Smith, the local blacksmith, felt another headache coming along as he stared at two young adventurers currently gazing starry eyed it's some of his shiny and most expensive gear.

He had seen it all before, newbe Adventurers coming to look for the prettiest and shiniest thing they could find to make them stand out the most while they're in the field, sometimes completely overlooking any practicality and safety.

However he had heard rumors that those two had apparently returned from some disaster is their first quest in which they both failed and barely survived, he could only hope that, that had open their eyes to the real world and the dangers of their chosen profession.

"These are so cool!" Fighter gused looking down at the silver gauntlets in front of her while pressing her bandaged hands and face against the glass.

"Highly durable yet built for comfort, bolt heads instead of spikes for max bone breakage and all around build to last! I'd love to have these." Fighter said looking absolutely goggly eyed at the gauntlets on display.

"Yes their very nice... and very expensive." Priestess pointed out while trying to not giggle. This was the most excited she had seen her partner since coming back to the Guild and it was a nice change of pace.

"I know I can't afford it but I can look can't I?" Fighter moan as Priestess patted her on the shoulder soothingly. Having just finished up a quest the two were looking for protective gear to better aid them on quest's when Fighter spotted the best looking gauntlets she ever seen in her life.

"You two look like your having fun." A voice spoke causing the two to jump a bit.

"Who..." Fighter paused at seeing the Wizard she once team up with standing behind him.

"Oh... hey?" Fighter said awkwardly as Wizard walked up to them.

"Hi, sorry didn't really mean to eavesdrop on your conversation just couldn't help overhearing you." Wizard reply just as awkward as she reach them.

"It's okay we were just looking over some new equipment to better assist us on our quest's." Priestess spoke trying to break the ice, hearing this Wizard's eyes ran down Fighters arms to her bandaged and bloody hands that look like they had seen better days. Fighter picking up on this chuckle as she held out her damage hands to the magic user.

"Yeah, It turns out trying to punch rats skulls into oblivion is really murder on the old knuckles and fingers if you know what I mean." Fighter said humorous wiggling her bandaged fingers, even with Priestess's recovery magic and health potions Fighters hands were still in poor shape after having to kill so many rats with her bare fists.

"Besides that what are you doing here?" Fighter asked, Wizard sigh as she thumb to a tall man in cruddy and dirty armor that looks like it would have fallen apart at any moment.

"That guy is actually the one who saved me from the cave, I'm currently partnered up with him and we stopped by to get some more throwing knives for our next quest." Wizard answered, both blink wondering how someone in such poor armored man had been able to save her from that goblin infested cave. wizard seem to realize what they were thinking inside again tirelessly.

"Despite the way it looks that armor is actually in excellent condition, it's neither rusted nor falling apart and the dirt, grime, and dry blood is there on purpose to hide his scent from beings with acute sense of smell." Wizard explain somewhat irritably as if it was getting annoying having to explain this consistently to people. Both gained 'O' faces as they realize what she said and how much sense it made.

"So what are you looking at?" Wizard asked as she wanted to keep the conversation going before it became any more awkward than it already was, her and Goblin Slayer and the three new Adventurers that had join them had stopped by this Weapon smith shop to pick up some throwing knives as he had use them all on the last quest but upon seeing Fighter and Priestess Goblin Slayer had told her to go greet them wow he gathered up the needed knives. For a guy with almost no social skills he wish sure trying his best to get her to reconnect with her old team.

"Hand protection for starters, maybe some leather gauntlets would be nice but then I spotted these." Fighter said pointing to the silver gauntlets she had been eyeing, Wizard look down at them with raised eyebrows they certainly look durable but the price was a bit much in her opinion.

"50 gold coins? No offense but can you even afford these?" she asked, Fighters head dropped at her question.

