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Important A/N: I know the timelines don't match up, but I wanted the whole Cullen family in this story with the experience of the events of the Twilight saga. Please keep a suspended disbelief if I ever mention using phones or the internet and just go with it, because this is fanfiction and it isn't that important anyway.
Carlisle is the main Cullen/character but the other family members will be in the story. No pairings for any HP characters yet. Later on there will be more Harry POV but for now it will be Carlisle. Slight Dumbledore bashing due to the Dursley's treatment of Harry
Warnings: There will be mention of abuse in the form of neglect and hints of physical abuse.
Carlisle enjoyed walking to the hospital and seeing all the sights that Europe had to offer. He could only take these walks when Alice informed him that the sun would not shine for his entire walk and that no one would notice a man walking for three or more hours to the hospital, and so these walks were few and far between.
He particularly liked passing by the primary school and watching the children play outside. Renesemee had finally finished growing up and when she and Jacob became romantically involved she was finally seen as an adult in her family's eyes (lest Edward and Bella try to kill Jacob and start another pack vs vampire war). He and Esmee had enjoyed being grandparents, an opportunity they never thought they would be able to enjoy, and were currently experiencing some Empty Nest Syndrome. All of his children and Jacob's pack were going to college in England. They had purchased a large house in the countryside with enough room for the pack to roam and patrol. Esme was absolutely loving the renovations she got to do to the house, and had already built Bella and Edward a private cottage far into the woods for their privacy. Jacob and Renesmee were living on campus to gain the full college experience (and to not live with the Cullens) but came by for dinner most nights. Charlie, having finally retired and remarried to Sue Clearwater, had agreed to move with his family and had a small lake house where he could fish to his heart's content. Charlie hadn't wanted to leave Forks, but Sue had made him a bit more adventurous and he was happy to be with his eternal daughter and his quickly grown granddaughter.
Life was going very well and so part of Carlisle wasn't that surprised when he saw a boy being chased by a bunch of bullies disappear with a sharp crack and reappear on the roof.
The boy looked as dumbfounded as Carlisle felt as the bullies shouted at him from below. Where human eyes allowed a benefit of doubt, Carlisle's vampiric eyes could confirm what had happened. The boy hadn't jumped onto the roof. He had teleported. Disappeared and reappeared somewhere else. Carlisle immediately sought the boy's scent as he stopped walking. Normally, it was easier for him to allow the scents of the rest of the world to take up his attention and ignore the delicious human smells permeating the air. At first he smelled nothing abnormal, just the scent of a young boy and the blood of his skinned knees and hands. But as he focused his senses he smelled something….electric. It was like the boy's scent was tingling, filled with something that was other that Carlisle had never smelled.
Curiosity thoroughly spiked, Carlisle switched directions and walked over to the side of the building.
"Is there a problem here?" He asked pleasantly. The bullies all exchanged looks. The larger one, who Carlisle assumed was the leader, finally mumbled no and gestured for his gang to follow him around the corner and away from the scene. Once they were gone, Carlisle turned to look at the boy on the roof. He had striking green emerald eyes and messy black hair. He was small in a way that told Carlisle he was malnourished. He wore baggy clothes that barely fit and his glasses were taped with Scotch tape. The only other thing of note was a lightning shaped scar on his forehead, and the scientist in Carlisle was immediately fascinated by the circumstances which would create such a specific scar.
"Are you alright?" Carlisle asked, keeping his pleasant tone.
"Yes, sir." The boy said.
"Would you like any help getting down?" Carlisle offered. Questions swirled in his mind, but centuries of experience warned him not to pry just yet.
"No sir. Thank you sir, but I can do it myself." He said quietly. The boy lowered himself over the edge of the roof and used his toes to search out the rubbish bins. He landed on those and then jumped to the ground, managing to keep his balance.
"What's your name?" Carlisle asked, trying to keep the conversation going. The boy was very polite but very quiet and would surely try to slip away if Carlisle gave him the chance.
