting down, you didn't even bat an eyelash. Is this about-" Eijiro didn't want to say it since it was a sensitive subject, but he didn't have to finish his statement to get his point across.

Katsuki stared daggers at him, and he dared Eijiro to finish his thought. But just as quickly as his visage had changed, it reverted back to that of a more gloomy disposition. The scene replayed in his head over and over again. Him desperately attempting to rescue a friend that he believed to have been dead. He could see the surprise and the horror in Izuku's eyes, but there was nothing he could do. Katsuki couldn't use his quirk and risk hurting Izuku in the process, so all he could do was watch him vanish.

A sickening feeling curdled within the pit of his stomach.

"Hey, Eijiro," Katsuki began to speak with a downcast expression. "What good is a Quirk that can't save a friend?"

"Don't blame yourself!" Eijiro snapped at him. "Don't do that to yourself! That's not fair, no one expects you to save everyone-"

"He's not just anyone!" Katsuki snapped back at him. His teeth were gritted together and his face was twisted in a bundle of self-loathing and rage. He was hurting on two fronts - on one hand he had to acknowledge his inability to save a very close friend when he needed him the most, and on the other he had to acknowledge his weakness in doing so. It was a very, very tough pill to swallow to say the least.

"Right now he's probably being tortured by the same villains that came after me! And there's nothing I can do about it!" Katsuki stared at his hands with utter disgust before he then clenched his fists as his frustration continued to mount.

"I failed when it mattered the most, and now I have to atone for it."

Katsuki walked past Eijiro, who called out his name and asked him where he was going, but Katsuki simply told him to go home, and that he'd call him tomorrow.

The spiky haired blonde made his way towards the hospital and entered the intensive care unit where upon arrival he was greeted by a nurse that gave him a jovial smile.

"Back again?" She asked him.

Katsuki nodded his head and signed into the visitors log book. The nurse then escorted him to the patient room.

"Mrs. Midoriya has been doing well and is on the road to recovery. She seems to respond well to people talking to her," The nurse said.

Katsuki simply gave her a nod as he stepped inside the patient room and took a seat near the bed.

"Come get me if you need anything," The nurse said as she closed the door behind herself.

Katsuki saw that no one had sent her a letter or a get well card since he last did so, which in turn made him feel guilty.

"If I could have saved Izuku, then he would be here to give you all of the love and support that you need." Katsuki thought.

He leaned forward into his seat and clasped his hands together, then he took in a deep breath as he prepared himself to say the hardest thing that he ever had to say in his entire life.

"I'm sorry," Katsuki said.

That was all it took for tears to well inside his eyes.

"I-I'm so sorry….I'm sorry that I couldn't save your son, I'm sorry for being too weak, I'm…." The tears kept coming, so Katsuki tried his best to wipe them all away. It was as if a dam had been broken, and so the flood came.

It took several moments for him to regain his composure. Look at him, turning into a crybaby. What would Izuku think of him now? Would he even believe him if he told him that he changed? Well, maybe not completely, but he wasn't the same person that he was before, that was for certain.

"I'm going to bring him back, I promise," Katsuki said.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and the same nurse that escorted Katsuki to the room entered with a letter inside of an envelope.

"I have a letter for Mrs. Midoriya," She said as she handed it over to Katsuki.

"You should read it to her whenever you get the chance, I'm sure that she'll appreciate it."

The nurse then stepped out of the room and closed the door behind herself once more.

Katsuki wiped his eyes and saw that the envelope was sent from the United States. It was strange to him because he didn't know that Izuku's mom knew anyone outside of Japan.

As he opened up the envelope and skimmed through the letter his expression darkened and his fist clenched so hard that he crumpled up the paper and almost burned it to a crisp due to his Quirk.

"How dare you…." Katsuki spat venomously.

He chose now to finally send her a letter?

"You useless old man," Katsuki had half a mind to burn the letter into a crisp, but he knew that it wouldn't be fair of him to do so.

Instead, he read the letter aloud to Inko, doing his best to hold back his contempt.

"Dear, Inko,

I am sorry that I have been unable to send you the support that you need in these recent months. My bank account had been hacked into and my funds were frozen. I was unable to call or contact you by cell phone due to my service shutting off since I was unable to pay, and I was forced to lounge in my boss's house until I was finally able to get back on track. I think someone is targeting me, and I fear that you may read this letter when it is far too late for me. Whatever you do, get help as soon as you can. I pray that this letter isn't intercepted.

I will be home soon.

Love you, always.

- Hizashi Midoriya"

Katsuki's face was colored with shock. Moments ago he had doubted Izuku's dad and wrote him off as a dead beat since he was never around, but it seemed that his inability to return home must have happened by design.

In which case, this could possibly mean that not only is Izuku's mother's life in danger, but his father's life as well. For whatever reason, their entire family had become a target.

But, who could he tell?

His instructor?

No, this was an urgent matter. He had to contact the Chief Of Police as soon as possible. Thankfully, Officer Tsuragamae had given him his contact information after the Stain incident.

Katsuki took a moment to step outside of the room and into a hallway where there weren't any staff members or patients roaming around. He attempted to call Tsuragamae's personal cell phone, but he didn't pick up.

Instead, he was met by a voicemail.

"I am at a meeting right now, please leave your message after the beep."


"Call me back as soon as you can, it's an emergency," Katsuki said.

He gritted his teeth and placed his cell phone back inside of his pocket, but when he turned around to walk back towards Inko's room he was cut off by a man wearing a black shirt with golden trim around the collar and sleeves with a tan pair of baggy pants wearing dark shades.

However, his most striking feature were his large red wings that stuck out of his back like a bird.

Or better yet, like a hawk.

"Come with me."

Another update. This took longer than expected because I was going to add what would be the conclusion into this chapter, but I opted to split it up.

The next chapter will be the final chapter for the arc, and details of the next arc will be revealed then. It will be the second to last arc of the entire story.

Kain541204 - I appreciate you and your thorough review. I wish I could give you a proper response but if I did then I'll spoil what's to come. Just know that you're on the nose with your criticisms.

TheOnlyKing - I wish I could address your point as well, but if I did then I'd spoil the story, so I can't.

JigglyJoe - It was more like a Cadet Academy, not a full on Police Academy. The equivalent of U.A., but for teenager who aspire to be Police Officers instead of Pro Heroes.

As far as I'm going, I'm okay. Back home looking after my pregnant fiance. She's about to enter her third trimester and it's been a bit of a challenge to look after her every want and need with her aches and pains and appointments. Hard to even find the time to sit down and write, which was always my escape so to speak. Even still I'll continue to find a way.

Don't have much else to say. Please comment and review. It really keeps me going.