Hello everyone, I'm here with the first NEW story of the year...

Well it's new to me.

Anyway, this story is 'Everyday Life with Yanderes' adopted from my Buddy and fellow Author scarface101.

Also special thanks to Zero Arashi Uchiha for letting me use Hachishaku and her Daughters for this story.

Now here's the summary...

Summary: It's tough going through life with a regular Yandere, right? Now they may be a little protective, territorial and pretty crazy at times, but they're still good people and you may have to deal with 1 or 2 at times.

But ask Naruto how it is to deal with everyday life with a Houseful of Yanderes. Because regular ones are tough enough, but Monster Yanderes?!

Well... let find out, shall we.

Remember I DON'T own Naruto, Monster Musume, or any characters or elements from other universes that may appear in this story.

Now on with the Story!

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/ /Chapter 1: Me, and my Monster Family/ /

The light of the morning sun shined through the window and hit the face of the person sleeping in bed.

"Grrr... Dang sun, ten more minutes." the person groaned in a male's voice while nuzzling deeper in his pillows.

"Po... Po... Might as well get up love, or we'll miss opening hours again." a soft gentle woman's voice said, getting up as the guy's face was removed from his 'pillows'.

Getting out of bed to stretch was a woman, a very BIG woman. She was a solid 8ft in height with beautiful pale skin that shines in the sunlight, long flowing Black hair reaching down her waist, long and luscious arms and leg, enormous full K-cup breasts that don't even sag, a very slim waist and wide curvy hips with a soft rear.

"Oh yeah, thanks for the reminder Hachi-hime." the man said as he sat himself up with the covers covering the lower half of his body.

This man looks to be in his early twenties with Short Spiky Sun-kissed Blonde hair, Blue eyes and whisker-like birthmarks on his face. His height is 6ft4inches with a nice muscular built with nice strong arms, a nice chiseled chest with a large scar in the center and hard 6pack abs.

"Anyway, today's is the day huh? Can't believe it been 10 years already." Hachishaku said as her husband also got up to stretch. "Right Naru-kun?" she asked as she picked up a photo on the nightstand and smiled at it, remembering that happy.

Their Wedding Day.

The picture shows a 16 year old Naruto with a big smile on his face while wearing a tuxedo standing to his bride Hachishaku who was wearing her White Sundress, since no wedding dress was made for her, but was wearing wedding veil over her head while hold a bouquet.

That photo was taken two months after moving here to Japan away from the Elemental Nations, along with a few others, after two years of traveling.

But today wasn't that anniversary, no. Today mark the day him and his wife first met, the day he was banished.

/ /Flashback, 10 years ago/ /

"I can't believe this crap!" a Blonde 12 year old boy with whisker marks on his cheeks wearing a Orange and Blue jumpsuit cried out in anger as he continued stomping through the forest.

"I did my job, MY JOB, to bring that fucking Teme back to the Village and what do I get? Banishment! Just because I roughed him up a little?! They're the ones who told me to use force if necessary!" Naruto screamed in anger before punching a nearby tree.

"Saying that I almost killed him, ALMOST! That bastard only had Chakra exhaustion and minor bruising. I'm the one with a fucking large hole in his chest!" he continued to rant about this damn treatment.

Naruto whole life was completely unfair in all things from his days in the Academy to his Genin career, and now it's all over because those stupid Civilian and Elders sucking up to the stupid Uchiha brat he calls a teammate.

Hearing rustling coming from some nearby bushes, Naruto turned and looked with a blank look. "You can come out now Kira." he said as a woman came out of the bushes.

The Woman looks to be around 19 or 20 years old with Pale-White skin, long Inky-Black hair reaching her lower back and glowing Yellow eyes with serpent-slit pupils. She was an even 6ft in height with a light muscular tone and healthy hourglass figure with large D-cup breasts, a slim waist and nice curvy hips.

Naruto then just face palmed with a groan. The reason was simple, because Kira was naked, again.

"Kira, how many times do I need to tell you about walking around naked." Naruto said, a blight blush on his face, as he was trying hard not to look at her bare body that shines in the moonlight.

"Sorry Naru-sama, but Kira was wearing clothes until they got dirty from Kira killing ROOT Men." Kira said as she licked her arm, getting the remaining blood into her mouth, as they both heard the wind blowing through the trees.

