A/N: This is the third chapter and also the end of this story. I hope you liked it! I've had a rough week with some really bad news so please be nice, thank you!

Chapter 3; Finding happiness in odd places

It really seemed that Harry was going to give in but when Hermione leaned forward and reached for Harry, he backed up faster than Dumbledore could say lemon-drop. "No!" He yelled.

"I'm sorry, I mean don't touch me because I won't be able to stop," He blushed endearingly. "Draco's fine, touch Draco."

This was turning out to be the most fucked up triad they'd ever had. Well, it wasn't really a triad but still.

"You don't want to touch love?" Draco asked him teasingly and Harry didn't know how long he was going to be able to hold on to his principles, especially if Hermione would be all over Draco.

"Why don't we move this to the bedroom?" Hermione suggested with raised eyebrows. He had no idea what had gotten into her.

"Not yet," Draco answered her question. If he pushed Harry now, he knew it would be over way to soon, if he could stretch this a little bit, he knew Harry was going to give in eventually. Harry might think that he fooled everyone with hiding his desire for his best friend but Draco knew him like the back of his hand. He had seen the longing looks and the obvious signs of arousal whenever he was around her. He didn't mind though, he desired the little book worm as well so this could be a win-win situation for all of them.

"Who have you experimented with before?" Just before his mind blowing blow job, she had confirmed that she had dabbled in Dom/sub play before and he was really curious who would have taught her that, it sure as hell couldn't have been Ron and they had been dating ever since the war, he was really confused now.

"Victor," She was the one blushing now.

"As in Victor Kruml? How? Surely not during your fourth year, you were way too young!" Over protective Harry had entered the building again.

"No of course not in our fourth year but we did some kissing and touching after the Yule Ball. During sixth year Easter break I went over to Bulgaria to see him again and that's when he introduced me to his sexual lifestyle. It was fun while it lasted but it's not something I want on a permanent basis, just once in a while, we had fun and parted as good friends afterwards."

"She's a perfect fit love," Draco hissed towards Harry but Hermione could perfectly make out the words and she giggled softly.

"Stop it Draco, I know what you're thinking and it's not happening." Now his orgasm had ebbed away a bit he was finally able to think clearly again. "She can help you deal with that," He pointed at the obvious bulge in Draco's pants. "I won't mind watching but I'm sticking with my own rule, it will do more harm than good in the end otherwise."

Hermione was clearly pouting but Draco did have to admit that she had just gotten out of a destructive relationship where she had been cheated on. She was extremely vulnerable right now and no matter how much of a Slytherin he was, he didn't want to take advantage of his lover's best friend.

"So, how about it Granger? You can get creative if you want," He wiggled his eyebrows which made Hermione laugh. She was really out of her comfort zone now and she realized that she didn't want to stop.

Wrecking her brain she tried to come up with something that would be good enough so they would let her stay. Maybe it was fast after Ron but she really loved Harry and she saw him in a new light tonight, she had never done before and she really liked what she saw. Never in her entire life had she allowed herself to look at Harry like that and now that she did, she wondered why she'd never done so before. The man was gorgeous, hot, and on top of that the sweetest guy she knew.

"How much am I allowed?" She asked hesitantly, catching Harry's eye to direct the question at him.

He seemed to think for a second before he answered. "Everything besides your arse." Her eye's popped in surprise, everything but her arse? Why not her arse, she wondered. Not that she wanted to get greedy, this was already more than she had hoped for. And besides that, she had never had anything up there before, not even toys, she didn't know if she would be comfortable with that.

"Okay, lose the pants Draco," It was the first time that she had ever used his first name and the blond froze in shock. "Well, if I'm going to fuck you, I might as well use your first name, right?"

She smiled at him teasingly, she had no idea where her behavior came from but she felt very free, and laughed softly when he nodded at her, still to shocked to say anything.

