We now are in the Royal Palace, where Zuko and Iroh are sitting at a table in a room, waiting for the Earth King. Iroh pours some tea into a cup. Then Zuko said "What's taking so long?" Then Iroh said "Maybe the Earth King overslept." Then Curly said "I once overslept on a fish boat I smell like tuna for a week." Then Moe slapped him and said "Quite we don't want to hare your sob story." Then Curly said "Why I outta!" Then Moe said "You outta what?" Then Curly said "Give you a very angry look." Then Moe poked him in the eyes.

Then Dai Li agents begin to circle around the five. Then Zuko said " Something's not right." Then Azula walks past the Dai Li and comes in front of her brother outside the circle of Dai Li agents. Then she said "Tea time." Zuko then stand up and said "Azula!" Then Azula said "Have you met the Dai Li? They're earthbenders, but they have a killer instinct that's so firebender. I just love it."

Then Abbott and Costello came in to and one of them said "Well Well Well our five fire nation outlaws." Then Costello said "Abbott it's Zuko Iroh and the Stooges is there some thing wrong with your eyes?" Then Moe said "Them too!? Oh great!" Then Iroh picking up his cup of tea and said "Did I ever tell you how I got the nickname "the Dragon of the West?" Then Azula said "I'm not interested in a lengthy anecdote, Uncle." Then Iroh said "It's more of a demonstration, really."Then Iroh begins drinking his tea. Zuko looks over at him and smiles before going behind him and the Stooges duck in cover. Iroh begins breathing fire. Cut to a corridor outside the room as a fire blast makes a hole in the wall, allowing Iroh the Stooges and Zuko to escape. The Dai Li agents begin shooting some rock gloves at them, but miss as Zuko The Stooges and Iroh turn around the corner. Iroh generates lightning and destroys the wall in front before jumping down into a bush below with the Stooges behind him. Zuko stops at the edge.

Then Iroh said "Come on! You'll be fine!" Then Zuko said "No! I'm tired of running! It's time I faced Azula!" Then Zuko turns around and walks back. Iroh smacks his head upon hearing this and runs away with the Stooges fallowing behind. Then Moe said "Iroh what are we going to do?" Then Iroh said "I think I know someone who can help us. If we can coven him to." Then they made it to the place that the Avatar and his friends are staying at and after they covens them to team up to save the fire prince. They found out that he and Karata are being held in an under ground dungeon and when they found them they told Aang and Karata to get out of there and the Iroh said to Zuko "You're not the man you used to be, Zuko. You are stronger and wiser and freer than you have ever been. And now you have come to the crossroads of your destiny. It's time for you to choose. It's time for you to choose good." Then Moe said "And what ever chose you make we are behind ya all they way." Zuko yells as crystals grow to encase Iroh. He assumes a fighting position to prepare for the intruders. A different shot shows Azula along with two Dai Li agents sliding down from the sides of the chamber. Then she said to them "I expected this kind of treachery from Uncle. [Cut to Iroh, still trapped in crystals. Cut to a side shot, where Zuko protects his uncle.] But Zuko, Prince Zuko and Moe Larry and Curly, you're a lot of things, but you're not a traitor, are you?" Then Zuko said "Release him immediately." Then Azula said "It's not too late for you, Zuko. You can still redeem yourself."

Then Iroh said "The kind of redemption she offers is not for you." Then Azula said "Why don't you let him decide, Uncle? [To Zuko.] I need you, Zuko. I've plotted every move of this day, [Makes a fist.] this glorious day in Fire Nation history, and the only way we win is together. At the end of this day, you will have your honor back. You will have Father's love. You will have everything you want." Then Moe said "But you tried to hunt us down why should we join you?" Then Azula said "I was only fallowing father's orders I would've thought you three knew about that. The offer is also for you three to redeemed yourselves for that big mistake you made three years ago." Then Iroh said "Zuko, I am begging you. Look into your heart and see what it is that you truly want." Then Azula said "You are free to choose."She gestures at the two Dai Li agents to leave, who earthbend themselves out. The camera cuts to Zuko multiple times as he contemplates his choice as Azula leaves to follow Aang and Katara.

Then Zuko got up with her and she was in a middle of fighting Aang and Katara he then shot a fire blast in the middle and the Stooges was behind him at a safe distance and then Larry said "He's going to do it he's going to do the right choices from now on." Then Curly said "Yeah he's got a nice live here he won't give it up right?" Then Moe said "Of cores he wouldn't he would...…." Then they saw Zuko attacking the Avatar and then Moe said "Oh no no no no no no!" Then Larry said "His throwing it all away all away!" Then Curly said "There goes the tea shop."

Then during the fight Aang was in the Avatar state but then was shot down by Azula's lighting and was knocked out. Then now was seeing Iroh helping Katara escaped with Aang and then when they got away He submits to the Dai Li, who use earthbending to encase him in crystals. Zuko looks at Iroh and Iroh closes his eyes and turns away. As for the Stooges they still stand by Zuko side after that and then after the fire nation took over the earth kingdom capital Moe Larry and Curly were now alone out side the castle and then Curly said "Hey fellas did we did the right thing back there double crossing Iroh like that?" Then Moe said "What are you talking about you heard what Azula said he betrayed us. Didn't he?" Then Larry said "Then why do I fell like we double cross him."

Hey guys thanks for reading the fan fic and now we are at the next book of this epic Adventure/Comedy tale and now we are coming to the best sage Book 3 Fire. And you get to diseased to what should happened in book fire and what the stooges should do on it.