"Harry sir, Harry Potter." Harry answered, brushing dirt from his knees.
"Here, let me." Carlisle offered, reaching for his black medical bag.
"It's alright sir, it happens all the time. You don't need to trouble yourself." Harry rushed to assure him.
"Well, Harry, my name is Carlisle Cullen and I am a doctor. You don't expect a doctor to just let you run around with bleeding knees do you?" Carlisle reasoned. Harry hesitated, obviously on the verge of saying no, but Carlisle had already pulled out a small first aid kit and the alcohol swabs, and so he stayed. "I guess." He said. "Thank you, sir."
"Of course, Harry. You're a very polite young boy. Your parents taught you good manners." Carlisle said, hoping Harry would tell him something about his parents.
"My parents are dead." Harry told him. "I live with my Aunt and Uncle."
"I'm sorry to hear that Harry." Carlisle said sincerely. Even after such a long life, he still hated the idea of death, especially ones that affect young children. He moved on, added "Could you roll up your pants Harry? I want to make sure I clean it all. This will sting." He warned.
"Sure." Harry rolled up his pant legs and barely winced as Carlisle cleaned up his knees and bandaged them. Carlisle filed that information away as he moved to the boys hands, cleaning them up but deciding they didn't need to be bandaged. As Harry let his pants fall back down, he had a sudden realization. "Oh no, Aunt Petunia is going to kill me!" Seeing Carlisle's startled face, he said quickly "I mean, not really. It's just these are Dudley's pants and they're my only pair and she's going to be real mad I ruined them."
"And Dudley is?" Carlisle asked, packing away his things.
"My cousin." Harry said. It looked like he was going to say more but he held back at the last second. Carlisle still needed more information and took his time making sure everything was neat and orderly in his bag. He decided to just go for it.
"That was a really great jump you did. Is that how you hurt your knees?" Carlisle asked conversationally.
"No sir. I skinned them when I was running earlier. I don't know how I got up there. The wind must have lifted me." Harry said thoughtfully. Carlisle raised his eyebrow. "Wind lifted you all the way up to the roof? When there hasn't been wind blowing all day?"
"Well it has to be. How would you explain it sir?" Harry added, a bit desperately. "Cause Dudley will tell Aunt Petunia that I was on the roofs and I'll have to explain how I got up there and they think I did anything freaky -" Harry slammed his mouth shut. After a moment of awkward silence, he added quietly. "Y'know so….if you know I'd like to know." Carlisle searched Harry's face for a hint of any lies, but found none.
"Dudley was in the group chasing you?" Carlisle decided not to answer. Harry nodded. "You talked to him. He's the leader. They do Harry Hunting whenever we have recess. But I've never jumped that high before, honest! Usually I just run until they give up." Harry added, as though he was worried Carlisle would accuse him of something.
Carlisle thought back to the boy he saw. His clothes suggested he was from an upper-class family. He was overweight, confident, well-off, and a bully. Harry immediately knew Dudley would try to get him in trouble, and succeed. He had had other instances like the roof incident that his aunt and uncle found "freakish". Harry was underfed, dressed poorly, shy and polite to a fault. The clues were beginning to come together, and Carlisle did not like what he saw. That, added with the strange scent Harry had and the teleportation Carlisle had witnessed was enough to make Carlisle's decision for him. He was going to investigate this.
"I believe you Harry. You should probably head to class now." Carlisle said. After a moment's thought, he fished in his bag and produced a bright green lollipop.
"For being such a good patient. But maybe eat that where Dudley can't see, okay?" Carlisle suggested. Harry's eyes widened. "For me?" He whispered. Carlisle's heart broke a little, and he felt his suspicions were all but confirmed with just those two words.
"Yes, Harry."
"Thank you, Mr. Cullen!" Harry said, taking the lollipop almost reverently. He waved to Carlisle as he left, then disappeared into the building, lollipop shoved deep into his pocket for later.
A/N: PLEASE let me know what you think! I am not sure if there will be any interest in this story so if you guys want me to post more chapters let me know!