Now Naruto wasn't the idiot everyone thought he was, for that was the mask he made to keep the Civilians off his back. And facing against Sasuke at the VoTE, was went he decided to take that mask off.

And the only person who knew about it was Kira, a genetic clone and killing machine created by Orochimaru that Naruto found when he went into the Forest of Death when he was 8 years old and found an abandoned lab.

Once finding Kira inside a grass container (The pod from the 1st Pokemon Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back) Naruto decided to open it. Once opened, she suddenly pounced on him with a menacing glaze.

Back then Naruto thought that she was going to kill him, which he feared greatly, but was surprised and a little embarrassed when she pulled him close to her wet naked body before sniffing and licking him. Next thing he knows, he has a killer snake woman as his bodyguard.

"Po... Po... Po... Po... " a strange sound whispered in the wind, causing Naruto to be a little on edge, before pulling two Kunais out of his leg pouch and throwing one to Kira.

"Stay on guard Kira." Naruto said, looking around as the wind continued to blow.

"Po... Po... Po... Po... Po... Po... Po... " the sound was starting to get louder and closer, causing a small sliver to go up their spines.


"Po... Po... Po... Po...!" in a crash of lightning, a large figure appeared right in front of the two and causing them to jump in surprise.

"W-Who are you... Miss?" Naruto asked nervously as he felt a little intimidated by this person.

The person was a very tall Woman with long Black hair, Pale-White skin, long toned arms and legs, a very huge bust that far surpass the Hokage, slim narrow waist and wide curve hips. The top part of her face was covered by her Kusa-hat while she was wearing a White Sundress as she just smiled at him lovingly.

"Hello Naruto-kun, I'm Hachishaku. I've been waiting for you." she simply said as she walked towards him.

Since that day of the Kyuubi attack, Hachishaku has been watching Naruto life since he was born. When he was thrown out of the Orphanage when he was 4 years old, she killed the staff and children that worked/lived there. When he was almost killed by that group of Ninja near some hills while he was in the Academy, she killed the students who tricked him into doing so.

From his first steps towards becoming a Genin, Hachishaku been watching over him until he was of proper age so she could take him away from this cesspool called a Village.

She originally wanted to take him while the White hair pervert took him on a 'training' trip, but look like Konoha had made things easier for her.

Looking over towards Kira, Hachishaku saw this as a chance to 'test' her theory of turning Human into Yokai.

Kira wasn't the only one who knew he wore a mask.

Reaching her arm out and placing her hand on Naruto's head, Hashishaku eyes began glowing. "Sleep!" she said as Naruto's eyes also glowed before falling unconscious.

Quickly lifting him into her arms, Hachishaku looked over at Kira, the pale snake-like girl hissing as she got ready to strike her.

"Kira don't know why you're taking Naru-sama, but Kira won't let you hurt her Master and Mate!" she hissed threateningly, her Yellow Serpent eyes glowing harshly.

Raising an eyebrow, Hachi couldn't help but smirk as Kira quickly dashed towards her.

As Kira was about to slash her with the Kunai, Hachishaku grabbed her wrist in a strong grip causing her to drop the sharp weapon. Pulling the pale-skin clone to eye level, the 8ft tall yokai looked right into her eyes, Dark-Blue glazing deep into Yellow, as if reading her soul or character.

"Oh yes, you'll do nicely." Hachishaku said with a smirk as she started channeling her yokai energy while also drawing the Kyuubi chakra from the 13 year old in her arm and sent it right into Kira.

"MMMmmmoooowwww... "Kira started releasing a pleasurable moan, despite the extreme pain circling inside her body, as her entire form was encased in a chakra-like cocoon. After a few minutes the chakra dispersed leaving an unconscious Kira who went through a few changes.

Kira's Inky-Black hair paled greatly looking more of a Light-Grey, her ears now long and pointy, a Pale-White transparent reptilian head frill, her face pushed out a little bit to look like a small muzzle with two large fangs sticking out from her upper lips her nails turned into claws with her arms from her wrists to her shoulders now covered with Pale-White scales and her legs now merged into a 6ft long serpent tail covered with the same color scales as her skin and arms.

"Hmm... a Shirohebi, very interesting." Hachishaku said to herself before draping the Albino Lamia over her shoulders and started walking towards her next destination.

