April 25th, 2157

Osaka, Japan

The two titans opposed each other, as they had been doing before time itself. Chaos and Order, two entities prevalent throughout the universe, but only known to themselves. Always clashing, the results shifting the fate of existence as we know it, but never truly ending. Without one, there would not be the other. And without either, there would be nothing.


"You will return what you have taken, All For One." All Might stares down his sworn enemy as he emphasizes his name, aura exuding power and hope as energy crackles around him.

"Oh?" Straightening his posture, All For One removes his hands from his suit pockets, sliding into a combat stance, his right hand slightly in front of his chin, left hand right below it. "It seems they are no longer with us". His muscle fibers all tensing at once, All For One suddenly appears before All Might, fist embedded into the symbol of peace's gut, a shockwave of explosive power carving valleys into the area behind him. "Although, it would be my pleasure to send you to them."

All Might leaps back, wiping crimson ichor from his chin as he surveys the damage created by his archenemy. "Just because you have acquired a couple more quirks doesn't mean you can best me in combat, All For One! You haven't even had time to nurture them. I may as well be fighting a toddler who had just unlocked his powers."

All For One slowly returns his arms to his sides, his charismatic smile returning to his unmarred face. "Why must you take me for a fool, Toshinori? I have never failed to accomplish any of my goals." He begins to float into the air, slight winds whipping around his feet. "I most certainly did not fall short in achieving this one." White lightning crackles around his body, bright x shaped patterns spreading from his chest outward. "Not in the slightest."

All Might roars and launches into the sky towards All For One, his movements undetectable by the naked eye as he and his enemy surge into battle. Toshinori grapples with All For One, creating massive shockwaves of wind that flatten the earth around them. "That doesn't matter to me; for I am here." All Might's grip tightens, bones creaking and blood leaking from his hands as he holds All For One back.

"You say you're here, but you seem to forget where you are. We're in the middle of Osaka; thousands of people just kilometers from us. I wonder what is becoming of them, as we battle it out in the middle of their home.." All For One suddenly disappears from All Might's grip, appearing some ten meters away with his hands spread. His hands seemed empty, but the density of the energy forming between them was apparent to All Might. It kept growing and growing until a shimmering outline was seen between his hands. "Allow me to send them my greetings." All For One pushes his hands outward, thrusting them towards the greater area of the city.

The moment his hands complete their motion, a deafening roar is heard all throughout Japan. The invisible attack instantly turned the beautiful skyline of Osaka into a scene of carnage. It was comparable to a meteor sliding along the surface of earth, a massive trench spanning many kilometers wide tearing through the city. Buildings instantly toppled as their lower halves were decimated and pushed aside like cardboard boxes; rubble piling up in massive heaps near the end of the newly created valley. Water begins pouring into the crevice as the blast blew straight through the Kyu-Yodo river, massive torrents of liquid causing entire pieces of skyscrapers to float downstream as if they were ice cubes.

All For One is seen panting after unleashing his devastating attack, a crazed smile apparent on his face. "Do you see this, All Might? This is merely the power of one of the new quirks I acquired, aptly dubbed Tempest. It allows me to control any aspect imaginable of the air; with time, I should be able to simply remove the oxygen from the atmosphere, systematically killing every organism on earth at once. Isn't that wonderful?" He returns his hands to his coat pockets, relaxing as if he was a professor giving a lecture to his students. "I've gained nine other quirks that are just as powerful or even more so than this. It baffles me that modern society keeps quirk information stored in such simple, primal ways. It was no difficulty at all to merely comb through the registry for individuals with powers, that correctly nurtured, would become godly. You know how the story goes; you've heard it from your mentor. Once I lay eyes upon a quirk I desire, nothing will stop me from taking it. I almost pity you; it is simply impossible to stop me."

All Might's rage had reached its absolute peak, his aura pulsating with anger as he listens to All For One monologue after he seemingly just ended the lives of thousands, if not more. "You… YOU WILL REPENT!" Both godlike fighters entered their combat stances, the area around them thriving with energy, rage, and the will to succeed.

All Might tenses and blitzes All For One, appearing before him while aiming his fist into his neck for a devastating right hook. His enemy smirks as Toshinori's hand phases through his body, exiting through the back of the head. Before All Might can react, All For One is behind him, sending him surging towards the earth at blinding speeds with a devastating hammer blow to the head, creating a massive explosion on contact. As soon as All Might lands, he is once again before All For One in the air, launching another punch towards him only for his fist to phase through his opponent's body once again. All Might phases backwards, barely avoiding All For One's incoming fist. The two launch into a brutal fistfight, All Might utilizing his godlike strength and All For One using his assorted collection of speed, teleportation, and enhancing quirks to repel his nemesis's heavy blows. It almost seemed like All For One was toying with All Might, merely testing his new quirks out as he danced around his opponent, avoiding every attack and shifting through time to land a quick, but destructive strike.

