Chapter 4 - You let me in

The next day was warm and beautiful, too sunny for Valtor. He was choking on Andros, where there was nothing to do. This small planet for him didn't offer him anything.

He didn't forget about one place that the Trix told him. Cloud Tower. He decided to take power there for a good reason. The grief he felt for Griffin after she left him relentlessly nurtured his ambitions. He didn't tolerate betrayal. She knew it well, yet she dared to expose him and the Ancestral Witches. Memories seemed to distance from him.

As was his custom, he couldn't hurry. He was very pleased when he saw a well-known figure around the castle. At the sight of her it was really worth the wait. Because what could be better than attacking school, which the object of your observation doesn't belong? Bloom will be quite alone here, lost, vulnerable to his conditions. No way to escape. And maybe he'll give in to his will eventually. It couldn't have been otherwise, not what he planned for her.

The wizard stared at her image, completely ignoring the witches. They usually just talked about being bored, but Icy had to stick this unnecessary pin on him. One too much."It's sick, the way you look at her so insistently," she commented in a cold tone. He caught jealousy in her word. Of course, the Trix fought for his attributes in some incomprehensible way, completely inept. They were useless even in this.

"That's enough," he replied almost through clenched teeth. With one move of his hand, he made the image of the fairy disappear. He turned to Icy, she immediately moved away. "For weeks I hear nothing but your grudges against this fairy, and somehow I don't see you doing anything to get rid of her, and you see, very well that you don't, because... believe me, you don't want to know," he stopped, and Darcy and Stormy, who carelessly talked in the distance at the moment, got stuck. If he wanted, all three could be dead. "I need her to get the power and respect that I want, that's why Bloom must be safe by then," he explained, his angry look beginning to soften. Icy snorted.

"Bloom will never go for it. She's too... disgustingly good," the word barely crossed the witch's mouth. The sisters confirmed her words. Contrary to their expectations, Valtor laughed lightly, as if she were telling him some stupid things.

"If you think so, you probably don't know, how many ways may break a man, it's a matter of time before she falls into my trap," he told. "Now let's talk about how you can be more useful..."

Bloom hesitated, holding a suspicious, large book in her hand with the title 'Control over every kind of magic.' It didn't escape her remembrance of how the Trix had deceived her by convincing her connection with the witches. But then everything was different, Ms. Griffin trusted her best students. Now they were not allowed in here, and Bloom was self-confident and she could see some tricks.

Accompanied her at the request of the headmistress, clearly bored Lucy, the only witch who, due to her acquaintance with Mirta, tolerated the fairies.

This sapphire, dark cover concealed so many answers, valuable advices and explanations. The first pages, a typical introduction, only fueled her curiosity. But on the twelfth side something started to be wrong."It's really hot here, isn't it? A year ago it wasn't like that," the red-haired girl commented, to which Lucy sighed impatiently.

"It's never warm here, right now too, a fire fairy."

Yes, it certainly wasn't nice. Despite the grimace she herself did, she saw in the Lucy's words a meaning, because why would anyone warm up the Cloud Tower now? And then she realized that it was something stronger than temperature, it was magic.

"Lucy, quickly, tell Ms. Griffin..."

"How dare you command me? You fairies are so annoying, you think that everything is yours!" the witch interrupted her.

Bloom frowned, grabbing a Mirta's friend by the shoulders. Her voice was determined and sharp.

"There's no time, I can feel Valtor's presence, he's here..." with the last sentence the beating of her heart accelerated, because this feeling was never so strong.

"Very close," she heard Icy's unpleasant voice. Moments later, snowballs flew towards Bloom and Lucy. The redhead jumped back, pushing Lucy and protecting her from attack.

"Go before it's too late! I'll stop her." This time Lucy passed Icy without any inhibitions and ran. She was terribly afraid of Trix, so she wanted to be with other witches as soon as possible.

Bloom transformed and came face to face with a white-haired girl."You can dream, the school is already ours! Ice wave!"

Bloom reacted immediately."Fire wall!" Fire protection in the shape of a star reflected the attack which Icy avoided. "Where are your sisters?"

"You'll see soon." This one sentence caused fears in her. They always loved to stand against her, when she was alone, so there had to be a reason since it wasn't like this today.

"No!" Bloom screamed, when she realized that Valtor, Darcy and Stormy had to fight Griffin for power over the Cloud Tower, and Icy was probably only occupying it.

"Yes, Bloom," replied the oldest of the sisters with satisfaction, when her next attack equaled the redhead. The fairy didn't understand, why her power was so weak despite the training. She felt like every next spell less and less impressive on the opponent. "What's happening to you? Ha, you're no longer a challenge," her words didn't hide embarrassment. "Today you'll be defeated." The witch's laughter reverberated throughout the room.
Bloom temporarily plugged her ears with her hands because she could only hear Icy's laugh. Friends are waiting for her, maybe Sky, earthly parents, and above all biologists, whom she has never met. These thoughts have driven her, not the first time, but now it was different.

