Rey gazed upon the massive stone door of the ancient temple. She had traveled halfway across the galaxy just to get where she was now. According to legend, the planet Tython was the birthplace of the Order, and it held more secrets, more ancient teachings, than the little island ever did. She just couldn't believe it was real. Her entire journey, every choice she had made, had been based off of gossip, wives tales, and blind faith. Yet here it was, the Jedi temple of Tython. She tried to imagine how the temple had once looked, thousands of years ago in the golden age of the Jedi. Once this place had been a sacred place of knowledge, healing, and learning, but now it was in ruins. The massive stone and metal walls were cracked and crumbling, and she could see that there were several areas where it was almost completely demolished. The planet's plantlife had chosen to lay siege to the building, scaling the walls and pushing through cracks, but Rey could still see the black scorch marks of blaster fire beneath the masses of vines and leaves. It was only then that the fact of the matter really struck her. She had grown up surrounded by the remains of starships and had grown accustomed to the erie feeling of stillness that permeated ruins, but she still felt a sense of uneasiness at knowing that she was the first person to come to this place in a very long time.

Rey walked cautiously to the door, as if she took a wrong step the entire temple would disappear. She carefully began to pull the millineas worth of tangled vines away from the door. She knew that it would be faster to use her saber to just cut the vines, but she didn't want to run the risk of damaging anything. When she was finally in a position to open the door, she placed both hands over the worn, damp stone and pushed. It didn't even budge. She tried again, pushing harder this time, but it still refused to move. It was as if the door did not wish to be opened, or maybe it was trying to tell her that she was doing something wrong.

Rey pulled her hands away, and then took a step back. Don't trust your eyes, they don't show you everything. She closed her eyes and tried to relax her body. She inhaled deeply and then exhaled steadily, clearing her mind of the worries and doubts that clouded it. She raised her hand, and felt the cool, rough stone brush against her fingertips. The mere pull of the Force was overwhelming, and through it she could feel everything. Life. Death. Decay. New life. Peace. Violence. A rush of images rushed through her mind, memories that had long since been forgotten. She became lost in the visions of hundreds of Jedi training, teaching, learning, talking, laughing, living, breathing, being. As the last image began to fade, Rey reached out trying to pull it back. Show me more. She was briefly aware of the sound of grinding rock, it seemed so far away compared to the voices of the ancient Jedi. Her eyes fluttered open. The door had vanished.

It was even larger on the inside than Rey had imagined. The main room was cavernous, dust and cobwebs everywhere, but breathtaking nonetheless. The high dome ceiling was fitted with skylights that allowed some light to enter the room, illuminating some areas with a hazy glow and casting long shadows across others. There were two curved walkways that led up to the second floor and nestled between them was a huge, beautiful stone sculpture. The sculpture reminded her of pictures she had seen of Jedi holocrons, right down to their blue colour and the gold metal inlay that spanned the surface. She couldn't help but notice the badly cracked stone and twisted metal that lay beneath it, and wondered if the sculpture had once been held in the air by some type of energy shield. Rey's eyes combed over the room anxiously, she could see that there were rooms on both the top floor and the main floors, and who knew how far back those corridors went. It was a scavenger's instinct, to attempt to map out the area that you were searching beforehand. It was an effective tactic that saved considerable time and effort when you knew what you were looking for, but the texts she had taken from Luke had only told her so much. They described fragments of the Jedi's history, explaining that the island was meant to be a safe house if the temple on Tython was ever compromised. In each of the texts, there was mention of a weapon, a device that would aid the Jedi in their darkest hour hidden within the Heart of Knowledge. Over and over, the Knight's Sword, the Knight's Defense, but it was most often referred to simply as the Balance. She knew that if she could find it, the Resistance would have a fighting chance of defeating the Sith. But nowhere, in any of the books, were there any descriptions of what the object looked like. She had come so far, but she was still shooting in the dark.

Rey reached into her satchel and carefully withdrew the book she had brought with her. She flipped it open to the page about where the Balance was hidden. It was a passage she had read enough times that she had committed it to memory, but perhaps reading once more would yield new results.

"The most powerful weapon ever conceived by the Order is known by several names, many of which have been lost to time. But the Balance will never be completely forgotten by our kind, or the galaxy. The Balance was incredibly powerful, and was able to control both aspects of the force. In it's time it fought both for and against the Sith, and brought both war and peace to the Republic. Now, what is left the Balance has been hidden away in the very heart of our Order. And there it shall remain, locked safely away inside the Heart of Knowledge until the day it is needed again. I pray to the Force that day will never comeā€¦"

Rey sighed, closed the book, and placed it gently back in her bag. She wished that the Jedi hadn't been so bloody metaphorical when writing this, or at least given some clue to what the Heart of Knowledge was. She set her hands on her hips in a defiant pose, her brow furrowing in thought. The Heart of Knowledge. It could be the library, hidden away within a place of knowledge. Although storing a weapon somewhere it could get misplaced among texts and holopads didn't strike her as a good idea. She started to carefully make her way to the second floor, moving cautiously up the crumbling walkway.

"Maybe the Heart of Knowledge had something to do with holocrons," she thought. "That was where the Jedi kept some of their most coveted secrets. But if that was the case, was the holocron even still intact? And how would one even go about putting a weapon inside a holo-"

Rey froze where she stood. Oh she was stupid. She spun on her heel, bolting down the walk and skidding to a stop in front of the sculpture. A huge holocron.

A small gasp of realization escaped her lips, "The Heart of Knowledge."