After taking the brunt of one of All For One's wind based attacks, similar in power to the one that destroyed half of Osaka, All Might retreats to gather his bearings. All For One lowers himself to the ground, dusting off his still immaculate suit. "Have you had enough yet, Toshinori? You have yet to seriously harm me, but you seem to be on your last legs." His words were true, as All Might was heavily panting with blood streaming from multiple injuries. All For One was unharmed, still emitting the same powerful aura as before. It was simply too hard for All Might to land a blow when he could skip time, become intangible, and switch himself with nearby objects within a microsecond of sensing it.

Adjusting his posture, All Might cracks his neck and begins to hop up and down, as if he is a swimmer warming up behind the starting blocks before a race. "Unfortunately, I don't know when- or how- to give up. Never before have I ran from a fight, for it is my duty. It is my duty to remove you from earth, as you have caused irreversible damage to it." Lightning begins crackling around All Might's body, even more so than before. Yellow x shaped patterns encompass his body as the ground around him shatters, debris floating into the air around him. The pressure surrounding him was many times greater than the earth's gravitational pull, wind blowing in massive gusts, pushing back the remains of nearby buildings.

"Just like you, I do not fall short in my goals." All Might bends his legs in an athletic position, his arms limp at his sides. His massive calves and hamstrings bulge as his legs begin steaming, his internal pressure and power raising immensely. "Especially when the entire world is backing me!"

'He's coming!' All For One preps his intangibility quirk, prepared to let All Might's attack phase through him, his overdrive quirk on standby to detect his nemesis's first miniscule movement that would sign the beginning of an attack. He would then skip to a point where he was behind All Might's flank and

As All Might disappears, All For One's body becomes translucent as his quirks activate to negate the oncoming blow.

Shortly after, All Might reappears before All For One, his fist embedded into his face. A stream of light is fired from Yagi's hand, completely burrowing through All For One's head and leaving nothing behind. The beam continues into the background, vaporizing every barrier it comes into contact with. Massive gales blow behind All For One, showcasing the pure power behind All Might's attack.

All For One's wound is already cauterized, the pure heat of All Might's photon based attack completely razing the cells of his head. Only parts of his posterior skull remained, the rest simply missing from existence. Blood spews from his wound as he falls to his knees, All Might standing triumphant above him.

Another lob of blood erupts from All For One, painting the ground maroon. His regeneration quirk is working in overtime to repair the wound, red energy crackling around his head as his skull begins to regrow as All Might looks down upon him, seemingly pitying him. At this point, the only thing keeping him alive is his newly obtained vitality quirk. Without it, his life force would have depleted ages ago. His nemesis is looking similar, blood running down his neck as steam pours off of his body.

"It's over, All For One. Surrender peacefully or the next blow won't be pulled."

All For One raises his half-formed head to meet All Might's gaze. His jaw and surrounding areas had been restored, but instead of facial features, he sported a massive scar that ran from his forehead down to his lips. "Surrender? You must be out of your mind. What punishment other than death awaits me after what I have done? There is no need for pleasantries." Rising to a lunging position, All For One steadies himself. "I don't see how you came to the conclusion that this battle is over. This won't end until one of us perishes."

"You are in no condition to continue fighting, you're missing half of your head and god knows what else. Bluffing will only further anger me."

All For One raises his left hand, forming a finger gun with his hand.

"You are dead wrong, All Might."

Before All Might is able to react, an electrical blast is shot from All For One's finger, launching a 500 yen coin that was lying nearby towards All Might at relativistic speeds, the nickel based coin's shape warping reality as it beams through the air. The projectile enters his body in the upper chest and promptly exits through his rib cavity. The coin continues behind him, embedding itself into a building's destroyed foundation and creating a massive electrical explosion.

"You are dead wrong."

All For One rises to his feet, his head fully healed save for his face tissue. Other than that he is unharmed, his other minor wounds already healed. He stalks towards his nemesis, who is spread eagle on his back, blood flowing from his chest as if it was a fountain. A hole reminiscent of a perfect circle is present on his chest, purple lines extending from it in kaleidoscope fashion up towards his trapezius muscles and downwards to his navel.

