One of A Kind Princess

By: SailorKittyMoon

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon

Rated: PG-13

Chapter: 10

Summary: Everyone believes Raye's the Moon Princess they have been searching for. Darien's true identity is revealed as being the Prince of Earth. Will Serena's true form appear before it's too late?

"God dang it!" A loud curse rang out in the steady wind, "My flippin' head!"

Serena rubbed her head gingerly as she got up to dust herself off, a shrill scream escaped her mouth as she took in her surroundings. She stared openly at the vast amount of silver and gold colours she could see about the place, sure, she loved the colour silver but this was just insane, what happened to all the pink! In the background she could make out a fountain, well, at least the water was clear but the place seriously lacked colour though it was beautiful in a fairy-tale sort of way. Going deeper into the throng of pale colours she paused suddenly as she came upon hushed whispers and then a girly giggle.

She looked up as she heard a shuffling noise close by, and realised she was looking straight at the backside of a petite girl, with long blond hair, much like herself, dressed in a long, pink flowing gown. She was peeking at something and Serena realised that she was way out of her league; this place was too far away from home.

"Oh great," she muttered under her breath. "The twerp sent me to an entirely different dimension!"

"Not now Endymion, she'll be here any minute!" On closer inspection, Serena's breath caught in her throat as the name stuck out in her mind.

"Come on babe, I promise I'll be quick," Serena stared at the scene in front of her. At the young man who she could tell was definitely a younger version of Darien and the girl, well she'd seen her somewhere before. Long dark raven hair, purple eyes, slender figure, yup who else could that be but Raye.

"So much for 'She's not my Mom!'" Serena scowled harshly, she wasn't jealous, why should she be?


Serena grinned, now who could that be!

A gorgeous young girl stuck her head through the opening exactly when Endymion and Raye parted for air. Serena choked, silver hair to match the surroundings, now that's not something you see everyday!

"Aidan, would you make out with lover boy later on please, I've got an important first class job for you."

"Hey kiddo, I'll be with you in a bit," Raye laughed as she turned back to Endymion and gave him a quick kiss on the lips before she playful pulled away from his grasp while he tried to reach for her. The silver haired girl pretended to puke on the sidelines.

Serena was sure she was going to puke for real, no wonder Darien said he felt like he bonded with her, they couldn't keep their hands off each other. But where did that leave her?

As if someone had just read her thoughts, she heard a voice behind her, "I think you're the girl with the weird hairdo. It's actually funny Meatball Head, you have horrendous hairstyles no matter where you are," and just to emphasize his point, he picked up one of her ponytails and tweaked it.

Serena pulled it away harshly, feeling hurt, "Well, at least I have my own style, unlike some people I know, and how the hell did you get here?"

"That's the question I should be asking you, I'm the one who's 'supposed' to be here. Where'd you come from?"

"You're the genius here, work it out. And just look at you out there, how low do you wanna go," she scorned, staring pointedly at his wandering hands on Raye's body.

"It's not my fault Raye just seems to be so hot and I can't even be bothered to give you a second glance," Darien smirked,

"Big headed or what? And that's so not true, in case you haven't noticed, you're eyes aren't exactly stuck on Raye's chest," she grinned triumphantly as Darien gazed at his own former self throwing lust filled glances at the unsuspecting teenager.

"Well that was then and truthfully, things haven't changed much have they?" he moved closer to her, Serena stiffened, "Have they?" he whispered in her ear. Before he grinned and moved away to continue studying the scene.

Serena scowled, "Your 'daughter'," she emphasized the word, "obviously made a mistake. Show's which side of the gene pool she gets her brains from doesn't it."

"Aidan, it's already been five minutes since I've been waiting, Goddess, how long does it take to just say bye! You're seeing him later on anyway, so get over it!" Princess Serenity whined.

"This is the first time you're meeting him Rina, show a little interest at least," Aidan shot her a warning look.

"But they're all the same, you've seen one, you've seen em' all!" the young Princess complained, not bothering to apologize for her rudeness.