Bloom felt anger, negative energy, the same she had tried to fight for a few months. Emotions filled her until they exploded to form a red dragon, heading for the witch. Bloom realized with horror that it was darker, surrounded by a grayish glow, and worse, she barely controlled it. Fortunately, as soon as he suffered witches, he disappeared. Icy fell down, it seemed that she lost consciousness. Without hesitation, the girl minimized the book she came here for and took that herself. She didn't know what she would see, but the students of the Cloud Tower attacking her gave her confidence that Valtor had given them his mark. Without any problems, she defeated each of them. She finally reached Griffin's office, where, of course, he was also the one she hated so much.

"Again you," she hissed in anger. "Somehow it doesn't surprise me."

The sorcerer turned to her, the power he had after taking over the school raised his great ego. He enjoyed the straight win, but the real victory has not come yet.

"Oh, Bloom, it seems like it's been ages," he said, and the lightness he carried was annoying.

"Enough of these games, I don't care why you attacked the Cloud Tower, but you have to disappear from here. Do you understand?!" She sent fireballs towards him, which he avoided at the last moment, then he moved toward her.

"I feel your anger, you barely control it," he said with an artificially worried tone. "How do you think, how much time take, before emotions get you back on your bad side?" he asked, then in her eyes he saw nothing but emptiness.

Again. The past bounced deeper. Valtor knew about Darkar from Trix. This knowledge has made her automatically become a weaker target. He didn't want to fight and emphasized it many times, but she always resisted. Now she had to. It's more than duty, it's destiny."It's because of training," she said, wondering why she was translating. "Since our last meeting, I've strengthened my power to kick your ass.""You prefer to convince yourself," he mocked. "I admit your stubbornness makes you stupid." As if for relaxation he created a dark ball of energy and after a while to suppress it in his hand."From what I remember, no one asked you for an opinion.""You want to see how it really is? Close your eyes."Bloom burst into a grim laugh.

"You must be an idiot, if you think you'll defeat me without a fight."

"You know that this isn't my goal, besides it would be too boring," he defended himself against her verbal attack. "You have my word that I will do nothing to you. Today," he added as she looked at him suspiciously.

Today? Of course, he had to say that, he couldn't guarantee the constant safety of the enemy. She did what he asked carefully. After the movements of air, she assumed that Valtor had approached her, feeling his breath on his face. He caused a great anxiety in the girl. The silence they shared was interrupted by her heart, which was beating exceptionally loudly.

"Relax, imagine you seeing them back, you can embrace those who gave you life, those you've always wanted to meet." She listened to his voice, which seemed to fill her. Her heart ached for a moment. It wasn't a significant pain, so she focused on the energy she felt. It wasn't negative, so she gave in to this strength. Despite her tight eyelids, Bloom easily recalled the painting of Marion and Oritel. Their smiling faces, reaching out to her. "You are talking, they are happy that you are alive, they say that you are beautiful, they ask how you feel in Alfea."

This image was so real that tears of happiness were brewing under Bloom's eyelids, and a smile was on her face. Until another thought struck her, so alarming. She couldn't hear Valtor's voice aloud, only in her mind. He somehow came to her head! That's why she felt forging for a moment. He was the reason for these images, he simply rummaged in her psyche with dark magic, only thing she hated more than his.

She focused all her magic to throw him away. Valtor didn't expect this completely, so that both of them quickly returned to reality.

"You'll remember! Never, I said, never do that again!" Bloom screamed, surprised by Valtor's actions. It was disturbing that despite her screams, he was smiling in such a mean way. He looked at her tears with satisfaction.

"You let me in, otherwise I wouldn't be able to do it."

"No, you're lying! Why are you taking advantage of my weaknesses, why don't you stand in equal fight?!" she asked, her body began to accumulate power against her will. It was something she didn't reign over. The lack of self-control never seemed so real, so abstract.

Valtor, seeing the work that his manipulations had done, was spreading in pride."You would not wish it, but now you see, at least you see that fate forces you to sactrificed your loved ones to dreams and your own mental health." He approached her without hesitation and took a bit of drooping hair over her chest. They were very soft, scattering under his glove. "You're so angry, when I injure you, where it hurts the most."Bloom was breathing deeply. This activity was never so difficult. She understood what was happening, that Valtor was touching her, he was tempting more and more like the devil himself. No. He really was a devil. Though she despised him, she couldn't deny herself in the depths of herself. Only when Bloom accepted reality did her consciousness return. Disgusted, she pulled his hand away and that was all she could do, before she fainted.