Eventually he started to unbuckle his belt and when he lowered his trousers, his cock sprang free with a pop. "No pants?" Hermione asked.

"Never," Harry answered hoarsely and Hermione giggled again, this was so nerve wrecking but also incredibly arousing at the same time, she had never felt like this before and she wanted more.

Harry had taken a place next to Draco on the couch, watching from a safe distance, and when Draco finally had discarded his trousers, shoes and socks, she straddled his lap, grinding softly over Draco's rock hard cock. "It's like steel."

"It gets like that if he has to wait a long time, but don't think he never gets anything, he's an animal when it comes to sex." Harry snickered and Draco gave him a light slap on his arm.

"You want to have a red bottom again Love?" Draco said through clenched teeth when Hermione's warm center slipped over him again. He had a hard time staying in control right now because it had been weeks since he had been inside a woman's quim.

It was Harry's time to blush now and he kissed Draco quickly on the lips to distract him. In the meantime Hermione was unbuttoning Draco's dress shirt, button for button, agonizingly slow. "Just get on with it," Draco growled in response.

It was Harry who finally ripped the shirt apart, not being able to wait any longer for the show which was being put on before his eyes. Damn, he was already getting hard again, maybe Draco wasn't the only randy one in here. He squeezed his hardening cock twice before letting it go again. To be honest he just wanted to sink his cock into Draco's arse but he also was extremely turned on from the fact that Hermione was going to ride his boyfriend, he would wait before that show was over before he would help himself, he didn't want to miss a single thing.

"Just take him in Hermione, don't tease him any longer." Anyone could see that Draco was really suffering from the denial and he took pity on his boyfriend. After all, he didn't want to endanger his unlimited blow jobs on a daily basis.

"Thanks love," Draco groaned towards Harry when Hermione finally lifted herself and slowly, inch by inch, let Draco's long thick cock, sunk into her pool of moisture. "You have no idea how good she feels, incredibly tight."

Harry swallowed at Draco's description and his cock was at full attention again. He wasn't able to not touch his engorged member and slowly he started to stroke it while Hermione was bobbing happily on his boyfriends cock. They had never really had sex like this, with one on the sidelines and had it been anyone other than Hermione, he would have called the whole thing quits and claimed Draco himself, he wasn't really the jealous type but there was something very intimate in seeing the one you loved, having sex with someone you also loved, right in front of your eyes. It was totally different when you were involved yourself.

He jumped from his thoughts when he felt a hand linger on his face. "I'm going to ride you next Harry, no matter how much you protest."

He felt his heart rate sped up and suddenly he found it hard to breath. Immediately he hated himself for tossing out his most important rule out of the window, within seconds. He didn't care about rules or anything else anymore, he only cared about screwing his best friend. He groaned loudly when he imagined Draco's cum inside of Hermione when he would enter her. It sounded totally gross but for him it was something special that he shared with his lover. He knew he was extremely fucked up. He blamed Draco.

Instead of answering Hermione he just moved forward and claimed her lips with a bruising effort. She didn't freeze or hesitate, she kissed him back with enthusiasm. It was weird kissing someone close to you, whom you never imagined kissing in your entire life, or thought you were never going to. Her lips were soft and plump, unlike Draco's hard thin ones, he couldn't decide which he liked better, both were perfect.

"Fuck Hermione, I won't last long, Harry you're not helping." Draco panted roughly while he was releasing Hermione's tits from the confinement of her bra. "I've been horny all day."

Upon hearing Draco's words, Hermione sped up the pace and was having a hard time herself. She was a moaner, always had been and the room was filled with her high shrieks of pleasure while bobbing down on Draco's, ready to burst, cock.

"You're always horny," Harry snorted and moved his left hand to touch Hermione's naked arse lightly. She jumped a little at the feeling but didn't pull away.

Slowly he let his fingers trail a path down between her butt cheeks, all the way down until he reached the tiny tight hole. She gasped loudly when he traced it with his finger but he didn't push inside, he would save that for another time because that hole was his and nobody else's.

