Labas mano draugai! In honor of Lithuania's 101 second Independence Day, (March 11) I have created several snapshots depicting his life from 1918 until this year, 2019. Not each year has been included, and you might think several important years are missing, but that is because I have later stories for planned for them.

So, please enjoy the story, leave a review and thank you for honoring me by reading.

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia.

The wind tugged at his thin coat and blew strands of hair into his face as he simply stood still taking it all in. He took a deep breath, lungs filling up until they hurt. He had not breathed this air for so long—far too long, every breath was food to his starving soul. The dirt beneath his bare feet, it was his; his dirt, his soil, his land. "I'm home," he whispered. The wind carried the soft words through all his forests, alerting every river, notifying all animals, and each citizen…the nation was back. "I'm home," he said again sinking to his knees, taking it all in. Tears slipped from shining blue eyes, dripping down checks and trickling to his smiling lips. He was free, finally free.