Author's Note: HELLOOOOOOOO I know it's been a really long time but I've been having a hard time creating a MHA fanfiction due to a lack of inspiration. I had been working on a Dungeons & Dragons based fanfiction for a while and it had eaten up a lot of my time, so I am very sorry for how late this is! However, I am going to be the first to say that I am going to not only be uploading this new MHA Fanfiction, but I am also going to be holding a Poll to determine which should be my Secondary Project for you guys to read, please go check it out on my profile when you get the chance! Anyway I've done enough rambling, time to get this fanfiction started! But before we begin, some big plot points to bring up: All Might owns the Life Foundation, the Life Foundation has changed with All Might taking it over and is one of the biggest suppliers of Medicinal, Food Product, and Hero Support Companies in the world, and finally, the Life Foundation knows about the Klyntar Race, and acts as the Sol-System Base for the Agents of the Cosmos. Catch you guys on the Flipside, WEB SWING!

Prologue: The Klyntar Rescue

Sirens blare as an armored vehicle speeds through the city as fast as it is able to, a group of villains driving the machine towards their intended destination, an arms dealer who is interested in recreating whatever new and advanced technology this vehicle carried. However, the contents inside were volatile, at least to those who knew what was inside, and those who owned the vehicle would not stand for their technologies being stolen. The contents, on the other hand, had other plans, as one of them began thrashing around, snarling silently as it sensed it's comrades fearing what might happen, and with one powerful push, knocks itself down with a heavy thud. "Damn it Roadhog, careful with the turns, you know these things back here are sensitive!" A thin villain named Labrat says, climbing into the back and finding one of the containers now open, and spilling out a gooey liquid from it's canister "Oh Great!"

"Whats wrong Lab?"

"One of the chemicals spilled out!" Labrat says, kneeling down in an attempt to clean it up, finding the navy blue goo dripping beneath the grate. Seeing their comrade breaking free, they hold still until the last possible moment, when they hit a bump in the road and their canisters fall to the floor, breaking open. "Oh no no no no!" Labrat says as the four amorphous creatures slip under the grate, leaving not a bit of their essence behind as the cling to each other, holding on for dear life as part of them tells them of the police spikes in front of the road. With the explosion of tires, the creatures see the doors fly open and willfully spill out, taking on the appearance of dangerous chemicals and find a sewer drain they can escape into. The four travel carefully for hours, eventually catching the whiff of four promising scents and much to their fortune, come upon a four way split in the system.

"What should we do, Riot?" The Orange Klyntar asks telepathically

"We should split up!" Riot says. "We cannot afford to be caught, besides, we're quadruplets, if any of us get into trouble, we will know where the others are!" Riot speaks with confidence as he looks to the group, his eyes now visible.

"I think we should do this, it will be easier for us to come to each other's rescue if only one of us gets caught!" Agony, the pink and purple symbiote, says

"Are you sure?" Whiplash, the emerald symbiote, asks.

"It's our best chance!" Riot says, "With Big Bro Carnage and Big Sis Scream supposedly dead, we have to start thinking for ourselves, but we will meet up again eventually. Good luck guys…" Riot starts slithering off, "See ya when I see ya!"

"Riot!" The three shout, but after a few moments, go with his plan and follow the scents to their potential hosts, and continue to scatter further as the scents break off in different directions. The First to find their candidate is a Agony, who, carefully peeking out of a storm drain, looks to see a beautiful young woman with pink skin, dark eyes, and a pair of horns on her head standing with her friends.

"Help…" She is barely able to make audible, but that is when the girl looks around, giving Agony some hope. "Help…"

"Guys do you hear that?" One Mina Ashido asks, looking around.

"I can hear something but I don't know where it's coming from…!" One of the girls says, to which Mina turns to the drain and sees Agony poking her head out with sad and miserable white eyes.

"Oh hello there…!" Mina says, walking over to the drain, "Are you alright?"

"Please help me… I'm dying…" The symbiote asks.

"Oh no…! How can I help…?"

"I need to eat… But I can't digest physical food… I have the Symbiosis Quirk, which means I feed off my host in exchange for giving them protection and enhanced powers." Agony says, "I don't want to bond with a villain, so I am begging you… Will you help me?"

"Awww you poor thing!" Mina says, gently placing her hands on the symbiote. "I don't know how I can help but I want to become a hero, so helping you would be a good first step!"

"Thank you…!" That is when the symbiote latches onto Mina, the young woman pulling back with shock, finding the creature crawling across her body. "Don't panic, this is how I bond with my hosts! Just give me a few seconds and I'll be done!"