"Relax 'Mione, not today," He was pressed almost against the sweating couple now, his own erection digging into Draco's upper leg, trying to find some friction.

His finger moved further down and he could feel the wetness everywhere. "Hermione it's a lake down there." His voice sounded amused, which he was.

"I'm sorry," She mumbled obviously embarrassed.

"Don't be," Draco brushed the sweat covered curls out of her face and kissed her quickly on the lips, catching one of her louder moans, he hummed appreciatively inside her mouth, swiping his tongue against hers. "It only means we can turn you into a squirter."

Those words sounded so promising that Hermione couldn't hold it any longer, her walls started to cramp around Draco's member and she clamped down on him, shuddering from the force of her orgasm.

"Fuck, I'm cumming." Draco growled loud and she could feel his hot seed fill her up, spurting inside her harder then she had ever felt before, she wondered what it would feel like when he would come in her mouth. She moaned again, just thinking about it.

Exhausted from the effort she slumped against Draco's chest and she hid her face into his warm neck, her curls mingling with his soft silk strands of hair. "You're magnificent, little one," Draco breathed somewhere near her ear and she beamed with joy. Ron was long forgotten because he sure as hell had never given her pleasure like this.

"Maybe we shouldn't let Harry suffer any longer?" Draco chuckled into her neck and he bit down softly into her collar bone. She gasped and clamped her walls again which made him groan out and he knew for certain that if she kept that up, he would be hard again within seconds. But it wouldn't be fair to Harry and he reached out to firmly grasp both of her arms and lift her off him, tossing her into Harry's lap, who protested with minimal complaints.

"Don't dare deny me now Harry, I think I've unconsciously wanted this for years." She blushed when she looked up and noticed that his eyes were on hers and he was only a hairsbreadth away from her.

"I don't think I can deny you ever again, love," She didn't miss the nickname he also used for Draco and she tried to catch a glimpse of the blonde's face to gauge his reaction. He face showed nothing but adoration and she took it as the green light she needed.

Pressing forwards she kissed Harry lightly on the lips, nothing like the bruising kiss they shared a few minutes ago. This was sweet and loving and way to serious for it just to be a fling. They both had feelings that were suppressed for way to long. Harry had been aware for a long time now but Hermione had just found out and she was practically shivering with need for it. How could she have missed this?

"Time for the bedroom now?" She innocently asked against his lips. She breathed out with a light puff against his mouth to make him shiver in anticipation.

He didn't answer vocally but he did grab Draco's hand and tightened his grip around her waist, apparating them straight into his bedroom. In success he groaned loudly when Hermione roughly pushed forward, grinding down on his cock.

He fell flat against the bed and tugged Draco closer to not let him be an outsider, after all he knew how much the boy loved sex and he didn't need to look to know that his boyfriend was already sporting another prominent erection. "You can fuck me next." He mumbled to the blond and focused again on Hermione who was riding his own erection with abandon now, still on top of it, instead of buried inside her.

He could feel wetness dripping out of her cunt and he knew it was a mixture of her essence and his boyfriends cum. It was being smeared on his penis like coating his broomstick with the right oils, he moaned loudly and if he wasn't careful, he would blow his load right then and there. He needed to get inside her and quickly.

Without waiting for her to make a move he took a bruising hold of her hips and flipped them around as fast as possible, sheeting between her legs which she willingly opened for him. "Ohh…" She exclaimed while looking up at him with big 'fuck me' eyes.

"Enough with the teasing little one." Draco made himself known again and she averted her eyes towards the Slytherin. She had to blink twice when she didn't see what she'd expected.

"Go ahead, you can suck it." Harry nudged his best friend to take his boyfriends cock into her mouth. He could see that she was practically gagging for it and he wondered again what in the world she had done all those years with Ron. Ron wasn't the adventurous type, he had had a drunken conversation with Lavender one night and she had told him, against his wishes, that Ron was a lazy fuck that only cared about his own pleasure.

