Disclaimer: All Characters belong to their original owners.

Author's Note: I am Handicapped so please bare that in mind if my spelling is off. I use spell checker. I also have a slight mental disability so please excuse any mistakes. I do the best I can with writing these stories and trying to post chapters.


People get there soulmarks at birth but it is in a code. Soulmates sure attributes too each other. What happens when Tony breaks the code on his arms to see eleven names Steve Rogers, James Barnes, Sam Wilson, Stephan Strange, James Rhodes, Betty Ross, Bruce Banner, Loki Odinson, Lady Sif, Phil Coulson, Rhodey, Pepper Potts and Carol Danvers. How will Tony handle it when four of his soulmates are on the run, one is believed dead, and another three are missing? After Civil War. Injured Tony

The more soulmates you have the more the person needs love in there life

Chapter .1.

Tony was upset. He had just cracked the code which everyone has on their forearm. Most can't crack the code of the fates to know there soulmates and most normally only had one or two. But the more soulmates a person had was based on how much love and comfort they needed. But Tony found out he had ten soulmates.

They were James Rupert Rhodes, Steven Grant Rogers, Samuel John Wilson, James Buchanan Barnes, Stephen Vincent Strange, Bruce Robert Banner, Loki Odinson, The Lady Sif, Philip Jackson Coulson, Pepper Sofia Potts, Elizabeth 'Betty' Josephine Ross and Carol Susan Jane Danvers.

And he didn't feel comfortable, but he was upset that Steve, Barnes, Sam and Rhodey were in Wakanda after Steve had betrayed him by not telling his about his parents. Phil was presumed dead. But Tony had the feeling he was alive as his soulmark for Phil was still golden. The Lady Sif, Bruce and Loki were missing. The only two that he had with him were Carol and Stephen.

They both were doing there best to help him as he had been severely injured in Siberia. From injuries after Steve and Barnes had left him. A couple of HYDRA agents had attacked him and set of an explosion just after he got our. Now Tony had to have his legs amputated and he was deaf because of a head injuries and his eardrums had burst. He also had scars everywhere too. Tony has now wheelchair bound as he couldn't have prosthetics yet.

Tony had told his trusted friends that he was a Technomage and a Technopath. And everyone thought that was very cool. His magic was Red, Gold, Silver and Violet. He also was dyslexic since birth but he had learned how to read fairly well with it.

Tony had also re-did the original Avengers design. So that they could have more good things come out about the Avengers after what the media called the 'Civil War'. The divisions and heads of them were:


Avengers Division: Leader Captain Marvel

Second in Command:

Tony Stark

Third in Command:

Hope van Dyne

Fourth in Command:

Stephen Strange

Fifth in Command:

Daisy Johnson

Science Division: Head Jane Foster


Erik Selvig

Betty Ross

Janet van Dyne

PR Division: Heads Darcy Lewis, Laura Barton and Alicia Grimm

Legal Degree Division: Heads Matt Murdock and Maggie Lang

Medical Division: Head Jennifer Banner


May Parker

Helen Cho

Financial Division: Head Joseph Thomas

IT Division: Head Diasy Johnson

Magical Division: Head Stephan Strange

Liaison Division: Sharon Carter to the CIA

Security Division: Head Happy Hogan

Housing Division: Head Caroline Potter

Communication Division: Head Melody Stuart

Magic Division: Head Stephen Strange

Maintenance Division: Head Tom Stuart

Groundskeepering Division: Head Cody Myers

Search & Rescue Division: Head Toby James

Human Resources Division: Head Madeline Travis

Extraction & Retrieval Division: Head Joshua Cable

Spies Division: Head Lauren Turrent

Special Operations Division: Head Daniel Stevens

Research & Development Division: Head Tony Stark

Weapon & Technology Division: Head Tony Stark


Hank Pym

Tony had all the members of the Avengers go through a psychology profile and a recruitment test of there powers or skills. They also had backup from the Fantastic Four and Daredevil with sometimes Spider-Man in there but Spider-Man and Daredevil liked doing things solo. But they did help the Avengers out if they needed more backup. So the team was stronger then ever.

But still Tony felt somewhat alone. Even though he still had the phone that Steve had sent he didn't what to ring because as hard as it was not to be. Tony was scared of Steve. He had nightmares about that shield going into his chest.

Speaking of that shield Tony had bought it back to the compound after the fight and worked on it too it was as good as new. Tony wanted to give it back to Steve but he was scared too. For obvious reasons.

Tony had taken on several jobs since he got out of the hospital. He had the Fantastic Four get Laura Barton and the kids as well as Maggie Lang and Cassie Lang to safety of the compound. Because Ross was going after them.

Tony was also working on fixing the Accords and getting Pardons for the Rogue Avengers. As he was hoping to have them back even though they might be angry with him. But in Tony's defence he was already planning on amending the Accords when all hell broke loose. Tony wanted to work on them with Steve. But now that was out the window.

His schedule for all of this was 2 hours Stark Industries time, 3 hours Inventing Time, 3 hours Avengers time, 5 hours Accords time, 1 hour for a Therapist and 2 hours family time. He really didn't have time for himself in all of that. Be barely had anytime to think because he was also working on everything.

The family time was to do with the Barton's and Lang's as well as his soulmates Carol and Stephen. But it still wasn't enough time.

The Barton children and Cassie Lang now all called him Uncle Tony. Tony always read them stories every night. And he had made the promise to them. Cooper, Lila and Cassie had made a promise to Tony in return in telling him they would learn sign language for him. And they were doing very well in it.

Tony had gotten JARVIS back up and running again from a backup which he forgot to a couple of months ago which made him feel really bad. After all JARVIS was his most trusted friend even though he was an AI. JARVIS had forgiven Tony though and had been a comforting voice when Carol or Stephan weren't there to calm him down.

He had also redone the compound and made bigger with many floors. So it had enough room to fit all the Avengers. Some of the Avengers had day jobs besides Avenging. That was what Tony thought was good because now of the current team asked him for anything. Which was something that Tony wasn't used too. After all his old team always wanted something. And they were all expecting him to pay for them. But this current team didn't. But Tony had given them knew equipment. And they were always thankful for it.

Now Tony was in his office going over the latest changes of the Accords when a portal opens and a young woman appears.

"Who are you? How did you get in here?" Tony asks

"I am Hela Lokidottir and I have a message from my Uncle Thor, My father and Doctor Banner for you"

Author's Note: What do you think? Please review:)