Fingers brushing against mine, gently going against my wrist. Danm, I don't want these feelings. Gentle and caring. That is how it would be. Any way. I don't want to figure out why I want him. I don't want to think about him kissing me gentle and sweet. No. No. No. Bad ideas.

He's looking at me, big brown eyes. Curly brown hair. Large nose. Its not too bad. He's attractive. A little shorter then me, but who isn't. And um, yeah he's looking at me again. No why is he torturing me. Glances and all.

He's laughing, a deep throaty sound. I want to be the one to make him laugh. I want him to always look to me to make him feel good. I want to be his. Why do I feel this way.

Torture. Pure and simple. No more. I hate to watch him sleep. His lips are always slightly open inviting me to cover them and to then. No can not let desires over take me.

Desires so many. Need to steal. Need to have him must have him why me?