Hello there, Rio2lover100 here, I have decided to write a new Rio fanfic which takes place after the pit of doom match. It's about Blu and the many crazy adventures he has with his family in the Amazon. Shout out to Ricardo The Black Hawk for Suggesting the title.

Adventure Of The Amazon

Chapter 1: Rio or the Amazon?

Blu flew through the amazon towards Linda and Tulio's location, checking his GPS before eventually arriving at their location.

"Linda, Tulio!" he shouted as he landed at their campsite only to see no-one around.

He walked through the site before he noticed a picture of Linda and Tulio with him and Jewel perched on their hands. Blu looked at the photo with a sad look on his face, realising that Jewel and the kids are more important than Linda.

"Goodbye, Linda." He said a hint of sadness in his voice before he reached down to his waist where his fanny pack was and unclipped it before setting it down next to the photo. "Goodbye, fanny pack."

"Turn around when possible." He whipped around to look for the culprit only before realising it was the GPS voice, he chuckled at this.

"Sorry GPS lady it's me." He said before walking over to a coffee mug and saying: "Goodbye pancakes, goodbye coffee." Before grabbing the mug in his claws and drinking from it only to spit out the coffee left in it as it was cold.

"Ugh, goodbye coffee." He said disgustingly before he stepped on something metallic making him gasp in shock.

He moved his foot out the way to see a broken receiver connected to Linda and Tulio's radio which had been beaten and trampled on. Immediately Blu realised something was wrong.

"Linda!" he called out before flying up onto one of the crates and calling for Linda again only to hear no response, he looked around with worry before suddenly, someone rammed into him

"whoa" he called in shock at the person who had tackled him, he looked up to see an angry Roberto standing in front of him.

"Ah, Eduardo was right, traitor!" Roberto yelled in anger.

"Wait you don't understand"

"What don't I understand, siding with humans."

"What do you even know about humans anyway," Blu said in annoyance before getting up and pushing Roberto away.

"OH, I know everything, they lure you, they trap you, they destroy your mind!" Blu stood back in shock as Roberto was starting to freak out little telling Blu about his experience with humans.

"Polly wanna cracker, Polly wanna cracker, NO ENOUGH CRACKERS! I hate crackers."

As soon as Roberto finished his little episode of paranoia he finally calmed down before looking back towards Blu

"Wow, sorry to hear that you had been through such a traumatic time," Blu said in disbelief. All the time Blu thought Roberto was a suave, handsome macaw but never knew that he had been traumatized by humans.

"And that's not the only worse part." Roberto then lifted the feathers over his right leg to reveal a metal ring which had "Polly" (the O shaped into a heart) inscribed on it. "They put this on me as soon as I was bought in a pet store, this is why I've hated humans." He said while looking down in shame.

Blu felt guilt wash over him as he approached Roberto before putting his wing on Roberto's' shoulder.

"Listen, I know what it's like to be taken from friends and family when I was a chick I was captured by humans and smuggled out of Brazil, I was adopted by a human named Linda who took care of me before I met Jewel," he said while gently stroking Roberto's shoulder who looked up at Blu in shock

"You never knew your parents?" he said while Blu simply nodded his head.

Before Blu could respond he heard a rumbling noise and both he and Roberto looked up to see a massive harvester ploughing towards them, crushing Linda and Tulio's tent in the process, both of them looked in shock. Blu turned and ran away but Roberto stood still in fear.

"Come on Roberto!"

"It's them, it's them, IT'S THEM."

Blu flew back and grabbed Roberto out of the way of the harvester.

"Not again, not again…No more crackers!" Roberto panicked while Blu looked in shock

"SNAP OUT OF IT!" he said sternly and then slapped Roberto across the cheek which knocked him out of his paranoia before he grabbed his beak with his talon and hoisting him up to eye level.

"Look, we've got one chance to stop this okay, I have to find my friends, you fly back to the tribe and warn them, got it," Blu said to a whimpering Roberto

"Yeah, I got it." Said Roberto before he turned around and flew back to the tribe.

Blu turned around and flew the other way, picking up his fanny pack in the process before continuing his search for Linda and Tulio.

Well there we are, first chapter of my new story, any reviews are welcome, next few chapters will be similar to what happens in the film but there will be a few differences, I'm open to any idea's as long as they are not similar to other authors stories, see you in the next chapter.