/ /Flashback Over/ /

Since that day, Hachishaku explained to Naruto about who she is and why she took him. After seeing her reasoning, he decided to stay with her since he hardly have any care for Konoha, except maybe a few, anymore so him, her and Kira traveled around the Elemental Nation for a few years as a lot has happen during that time.

From traveling around the nation to getting married, from gathering and turning women to having children.

But it wasn't long until Konoha started hunting Naruto down since his banishment has caused some of the villages he helped to cut connections with his old village to Akatsuki hunting down the Bujis.

Not wanting his new family to get hurt, Naruto decided to move them to Japan in a city called Asaka, Saitama so him and Hachishaku can't continue raising their family.

After moving to Asaka, with all the girls looking like their 'old' human selves, Naruto decided to buy a large house outside the city near the coastal area, enrolled their Daughters in School and decided to open up a family business that been open for nearly 5 years.

"You can come out from under the bed now Kira-chan." Naruto, now fully dressed, said seeing a long, large White scaly tail under his and Hachi's bed which was big enough to hold 8 people.

The tail then slithered under the bed as the Shirohebi came out from under it.

"Morning Naru-ssssama, Hachi-ssssama. I hope lasssst night wassss to your liking." Kira said respectfully towards the Husband and Wife as the once former clone had changed a lot through the years.

Her hair grown longer that it now reach pass her hips, her height grew several more inches making her 6ft10inches, her upper body gain a thick lean muscular tone thanks to both training and her new diet, her D-cup bust grown to into a pair of firm perky I-cups, and finally her tail has a thick blade-like tip at the end (Think Serviper from Pokemon) as her hands were placed in front of her.

But one thing about Kira stayed the same, she was completely naked except the Blood-Red collar around her neck with the pendant having the White Uzumaki swirl on it with her name on the front while Naruto and Hachishaku's names were on the back as her 'owners'.

When Hachishaku first turned Kira into a Yokai Shirohebi, she didn't take into the account of Kira's DNA contain that of several types of deadly snakes. So over the years while traveling around the Elemental Nations, Kira evolved into a new deadly sub-species Naruto and Hachi decide call 'Shinoramia', the White Death Lamia.

"Well, ready to wake everyone up Hachi-hime." Naruto asked, looking over to his goddess of a wife.

"Of course Naruto-kun." Hachishaku, also dressed for the day, smiled at her husband lovingly while petting Kira, causing the albino serpent yokai to hiss happily, as they walked out of their bedroom and head towards to the kitchen downstairs.

/ /45 Minutes Later/ /

After cooking several dishes, it wasn't long until the smell of breakfast woke everyone up and entering the dining area.

First coming to get their Ramen were their Daughters Taeko Uzumaki, Sadako Uzumaki and Kayako Uzumaki.

Taeko Uzumaki is the eldest Daughter at 19 years old with Long Black hair, her Father's Blue eyes, two whisker-like marks on her face and a lovely ear-to-ear smile as she happily ate her Ramen. She was wearing a Beige coat over her nightgown which hugged her still growing figure like her E-cup breasts and soft curvy hips.

Sadako and Kayako Uzumaki are near identical twins being 13 years old with Black hair, with Sadako having Naruto's Blonde streaks in her hair and Blue eyes while Kayako have Red streaks like her deceased Grandmother Kushina and her Mother's Dark-Blue eyes. Both also have Pale skin like Hachishaku while wearing matching White morning dresses that hug their developing figures, since they now started going through puberty, with firm B-cups and slim hips.

Next came the women living with them, the same women Naruto and Hachishaku met, turned, and 'tamed' during their travels in the Nation before moving here a few years ago. They're also Naruto's other wives, Servants of the Uzumaki Family, and Staff of their family restaurant.

The first woman is Sasame Uzumaki, formerly Fuma, the first woman they met on their travel and the second person Hachishaku turned.

Sasame is a 24 year old Avian Tengu that 5ft9inches in height with long Light-Orange hair with two bhangs draping over her shoulder with her face looking like a Hawk but a bit more feminist. Her entire body is covered with Light-Orange feathers with giant Hawk wings on her back, her hands, forearms, feet and forelegs are covered in scales while her nail are sharp talons, and a large fan-like tail feathers coming from her tailbone. Finally, her body is very womanly with a lean tight muscle tone, very perky F-cup breasts, a slim toned waist with a light set of abs, and slim toned hips. Right now she is wearing a loose robe revealing her Black lacy bra and panties as she was eating some streamed rice with a side of grilled fish.