With that in mind he planned to make this unforgettable for her, and indirectly for him as well. Slowly he moved his arm down to grab a hold of her ankle and pull it all the way up to let it rest besides her head. She was lean and muscly and he wondered how she had gotten this way, she didn't play any sports, at least not that he knew off. And in that moment he realized that he didn't knew that much about her life nowadays and he was ashamed with himself. He had been so absorbed in being happy with Draco that he had totally forgotten about the other important people in his life.

He looked into her chocolate colored eyes again and was shook with the level of admiration and lust he saw in them. She was breathtaking and deserved the absolute world, which he was planning on giving to her, one way or another.

She became distracted when she felt the tip of Draco's lean and beautiful cock bump against her cheek and she willingly moved her mouth to the side to let her tongue slip over the head. Draco's moan was mixed with his own, which was drawn out of him by the erotic side before him.

Not able to wait any longer he moved one finger down her slit to feel how wet she was or if she needed any more preparation. He didn't need to worry because she was obviously dripping, dripping with Draco's cum and her own essences. Bringing up his finger, which was glistening with all the juices, he couldn't help himself. Tipping out his tongue he let it lick over the cleft of his finger, tasting the combined essences of his two lovers. It should be disgusting but he didn't know if it was the people or the situation but he found himself wanting to taste more. Sucking off his own finger, he used his other hand to line up his cock against her engorged entrance, her previous orgasm had made her tighter and he couldn't wait to feel her walls gripping him in a deadlock.

"Stop teasing, fuck me Harry," Hermione moaned, her voice distorted with the hindrance of Draco's member.

Spurred on by her words he pushed the tip in slowly, followed by a rough push forward, sheeting himself to the hilt inside her hot tight cunt. Both of them groaned loudly, which made Draco grunt because of the vibrations delivered to his cock.

"Fuck!" Harry cursed and he needed to still himself to not cum immediately, she was even better than expected.

Her tilted leg gave him just that extra inch that he needed and he was so deep inside that his balls were buried against her other entrance. When he started to move he was afraid he was going to see stars. Being inside her was a dream come true, something he never anticipated would ever happen but here he was, and he made a pact with himself that he was never going to let her go again. She was his now, his and Draco's, they would share, they needed to share.

"Uhhngg Harry!" She wailed loudly when he moved a little and that was his undoing, he laid his right hand on top of her ankle, securing the stretch and the other one he put on her hip, holding on for dear life when he started to pound inside her, touching her g-spot with every strike upwards.

He could already feel his balls start to tingle again and he knew that he wouldn't last long, no matter how many previous orgasms he would have had. Trying to gauge her reaction by the look on her face he was met with the sight of his boyfriend rocking into Hermione's mouth and he didn't think he'd ever seen a prettier view.

Hermione was moaning constantly which apparently drove Draco absolutely crazy if the look on his face was anything to go by. He moved his left hand that was bruising her hip and let it ghost over her clitoris which was just begging to be touched. When he pinched the little nub between his fingers, she screamed. Holding down he watched her try to wriggle her body to remove the overwhelming feeling but he didn't relent. He kept pinching it and with the wiggling she only managed to give him more access into her sopping channel.

The only thing she could do now was cum for him. "Let go love." He breathed hoarsely and he felt it immediately when she finally did let go. Her walls took his member into a death grip and the only thing he could do in return was cum with her, shooting his load deeply into her craving body. He felt her fluids trying to push him out which gave the oddest sensation because her walls were still keeping him there. He could feel her essence dripping down his bullocks and he looked up just in time to see Draco stare at them while he came all over Hermione's face.

She was too busy with her own peak to worry about Draco's, which made her unavailable to catch Draco's hot rays of cum which were now dripping from her cheek, chin and swollen lips. It was the most prettiest he had ever seen her.