"No we can't, we managed to earn quite a bit of coin from our last rat quest, but it's nowhere near enough." Fighter admitted, they had spent three days in the sewers doing nothing but killing rest rats while resting when need be. The two had 'excluding the first five rats' managed to kill a total of 57 rats divided by 3 that equal out to eighteen silver coins plus the one gold coin they got for killing the first five rats, an additional three gold coins had been added for clearing out the entire section which left them with a total of four gold coins and eighteen silver coins. Split equally between the two left each with two gold coins and nine silver coins a piece. It was a moderately decent amount to work with but nowhere near enough to buy the more expensive equipment.

"Well one normally has to start out small, I admit I lucked out being able to team up with Goblin Slayer but..." Wizard trailed off when she noticed they're rather frozen state only to realize someone was hovering behind her, looking up Wizard freezed up for just a second at the ominous figure of Goblin Slayer, (He does look a bit undead from the this angle.) she chuckled just a tad nervous on the inside she may have gotten used to his appearance by now but from time to time he could still manage to give her a chill once or twice.

"I have procured my knives, do you need more times." Goblin Slayer asked, "No, not really and could you not sneak up on me all the time!?" Wizard said turning back to her normal state and being rather annoyed that someone dressed like him could be so quiet with his movements.

"I only wanted to let you know that your order came in." Goblin Slayer said handing her a small box that caused Wizard's eyes to widen as if she was looking at a bar of gold.

Watching the two interact was a rather interesting point for the Priestess however for Fighter her eyes were focus more on the silver tag currently hanging across his neck.

(He's a Silver Rank, a high-level adventurer so that means despite the way he dressed The guild really does acknowledge his skills.) Fighter thought in awe, taking a deep breath and, the young lady walked up to the two stop just a foot away.

"So I take it you're the one who rescued her from the cave, you have my gratitude." Fighter said giving a small bow of respect to the veteran Adventurer, Goblin Slayer broke his conversation to Wizard to look over the Fighter.

"Judging from your state of dress you must be the Fighter of that team from back then." Goblin Slayer said looking her over.

"Despite how poorly that quest went, I saw your handiwork with dispatching those goblins." he said causing her eyes to widen before looking down at the floor, Fighter clear expected to berated at how poor the quest went.

"To be able to do such damage with a injured leg and protecting a down teammate yet still escaping that situation. You did well under those circumstances." Goblin Slayer tone was as always flat and with little to no emotion but the intent of his words was there enough to actually cause Fighter to blush, (Did I just get praise from a Silver Rank!? Awesome!) Fighter thoughts starry-eyed for different reasons now.

"Thank you I did my best, also I am trying to better myself so if it's not too much to ask, is there any advice you could give us?" she asks now staring intently at the Goblin Slayer before her, while Wizard and Priestess stared at the two having their conversation blankly.

"Advice? Well I guess but to start with, I'd have to ask why are you dressed like that?" Goblin Slayer asked and definitely confused her, Fighter didn't know what her state of dress had to do with anything.

"What do you mean, these clothes are meant for ease of movement as well as build so that they don't fall off." Fighter said as if though it should have been obvious. Goblin Slayer tilted his head to the side as he reached out and tugged on her sleeve just a bit noticing the excessive amount of pullage it gave.

"In theory that might seem like a good thing, but in actuality you have too much unnecessary material. In combat your adversary could easily take advantage of the excessive material in numerous different ways." Fighter froze as she thought back to her cave battle with the goblins and remembered how a few times they had did just that, one had managed to jump on her back grabbing her shirt and using it to choke her with it before she had been forced to slam him into the back of the cave while another had grabbed her loose pants leg and nearly tripped her up, in other words it was exactly as he said.

"Not to mention if you're out in a forest or in an enclosed space the loose material could easily get caught on branches or sharp rocks slowing you down or tripping you up in dire situations." Goblin Slayer added and this time it was Priestess who froze as she remember doing their sewer battles, there were a few times where Fighters clothing had got caught on something while they were fighting the rats that led to some rather dangerous situations for them both.

"I see, you have a point." Fighter admitted with a sweat drop recalling all of the instances in which just as he said all of that happened.

"Nearly all of the hand to hand combat fighters I've seen prefer to wear only the necessary amount of clothing added with arm and leg proctors for protection." Goblin Slayer offered seemingly brightening up her mood again, off to the side Wizard and Priestess watch the two talk with varies of expressions.