The next woman is Amaru Uzumaki, a fellow orphan like Naruto as well as the third human his wife turned.

Amaru is a 25 year old Papillon that's 5ft4inches in height with long Reddish-Brown hair the same style as her Tengu sister-mate with two antennas stick through her hair. Her skin is a Reddish hue with large Black Butterfly wings on her back with Red, Cyan-Blue and Greenish-Cream patches/pattern on them. Her body is slimming plump with round and perky E-cup breasts, a slim waist with a flat toned stomach, curvy plump hips with a light bubble butt and long slimming legs. Right now she's wearing a Dark-Blue shorts bra clinging against her ample bust and matching underwear hugging her hips while using her straw-like tongue to drink of fresh tea with honey.

Up next is Isaribi Uzumaki, a woman treated the same way Naruto was and used as an illegal experiment by a man who Hachishaku killed personally, because she felt like he insulted the 'Pureblooded Kaima Yokai'. After that, she turned Isaribi into a pure yokai.

Isaribi is 26 years old with her height be 5ft10 with short Purple hair with short bhangs framing the sides of her head with a large Sea-Green and Pale-Greenish Cream fin on her head. Her body is covered in Sea-Green scales while her face, hands, underarms, chest and back or her legs being covered with Pale-Greenish-Cream color scales. She has two markings under her eyes, fins on her arms and legs, her fingers being webbed clawed hand and her feet being webbed three-toed claws. Her figure is lightly muscular with huge G-cup breasts, a toned waist with a light 6pack abs and wide strong hips. Right now she's wearing a Ocean Blue bra and matching panties as she ate her breackfast of rice and smoked unagi.

Next up was Ryuzetsu Uzumaki, former prisoner and most royal servant of the family.

Ryuzetsu is a 28 year old Ryu-jin being 6ft5inches in height with long waist length White hair with a fringe covering the right side of her face with Deer-like horns on her head and small fangs coming from her upper lip. Her skin is Mocha in color with her ears being pointy. She has Moonlight-Silver scales marking her face under her eyes, clawed hands and feet with her arms and legs being covered with scales and a long tail with a tuft of White hairs at the end. Her figure has a lean muscular tone with large soft H-cup breasts, a slim tightly toned waist with a visible set of 6pack abs and slim toned hips connected to long luscious legs. For now she's wearing a robe tied close but was a little loose showing her lacy Fire-Red bra and thong as she was eating some rice with a side of grilled fish and some morning tea.

Next is Shizuka Uzumaki, former Kunoichi of the Nadeshiko Village and Naruto's second Husband, thanks to the law of her village.

Shizuka is a 25 year old Amazoness Succubus with her height being 6ft10inches with long Black hair in a Hime-style reaching her waist. Her skin is Tanned with two horns sticking out from her head, a pair of Black and Green color wings on her back and a long tail with a spear-shaped tip. Her figure have the classic Amazonion muscular built with a large pair of I-cup breasts, tightly toned waist with hard 6pack abs and curvy toned hips with a tight ass. And like Amaru, she's wearing a Black sports bra with Green linings and matching shorts underwear as she was eating some Beef Ramen.

And finally was Samui Uzumaki, former Konoichi of Kumo and most mature servant of the family.

Samui is a 29 year old Oni standing at 6ft10inches in height with short Blonde hair in a Bob-style. Her skin is Light Blue with two small horns sticking from her forehead. Her figure has a slim sturdy muscular built her large firm J-cup breast, slim toned waist with a 6pack of abs, curvy toned hips and a firm ass. Currently she's wearing a White bra and panties as she was having a cup of coffee.

Once seeing that everyone had finished breakfast, Naruto looked over at his three lovely Daughters.

"So Taeko, Sada, Kaya, any plans for the summer now that school is over?" Naruto asked while collecting dishes while Hachishaku was preparing three other bowls.

"Well you know me Dad, I'm going to be working with you and Mother at the restaurant until I leave for Yokai Academy for the start of the school year." Taeko said, wiping her mouth since she also has her father's eating habit before getting out of her seat. "Well, I'm going to get a shower and get dress since we have to open in an hour." she added before heading towards her room to freshen up for the day.

"As for us, ...we have no idea." Sadako said as her twin sighed.

