I do not own Pokémon nor any of the Avengers. This is a fanfiction, though you probably already knew that.
Also- this is rewritten because previously, the original chapters were too...cringe,
The Avengers Tower, home of Earth's mightiest heros. One of them being Billionaire Playboy, Tony Stark. Otherwise known as Iron man. Right now, Tony was in his lab working on a personal project, he had been working on this for hours and than finally, he had managed to perfect it. Grinning triumphantly he looked up. "Hey Friday," he started. "Call the rest of the Avengers into the lab" he paused. "And say it's an emergency"
"Right away sir."
Tony chuckled and than leaned against the table, he waited patiently for five minutes than Clint ran in, bow ready. "Where's the dang-" he noticed Tony standing there with a smug grin and his eye twitched. "There's no emergency is there?" the Bowman asked. "Tony you do know it's 3 AM. Right?"
Tony shrugged his shoulders. "Nope, there's not" he responded with a chuckle. "And yes, I did know but it's the quickest way to wake you all up." So it was a win-win.
"I'm guessing we all got the rude wake up call than?" Natasha walked in, an alarmed Steve behind her. "Tony, if there's no real emergency than why did you call us?" she spy crossed her arms.
"Because I wanted to show youu-" Tony trailed off on purpose, mostly for effect as he grabbed the device next to him and than showed it to the other. "The Nightlight!" The rest of the Avengers looked at each other in confusion, Thor walked on when Tony did this and was more confused than anyone else.
"What's it do, keep the nightmares away?" Clint tilts his head to the side to get a good look at the device. "It doesn't even look like a Nightlight"
"That's because it's not," Tony said, raising a finger. "It's an inter-dimensional travel device, we can enter a whole different dimensions and see how different it is from our own earth" His team gave him looks of doubt. "And it totally works-" he hadn't even tested it yet, but he knew it would work"
"It might break as soon as you active it Tony" Natasha began, leaning on the doorframe. "And scientifically, that's impossible"
"No it's no-" Thor began.
"Shut it Goldilocks" Tony interrupted, crossing his arms. "You can travel between Asgard and Earth so technically you can travel through different dimensions-"
"Realms" Thor corrected, the Asgardian crossed his arms. "They're called Realms, not 'other dimensions. For example this realm is Mudguard-"
"Yes we know Thor."
"How does it work?" Steve questioned, tilting his head to the side, he wasn't that curious but he wanted to ask the question anyway, as to not be rude and just stand there quietly like he had been doing.
"Oh, it's works like this, you press the button an-" Tony was simply hovering his fingers over the button but accidentally pressed it. Resulting in a flash and than, like they were shrunk down into nothing the Avengers were gone.
All except Bruce. Who made his way into the lab with a tired yawn, he paused when he saw the broken device on the floor and no one else in the room. "Tony?"