I bit my lip and lied down, covering my eyes. I was tired and needed sleep. I needed to think over everything. I drew a long breath and closed my eyes, hoping for the darkness to take over.

I opened my eyes, peering at the single ray of light shining through Nowaki's curtains. Right, I'm at Nowaki's...

I sat up and sighed, taking in my surroundings. There was a clock on the wall that showed 7 am. Normally Nowaki would be getting ready for work now, at least I assumed so. My head was pounding, I felt fatigued. I got on my feet and made my way upstairs. The lights in Nowaki's room were on, maybe he was getting ready for work. I was about to open the door and call him out, but shut my mouth as soon as I heard him say "Akihiko." I decided to peek through the split of the open door and eavesdrop.

"Yes, he is with me. No, I- he's not alright. You need to hear him- what do you mean no? He never did you wrong, he's willing to explain from the beginning! Yes. Okay, I'll keep him here until you've arrived. The blood? Well he-" I placed my ear closer to the door and closed my eyes, in hopes to hear Usagi's voice.

"... Did he do that to himself?" Was the only thing I heard and it made me panic, I didn't want Usagi to know! I turned around to run downstairs, but tripped over my own feet and crashed face first onto the carpet.

"W-wait a second. Misaki is that you?" I quickly got on my feet and ran downstairs as fast as I could. Usagi can't see me like this! I heard Nowaki rush to the door and call out to me. "Misaki, please wait!" I grabbed my messenger bag off the sofa and yanked open the front door, making my way to anywhere but there. I bit my lip trying to hold back my tears. Baka Nowaki! How could you... I trusted you!

I ended up at the same park, under the same tree. It was getting crowded, people were on their way to work or school, luckily the park was dark and not many people - if any - passed through it. It was a detour to the buildings after all. My breath hitched. Under this tree... It all started. I gripped my hair.

Under this tree you were touched by the only man who truly cares you. Who truly wants you.

Give up on Akihiko, you've ruined him. He'll never want you back.

I fell to my knees and clutched my stomach. Just thinking about what happened made me feel sick. And these voices wouldn't stop either. It had been quite a while since I'd eaten, so that only added to the sickness. I started dry heaving as soon as the voices started again.

Nobody will go after you, nobody loves you. You should've gone with Haruhiko. But if he'd find out what you are plotting, not even he would want you.

Just end the pain. There's no escape.

Just end it.

I tried to swallow the upcoming bile but failed. I emptied my stomach behind the same tree I was molested. It was mostly water and a bit of coffee as there was no food in my stomach to throw up. I cringed at the disgusting taste and quickly wiped the tears running down my cheek. I opened my bag and dug around until I found the only thing I could rely on.

Usagi's razor. I clumsily fumbled with the tissue I wrapped it in and managed to unwrap it with shaking hands. I don't want it to end... But how will I live with this pain?

I gripped the blade tightly between my fingers. I sat down on the grass away from the puke and raised my hand. I carefully pressed the blade against my neck. It pricked my skin but not hard enough to draw blood.

"Misaki!" I cringed at hearing my name. It was Usagi. The taller man was about 10 meters behind me.

"I knew you would be here. This is the only place you are able to relax - or were. Nowaki - he, told me about what happened. Not everything, but... I- I came to apologise. I can't believe I thought you cheated on me." I could feel tears well up again.

"I'm sorry. Please - put down the blade. I'm here. Let's talk." I was now sobbing, I really didn't deserve him.

"But, I don't deserve you. They're right. The people who passed me, Haruhiko, the voices - they..."

"The voices?" Usagi stood there, halted. He was closer to me, but was stunned by what I said. "What do the voices say, Misaki?" He tried to sound soft and caring, but you could tell he was scared and disappointed, maybe even a hint of anger.

"They're always with me. It's me but it's also not." I dropped my head and clenched a fist. Blood was dripping from between my fingers, the razor was digging deeply in my skin.

"Baka Misaki! Don't listen to them. My voice is what you should be listening to. Listen to what I tell you!" My head shot up and I opened my fist, watching the opened skin bleed moderately. I wasn't scared or anything alike. It was normal for me after all.

"But Usagi-san... You're so handsome and tall, your body i-is." I started blushing. "You're well built and I'm... Not."

He raised an eyebrow and watched me carefully.

"I don't deserve you." He took a step closer.

"Don't come near me, please. If there's any paparazzi nearby or just random people who know you... You'll be all over the news again!" I placed the razor against my neck again.

"Misaki, darling please. Talk to me. Drop the blade and come to me!" I looked away and swallowed hard.

"I love you." I murmured but Usagi had heard me and leaped towards me. By the time I could dig the razor in my skin, he had tackled me to the ground and pinned my hands down. The blade I held flew behind me somewhere into the grass. I blinked furiously, it all happened so fast I couldn't comprehend what just happened.

"You just said it."


"You just said 'I love you.'" I blushed and looked away. "You know I love you and I'm so sorry I put you through all of this. But please, let's go home first and talk to me."

"But the people-"

"Screw the people! Screw the news! Screw my family. It's you and I, not us and them. Forget about them, come home with me." I blinked, unsure what to say. Usagi got up and brushed his pants clean. He regained his usual posture, but instead of the grumpy expression he usually had, it was now soft and caring - and showed pain. He held out his hand, I took it. He pulled me on my feet but did not let go. He pulled me into a tight hug and caressed my hair. "Come home with me." I felt my cheeks redden and tears roll down once again. I closed my eyes and took in his scent. Hopefully, tomorrow would be a better day.