"My head", whispered sore Bloom. She woke up in the middle of the forest in her everyday outfit. It took her a moment to remember how Valtor had caused her fury. She didn't understand what she was doing here. She absolutely can't trust a man, that's why she expected her end. This didn't happen, which allowed her to think that they needed each other more than ever. Back. Valtor needs her.

Bloom screamed with helplessness. She quickly regretted it, because she not only chased away all the animals in the vicinity, but even more she made herself angry. It took her a long time to reach Alfea and it was evening. Her first purpose was to visit Mrs. Faragonda, of course, her plan didn't go her way, because Stella had noticed her from afar.

"Bloom, oh my God, how do you look?" Stella took over, coming closer to the redhead.

"I'm also glad to see you, Stella," Bloom said unhappily. "Sorry, I don't have time right now."

"But what?" Stella didn't let go, she blocked Bloom's way. "I mean, what happened to you? Your skin, your eyes... It's like you came back from the grave," the Sun Fairy joked.

Bloom always patiently tolerated her tactless remarks, she didn't want to anymore. It wasn't the right time or place.

"Stand back!" Bloom's voice rose, pushing the girl away from her. The blonde looked shocked at her friend. She seemed so tired, angry and devoid of finally Bloom came to the headmaster's office without knocking, she entered.


The next days went by no better. Valtor tried to attack Alfea to obtain the archive, but Winx stopped him from doing so. They also disenchanted Faragonda, who was changed into a tree, thanks to which Musa and Flora won their Enchantix.

By the way, the evening that Winx wanted to fulfill without worries, for Bloom turned out to be a failure. Even among the best friends she wasn't able to relax. The fact that almost all the girls gained a new transformation, make her sad. And Bloom knew, if she doesn't betray her friends, she won't get this opportunity.

It was about something more. For something that pushed her away from her as far as possible.

Sky. Bloom missed him so much. She stared at the window, without purpose and determination. It was Stella's words that brought her back to life.

"Bloom, smile, I'll make your nails," the blonde suggested. "What about a peach color?" with energy she pulled out a whole pile of varnishes. For a moment, Bloom forgot they were all in her room.

"You don't have to, Stel," Bloom replied, pushing her hands away from her friend, who had already taken her. Of course, her hands looked better once, but she didn't neglect them completely, at least she hoped so. Stella seemed disappointed with this fact, but she kept going.

"Oh, come on, you'll need some beauty."

"I said no," Bloom said firmly. The rest of the girls seemed pretty tense by the redhead's behavior.

"Bloom, you've been acting really weird since the return of the Cloud Tower," Tecna whispered calmly. "It's not you."

That was too much. How could Tecna assess her at this point? She didn't know what was happening in her head or what mess she had in her heart. Tecna didn't know that she really had to consider Valtor's proposal and Bloom couldn't even talk to anyone about it.

"I really didn't notice," Bloom replied ironically. "And tell me how to behave, when I saw with my own eyes, how Valtor is taking over the entire the Cloud Tower? You weren't alone with him, you have no idea what he is like!" Bloom accused Tecna aggressively.

The Technology Fairy sighed heavily, Musa comfortably put her hand on Tecna's shoulder.

"You're right, we don't know, but we know what you are. You never repulsed friends, and now you do," Musa tried to talk to Bloom's sense.

"Let's see, I lost my birth parents, then Sky. Who do you think left me?!" Bloom rose abruptly. "In addition, this damned book is secured and I can't read it outside of the Cloud Tower."

"But we'll drive Valtor out of there and this book will open up for you. Sky probably recovers after Stella removed the spell and we'll one day save your parents," Layla assured her. Dark-skinned girl still remembered exactly how Bloom was the one who gave her hope. Now she had to repay her, even though her friend actually frightened her. She embraced her, but Bloom couldn't stand to touch her, that she felt her love and devotion. Bloom rejected Layla.

"Don't come near me, I have to breathe, I'm sorry!" she said before returning to her room and got stuck for a long time on the balcony in her bedroom.

... ... ...
Hi! I apologize to you that so much time has passed, I assured you that the chapter will be earlier, but as you probably guess, I didn't have time to write on. Now I've found the moment and you really should know, I want to finish this story and I will succeed. I just don't know when.

Personally, I really like this chapter, unfortunately one more will pass before I show you the beginning of the right story. Maybe it's better? I also wanted to present some of Winx's relations with Bloom after she realizes how strange and unfavorable moments are waithing for her.

I'll say only I feel sorry for Bloom in the next chapters.

mimisvpor - Thank you for all comments! I love them meeting in Gardenia too and every next I adore more and more.

sailorlyoko4life - Some surprising circumstances will help Valtor, but for now I won't reveal anything more. You'll see in right time.

All you, remember, every your activity helps me write better and faster.