Rescue plan

[ACSR: Determination]

The rescue team was sitting in the Judgement office eating lunch. Kuroko had sent a request to get Misaka's current location from her tracker and they were waiting to get something back from that.

It was a strange moment, they all ate peacefully. Uiharu ate while doing research, she was looking for likely locations for the suits that Janie's ability would be used to control. Konori was talking to a friend in Anti-skill, unfortunately they didn't seem able to help so while waiting Kuroko called another friend in Anti-skill. From the two sources they got similar info; STUDY had become Anti-skill's equipment manufacturer and they had gained a surprising amount of power over Anti-skill.

In short, Anti-skill couldn't help. Kuroko's contact had even been suspended by looking into these things.

Uiharu knew a lot more information from the "Bug" that Joule had planted so she was in a good place to find them. It took her only 15 minutes.

"I've got it." Uiharu announced "The record of STUDY corporation's bulk containers and the sites they've been delivered to."

Konori looked over slightly panicked "They made it too the sites? How could they?"

Uiharu nodded to the screen "Well, look. It says here there was a blackout at each site during delivery and all of their records appear to be incomplete."

Joule groaned "And nobody noticed that before?"

Uiharu shrugged "Blackouts are not actually as rare in this city as most people claim."

Kuroko chuckled slightly "And Misaka is actually the cause of some of them."

Konori looked at Uiharu "How many suits are we talking about?"

Uiharu spoke quietly "Give me a moment, I'm tallying them now."

After a few seconds she spoke again "Approximating by container capacity and contents..." she trailed off before gasping "No way, that's so many!"

"What?" Kuroko asked with a note of fear.

"It has to be over 20,000!" Uiharu announced.

Saten stood up quickly "What? How? How did no one except us notice this?"

Uiharu shrugged "I don't know."

They split up again, each working on something. Joule still tapped away on a laptop, working on a new song.

After a few minutes more the Doctor sent a message to Kuroko. He had managed to get through all the red tape blocking him from telling them where Misaka was and he sent them coordinates.

Kuroko travelled nearby and scouted with a pair of binoculars. When she got back she looked slightly shaken. "I saw her." Kuroko admitted "She looked to be asleep but I could see her and someone else through a window."

She looked over at Uiharu and asked "Uiharu, can you get me blueprints?"

Uiharu nodded, looking down at the message to find the right building. When she had found it she sent in the request for blueprints from the offices where they are stored. The fact she was from Judgement got them working quickly and within five minutes she had the building's schematics.

Joule raised her hand "Why are we not just going in through the window?"

Kuroko chuckled "Judgement rules, if there is an enemy building I have to enter as if I were not a teleporter. I can teleport people out but I am not allowed to teleport myself right to her."

Saten looked over confused "So basically, Judgement doesn't allow you to perform a dungeon skip?"

Kuroko didn't seem to understand so Konori stepped it "The rule wasn't designed with teleporters in mind, it was a general rule to avoid property damage. Imagine if Kuroko was a telekinetic instead of a teleporter, this rule is saying 'You aren't allowed to break doors and windows to get to your goal faster'."

Kuroko shrugged and then admitted "I do break that rule sometimes as it doesn't fully apply but when Anti-skill is subverted I would rather not take chances."

She looked down at the map and traced a route to the room Misaka was being kept in and then nodded.

Two and a quater hours passed. Everyone was still working on their own projects when Kuroko's alarm went off, she shut it off and spoke clearly "Right, lets get her. Who is coming over with me?"

Saten raised her hand quickly "Even if it is only as a lookout I want to help."

Joule shrugged "I still need to keep working on this."

Uiharu looked over "I'll support you from here."

Konori smiled "I'll keep an eye on Febrie."

Kuroko took Saten's hand and they both teleported.

Joule checked a clock, it was ten to four. The time everyone had agreed on to get their friends out of there.

Kuroko was now talking to Uiharu over the were preparing to head in. They would likely be looking around for about ten minutes before they started in earnest.

Uiharu sat at the computer rattling out various pieces of info for Kuroko.

[ACSRS: Pressure]

At four pm the attack started. Kuroko rushed in to the entrance and threw a handful of her pins into the electronics of the guard robots. She then teleported into the center of the room and spun quickly to see if there were any more coming. She held her hand up to her ear "Uiharu, I have the entrance under my control. you're certain there are no civilians in the area?"

Over her phone she heard Uiharu respond "Yes, the coast is clear. You can do whatever you need to."

Uiharu then spoke again but not to her "Come in Saten, what's the status outside?"

They were in a three way call so she heard Saten's answer "It's all good, no suspicious activity so far. Misaka seems to have woken up and somehow she has sat up too. She is talking to the woman that is also in the room."

"And GV?" Joule could be heard quietly from Uiharu's mic

Saten turned the binoculars "He's up too, don't worry."

Kuroko teleported into the next room, quickly spinning in a complete circle to take in the room. Her hand stroked against her strap of needles and destroyed a few more robots with them. She was now in a large room with access to multiple levels, she knew Misaka was on the top floor and for a teleporter this sort of room was the fastest way up.

She teleported to the roof and gave herself a rotate so she could clearly see all the robots guarding that floor. When she fell she teleported again, this time to the corner of the floor nearest the room where Misaka should be. She teleported a few more needles to break this floor's robots before teleporting into the hallway that the room was in.

However she had gotten too close to one of the guard robots so she shot out her hand to teleport it into the air where she pelted it with darts.

"Kuroko!" She looked over to see Misaka and GV leave the room.

"Hi Sis!" Kuroko said excitedly she teleported and raised her arms for a hug.

Misaka looked panicked for a moment "No, hold on, you don't want to-" she was cut off my Kuroko coming into contact with her skin and getting zapped.

End of chapter.