All Shinobi had the power of Gamer upon discovering that they could use enough Chakra to become Shinobi. But Naruto found out that his Gamer was different from everyone elses. It hadn't been before he knew that and it had never helped him before but now equipped with this new form of Gamer he was going to show everyone.

Naruto woke with a yawn just another boring day where everyone hated him. He quickly got dressed and climbed out from his hiding spot. He looked around it seemed he was right no one came to this side of the village. This part that used to be the old village that had been destroyed in the Kyuubi attack. He'd sleep over here from now on then. He stretched out then sniffed himself he needed a shower and to wash his clothes. He spotted a run down building not far away it looked as if one floor was at least standing. He ran over to it and snuck inside through a broken window. He wrinkled his nose at the smell of mold and dust.

Enhanced smelling-1

He found the bathroom and a laundry room. He also found some laundry supplies praying that the water and electricity actually worked he set everything up to do laundry. Putting all of his clothes into the washer. When he hit the button sure enough it started. He grinned and ran quickly for the bathroom. It was mostly stocked too. He started the shower and the water even got hot. He got in and moaned. He began scrubbing himself and watched as the water ran black off of him. He washed until the water ran clean. Then did his hair the same way. Finally, feeling clean after so long Naruto got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around him. He switched his laundry then returned to the bathroom to dry off. He pulled an almost broken brush out of his inventory and brushed his hair. He sighed to himself as he waited for the dryer to finish then quickly got dressed putting his other outfits in his inventory. They all looked the same.

"Okay, this will be my base of operations from now on." Naruto declared. "I just need to get some food."

Would you like to make this your base?

Naruto frowned but chose yes.

He was then off running and jumping towards the village.

Ninja Run-1

Ninja Jump-1

Naruto was annoyed but then confused his levels should be a lot higher unless he had been given a restart but he'd never heard of that happening before and he'd never heard of Gamer giving bases before either. He finally reached the shopping district of Konoha, Japan. He had some money but not much he could buy some food but not as Naruto they would always throw him out or over charge him. He tried to think of who to turn into then decided.


Transformation Jutsu-1

Transformation failed do to using too much Chakra.

Follow these steps to get the transformation right.

There was only one step since Naruto knew the hand seal. He had to practice channeling the proper amount of Chakra. A gauge had appeared on his orange screen the red parts were too little or too much chakra and the green was just perfect. He did this until he'd mastered getting the proper amount every time. It was exhausting.


He became Sasuke Uchiha and strolled into the shopping district.

Sasuke had been annoyed to see Naruto instantly but not because he hated him though he supposed that was in there but because ... well he guessed he didn't really have a proper reason. He'd stood and watched Naruto training, for once, he kept trying to get the right amount of Chakra. He had been shocked and rather impressed that Naruto had trained for so long. He'd then been annoyed when Naruto had turned into a perfect version of himself. What was that dobe doing?

He followed Naruto and made a note of which stores he went into. It looked like he was just shopping nothing more but why did he have to shop as him? Was he just training? and why did it seem no one noticed the transformation? Sasuke frowned as he continued to watch and was shocked to see that Naruto had down the way he walked and talked even his facial expressions. He figured that Naruto had to have been watching him a lot for him to be this good. When Naruto was done shopping Sasuke followed him. They were a good distance before Naruto dropped the Transformation.

"I did it." Naruto beamed to himself. "I can't believe I never thought of doing that before!"

For coming up with a solid plan and carrying it out, +1 INT/+1 WIS

"I got everything for the exact price." Naruto babbled to himself. "They didn't even over charge me. I have to keep that in mind."


Naruto frowned. That had shown up during his shopping. He'd figured it was just ANBU who'd seen him transform keeping an eye on him and making sure he didn't pull any pranks. He stopped where he was and looked at Tokyo Tower/Hokage Tower in the distance. It seemed so far away. That was where the Hokage lived and where Naruto hoped to live as Hokage one day. He scoffed to himself depression filling his lifeless eyes. He couldn't become Hokage. It was all just a dream one he would never achieve. He pressed on and finally reached his home. A test showed that the fridge needed a good cleaning as did the oven and stove but they worked. So he scrubbed them clean earning STR, DEX, and VIT in the process. When that was done he put everything away and made a simple meal of rice and cooked veggies. He preferred Ramen but he needed to get healthy.