"They both seem to have forgotten that we're here as well." Priestess said as she was both pleased with Fighter finally being in a good mood and found it a bit strange that it was from her talking to someone so oddly dressed.

"I'll say, kind of tick that she is able to get him to talk so easily." Wizard said slightly jealous, most conversations they had she had been the one to start them and they always ended abruptly when there was nothing of vital importance to discuss yet her former teammate Fighter seem to be getting him to talk so easily.

"Even so, he seems like a good person, I'm happy because it looks like your in good hands." Priestess stated smiling at her, " Good hands... yeah so long as I'm not a goblin." Wizard chuckled with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes, Wizard seriously wondered if the Priestess would still be saying that if she ever saw how this man killed goblins.

Goblin Slayer kill goblins in the most effective way available to him at the given time, he wasn't sadistic or amore nor was he pessimistic about how he killed goblins, if he could kill them quickly and end their lives at that moment he would, however if the most effective way of killing goblins was a slow and excruciating death then he most certainly had no problems carrying it out like, how he used her water shield to slowly suffocate the goblins in those ruins still in her mind or that one time were a goblin head try to jump out at him near a lakefront only for him to sidestep leading it's to a crash face-first into the water to which he then slammed his foot on its back and held it in place, searching around for more goblins wow it painfully drowned to death.

Of course he also gave plenty of goblins quick deaths with stabs to the head, heart, sliced throats, crushing them to death with boulders or anything else available for his goblin Slayer needs at the time. If people saw just how he actually killed goblins at some points they would call it inhumane but he would call it the most effective and necessary way available to him.

"Beside that, it seems like you two are doing well." Wizard offered getting a small smile from the Priestess.

"Yes, we managed to finish our second quest... without almost dying even." Priestess said half joking, Wizard laughed a little as well before being followed by an awkward silence.

"Do you... do you hate us? For not wanting to we reformed a team with you?" Priestess suddenly asked, it went with out saying that Wizard was caught off guard by that.

"Wha..." Wizard tried but she couldn't form a full sentences as Priestess stared at the floor fidgeting.

"Even though it's only been a little while everything's gotten so awkward between the three of us now." She said still not looking at her, Wizard looked at the holy girl and signed.

"No I don't hate you guys, honestly I kind of agree with your decision. After what had happened and knowing my own personality I think it was best we went our separate ways." Wizard spoke looking up at nothing.

"I do wish things had turned out differently... or the very least I wish he hadn't died." Priestess and Wizard both had a image of Young Warrior appear in their heads.

"But ya never know how life gonna turn out ya know." Wizard said turning to her with a small smile.

"At least we survived, the only thing we can do now is try to move forward." Wizard stated Priestess finally looking at her smiled back.

"Yes but at the very least, I want to be able to greet you with words instead of awkward waves." Priestess said tilting her head slightly in a cute way (By the Goddess of Illusion she's adorable!) Wizard thought then quickly shook her head of such thoughts.

"I'd like that." Wizard admitted, it seemed the awkwardness between them evaporated at that moment as they took the first step towards becoming real friends which was then immediately broken and when Fighter suddenly rush over to Priestess in through an arm around her shoulder bringing her in.

"Hey, hey, quit spacing out Goblin Slayer there just gave me some good advice on equipment to buy, let's head over to the Smith to discuss pricing!" Fighter said with giddiness this in her voice now, hearing the pricing part Wizard quickly reached into her satchel and pulled out a small sack.

"If you guys are low on coins here are a few extra to help you out." Wizard said holding out of the sack of gold coins she got from the Orc Shaman from their last quest. Fighter look down at the tempting sack just within her reach with a torn expression.

"Thanks I appreciate the offer but we're Adventurers now, we can't expect hand outs whenever we're in a bind. We have to get through this ourselves." Fighter said letting her pride show just a bit, however Goblin Slayer really not seeing an issue took the sack from Wizard and placed it in Fighter's free hand.

