We shall now go even further with non-cannon!

Some of you may not like this but please keep reading!

As for a comment I got:

I am hardly the first to do a Minato/Kakashi ship and I wont be the last.

There probably will be very little in the way of that relationship unless it's in a flashback which as of right now I have no intentions of doing.

I will most likely being doing a lot of pairings that most of you don't like!

For example I will be hinting at another popular pairing in this chapter if not outright stating it!

Most of these ships wont actually go into any detail in the story at all except for a mention of how it's going.

They finally got in to the TG. When they got to the Midway point Sasuke and Sakura launched the combo attack then Sasuke and Naruto tied the rat up in ninja wire hanging it between two trees they then rained down every attack they had on the rat and won. They split the money and left Sakura having literally used everything she had. The panel reviewed them and Naruto had to explain his plan for last time and this time. The panel agreed that Naruto had indeed built on and learned from his plans.

Sasuke looked smug and Sakura cheered dancing around while holding Naruto's hands. They'd gotten the best score out of all the teams. Naruto tried to smile but for some reason it wouldn't come. He just let Sakura indulge until she was done. Then class was dismissed and they headed towards his place.

"I can't believe Hokage-Dono said we were doing so well." Sakura said, as they raced along.

Naruto's plan tonight was running laps while reading his text book. Sasuke had no problem with this but Sakura quit reading when she realized how far behind it made her fall. So she just ran trying to keep up.

"I could have sworn we'd be the dobe team." Naruto said. "I mean Sakura and I have little to no ninja skills. Mostly do to our own faults sure but still..."

"When we start classes again I'll make up for it." Sakura pouted.

"adn the Naruto will bring us right back down." Sasuke pointed out.

"I'm hoping to be better in INT and WIS by the time class starts." Naruto almost whined. "With you helping me it's a given."

Sakura was shocked by this information. Sasuke was studying with Naruto? She guessed that that could explain Naruto's INT and WIS improvement. Yes, that was it, Sasuke was doing his best to make sure they didn't fail. She would have to do her part as well.

Of course she forgot that vow as soon as the boy's were out of sight and she was heading home.

Naruto sat going over today's homework with Sasuke he noted how close the other boy was sitting to him and wondered why. Sasuke couldn't possibly like him and by now he was sure that he smelled.


Naruto was shocked when Sasuke's mouth was suddenly on his. Sasuke's tongue took advantage of Naruto's mouth being opened and dipped into taste him before he ended the kiss.

"What was that?" Naruto demanded. "I mean I know what it was but...why?"

Sasuke didn't answer just left leaving a very confused Naruto staring after him.

Naruto decided not to sleep again and to see if he couldn't get a level on Massage so he decided to scrub his shower again. It got on his nerves how dirty it was anyway.

"I'm worried about Naruto." Tsunade said, as she Jiraiya and Hiruzen sat in the Hokage office. "We gave him plenty of praise today and yet he didn't smile once. "

"It is as I told you I fear that Naruto is close to his breaking point." Hiruzen sighed. "Perhaps I haven't done as much for the boy as I should have..."

"I'll say you haven't." Jiraiya snapped, "I heard a juicy rumor about how Naruto is living a rumor that came from his own teammate!" he was seething. "Minato intrusted Naruto to you and you have failed him!"

Tsunade was quick to lay a calming hand on Jiraiya's arm to calm him down.

By morning panic had spread through the village. Danzo had been found dead and strung up in the middle of the village for everyone to see. No one knew who did it but word was out that Itachi Uchiha was back in Konoha no one was connecting the two events though.

Sasuke was furious when he saw his old brother sitting at the Judge table. He wanted to set something on fire.

Slowly the class gathered.

"Today, being Friday, the team leaders can choose what they want their team to work on." Iruka called. "At least until TG."

Naruto put his hand over Sakura's mouth instantly.

"Taijutsu." He stated.

She shook her head rapidly her eyes begging.

"We'll start with Sasuke and Sakura while I Leaf Stick. Then Sakura and me while Sasuke Chakra Trains. Then Sasuke and me while Sakura practices the Three."

"Agreed." Sasuke nodded.

Naruto removed his hand.

"Do we have to?" Sakura whined in response Sasuke pulled out his cell phone. She whimpered but took up her position. "Can you at least try not to leave so many bruises this time?"

"Learn to fight back." Sasuke replied.

"It's good for your Healing Jutsu." Naruto pipped up, putting his leaf to his head.

Sakura looked thoughtful at that.