Darien grinned slowly, "So, what do you think is gonna happen over there?" he asked, pointing towards the scene unfolding before them.

"We can only watch and see," Serena shrugged as she turned around.

"Nice to meet you, Endymion," Rina bit out, disregarding his challenging gaze. "Come on, Aidan, you were supposed to be in my room ages ago. Everyone else is already there! You can chat to your 'lover' later, after all, I've heard they've invited the 'Prince of Earth' to the dance as well," with that she gave him a long, disappointed cruise up his body before ending at his eyes.

She was just about to look away with a disgusted look on her face but then paused, her eyes still locked onto his, a thousand questions appearing before them. 'He does have the most beautiful eyes though,' this thought cruised through her mind much to her disgust.

Serena felt Darien move closer to her.

Rina flipped around at that and was just about to head back towards the gigantic, luxuriously decorated building but was stopped by a firm hand at her wrist. Turning around she looked into the face of her captor.

Aidan moved quickly and extracted Endymion's hand from Rina's wrist. She gave Rina an apologetic smile, "Sorry babe, he just likes teasing."

Rina gave her a forgiving shrug before sending a heated glare towards the object of her loathing. "It's ok."

Serena let out a breath she didn't even realize she was holding in. "Well, wasn't that a little steamy," she muttered under her breath. She became aware of how close Darien was standing behind her; she could even feel his light breathing on the back of her neck, causing the hairs there to blow lightly.

"Very," he agreed as he moved away from her with enticingly slow movement. "I think you're meant to follow her," he indicated a thumb towards the swiftly moving girl. "I'll see you in a bit, sweetheart."

Serena scurried off following the girl who was cursing under her breath.

"The nerve of him, to think he can test my limits, mine, well if he thinks that, his got another thing coming … he won't know what hit him!" Serena grinned as she listened to the young girl mumbling to herself, this could be really good and if she were in the other girl's shoes (which she probably was in the past) she'd be feeling the same way.

Rina turned swiftly around sharp corners that led to various corridors, most of which held huge, framed pictures of past ancestors or, Serena thought erringly, living ones, on the walls, nonetheless, the occupants of the frames looked scary as hell with their stiff postures and menacing smirks.

Serena watched amazed as the young girl before her stopped to stare … wait, make that glare at the pictures adorning the walls. "What are you staring at you scary idiots?" she screamed at the pictures, her temper at its max.

Sticking her tongue out at the lifeless portraits, she turned around again heading for her former direction.

By the time they got to the two huge double doors leading to Lord knew where, Serena was out of breath and finally glad that they had eventually made it. Rina banged the doors open and headed inside, "Girls I have a proposition," she announced to the people inside.

Serena entered tentatively and once inside, got the shock of her life. All her friends were sitting sprawled on three double beds. Serena figured the Princess probably slept on her own on the bed in the middle, well, if the room belonged to the Princess in the first place. Looking at her pink and light blue surroundings, she found the room pretty appealing to her own taste, maybe it's mine, she thought suddenly.

Mina, lying on her front, her arms dangling off the end of the bed looked up, "What'd you have in mind Rina?"

"Well, you see my dear Alena, the reason our lovely friend Aidan isn't here is because she's being seduced by a worthless snob who thinks he's God's gift or something. Now, my proposition is that we reveal the rat's true nature and make sure Aidan gets over him ASAP, it's probably a matter of life and death."

Amy got up from where she was sitting, leaning on her knees and attentive as usual, "I think you might be taking this whole thing a little too seriously Rina. I mean, at the end of the day, its Aidan's choice who she wants to be with isn't it?"

"I know Azura, but I don't know!" she cried frustratingly, "there's something about that guy I particularly detest, if the idea of demolishing him doesn't sound too appealing, why don't we try to figure out what he's really about. Sound like a better idea?"

Everyone paused in thought and Serena, who was mildly amused by this display watched on in fascination as the girls came to a decision.