"Pathetic. This is the world's symbol of peace? You are nothing compared to me." All For One turns away, walking straight into the destruction as helicopters and humvees are heard nearby, finally able to approach the fight as the massive winds and shockwaves had stopped.

"Now then, perhaps I should check on Izuki and Takashi."

He fades into the darkness.


April 26th, 2157

Musutafu, Japan

"Entire city destroyed, casualties numbering in the high tens of thousands-"

"Perpetuator is still an unknown in the ongoing investigation-"

"The battle began when a facility owned by YSL, a private sector weapons manufacturer, suffered a chemical explosion-"

All Might slid his finger over the remote, turning the television hanging off the starch white wall in front of him off. All of the world's major news channels were covering the Osaka incident, and seeing the his failure come to fruition made his insides churn. Not that there was much left inside of him, anyways.

His gaze lowers to his gaunt abdomen, covered by his god awful mustard-yellow hospital gown. He hadn't laid witness to this form since before he obtained One For All. He assumed his new body was a permanent consequence of his injury, subsequently meaning his reign as Symbol of Peace was over. He then lifts the hem of his gown up and examines his wound.

It looks very much similar to when it was inflicted on him, the same purple, swirling scars surrounding it. He had been life flighted to Musutafu; specifically, UA's campus, as it was where Recovery Girl was currently stationed at. She was the only one in the eastern hemisphere capable of treating such a wound, much less heal it. After extensive operations, he had been informed he no longer possessed a stomach, both lungs, his heart, liver, and pancreas. Those that hadn't been eviscerated by All For One's electrical attack had been fried into oblivion by the electrical charge. His first question had been obvious- how the fuck was he still alive? He was then gruffly told by Recovery Girl that he misheard; he no longer possessed his original organs. They had been replaced and regrown through use of stem cell regeneration.

Her answer did nothing to placate his confusion, because as far as he was concerned, medical science hadn't figured out yet how to cure cancer, much less regenerating organs and organ systems from embryonic cells. His response annoyed Recovery Girl, and she told him the operator would see him shortly to discuss.

His surgery had been overseen by someone other than Recovery Girl? He honestly didn't know what to think at this point. Perhaps he was not as knowledgeable in the medical field as he had prior thought.

All Might's musings were interrupted when the door to his recovery room opened. He tilted his head towards the intrusion, expecting a old, smart-looking physician to walk in and bombard him with complicated words and phrases regarding his procedure. He didn't expect to see the doorway completely empty, as if he had just been the victim of a doorbell ding-dong prank. Different scenarios flashed through his brain as he was in a private internal care unit, separated from the rest of UA's integrated public hospital.

"I am right here, Yagi-san."

His head whipped back into a neutral position so fast All Might could have sworn he heard some of his cervical vertebrae slide out of place. 'Great, just one other thing for Chiyo to chew me out for.'

Standing at the foot of his bed was the complete opposite of what he expected. A kid, no more than 13, wearing a loose fitting lab coat over black scrubs, was staring Toshinori in the eyes. He had bright white hair styled in a undercut that looked like it was very recently done, round eyeglasses with light brown rims, an angled jaw, and bright, jade eyes that had undertones of suffering and knowledge beyond his years. He seemed to be very small at first glance, but All Might wasn't fooled; under the black garb his muscles were bulging, his quadriceps straining against the fabric, his bicep and triceps barely retained by his shirt. He was a very handsome young man, only hindered by his height; barely reaching 155 cm, he was about as tall as a middle school girl.

"I am sure you have many questions about your procedure, and I am here to answer any of them." He took off his lab coat and brushed it off delicately, hanging it on the clothes rack in Yagi's room- where the hell did that come from-

All Might shifted his attention from the newly spawned clothing rack to the young man in front of him. "Who are you..?"

The unknown boy leaned back and sat down into a comfortable, plush armchair with bright crimson pillows that Yagi hadn't noticed before. "My name is Takashi Hatake, Yagi-san. You may call me Takashi." 'That name!-'

"Yes, I was one of two people All For One mentioned after he defeated you. To put it shortly, I am one of two subjects of Heaven who failed the integration process. My quirk allows me to do anything imaginable and plausible, which allowed me to restore your organs." Takashi sat up from his chair, pacing back and forth as All Might aptly watched his armchair fade out of existence. "A prerequisite must be met for my quirk to operate: given any amount of time, the desired outcome is possible for the user to accomplish himself using any means. For your situation, I merely wished that your organs would be restored, and as you are living and breathing in front of me, it would seem that, given enough time to study embryonic cells and other fields corresponding with the procedure, I would be able to operate on you personally and grow your organs back."

