I never meant to get us in this deep

I never meant for this to mean a thing

Oh, I wish you were the one

Wish you were the one that got away

I got caught up by the chase

And you got high on every little bit

I wish you were the one

Wish you were the one that got away

The Civil Wars


Letty swore as she tossed the wrench across the garage. Her eyes burned with unshed tears as she bent over the Charger. Part of her wanted to rip it shreds; to bend the metal back off the frame and rip out every part until there was nothing left of the monster engine. She wanted to the whole garage to burn down to the ground and leave it and everything it represented as nothing but ashes.

The other part of her wanted to piece it back together; to make it whole again. To have each part melded together seamlessly so that no one could ever pull away any tiny piece of it again. To make it so solid that the flames couldn't touch it.

She had loved him, damn it. She had loved him and he walked away.

The anger was boiling beneath the surface, eating her alive. The had just vowed to stay forever and he walked away.

Part of her wished he had walked away years ago. That he had never walked into her life altogether. It was ripping her apart inside. Especially that thought, above all of the other ones that centered on strangling him. Her life was completely different because of him and she wouldn't trade that for anything. She was debating whether that made him worth the struggle.

She wished he was the one she could let go. She wished he was the one that would never cross her mind again. She wished he was the one she could let get away.

The phone Brian gave her weighing heavily in her pocket proved he was not going to be the one that got away.

As furious as she was, she missed him. She missed those nights in the Dominican they got to spend together with nothing to think about but each other and the big wad of cash they were about to be walking away with. She missed feeling the rush in her ears over the sound of the engines as the pulled job after job together. She missed the moments of calm that followed when they came down from the high together. She missed it all.

So she had to get it back.

He could walk away, but she couldn't. She had to rebuild what he had torn down. She had to heal the wounds that he caused. She had to bring his selfish ass back down to earth. Back away from his crusade to sacrifice himself to save the family. Back to her, his wife.

It was ironic that he'd fucked up his dad's Charger and then headed out on the run. If there was a symbol of the Toretto family, it was this Charger. His father had built it from the ground up with his own hands, teaching Dom and Mia everything they knew about cars in the process. It had been the thing that Dom worshipped. The thing that he wouldn't drive because of how afraid of tarnishing it he was. Until Brian came along.

He had done the exact same thing to her. He'd loved her and put her on a pedestal as something he had to protect and he walked away and broke her. The biggest irony was that Brian was going to be the one to fix it this time, just like she was fixing the Charger.

Letty was going to make sure everything fit back together if it killed her.

They'd been stupid, and she knew that. Once she got him back, they'd fix that too.

They'd played this like a game and got way too caught up in the rush. Letty was the one that lost this time, but it would be the last time that happened. She'd never let him be the one that let him get away.

AN: This was for my Dotty account, but I can't remember the password, which is super ironic because I made that account because I was afraid of getting hacked and someone fucking with my stories. Also, Y'all should totally check out the Civil Wars. This is the breakup song for the band.