"Whats going on?" Mina asks, shocked, so much so she can't hear Agony's voice, but in a moment, her world goes black, but only for a second, and that next second later, she is lying on the bench with her friends surrounding her, asking what happened. "I honestly don't know but…" She then looks down and sees something around her waist, a belt of some kind, with thick "leather" straps, and a peaceful looking face upon it. "Whoa where did this come from!?"

"That would be me…!" Agony says, the face becoming terrifying, causing the girls to yelp and Mina to become terrified. "Sorry, did I scare you all dearies?"

"So this is your Symbiosis Quirk?" Mina asks, recalling Agony's words.

"Yes, my name is Agony!"

"Agony?" Mina asks, her friends listening.

"That's right, I am a Symbiote from the Planet Klyntar, an amorphous alien so to speak!" Agony explains, causing Mina's eyes to sparkle at the thought of this.

"An actual alien!" Mina asks. "Please tell me what you can do!"

"I am pretty much an amorphous creature that creates an external armor that reflects aspects of my host!" Agony explains, "Although from what I was taught by the Elders on Klyntar, it is usually compatible with my host's body, but in extreme cases, I can shapeshift according to their imagination. I also adopt the abilities of my host, allowing me to utilize and amplify them myself." She then closes her eyes, "Ooo an Acid Generation Quirk! You're also a fan of the Alien Franchise, now that will be useful in a tight spot! You've also memorized the Xenomorph's entire physiological makeup, this is perfect, I'll be able to copy it as well, thanks to you!"

"Wow, thank you!" Mina says, smiling, getting all sorts of ideas. "So what do you eat?"

"I eat the chemicals in the foods you eat, but my kind prefer a certain chemical called Phenethylamine, it's present in chocolate, cheeses, sausages, and mushrooms, so if you eat those from time to time, I'll have my strength sustained for a while! Though when you have a craving for a certain food, it will more than likely be me getting hungry!" Agony explains.

"Good to know!" Mina says, to which her friends are stunned as they listen to this conversation go on. "Wait, are you here all on your own?"

"No I have three other siblings here with me, but we separated so that if one of us was caught before we bonded with a host, the others could come rescue the others. Right now, they know I'm safe, and I've found a perfect host, so there should be no worries from them for a while now." Agony explains. "Again I must thank you for being willing to become my host! Once we've had a meal to regain my strength from days of starvation."

"Of course, and I know the perfect place to grab a bite!" Mina says, smiling as she stands up, to which she and her friends make her way towards a nice little pizza parlor that served all that Agony would need to survive. As this goes on, the other Klyntar escapees come into contact with their hosts. To speed up the process, Riot bonds with Izuku Midoriya, Phage bonds with Mikumo Akatani, and Lasher bonds with Tsuyu Asui, however, it's with Izuku that we find something that none of us could have expected as Riot bonds with Izuku.

"So this is my Hero Suit?" Izuku asks, looking at himself in the mirror."

"Yes, I am your living Hero Suit, but… Wait a minute… Didn't you say you were Quirkless?" Riot asks.

"Yes, I am, why?"

"Because from what I am reading, you do have a Quirk, but it's suppressed!"

"Suppressed!?" Izuku asks, shocked. "But how can that be?"

"Simple answer? Somebody switched the results of your Quirk Examination, and you subconsciously have been suppressing it because of that." Riot explains, "You see, your power, as it is now, has devolved into something of a habit, where you are able to analyze and memorize your opponent's capabilities, even as they appear in front of you. Your tendency to start muttering when you begin to analyze a Quirk is actually your own trying to express itself."

"You mean…"

"Your power is the power of Combat Perception, you're capable of understanding Quirks and how they work, amongst many other things. However, due to factors not entirely your fault, your ability has never been properly utilized." Riot explains. "However, you have been using it subconsciously, so it hasn't degraded all that much."

"I… Have a Quirk…" Izuku says, shedding tears of joy which soon erupts into a fountain of tears. "I HAVE A QUIRK!"

"Izuku!" Inko says, rushing in. "Izuku, is something wrong?"

"Mom!" Izuku says, his mother seeing the suit on him. "I have a Quirk!" Seeing the suit recede into a belt, her tears erupt as she hugs her son, "I've got a Quirk! I can become a hero!"