Sasuke watched Naruto prepare a meal and was shocked about how small the portions were. He himself ate four times that. Was Naruto really that bad off? Then again he was living in a place like this. Sasuke tried to come up with a reason on why he cared but he couldn't. No one deserved to live like this. He quickly hid as Naruto came back outside.

"Okay, I should train." Naruto said, "I need to get a lot better if I'm going to become a Shinobi this year."

Before he could even start an announcement went out to all Tokyo calling the students of the Ninja Academy to the school. Naruto raced along pushing himself to his limit going as fast as he could so that he could train his stats. He'd always been good a running and had always been fast though not as fast as Sasuke something he really wanted to change. He pushed himself to his very limits as he ran and was shocked when Sasuke was suddenly running next to him. This made him push himself even harder but Sasuke kept just in front of him. Naruto knew that Sasuke was messing with him and it pissed him off.

Everyone was there when they arrived and turned to watch the two speed into the school yard they both stopped just short of Iruka.

"I win, Dobe." Sasuke said, smugly.

Naruto held his rage in and just gave Sasuke a bright smile, while putting his arms behind his head and laughing.

"Yeah, you sure do." Naruto laughed. "Great job, Sasuke."

The girls in the class were quick to agree with Naruto which is what Naruto had been counting on. He wouldn't let anyone see his depression. He wouldn't let them see that they were getting to him. Beating him down, making him wanna give it. He wouldn't let them see that he was so close to giving up and just ending it all.

"Training even during the summer?" Iruka asked, Sasuke. "That's to be expected of you, Sasuke. Please join the others."

Naruto was hurt but then Iruka had never payed much attention to him since he was seven. Sure he'd saved him back then but from then on it was like Naruto didn't exist anymore. Naruto hated that.

"The Lord Hokage has decided that you will getting your Team assignments early." Iruka told his class. "You will spend the entire summer and the school year working and training with this team. Lord Hokage does not want anyone complaining about team assignments he's assured all of us..." he motioned to the other ninja in the yard. There were a lot of various ranks. "that he has considered them very hard."

With that he began making three man squads out of twenty-four students. Eight squads in all.

"and finally, Team 7 Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, and Sakura Haruno."

The three moved together but didn't say anything. They looked at each other but still remained quiet. Naruto and Sasuke could tell that Sakura was rotating between Joy at being teamed up with Sasuke and rage over being teamed up with Naruto.

"Today's assignment will be simple..." Iruka replied, not liking this at all. "Chakra Training with your Squad. Leaf Sticking Jutsu. If one of your teammates is ready to move on they will have to help the squad members who are not. You've all been reset to level 1 with all level 1 skills so that you may train together with your teammates."

Killer Intent/Bloodlust-1

If you can sense it you can dish it out.

Sure enough when Naruto looked Sakura was glaring at him. Sasuke looked indifferent.

"You will receive points depending on your performance as a team through out the year." Iruka called. "You may also lose points if a team loses too many points they will be sent back a year in the Academy or be expelled depending on infractions. "

Naruto swallowed roughly. Killer Intent was really leveling up.

"You must work together as a team." Iruka said, and everyone saw his eyes drift and lock on Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke. "Begin."

Naruto followed the prompts on his screen and the gauge to learn the proper amount of Chakra to use when he'd mastered that he stuck the leaf on his forehead. Now he had to manipulate his Chakra to keep it there. Another gauge had appeared. This was way hard.

Leaf Sticking-1

Naruto kept focusing and refocusing his Chakra the best he could to keep it in the green. His teeth were clenched as he focused. He could do this. He had to do this. If he could get control of his Chakra maybe just maybe he could keep from being the reason his team flunked.

Leaf Sticking- 10

Chakra Control-1

Naruto was shaking with effort, he was drenched in sweat, and a small trickle of blood came out of his nose. Sure it was easier now but it was still so hard. Sasuke and Sakura made it look easy. He decided he needed to sit down before he fell down so he did he was shocked when Sakura and Sasuke copied him.

Focus. Focus. Focus. Focus.