When her walls did finally let him go he dropped her leg and slumped forward, just in time to be able to catch himself before squashing her. He rolled to the side, taking Draco down with him and sandwiching Hermione between the two of them.

He was slowly drifting off to sleep when he noticed sniffing and the soft sound of someone crying. "What's wrong love?" He moved his head a little to watch the brunette trying to hold her tears. "Was it too soon? See Draco, insensitive bastards that we are, I told you this was a bad idea."

Draco was raising his eyebrows while staring down at his boyfriend, clearly he didn't agree. "Clearly you are the only bastard here Potter, I'm a pure blood."

"Not what I meant but your reaction speaks volumes and defines my point exactly, Malfoy!" They started bickering, which they still often did, no matter how much they loved each other, it was in their nature after all.

"Stop fighting, I'm not crying because I regret it." She sniffed again, trying to compose herself. "I'm crying because I'm happy."

They both stared at her with a dumbfounded look in their eyes, clearly not getting her train of thoughts. "You're not still crying over that redheaded buffoon?"

She actually laughed through her tears when Draco turned up his nose with that comment. "No you idiots, I'm happy because finally I have the feeling that I actually belong." She blushed with that comment, she knew they were happy together and they probably wouldn't have room for her annoying, know-it-all-arse, but even if this was a one-time thing, she was glad that she had partaken in it.

"Oh you are definitely were you belong Granger and don't for a second think you will ever be able to leave, we're taking you hostage." Draco smirked against her cum covered cheek and Harry couldn't have been happier to hear his boyfriend say those words.

"He's right, you better sell your apartment because you won't be needing it anymore." This spurred on even more tears and he kissed her swollen lips, tasting Draco's cum in the process.

"How about we take this to the shower? Our little cum-princess needs a little clean up." Draco grinned and let his finger trail a path through the cum that decorated her face.

She giggled and looked at Harry for reassurance. "I guess we could use a blank canvas." He purred. "But don't worry love, you're going to be dirty again real soon."

She squealed when Draco tapped her arse when she tried to escape their clutches and ran all the way to the bathroom.

"Ginny!" Hermione squealed when she noticed her best friend in the crowd of people.

"Hermione, finally! You look so well, what has gotten into you?" They hadn't spoken again after her break up with Ron and she didn't even know if the bastard had told his family the truth.

"Not to be rude but I think Ron cheating on me is the best thing that ever happened." She giggled and Ginny just looked at her in surprise.

"It sure looks like it. Not for Ron though," She snorted loudly and apparently there was more to the story.

"How so?" She wasn't really interested but he was still Ginny's brother so it was only politeness.

"Mom has taken over his life," She giggled again. "She calls it Molly's Penalty Camp and he had literally no free time anymore. She makes him clean the house, by hand and she has sent him to therapy. I have no idea when she is going to leave him off the hook but I don't he will ever cheat on a woman again."

Hermione doubled over from laughing because it is exactly what the idiot deserved and she just couldn't help herself.

"But I'm still curious about what has gotten you so happy? Do you have a new lover?" Ginny wouldn't stop before she had gotten the truth out of her but she dreaded telling her that she was in love with Harry as well as Draco. Harry was probably going to be a sore spot.

"I do, two as a matter of fact." She blushed profoundly.

Ginny didn't look all that shocked, which surprised her. "Two? Do tell, you dirty girl who are the lucky wizards?"

"Harry and Draco." She didn't dare look the redhead in the eyes, afraid for the explosion.

She didn't expect Ginny to turn all giggly. "You have got to be kidding me?"

"Are you angry?" She needed to know for sure, she didn't want things to become awkward.

"No, hell no, but you'll be in for one hell of a surprise at the next Malfoy dinner. I'll see you Sunday Hermione." They hugged and waved goodbye while Ginny was still giggling.

And then it hit her, Sunday's were for Malfoy dinners…