"Take it and use the coins to buy the proper equipment that will aid you on your quest." Goblin Slayer told them, Fighter still held out the sack hesitantly unsure if she should really accept it.

"If you don't want a hand out then consider it a loan and pay me back whenever, interest or not that's your choice, I don't really care." Wizard offered Fighter continue to look at the sack a few seconds more before turn into Priestess who smiled and nodded causing her to sigh before giving the two Adventurers a lopsided grin.

"Thanks you, we'll definitely pay you back" Fighter said before dragging Priestess up to the counter to talk to the the Weapons smith.

"Thanks for that, I know you told me to use it for myself but..." Wizard trailed off as Goblin Slayer turned on his heels.

"It's fine, the coins were yours to use as you saw fit and you use them well." Goblin Slayer said as he began walking with Wizard quickly turning to follow after him.

"Beside their work at surviving that situation they were in was exemplary, if those coins can help ensure their survival then it's worth every gold coin." he added, Wizard found herself a bit speechless at his words as well as a tad jealous that he was given such praise to the Fighter, nevertheless it was nice to hear him approve of them as well as take the first step towards the three of them reconnecting is true comrades and possibly friends.

After finishing up their business at the Weapons Shop the five person group began their long travel to their destination, first by wagon then on foot once they reach the forest they needed to cross through and continue to do so until nightfall fail and they made camp just far enough from the targeted site to not be found.

"So what made all of you want to be Adventurers?" Elvin Ranger asked throwing a stick into a campfire they made for their rest stop, Lizard Priest was busy cooking some chopped meat on a stick near the flame while Dwarf Shaman waited to have a taste, and Wizard was eating purple looking wildberries from a small bag in her hand, the only one not take partaking of a meal was Goblin Slayer who was cleaning his equipment.

"To sample the world's great cuisine! You long ears?" Dwarf Shaman answered as he was given a bid of meat from Lizard Priest.

"I was eager to see the outside world." Elvin Ranger began only to notice you was more focused on the delicious meat then her words.

"Listen when I'm talking, will you!?" she yelled in frustration, Dwarf shaman pay her know he has he took another bite of the offers meat from Lizard Priest.

"It is the meat of the a swamp creature." Lizard Priest stated.

"Huh? Swamp creature?" Elvin Ranger asked a bit put off that they were eating such a thing.

"Funny wouldn't know it by the smell or those tongue tingling spices the juiciest." the shaman commented.

"I use spices not come into this place so you may find them a bit odd." Lizard Priest noted getting a bellowing laugh from the shaman.

"That would be rabbit can't appreciate the virtue of these meals." Dwarf shaman grinned getting a eye twitch from the Elvin Ranger.

"I'm not a vegan but you shouldn't knock fruits and vegetables old man, that might be the reason why your kind is so short." Wizard countered for the Elf, causing the Shaman to choke a bit on his food and a good chuckle from the Ranger who then found Wizard holding her bag of fruit out to her.

"What kind of fruit is this?" Elvin Ranger asked taking a few, they looked like beans but were soft like grapes, tossing one into her mouth the elf rangers eyes bulge as an explosion of flavor went off on her tongue.

"They're called vigor wildberries they grow in the forest south of the magic Academy that I went to." Wizard told her with a bit of pride in her voice at speaking about the place she learn her craft from.

"Despite the way they look they're actually really sweet plus eating them before resting the night will almost guarantee you'll be full rested and ready to tackle any quests the following day." Wizard smirk with pride as the elf pop the remaining berries in her mouth, Wizard offered a few to the Lizard Priest and Dwarf Shaman, the Lizard Priest gratefully took some while the Dwarf Shaman was a bit more hesitant choosing only to take three, both ate one and has the same response.

"Superb, these are quite good!" Lizard Priest praised while eating the rest.

"I must admit these aren't bad at all, your temple knows is fruit." Dwarf Shaman chewing the rest of his own, he may have preferred meat but he wasn't against fruits or vegetables if they tasted good.

"Now then, as for why I became an adventurer it is because I wish to root out heresy and gained enough status to become a dragon!" Lizard Priest declared proudly.

