"... And that's it about the latest movies, now onto the next subject. Recently, a young man was seen, going into the famous author's Usami's residence. Rumor has it, that it's a student, living there. What do you know about this Zeke?" The blonde-haired news reporter said to a middle-aged man on her right.

"Apparently, he's been living there for quite a while, according to a reliable source. We don't know what he does there. Maybe he's his new cleaner, maid; giggle, or his boyfriend. But it's not clear yet as of today, what's going on inside that resident. All we do know is-"

I groaned as I turned off the TV. "Usagi, what's going on? Why are there rumors being spread about us?" I put down the remote on the table and got up.

"They're not so much rumors, seeing as they're partially true. The rumors will die down as soon as they find something else to talk about," Usagi responded, not batting an eye. Usagi never really worried about anything, but I did. I was worried that they'd find out about us, that it's not just a rumor... Especially nii-san. Luckily he's in America now, so I doubt he's heard anything about it. He went on a business trip a month ago and his wife went along. He had only contacted me once, to ask how school was going and if I had plans to move out or get a job anytime soon. Typically nii-san. It did get a little on my nerves, but he meant well.

I stretched and heard a crack escape my spine. I sighed walked over to the fridge. It's almost dinner time and I had no idea what to make for Usagi. "Oi, what do you want for dinner?" I said, not turning away from the fridge to look at him. When suddenly a pair of strong arms embraced me from behind, which startled me and made me drop the eggs I just took from the fridge, on the floor. "Usagi! Baka!" Usagi apologized under his breath and went to clean it up. "N-no, it's okay, I'll do it!" I blushed when he stared back into my eyes. This silver-haired idiot, how can just one glare make me feel so weak in the knees? I felt a shiver down my spine when Usagi suddenly grabbed me by the hem of my shirt. "U-Usagi?" Me pulled me onto my knees and forced his lips onto mine. They were warm and soft, it felt familiar and made me feel more at ease. I pulled myself away and got back up. "B-baka... W-what do you want for dinner?" Usagi got up as well and came closer to me, his breath tickling my neck.

"As long as I have you for dessert, I'll eat anything..."


I let the bathtub fill up as I threw in one of Usagi's Lavender bath bombs. They smelled so good... They reminded me of Usagi's smell. As I locked the bathroom door, to keep away 'Usagi the pervert', I stripped down. As I walked past the mirror, I was startled. I took a step back to look at my naked body. Does Usagi really... Like this? My skin was light and smooth like porcelain, but pretty chubby. I admitted I had been eating loads these days. I bent over and held my hair back. My face was red and I had dark bags under my eyes. I look tired... I sighed and sat down in the bathtub and turned off the faucet. I put a cold cloth on my forehead and leaned back. I wonder who made up those rumors? How did they even know I've been living here for a while? It couldn't have been Nii-san... Or Hiroki... I think. They wouldn't sell me out. All I knew was, that the rumors had just started and wouldn't just "die down" like Usagi said... Hopefully Usagi-nii and Usagi-chichi haven't seen the news... I closed my eyes as my mind wandered off.

"Misaki, are you coming to bed?" A familiar voice called from the bedroom. I had just finished putting on my pajamas and was still drying my hair.

"Yeah yeah, almost done." I folded away the towel and made my way to our bedroom, where Usagi was sitting on the bed, only wearing boxers. He's so gorgeous... I thought. My mouth apparently hung open and my face was bright red, because Usagi winked at me and pointed at my mouth as to remind me that it was indeed open.

"Something wrong, Misaki?" "N-no..." My cheeks were flushed, I could feel it. I quickly got in bed and turned my back to his. Maybe he won't try anything when he notices I'm tired... Of course, that didn't happen.