"I'm with you," a version of Lita spoke out finally. "If you think there's something up with him, maybe we should check it out but we shouldn't let Aidan suspect a thing."

"I knew I could count on you Aileen, so what do the rest of you say, we don't HAVE to do it," she turned on the charm, her loathing for Endymion seeming unnatural even to herself; it wasn't a big deal really. But, there was definitely something about him that freaked her out; it could even be her own reaction towards him, which had sparked off different emotions in their last encounter. She felt as if she had been expecting her encounter with this man, even anticipating it, so there was most likely something funny about him, Rina never passed off a feeling, even if the consequences were regarded way in the future. "I mean, if he does turn out to be a right jerk, don't say I didn't warn you."

Somehow, Serena was able to interoperate these feelings clearly, it was as is she could clearly understand what the girl must be going through. Confusion at her thoughts, hurt at his challenging dismissal and anger at her own uselessness to fully understand her own emotions.

"Well, if you're sure, I think we could give it a go," Alena murmured, "But remember, whatever we do find out, in the end, it all comes down to what Aidan makes of it, 'k?"

"Yeah, I get you loud and clear," she grinned as she witnessed Azura's reluctant nod, "Thanks guys, I knew I could count on you! Now, time for the latest gossip, guess what I've heard …" the girls all huddled onto the middle bed as Rina exaggerated the events that had taken place while the girls were away, earning gasps, giggles and grins from the captured audience.

Serena stood aside for a while, "I never knew I was such a manipulator and at such a young age as well," she grinned widely, "God, I'm good!"

Just then Aidan entered the room, biting her bottom lip nervously. "Damn," she muttered under her breath as she headed for the over-crowded bed.

The girls, too occupied by their own mini-discussion didn't even notice until she was right behind them and even in her worried state-of-mind didn't feel necessary to pass a chance at trying to scare the pants off Alena who was sitting the closest.

But, suddenly all discussion stopped as four pairs of eyes landed on Aidan who froze on the spot, well, so much for tip-toeing!

"Hey guys! Miss me?"

They all instantly jumped of the bed to envelope their friend in a huge group hug. "Course we did Aidan, it's been nearly over a week now!" Aileen greeted cheerfully.

"We want all the details. What's the deal with you and Prince Charming, I've heard he's a right … charmer!" Alena ground out, over-enthusiastically.

"Well, not much really, we've been seeing each other for about two weeks now and …" she paused, deciding to add a little drama to her tale, "I think I'm in love!"

The girls all gave a loud simultaneous gasp …

"With having sex with him!" Aidan finished off cheekily.

The girls blew out a breath, "Thank Goddess for that," Rina mumbled.

"You've made a definite impression on him Rina, he wouldn't stop talking about you after you'd gone," Aidan attempted an innocent smile.

Rina cocked an eyebrow, "Really, now what exactly was it about me that he couldn't stop talking about?"

Aidan gave her a sheepish smile, "How irritating you were and how he was hell-bent on finding out where you were so he could attempt to strangle you." Aidan finished off grinning as the memory of her lover's words rang in her head.

Rina grinned, "Thought so! Well, he has made quite an impression on me as well if you must know."

Aidan shrugged, what she couldn't understand was why Endymion was SO pissed off at Rina, she'd hardly said anything but nevertheless he'd managed to loose his cool when in the past she'd marvelled at his hard as granite self control. She really needed to find out what the deal was with that, there was something about them when they were together, but right now, she was happy enough to join in with the happy atmosphere that surrounded the Princess's chambers.

Meanwhile, Darien sat on the floor, leaning on the wall, as he continued to listen to the curses coming out of that foul mouth of his. But then again, he knew how the poor guy felt, it was exactly as he'd felt when he'd found out Raye was the Princess and that it was Serena he really wanted disregarding the consequences and … he flinched as the truth dawned on him, he still wanted her, with a passion that was strong enough to tear his world apart if he couldn't make her his.

P.S. The names for the girls hold a meaning that goes with their nature … in case you were wondering!