All Might stared at the boy in front of him, who was speaking as if he was a biochemistry professor at an Ivy League university. This was the knowledge of one of All For One's subjects. Theoretically speaking, the other 10 children whose quirks he did harvest were this intelligent as well. "I get what you are saying.. somewhat. As long as you, as a normal human, can accomplish your 'wish', you can will it into reality. Correct?"

Takashi stopped pacing and sat down into a newly created chair, this time sporting royal blue cushions. "Precisely. To answer your next question, every day, I would use my quirk to attempt to escape, but the requirements weren't met, essentially sealing my fate. When you and the JSDF launched a joint attack on YSL's facility, the prerequisite was met and I escaped that very moment."

The pieces were finally falling into place for All Might. "And what of the other person All For One mentioned? Izuki, I believe?"

Takashi's face instantly hardened, and he turned to leave the room. "I do not know. Whatever happened to her, I believe she is fine. She was the only one out of the twelve of us with the ability to resist All For One. Why she was not terminated beforehand, I have no idea. It seemed All For One had made a game of sorts out of his meetings with her."

Obviously, talking about the other subjects was a sore subject for Takashi. The kid had been in captivity for who knows how many years, and presumably most of the others did not make it out. He had an inkling as to what the young teen was thinking as well. "I can assume the other ten are no longer alive."

"You would be correct." Takashi moves to exit the room, but is stopped by All Might's voice.


"You too can be a hero."

A lone tear drips from Takashi's eye.

He mouths something, then leaves the room.



All Might's next visitor was his close friend, Naomasa Tsukauchi, a detective working for the Musutafu Police Force. He was one of the few who knew the truth about One For All and its counterpart, making him Yagi's go-to personal investigator regarding All For One.

"Your organ replacement surgery was a success, but I advise that you only use your power for around 300 minutes a day. Takashi was unable to completely heal your wound, and it will have lasting effects on your health. Cutting down the time you operate as a hero should compensate for this." Naomasa took a drag of his cigarette, squishing the sputtering end of it into an ash tray that was littered with old smokes.

All Might coughed as his friend made no attempt to blow the smoke away from him. "Could you not smoke in here? You are jeopardizing my health as a recovering patient." He said this half heartedly, as he knew the situation as a whole must be taking a toll on Naomasa.

The detective ignored All Might and continued speaking. "All For One is still at large, but my guess is that he lays low for quite a bit to rebuild his forces. Following the joint attack, he doesn't have many assets remaining. On that note, you're being discharged today." He tossed an aluminum case to All Might, who opened it, revealing an immaculate, navy blue two piece suit, with a white shirt and black tie. "Put this on, half of the world's reporters have been waiting outside to get a scoop on this. I worked with the prime minister and the military to attempt to cover this entire disaster up, but when All For One decided to destroy half of Osaka, that plan went out the window. It's a fucking pain, but you're the one who signed up for this."


After finally making it through the hoard of media and news outlets, All Might was seated with Naomasa in a sleek black Cadillac Escalade. The driver started the ignition, and closed the privacy barrier separating the driver's seat from the passenger area.

All Might let out a giant sigh, leaning his massive head against the tempered glass window, gazing at the many helicopters and fighter jets flying around the air space of greater Japan. Military presence had increased tenfold as the country was put in a state of emergency. Schools and universities had canceled classes, public transit was down and the streets were mostly empty, save for an abundance of heros on extended patrols, looking for any sign of All For One. Granted, they didn't actually know who they were looking for, as that was classified information, but instead for any signs of terroristic attacks.

Naomasa blew out a puff of smoke before turning to speak to All Might. "The country is in disarray, its citizens in fear of what will happen next. You now know what you must do, All Might."

All Might was gripping his armrest so hard that you could smell the wood structure burning as the friction between his hand and the wood exponentially increased.

"Yeah." He released the armrest, his giant hand embossed into it, smoke rising from its splintered edge as if it was one of Naomasa's joints.

"It'll be alright."

"For I Am Here."


just toying around with some concepts i had, this being a more 'realistic' take on the bnha universe; more precisely what i envision it to be.

trying to update bimonthly. no promises.

takashi is the only oc, and his role throughout is minor. no, even though his last name is hatake and his character takes after kakashi, his first name is a reference to takashi murakami, one of my favorite artists. :)

:! tino