A short story I made while in Cuba. beta read by my papa who is almost as big of a dragons fan as me. hope you enjoy.

As a young boy he had dreamed of the skies, of being able to look down upon everything he knew. Those dreams had long passed, now he was old and frail. There was nothing for him to do but tend to his potato fields.

All but one of his friends had died years back, very few of them from age. His only friend walked along beside him. The young Berkians were changing the way people thought, trying to bring peace, it would never happen though, he had tried.

Today he had to walk down to the village from his secluded hut. As he went he would, of course, talk some sense into some of the locals who still shared his sentiments. Those who disagreed would argue and stare at him. They didn't approve of his companion, but he didn't care. They had no idea of all that he had seen, all that he had learned, and all that he lost. That was just the way life was for him. Something would happen to him and he would adjust, then something else would tear that away from him. Whether it be sudden, or a slow, grinding motion that he could do nothing to prevent. He was sick of it. Sick of changing his way of life every time someone with a new idea showed up. This changed the very fundamentals of his life, it was all that he had known.

It was late at night; the stars were bright, and the moon was full. It was his time to leave. He had everything he would need until he could get to another island. There was no point in joining another tribe. They would have no use for an old man, and they would probably eat his traveling partner like the savages they were.

"It's time bud" he solemnly said.

His companion said nothing. That was what he had come to expect from his four-legged friend. Together they made their way down the streets of berk one last time, the moon lighting their path. They made it to the docks and boarded a small fishing boat. The supplies they had left earlier were still in the hull of the ship. He cut the rope holding the ship there and opened the sails. Together they slowly sailed away from Berk.

"They'll realize soon enough, they need to remember what we fought for all those years" he sighed.

As Berk drifted slowly away he remembered his friends long gone. The smart nerdy one had died first, the two siblings, always bickering and fighting each other, had gotten distracted and paid the price. His one true love swept away by the seas of life.

He would return when he was needed he decided. When they saw the error in their ways and needed a real leader, he would be there. And so, it went on, he would return once a month to check in during the middle of night, waiting to see the dragons burn down the houses once again.

But as we all know the dragons lived on Berk peacefully. Nobody would miss Mildew and fungus

yea I know its short, but did i get you guys with the twist? just a thought i was playing with of, what about a runaway fic, with some other character but nobody cared they were gone. i considered doing grump, or some other side character. see you guys around! be sure to hit me up on twitter, i would be happy to chat daggur_fanfic