"So it for a religious motive." Wizard mused thinking back to Priestess and figuring she was the same.

"I see, I myself wish to collect a great deal of knowledge on magic through adventuring in rise in status to become legendary mage." Wizard said, getting a nodded from the rest.

"So you seek fame and vast knowledge, an not uncommon combination..." Lizard Priest said thinking on her goals.

"It might sound foolish and I still have a long way to go but I wish to be remembered in archives of history as one of the 'great old one's'." Wizard stated Dwarf Shaman and Lizard Priest both raised an eyebrow at that as Elvin Ranger smirked at their confusion.

"What you kids don't know? I guess you really are old only in looks." She teased getting annoyed look from the Dwarf Shaman.

"And I suppose you do, well spit it out already you anvil!" Dwarf Shaman getting a eye twitch from the Ranger.

"Here try some of these's Elven traveling ration." Ranger offered smirking at the annoyed look he was giving them.

"Hey don't just leave us hanging like that, explain it dammit!" Dwarf Shaman growled.

"We're not suppose to give them to others, but I can make this a special occasion." The High Elf says ignoring.

"Oh come on, I actually went to hear more about that." Dwarf Shaman complained as Witch politely takes one and takes a small bite with her eyes widening a bit.

"It's delicious!" The Wizard says shocked on how good it is with a mixture of flavors blending all together.

"Really? I'm glad you like it." The High Elf says smiling, as Dwarf Shaman's shoulder's drop.

"Your just going to ignore me aren't you?" he asked.

"Your focus on her bust size is wearying, when I'm sure you not a Pervy I'll tell you." Witch replied closing up her cloak over her chest just a bit, getting a slight pout from the Dwarf as Lizard Priest chuckled, Goblin Slayer simply kept cleaning his weapon's.

"I supposed I have to offer something too... might help clear up the air around me too." Dwarf Shaman said reaching behind him to bring out a large jug.

"Fire-wine homemade Dwarven brew deep within our cellars" Dwarf Shaman

"Fire-wine?" ask the Archer curiously.

"It seems that your brain is that of a infant still new to this land, how can one boast of their age but still be so inexperienced." Dwarf chuckled causing her to go red in the face.

"D-Don't mock me! Of course I had wine before, in fact I'll have some right now!" The High Elf says quickly taking gulps from the wooden ladle before having to catch her breath as she started coughing a bit with her face looking a bit flushed.

"A word of advice, if your trying strong wine for the first time don't try to chugged it." Wizard said offering her some water while thinking back to her time in the Academy. One of her class mates had snuck a bottle of wine from one of the teachers special stash and they got wasted that night. It was the first time she had the strong stuff allowing her to learn what not to do when ones drinking as she suffered for the following morning.

As the Shaman laugh at his ancestral foe before turning to Goblin Slayer holding it out to him.

"Go on beard Cutter have a swig!" He Said as he raised the bottle as he handed him the small wooden lidle who Slayer took the time to sip it underneath the helmet

"Not bad eh beardcutter." the Dwarf Said with a smile being prideful of his homebrew wine.

"Would you like a small taste miss?" the Dwarf offered the Wizard.

"Thanks but I'll pass, I'm pretty much a light weight with the hard stuff." Wizard admitted telling half the truth and too embarrassed to explain the rest.

"Pity, we may need to build up your alcohol tolerance so you can enjoy the finer drinks of life." he grinned, Wizard smiled a bit at the Dwarf.

He clearly wasn't planning anything, he just enjoyed his alcohol and wanted to share it with others Wizard still felt he was a bit of a pervert but a decent pervert at least.

Wizard then found herself holding back laughter as the High Elf who was rather wasted after just a few swags and had moved over to Goblin Slayer, the Slayer said nothing as she proceeded to poke and push his head while complaining.

"Hey! Why don't you at least take off your helmet? Especially when your eating!" the Rangey complained, mad she had yet to see his face, something to which Wizard was annoyed about as well as she had yet to see the face of the man she had been traveling with for sometime now.