Leaf Sticking-20

Chakra Control-2

Naruto fell over his eyes spinning and nose bleeding freely. The leaf fell from his forehead.

"Naruto is out." Iruka declared. He was actually impressed the boy had lasted as long as he had. He'd out lasted several others that included three whole teams and a few others. "Please keep trying."

"Dammit." Sakura muttered. She looked at Naruto. "Well, he did better than he normally does."

"I hadn't thought he bothered with training." Sasuke replied. His leaf staying stuck with ease.

"I agree." Sakura nodded, glad Sasuke was talking. "but he's proved us wrong."

Naruto finally came around and sat up shaking his head like a wet dog. He stumbled to the outdoor sinks and washed his face free of the blood he also used his hands to drink some water before returning to Sasuke and Sakura. The clan kids were still going. Kiba was the first clan kid, besides Naruto, to fail, he was followed by Choji, then Ino, after that it was Shino then Shikamaru. Sakura was annoyed when she was the next one out. She'd only gotten to level 90. She'd thought she'd mastered this but apparently she hadn't. She looked between Sasuke and Hinata the two were still going strong. Finally, she looked at Naruto.

"What level did you reach?" she wondered trying for civil.

"20." Naruto replied. "With CC 2. That's more Chakra Control then I've ever had before."

Sakura winced at 20.

"It's low but we can work with it." She muttered.

Naruto gave her his brightest smile.

"Thanks, Sakura."

"Iruka-Sensei, I've mastered the Leaf Sticking Technique." Sasuke and Hinata chorused.

"Good job." Iruka praised. He'd actually expected Sakura to have mastered it as well and from the look of her she wasn't happy that she hadn't. "Now, Lord Hokage wants you to learn to fight as a team so everyone please follow me."

They were soon all sitting outside of Training Ground 1.

"You want us to go in there?" A girl asked scared. She was hiding behind one of her teammates but was peeking out to speak. "We aren't allowed."

There was a huge flat screen tv so they could all watch what was going on inside the training ground.

"You will go in individually at first." Iruka said, ignoring the girl. "Then as a team."

"We're screwed." Sasuke stated.

"Yep." Naruto nodded, agreeing.

"Totally, screwed." Sakura moaned.

They were closest to the adults who all heard. Some were rather amused like the Hokage.

Naruto raised his hand and waved it rapidly.

"Yes, Naruto?" Iruka drawled.

"Iruka-sensei, if we agree to write very long essays on why we as individuals and as a team would be terrible in a Training Ground and as a team could we please get out of this?" Naruto wondered.

"No, Naruto." Iruka replied.

Naruto sighed in defeat and looked at Sakura.

"I tried."

Sakura was anime crying. She would have gladly done the essay.

For coming up with an alternative and trying to get out of class, +1 INT

"Well, Ino does have some luck though." Naruto said, suddenly. "She's at the end of the alphabet."

"There is that." Ino said, and actually laughed.

Sasuke's lips twitched. For some reason Naruto always made him want to smile. But he could see that Naruto was faking today. Forcing himself to be his cheerful self. He wondered if that was hard and why the act?

"There is a special prize if anyone reaches the Midway point." Iruka said, trying to encourage his students. "and an even better prize if you win the boss fight."

So the class of twenty-four began going in one by one no one not even Shikamaru got to the midway point and Shikamaru had actually tried. Sakura had been overwhelmed about a quarter of the way to the midway point.

"Sasuke, it's your turn." Iruka sighed. He'd told the Hokage that his class wasn't ready but he hadn't been prepared for how unready they were. He was a failure as a teacher. "Please enter the TG and do your best."

Sasuke hated that he had to retreat right before getting to the boss battle but he'd used all of his chakra so he fled. He was praised for his good sense but it didn't help his self loathing at that moment.

"So what was the prize at the midway point" Shikamaru yawned.

"Get there and find out." Sasuke replied.

"Okay, we'll be sending in teams now." Iruka said. "God help them." Iruka muttered. "Do your best."