"Oh my baby, I'm so happy for you!" Inko says, to which she then stands up and calls the doctor, and has him run a second test, and within a few days, they find that Izuku does have a Quirk, but it's so badly degraded that it's almost non-existent. They also learn that somebody had switched Izuku's test results from before with somebody else, a filing error, in which Inko then proceeds to sue the doctor for Malpractice. During the investigation, the investigators discover that the Doctor has not only done this to Izuku, but several others as well, and he has been found to be in league with a group of villains, who had been targeting children with powerful quirks, for whatever reasons they have planned, and some of them have already been declared dead by the police!

This is brought up in court, and Inko is horrified, thinking her son would've been targeted, whilst Riot is smelling a rat in all of this, but he can't figure out who it is. The court case goes through and the Doctor's medical license is revoked and he is also charged with the kidnapping/murder of over 50 children and teenagers, with trial date pending. Izuku can't believe what is happening, to which he goes home, shocked and terrified as the news begins to flood with the news of over 50 kidnappings or murders of people with powerful quirks. Izuku, meanwhile, gets a call from his twin brother, Mikumo Akatani, who is shocked as he hears about what happened.

"Izuku!" Mikumo says. "Are you alright, little brother!?"

"I'm fine!" Izuku says, "I'm just in shock that somebody would be targeting me for the Quirk I have…" Izuku's voice is shaky, and he is trying to keep himself from collapsing from the shock. "Thank you for calling me…"

"Anything little bro!" Mikumo says, smiling. "Just hang in the-

"RIOT IS THAT YOU I SENSE OVER THERE!?" A voice calls through the phone.

"Phage! Is that you, little brother?" Riot asks, taking the form of a floating head from his belt form.

"Wait what!?" Izuku asks.

"Phage who is that?" Mikumo asks.

"That is my big brother, Riot!" Phage says.

"You heard me, Izuku, that is my little brother. Phage!" Riot explains. "Phage, have you heard from Agony or Lasher yet?"

"I've gotten in contact with Lasher recently, in fact, I think her host has the hots for Mikumo!"

"Oooooh?" Riot asks.

"WAIT WHAT!?" Izuku and Mikumo shout.

"Now that is some juicy information!" Riot says, smiling.

"Could we drop the subject please?" Mikumo asks.

"Yeah I'm really starting to get uncomfortable!" Izuku says.

"Fine…" The two symbiotes say.

"So anyway I'm glad you're alright, Izuku, I'm gonna head out and do some training now, so you get rest now and try to put this behind you, you've gotta train that quirk of yours if you're going to get into UA."

"Right!" Izuku says, smiling, cheering up at that thought. "See ya later Mikumo, let's head out for Pizza the next time we meet!"

"Sounds good!"

"PIZZAAAAA!" Riot and Phage shout excitedly.

"Oi…" Izuku and Mikumo says, shaking their heads fondly. The two brothers smile proudly as they hang up their phones. However, as this happens, in another city within Japan, two containers are brought before the League of Villain, one of them containing a crimson goo while the other contains a bright yellow goo.

"These were all we could obtain from those Life Foundation bastards…" A voice says, "The other four were lost in transport…"

"It matters not, these two will do nicely, now we only need find people volatile enough to utilize them…!" A wounded man says, smiling wickedly as the two goos form their eyes and glare at him menacingly. "However, they will need to be carefully picked from amongst the potential students of UA to do the most damage…"

"I think i know of one for the red one…" A voice with a touch of insanity says. "How about that bomb brat?"

"Oh now that is a good choice…!"

"And what of the yellow one?"

"We will need a host that utilizes sound waves or sonic vibrations to ensure that it can't be harmed by the same technique…"

"I think i might know of one potential UA student who could work… A girl!"

"Then bring it to her…" The injured man says, smiling. "This will be interesting indeed… Let's see how you handle this, All Might, and your precious Life Foundation…!"

Author's Note: Man this was a pain to get out with all the other subjects I had wanted to tackle getting in the way, please forgive me everyone for taking so long, but I had suddenly gotten a lot of inspiration for a lot of other stories, Goblin Slayer, Dungeons and Dragons, Rosario + Vampire, Kamen Rider, including a few crossovers, of which a few shall be listed in my poll as Side Projects which I would like for you to decide which one comes out alongside Life Foundation. Please be fair with me and each other and if you want, please PM me your opinion on your choices, and I will make sure to answer you as soon as I am able to. I love you all, and it's thanks to you all that I can keep going. Please be sure to Review, Favorite, and Watch for all future content, both this story and those on my profile, and give your honest choice on my poll! I'll catch you in Chapter 1. Catch you on the Flipside! WEB SWING!