"Its so I don't get knocked unconscious in a event of a ambush." Goblin Slayer calmly tells High Elf.

'Sighs' "Yep she's out of it." The Dwarf confirms to himself.

"Now it's your turn to share something with us, hello? Did you fall asleep in there?" High Elf asked still bugging him as he was silenced for the moment.

With her tugging on his helmet left and right as he's quiet just which Wizard noted meant that he's in deep of thought

"He's quiet because he is thinking..." Wizard said quietly Dwarf Shaman.

"How can you tell?" he asked.

"Been working with him just long enough to figured out some of his tells." Wizard reply slightly proud of this. It had take much effort with the short time they had partner up but Wizard felt she had somewhat of a good read on him now. Goblin Slayer pondered what to do for a few seconds more before pulling out a small cloth package from his sack.

"Will this do?" As he unwrap a cloth showing a small wheel of cheese, "Whatever is that?" Ask the Lizardman whom he stare at cheese in curiosity.

"It cheese made from fermented cow or goat milk." Goblin Slayer said answering his question.

Lizardman now picking up the uncut cheese and examines it with him now sniffing it.

"You never heard of cheese before, Scaly?" The Dwarf asks surprised.

"My people hunt beast, we do not raise them." The Lizardman says raising it up.

"That must limit the things you've tasted even with your own unique spices to work with." Wizard commented. The High Elf began staring at the cheese before her stoic stare soon turned into a smile with her raising a knife up.

"Heheh gimme! I'll cut it up!" The High Elf says.

High Elf cut off the cheese into various pieces as it was poked into a stick before the Party began to put the cheese amongst the roasting fire that melt the cheese

"Now that's a fine cheese." soon the Lizardman was the first to pull his cheese out the fire inspect the gooey cheese before putting the cheese in his maws before a second his eyes widened before made a bellowing roar before rising the stick above the sky's.

"Nector! This is surely the Nectar of the Gods!" He said with a magnanimously with his first time tasting something besides meat.

"This goes great with fine wine.." The Dwarf says as he takes a bite of the now melted cheese.

"Mmmmm!~ SO good and sweet! It's almost like eating a banana!" The High Elf says in almost pure bliss.

"Is it from the ranch you stay at?" Ask Wizard whom she remember the red headed girl.

"It is." Goblin Slayer reply simply causing Wizard to groan at his bare minimum answers, though to his credit he was more focused on the High Elf sneaking around him to around him and getting to close to his satchel for his liking. The High Elf's eyes widened curiosity.

"Don't touch that..." Said Goblin Slayer whom he didn't turn at all, this made the High Elf jump from his voice as she looked up to see him now turn his head around to look over his shoulder at her.

"Its dangerous..." He tells her.

"I-I just wanted to peek." She says while pouting.

"Don't, its dangerous." He states once again to her.

"That's a scroll, right? I've never seen one before." High Elf spoke her eyes still glued to the scroll, Wizards own eyes widen in her head snap to the goblin Slayer with her eyeballs targeting the satchel.

"You've got a scroll, he real one!?" Wizard gasp edging towards him, Goblin Slayer looked at his young traveling companions with what could only be called as bland weariness before closing the satchel completely and bringing it in closer to him for safety.

"I do, but it is not something I wish to show off so don't bother asking to see it." Goblin Slayer stated immediately shutting down any requests you had to examine the scroll causing a rather disappointed look on both her and High Elf Rangers face's.

"Such scrolls contain magical ancient spells magic that is lost in the current era we live in, they require no expertise to wield that even a child could use it..." Lizard Priest mused interested in it as well

"Indeed and they contain any variety of spells and it's a one time use as most Party relief on magic and sell them to collectors and researchers." Dwarf shaman added.

"Then you could at least tell me what the scroll does." The High Elf asks.

"If a goblin captures you and forces the info out of you.." the Slayer suggests with High Elf pouting once more as he pretty much said there was a good chance she might get caught.

"You really don't like me do you?" The High Elf asks a bit annoyed.

"That has nothing to do with what I just said." Goblin Slayer replied, causing her left eye to twitch.

