Luke watched his sister as she stood on a ridge, the same one he used to stand on when he lived here only a few years ago, watching the sunrise.

Walking up to her and putting a hand on her shoulder, he asked her a question that had been on his mind for the past few days.

"Are you sure you want to go through with the plan? I can do it if you don't want to be known just yet, and we did plan for that."

She looked up at him, with a small smile on her face.

"I can do it. Part of the reason behind the idea of the pranks, especially the ones that I carried out, was to come to terms with my heritage, and what he has done to me. He needs to know the full truth if he is to trust us, I want to be the one to tell him, and I want a family again."

Facing the sunrise, Luke nodded. Her logic made sense, and her taking down the absolutely corrupt Imperials in the Navy and Army did seem to help her, in a strange, convoluted way, giving him a feeling that she and Father were more similar than any of them thought. His feelings were usually right.

"It's going to be a hot day. Let's get out of the suns until it's time."

Leia nodded and followed Luke inside the abandoned homestead so that they will be as rested as possible if Vader decides that he wants to fight instead of listen. This plan had to work. They would have nothing else if it didn't.

A TIE fighter lands in front of the Lars' home a quarter of an hour before noon, which was unexpected by both Luke and Leia. Their father was nothing if not either prompt or incredibly in advance (but then this isn't a battle, both of them think. There isn't quite the stain and pressure here).

The black figure gets out and turns off the ship (both twins giggle a little at the fact that the song Luke programed it with still played) before turning and heading in the direction of Shmi Skywalker's grave. He kneels there until noon, not making a sound, showing incredible vulnerability for the right hand man of the Emperor (may he rot slowly over a thousand years). The man finally rises and brushes as much sand off as possible, verbalizing his dislike of the sand and the desert as quietly as possible, for a mechanized voice, which wasn't quiet at all.

'It's time,' said Luke through their Force connection.

'I know.'

Leia walks up the stairs and out of the house to meet Vader. Nothing in the letter said that it would be Luke Skywalker meeting Vader, after all. Just that L Skywalker would. (Dead, unseen Jedi mutter and shake their heads at the fact that the twins must always be playing pranks, despite how serious this situation could become. Qui-Gon stands off to the side with some more popcorn at the ready.)

"Lord Vader, formerly known as Anakin Skywalker," Leia greets with a cool voice, giving nothing away.

"Princess," Vader bowed his head in greeting, equally cool in manner. "I was told I'd meet an L Skywalker here today."

"Yes you were. How can I help you?"

Luke slammed his face into his hands and let out an muffled groan. Of course Leia would make this as awkward as possible; she did think it was appropriate considering how her treated her on the Death Star and that it was unlikely that Vader would actually leave the Dark Side.

(Qui-Gon Jinn is, by this time, chowing down on some delicious, buttery popcorn.)

"If you would be so kind as to take me to L Skywalker, whom I assume is Luke Skywalker, could you do so?" Luke is certain Vader has never been more terse without murdering someone, although the reason why Luke thought so is absolutely wrong.

Vader just wanted to meet his son and hated the fact that Leia reminded him of choices he made that now seem horribly wrong. Luke thought Vader wanted to see him so that he could either do something violent or simply negotiate an end to the pranks.

"Ah. It is when you assume, Lord Vader, that you make mistakes. Why did you want to see me?"

(Luke thought that he was the only one who could hear the satisfaction in her voice, but Obi-Wan sneaks some of Qui-Gon's popcorn in preparation for the verbal battle that will soon follow. He raised a Skywalker. He knows how to read their voices.)

This brought Vader to a halt as he slowly enunciated, "What do you mean?"

"You really thought that Luke Skywalker was the only Skywalker left? You really are blind, aren't you! I may be legally an Organa, but biologically I am your daughter. I am surprised you did not see the resemblance to my mother when you had me aboard the Death Star, torturing me for information about the Rebellion, later blowing up my home planet and my adopted family. I am surprised you, a much more advanced practitioner of the Force, could not see with the Force what I see now, a connection that defies all logic and can only exist because of blood.

The desert is silent as Leia's words sank into the Sith that stood in front of her, his respirator the only thing making a sound. Luke prodded his sister to ask if she wanted him to come out at this point.

'Not yet. Let's see what he does with this information.'

And so they waited. And waited. And waited. Leia even came inside to get a small glass of water to cool down and finished it before going back outside, and Vader still hadn't moved. Now both the twins were worried about him possibly suffering from a heat stroke (the black armor could not be doing him any favors in the Tatooine heat). Finally Leia decided that it is time for Luke to come out of the house.

"Father," he said in a (hopefully) collected voice as he stood before the silent man. "Why did you want to meet with us?"

The helmet turned fractionally to look at Luke, before facing the sky and letting out something like a groan.

"Can we do this inside?" The deep, mechanical voice asked, finally seeming to have come out of whatever thought kept him hostage for so long.

"Yes," the twins respond in unison.

The odd trio walked, or stumbled, inside and out of the Tatooine heat and her suns. With his popcorn finished, thanks to Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon herds the other Jedi way. This was a family moment, and while he loved a good show, he wanted them to have some privacy just this once. Thank goodness he had started reintroducing Vader to the Light, even though the dead should never interfere with the lives of the living, otherwise he'd actually be concerned about Luke and Leia coming out of this alive or as Jedi.

It is night at the Lars homestead and the odd family of three are indoors, sitting at a table with some documents before them, incomprehensible to anyone but those three. The twins have finally finished telling Vader, their father, the entire story from when Obi-Wan first met Luke in a dream till the twins were standing before Vader just hours before. After the long tale is finished, they ask him if he has any questions or concerns, mentally preparing for the worst.

"So let me get this straight. You two are twins, have known basically since meeting each other, have known that I was your father, have been pranking the galaxy and taking out corrupt officers and other Imperials after learning about the Force from Yoda, to then take down the Emperor and reunite our family?"

"That is correct" Leia replied, still unsure if Vader taking the news this well was a good thing or not.

"And you want me to participate in pranking the universe with you?"

"Yep!" Luke, the ever cheerful one, smiled at the man in the mask before continuing. "They're good for family bonding and making Palpatine mad, as well as for making Mothma spiral into alcoholism."

Vader then seemed to come to a decision on this galaxy-altering-question they were asking him to answer quicker than even they did.

"Count me in."

Slightly surprised, Leia asked Vader, "Do you have any other questions?"

"Yes. Considering my expertise in prank playing because of the Clone Wars, may I help with the planning? I see some flaws in a few of these operations that are laid out."

The twins look at each other in shock, back at Vader, then grin simultaneously. While they were hoping that their father would help, they could not plan on it. Palpatine will not know what is coming.

Across the galaxy, ripples could be felt in the Force by those who know how to look. The dead Jedi who knew what was going on rejoiced, for the Skywalker family was reunited once more. Qui-Gon Jinn rejoiced because Anakin knew how to pull the best pranks and the times called for more popcorn, a new favorite of his. Exiled Jedi, who were still alive, gained a renewed sense of hope that the galaxy will be made right once more. Palpatine felt it and smashed a hot pink vase into the wall out of anger and fear. Yoda, as per his usual, was taking a nap.

1)This came out unusually fast, but I wanted to know how it would happen!

2)I do not own Star Wars

3)I have received some awesome prank ideas and some good encouragement. If y'all have any more ideas, please send them my way. I would love to hear them and see how they would fit in the story.

4)The timing is going to slow down quite a bit now, I think. This is the first turning point of the story, and I love Skywalker family bonding moments, so in subsequent chapters I will probably be including quite a bit of that.