"Don't tell me you're tired," Usagi said in a seducing voice. I could hear him bending over, as his heartbeat was getting louder and louder and his breath touched the back of my neck. "I need my Misaki refill tonight." I kept blushing, but didn't respond. Only when Usagi laid down behind me, leaning on one arm, his free hand stroking my arm. "Hmm, Misaki, I know you want it."B-baka Usagi! Of course I... do, but... His hand now caressed my thigh. I could my member react to his touch. "Don't try to reject it, your body wants it and you know it." He was now hovering over me. He took off my shirt and immediately started making out with me, he gave me no time to respond. His wet tongue intertwined with mine. Our lips locked for what seemed forever, and honestly I didn't want to stop. Usagi pulled away, allowing us to catch our breath. He lowered himself onto me, fondling me. I let out a soft sigh, but that wasn't enough for Usagi. His hand was completely wrapped around my member, picking up the pace as soon as he heard a moan escape my lips. Damnit, I fell for it again. It made me arch my back, shutting my eyes. I couldn't speak, only pant and moan. He's too good at this, I'm paralyzed... He's got me in the palm of his hand. As soon as he licked my neck and jerked a little faster, I climaxed on him. With my back still arched, I panted heavily. I looked away to see my cum had gotten all over him. I sat up, blushing.

"I- I'm so sorry." I managed to say. Usagi just laughed and wiped it off him. He licked his fingers. It was an arousing view.

After Usagi had cleaned himself, we both got into bed and almost instantly fell asleep. "I love you, Misaki."

*** The next morning ***


"Misaki, your phone's going off. Shouldn't you take it?" I groaned and walked to the coffee table to pick it up. My face dropped when I saw that it was Haruhiko-san. It wouldn't be wise to ignore it...

"Misaki?" Was said at the other end of the line.

"Y-yes, hello Haruhiko-san." It was silent for a bit. I felt really uncomfortable... My gut feeling was always right, including today.

"I've seen the news. You and I know both, it isn't a rumor, but a fact. I was wondering if you already found a place to live. You living there has a bad influence on him. The media will be all over him..." I knew it, I knew he would call me about this. I just did.

"Yes it is true, b-but I don't plan to leave him. We will sort this out."
"But didn't you hear?" I frowned, as if I thought he would see my expression.

"A lot of people have talking about you. You're not good enough for him. You don't belong with him, Misaki. You belong to me. I do believe that... Well, those people are right you know? He doesn't need you, he can take care of himself. He isn't capable of loving you like I do." My jaw dropped. Am I really not good enough for him? Does he deserve better? Do people really talk about... me?

"T-thanks for your call, but I have to go."

"Take into mind what I just said, Misaki. I can give you everything you want, he can't. You two don't belong together." And with that, he hung up.

I walked back into the living room, looking down. "Misaki, who was that?" I ignored him and rushed upstairs. "Misaki?!" I heard before closing the bathroom door with a loud bang. I looked at myself in the mirror. I thought about it before... If I really deserved Usagi. Nii-san wouldn't approve for sure and Usagi's brother and father are definitely against it... Am I really good enough for him?

You don't deserve him.

He can get better.

A voice said in the back of my mind. I lifted up my shirt to reveal my not so flat stomach. Honestly, I was a little bit grossed out by myself. No, I shouldn't think like this! I shouldn't... But what if they're right? I'm only in his way... He'll get the press after him... What if I become a- a burden? I took a step away from the mirror and looked down. Maybe I should lose some weight too. My reflecting disgusted me. Or maybe it wasn't just the reflection, maybe I really was revolting.

You only give him bad publicity.

You're in his way.

Tears ran down my cheek. W-why am I crying? I- I started sobbing unconsciously, and that's when I heard footsteps, getting closer and closer. I wiped away my tears and slapped both my cheeks.

I will not worry him, I will burden him even more.

"Misaki? Are you okay?" His voice trembling with concern. "I thought I heard you cry."

"Haha, don't be silly, baka Usagi. I just eh- stubbed my toe. I'm fine, I'll be down soon."

I will not be a burden.