This next, and last, one is much shorter. But that happens, especially when we reach the end of a story.

Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts or its characters.

"Ah, here we go!" Saïx exclaimed, holding up a bottle of wine he had been saving for about twenty years, give or take. "Sixteen years ago, you pups were born. Now, we celebrate even more!"

"Awesome!" Sora cheered.

"Oh boy..." Roxas looked nervous. "This won't be like last time, will it?"

"Ah, you two were much younger then." Saïx commented, pouring the drinks, doing less for the twins since they were younger and just in case they couldn't handle it. Not all llarcloa could handle alcohol. After some drinking, they found Roxas was a lightweight, getting drunk on half a glass while Sora was fine after three.

"I'm going to put Roxas to bed." Sora chuckled, helping his twin who couldn't walk straight or talk clearly to their room, assuring him that things were fine and that he loved him to. Leon wasn't sure how Sora understood his slurred speech, but he figured it was a twin thing.

"He's just like Cloud." Leon chuckled. "He couldn't hold his liquor either."

Saïx snickered a bit as he poured another glass for himself and Leon. "Think they'll meet him?" he inquired. "It's only a matter of time until Roxas goes to the battlefield… even Sora as a skilled medic."

"I… I don't know." Leon admitted. "Maybe… though ill, he's stronger thanks to the change… and a soldier… I haven't seen him in the times I've gone to battle, but the country is huge. And I think at war with more than just us still." He looked around their dwelling in the base. "I just wish this war would end soon… So many being hurt… killed… pups left as orphans..."

"Though orphaned, the other pups aren't alone." Saïx assured. He smiled. "You yourself were an orphan pup, too."

"And your parents took me in." Leon nodded. "I'm glad, though; you and I did well, seeing each other as brothers; I always did want a little brother."

"Little hardly; I'm barely a year younger than you." Saïx dipped his fingers into his drink, flicking it at Leon who laughed a bit. "I remember when Dad and Papa died… they were medics and killed on the field… you were pissed off… but… it didn't make you hate humans too much, it didn't keep you from helping Cloud." He smiled. "I'm glad you met him… if you hadn't, we may not have had Sora and Roxas to raise."

Leon nodded. "I'm glad you stuck around to help." he stated. "Ever thought of finding a mate and having your own?"

"Maybe one day… but I've yet to find the right one to be my mate." Saïx pointed out. "Until then, though, I'm happy in helping with Sora and Roxas."

"Um… Dad? Saïx?" Sora leaned back in. "Roxas had an upset tummy and..."

"Except in that. You get to help." Saïx chuckled.

"Suk't." Leon laughed as he got up.

"Alnek't." Saïx smiled as Leon went off to handle things. He then finished his drink and closed his eyes, thinking of their tribe. Some years back, they left it to go to the military base while non-fighting or non-medical members went to another tribe to survive as they lost more and more territory. As he thought of his tribe, he just imagined the days of playing in the grass, teaching the pups to climb trees or swim, and just overall having them live as peacefully as possible. But the war grew worse.

"Maybe we will find peace… and maybe I'll find a mate, too." Saïx mumbled. He then took Leon's abandoned glass and finished off the drink. "I hope Leon and Cloud can be together again, too… but… I hope we don't see him on the battlefield… I don't want trouble to arise for him..." He then snuggled down in the chair he curled up in, bringing his tail up over his knees, slowly drifting off to sleep, dreaming of a time, either long ago or something he hoped for in the future, where peace was possible.

Heyo, lovelies.

It seems we've reached the end. I have no plans for a sequel or other chapters. In the end, I do hope you enjoyed this fic. And remember, while not necessary, all reviews are appreciated, even if months and years pass after the story ends. I do apologize, though, if anything seemed to drag on or go too quickly. Though I've been writing little things for years (and never sharing them), it's still an experience I'm learning from.

Thank you everyone for sticking through to the end. Until the next story, I must bid you all adieu.