"We have no idea of what to do since thing have been pretty lax for the past few years." Kayako said calmly since she did have a point.

So far they hadn't gotten any attacks from either Konoha, Iwa, The Yokai Comity or anything for two whole years now.

While staring at his twin Daughters, Naruto suddenly had a thought that they both might be happy about.

"How about both of you spend some time with me, your Mother and Taeko-chan working at the restaurant? That way we can all spend some more time together as a family." he said as they were thinking about the idea when Hachishaku decided to speak.

"I think your Father is right on this girls. Plus this will help you both branch out a little and probably make some new friends." the 8ft Woman said while placing the bowls down.

"Okay Mother, plus it been awhile since we've seen the place and I don't want to spend most of the summer cooped up inside." Sadako exclaimed happily while Kayako nodded in agreement as both sisters left to their room to get dressed.

"Okay, and you girls go hit the onsen real quick and get ready for work today." Naruto said looking at the others as their gave an 'Okay Naru-sama/Naru-kun' before leaving the room to go take a warm bath and put on their uniforms.

"Okay now that the family been feed, time for the pets." Hachishaku said before whistling causing Kira and two others to enter the room, one being a Black Cat with Golden eyes and the other being a Red-Orange Fox with Black markings around its eyes as they each got their respective bowl.

Kira happily began eating her bowl of roasted Boar as Naruto and Hachishaku looked over towards the cat and fox.

"Now Yoru-chan and Kura-chan you both have to be so shy around Kira-chan. Well... unless you do something to provoke her." Naruto said as the cat meowed happy before transforming while the fox was against it but transformed anyway as two beautiful women were in their place.

Yoruichi is a 28 year old Neko and Family Pet that Naruto and Hachishaku adopted from a pet center for their Daughter's Birthday as both Sadako and Kayako loved very much as she them.

Yoruichi is 5ft4inches in height with long Black hair reaching her waist with a flirtatious expression on her face. Her skin is dark with Black cat-like hands and feet with fur reaching up to her elbows and knees and a long Black tail spouting from her tailbone. Her figure has a lean muscle tone with soft perky H-cup breast, a slim waist with a toned stomach and curvy hips with a nice tone butt. Around her neck she has a Purple collar just like Kira as she enjoyed her bowl of her Mistress's milk.

Kurama is a 29 year old Kitsune, as well as the once 'great and mighty' Kyubi before Naruto and Hachishaku broke her, and Naruto and Hachishaku's other personal pet.

Kurama is 5ft9inches in height with long wild-looking Red-Orange hair reaching her lower back with Black marking around her eyes and whisker marks on her face. Her skin tone is lightly tanned with hands and feet being fox-like with fur reaching her elbow and knees and nine furry tails coming from her tailbone. Her figure is lean and muscular with large round I-cup breasts, slim toned waist with lightly toned abs and wide slimming hips with a bubble butt. Around her neck is the same collar as Kira and Yoruichi only White in color as she was eating a bowl of Red Bean Soup.

/ /30 Minutes Later/ /

"Okay, is everyone ready?"

"Yes Father/Naru-sama."

Everyone was dressed and ready for the day with Taeko wearing a Dark-Blue dress shirt and skirt with her trench coat over her outfit with White socks and Black shoes. She was also wearing a Genjutsu to cover her slit scars.

Sadako and Kayako are wearing matching outfits consist of a White blouse under a Crimson sweater-vest, Light Blue shorts, White socks and Black shoes. They also had their hair tied with Sadako having pigtails and Kayako in a high ponytail.

Now Sasame, Amaru, Isaribi, Ryuzetsu, Shizuka and Samui were wearing their work uniform consisting a Red Qipao dress reaching around their knees, thank to the seal Naruto sewed into them so they fit the girl's forms and body types, with White linings around the edges and a White Uzumaki symbol on the back.

"Okay then, let go everyone." Naruto said, about to activate the teleportation seal to take them to the restaurant before pausing his action. "Oh right, Kira you're in charge until we get back okay." he added, looking over towards the three house pets, as the Shiroramia looked up from the futon she was laying on and nodded at him before laying back down.

"Okay, now let's go." Naruto said as they all disappeared in a flash of light towards their business.

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And that's the first chapter of a new story.

Hope you all enjoy and special thanks to Zero Arashi Uchiha for helping me with this.

See you all next time.