She instantly blocked Sasuke's kick, dodged a punched, and ducked another kick. She dropped to the ground and swept her foot out trying to throw him off balance but he saw it coming.

Naruto watched and everyone could have sworn he was amused that Sakura was doing her best to not get murdered.

Itachi was actually interested in watching his brother. It was clear he was holding back a great deal and he had to wonder if either of his teammates were going to be a challenge for him.

Two hours later Sakura's scream as she was thrown into the tree for the fifth time almost blocked out the alarm.

"TIME!" Naruto called.

Sakura moaned getting she stumbled to Naruto.

"Er...come on, I'll take you to the nurses' office, Sakura." Naruto caught her as she lost her balance.

Tsunade stepped in and healed the girl the bruises she detected were new and old.

"Is this your normal Taijutsu training?" she asked.

"Naruto insists on it and Sasuke always agrees." Sakura said, getting to her feet when cleared. "Wow, thank you. I've been feeling stiff since our last Taijutsu session but I don't anymore."

"I don't know when it happened but you pulled a muscle in your shoulder whenever that was." Tsunade informed, as Sakura massaged said shoulder absently. "You boys need to be more careful."

"It's not our fault." Naruto defended. "We're holding back when going against Sakura. It's the way she dodges."

"I agree with Naruto." Jiraiya said, with a smile. "You were watching the others. Watch Sakura vs. Naruto to see the problem."

"I have problem dodging?" Sakura asked, blinking in shock.

In Naruto's opinion she had a problem with screaming and it seemed to interfere with Sasuke's attempts at Chakra Training as his eye would twitch here and there.

Sakura had finished her training awhile ago and was now just sitting next to Ino watching Sasuke and Naruto in fact most of the class was watching the two.

"We should stop them?" Hinata asked quietly.

"By all means be my guest." Sakura motioned to her to go to them. "I'm staying right here. I almost got my head taken off the last time I had to stop them."

Hinata fidgeted for an additional ten minutes before activating her Byakugan and running between the two as the both went to attack.


Sasuke grunted as he hit the tree. Naruto grunted then moaned as he hit the ground and slammed into the school. He pushed himself up and looked at her. Sasuke was doing the same.

"Thank you, Hinata." Iruka said, "TG and Team 7 will be running laps tonight."

"EH!" Sakura cried. "But we did that last night!"

Naruto shook his head like a wet dog his vision was swimming. Sasuke was pissed of today and had gone all out.

Itachi had to hide his smile. His brother was truly worthy of the name Uchiha. That had been wonderful Taijutsu. He could tell his brother was upset with him being there and worried after his blond haired teammate who was now being supported by his pink haired teammate to the TG. The boy hadn't been on Sasuke's level but he had improved throughout the fight and gotten better. It would only be a matter of time before he was a real challenge.

Sakura sighed as she once again healed Naruto she was thrilled that she was getting pointers from Tsunade-Dono but she was more worried about how she was going to do in TG after healing Naruto.

"Being on a Team with you two I'm liable to master this Healing Jutsu in no time."

"Didn't you say you could heal?" Sasuke asked Naruto as they sat back to back. Sasuke was reading.

"Only myself and not that well yet." Naruto said, as Sakura handed him a wet cloth to wash the blood off of his face. "But I bounce back rather well. I'll be ready for group TG."

Sakura bit her lip what were these two made of and how the hell had she gotten teamed up with them?! If she'd had the head wound Naruto had had she would be in the hospital and here he was acting like it was nothing! And Sasuke didn't have a scratch on him! She was annoyed to say the least. She did not belong on this team but she also didn't want to be replaced with Hinata. Then again that seemed the only option right now though she wondered how she would fit in with Kiba, Shino and Akamaru they were mostly a Taijutsu based team and a Tracking team at that it was no wonder that they'd been paired with Hinata and her Byakugan. She found herself wondering just how powerful a team that had the Sharingan and the Byakugan on it could be and how would Naruto fit into that team at all? He didn't have a Dojutsu.

She shook her head.

"You okay, Sakura?" Naruto asked.

"Just a headache." She deadpanned.

Team 7 got past the midway point again but couldn't go any farther once again.

"They aren't making any progress at all." Hibachi laughed.

Sakura cranked up the Killer intent at him.

"We got farther than your team!" she snapped. "You took what two steps inside the TG and retreated?! As we improve our skills and teamwork we'll get farther!"

Sasuke and Naruto both shared a dead look with one another if they were waiting on improvement they were going to be stuck at the midway boss forever.