As a Team 8 got to the midway point before Kiba and Akamaru got hurt and Shino yelled at them to retreat. He carried Kiba and Hinata carried Akamaru. Kiba and Akamaru had charged in without listening to Shino who had been made team captain by the Hokage's orders. Shino and Hinata had tried to get the situation back under control but hadn't been fast enough. Iruka had some good things to say and a lot of negative things to say to Kiba and Akamaru while both were healed. He then reviewed the team over all.

Team 10 was next with Shikamaru as captain. They managed to get to the halfway point as well before Shikamaru and Choji used all of their Chakra saving Ino. Ino had gotten the boys a safe distance before calling for an evac while standing guard over them as they waited. They got a really good review the best yet in fact.

"It is now time for Team 7." Iruka said, "I would like to once again stress that The Lord Hokage chose the team captains and not me." Team 7 didn't like the sound of that. In fact no one did. "Naruto, you are team leader."

"WHAAAAAAAAAA?!" Naruto and Sakura both demanded.

"No. No." Naruto waved his hands in front of him. "It should be Sasuke. Sasuke."

Sakura was nodding fevertly at his side. Sasuke seemed annoyed but rather unfazed.

"No arguing." Iruka said. "In you go."

"But..." Naruto said, this was too overwhelming. He took a few calm breaths as they entered. "Sakura, don't take offense but stay behind Sasuke and me. You're a better range fighter."


"I totally take offense to that." Sakura deadpanned but pulled out a kunai.

"and me?" Sasuke wondered.

"Stop throwing around so many fireballs or we'll never reach the damn the midway point." Naruto pointed out. "And don't rush ahead because you're faster either we have to do this as a team."

Teamwork turned into Sakura screaming a lot throwing Kunai and Shuriken and being rescued by two annoyed boys. Naruto for his part was relying mostly on Kunai though he did hit or stom on a few rats here and there when he could. Sasuke seemed to have taken Naruto's words to heart and hadn't been using any Chakra and was just doing what the other two were in ways of weapons but he was faster so he was able to deal with the near endless waves that swarmed them better. They finally reached the midway point.

"Naruto, I would just like to point out that this is probably as far as we're going to get." Sakura stated

"Agreed." Naruto nodded, "Go all out by any means."

The other two nodded and they entered the clearing.

All three jumped out of the way of a claw. Sasuke landed in a tree. Sakura and Naruto landed far back on either side of the rat. It was about the size of Naruto.

"We broke formation!" Naruto yelled. "Ugh, whatever! Get it!"

Sakura rained down a barrage of exploding Kunai, Naruto charged in and began Taijutsu while dodging Sasuke's Fireballs. Naruto was faster than he'd thought as he was easily able to dodge the rat.

"Sasuke, Ninja Wire it!" Naruto yelled.

Sakura and Sasuke were caught off guard by the brilliant idea but Naruto jumped away and Sasuke wrapped it in ninja wire and made sure it was wrapped tight. With that they were able to just land attacks and win.

Sakura and Naruto were shocked by the money that had appeared. Sasuke gave 1,000 to each of them then they retreated putting the money in their inventories. When they got back it was to see shocked faces. It took Iruka a whole two minutes before he could praise them. He then made it sound like the success of the mission was down to Sasuke and Sakura and that Naruto had nothing to do with it.

"Now you each have to write an essay on how you did as an individual and as a team with emphasis on how to improve." Iruka told the class. "We'll meet up at 2 tomorrow."

Naruto stalked away wanting to get away from everyone but Sakura had other ideas.

"We need to train and write the essays." She said, "Lets go to Naruto's."

"No." Naruto said, instantly.

Sakura frowned at him. Why wasn't he taking this seriously. She began yelling at him and everyone seemed to listen.

"BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE A HOME!" Naruto finally bellowed at her and took off as fast as he could.



Kunai Jutsu-5

Shuriken Jutsu-5

Naruto didn't really think of his base as a home but he guessed it could be considered his home now. He just didn't want anyone seeing it. He went there it was almost sunset now so he made another dish of rice and veggies and ate it.


The food tasted off do to the state of the dishes he was sure but he gave them a good wash and put them away. He drank sipped at his glass of milk as he began his essay. He didn't care if Sakura and Sasuke were angry at him for ditching out. Sakura should have realised that someone like him didn't have a home. She could be so stupid and dense sometimes that it hurt others but she was oblivious.