"You completely deflected the question! 'grrr' I ain't going to get caught! Who's know what those's little monster's would do to me if they did!" The High Elf yelled.

"Likely have their way with you to birth more Goblin children, either that or use you as a plaything or maybe food." Goblin Slayer reply causing her jaw to drop.

"That was me being rhetorical! I didn't need an actual response and don't say such dark and creepy things with so dull a tone dammit!" the Ranger roared with small tears at the edge of her eyes, the bickering continued back and forth for some time between the two much to the amusement of the others before they finally rested for the night.

Two goblins and a wolf stood outside the entrance to a fortress built into a hillside. the group of adventurers waited in the forest a select distance away to be remain undetected by their prey.

"Some goblins with a wolf as a guard dog, the nerve... " Dwarf Shaman muttered.

"It shows The horde has resources to spare. Otherwise they have eaten it." Goblin Slayer explained

"Also they're standing guards at their entrance with of a wolf shows that they're pretty well organized so there must be an intelligent Goblin leading The horde." Wizard deduced not liking the idea of dealing with a goblin horde that not only had hi-resources but an intellectual leader heading the pack.

"Is it safe for us to be doing this? It's almost evening they'll be active why not tomorrow!?" Wizard question.

"Are twilight is there Dawn a horde with resources will be more alert at 'night' too." Goblin Slayer reply as the ranger notch her arrow.

" 'Dawn' is when their guard will be the most laxed." High Elf nodded at his reasoning as she take aim.

"Fine then, here goes." High Elf said as Dwarf Shaman came to her side.

"Please don't miss or this will be much more difficult." he pled causing her to roll her eyes at the very notion that she cause miss just ease targets, "Oh hush." she said letting the arrow go. Dwarf Shaman felt like slapping his head and how far off her aim was.

"Where where are you aiming you went way wide off the track!" he complained even as she smirk then much to the Shaman amazement the arrow actually curved in midair moving even faster than before and piercing through the first goblins go before embedding itself in the eye socket of the second Goblin killing them both. The lone Wolf only had enough to time to jump to its feet and open its mouth to cry out but a second arrow embedded itself in its throat before It could even bite out a word, leaving only a tiny Yelp before it dropped dead it as well.

"Not going to lie that was pretty damn impressive!" Wizard said looking on in amazement at the High Elf's handy work as they moved to the entrance.

"Yes, most impressive but what did you do? Some kind of magic? " Lizard Priest questioned causing the High Elf to stick her nose up in pride.

"Any sufficiently advanced skill is indistinguishable from magic." High Elf stated getting a sweat drop from the Dwarf.

"Not sure how I feel about that." Dwarf Shaman muttered causing the Wizards of smirk.

"What giving up already wimp." Wizard giggle getting a slight glare from the Dwarf, Wizard paid him no mind as she turned her attention to the elf while also pausing as they reach the entryway to the Forest fortress.

"Well even if you're fancy shooting may look like magic I can actually use the real thing so I won't lose to you." Wizard said and water only be referred to as a challenge.

"If you're looking to rival me you'll need to gain a few more ranks first before you can try something like that." Elf grinned, Wizard had her own remark ready, 'zaku' (stab) 'zaku' everyone turn to see Goblin Slayer cutting open a goblins body to draw out as much blood as possible.

"Hey I know there are enemies but-"

"They have an excellent sense of smell, especially for young girls in elves." Goblin Slayer cut her off as he e soaked a piece of cloth in the goblins blood. the High Elf Ranger quickly understood his intentions and turn to the Wizard for aid.

"You're kidding! No way! Somebody, stopped him!" High Elf cried looking at wizard only to freeze in place at seeing the expression on her face.

"I might be much lower rank than you but I do have an aromatic satchel to hide my scent, so that's one point for me." High Elf would normally have been pissed off at someone saying such a cheeky line to her but the lifeless expression in Wizards eyes concealing a certain level of trauma behind an emotionless smile let her know that wizard was doing anything but enjoying what was about to happen to her... side note after this Quest she would make sure to buy an aromatic satchel.