Author's note: In this fanfic, I will be making up Cicero's backstory prior to being an assassin since he doesn't have one.
I know that Cicero is a beloved character in the elder scrolls community and that his insanity is what makes him likable by fans. To remove it is almost criminal and would take away from his character as a whole. Well, I wanna do just that because I want to speculate what he was like before he went insane and put it here in this story. If you are not okay with his character being changed, and not okay with minor inconsistencies with official E.S. and WoW lore, then you will not find this fanfic enjoyable, but rather laughably bad all throughout.
I also want to point some elder scrolls and warcraft biases I have before you start reading: Author is pro-alliance and pro-imperial; Author anti-stormcloak and anti-horde.
As the story progresses, you will cringe a lot; you might cry(in laughter from its corny nature); you might go 'WTF? is this?', if you can forgive the bad writing that is, and give this a go. Believe it or not, some people actually enjoyed this, and hopefully, you will too.

Thank you, and enjoy.



Chapter 1: Cast Away.




Cicero opened his eyes and saw all black. It's as if his eyes were still closed despite of them being open. He could not feel anything in his body, not the blowing of air nor his own weight; it's as if he's made entirely of nothing. His eyes and head frantically moved looking for any sight of anything that resembles, well, anything that isn't pure darkness.

"Welcome to the void." Said a voice. The voice didn't have an echo and sounded to him like a man was talking to him on arm's length.

"The void? Cicero is in the Void? Who is Cicero talking to?"

The voice chuckled then let out an unworldly sounding laugh in staccato before speaking again. "Your service to the Nightmother have been… satisfactory."

"Indeed! Cicero has gone through so much. Oh, yes! But none…" Cicero started to chuckle himself. "None, none oh none! seemed to stop Cicero from serving the Brotherhood for the glory… of Sithis!"

"That's well and good. But service like that deserves some sort of… reward."

"Who is Cicero talking to? Hmmm?"

The voice chuckled. "You refer to me as Sithis, the old Elnofei call me Padomay but what I am is an essence of change."

Cicero got elated at the thought of getting compensation for his services and. He tried to do a dance but he ended up just flailing his limbs due to the lack of basic physics within the void.

"You look stupid, Cicero. Anyway, your reward is…"

"I wish come back to life and serve the Nightmother again! Yes! That's what I want."

"No. You are not coming back to Skyrim, not even Tamriel."

"So, Cicero is going to Akavir? Aldmeris? Oh, oh, will Cicero go to the land of the old Nords – Atmora? Oh, how exciting, how exciting!" he grinned, the ends of his lips reaching their maximum range of motion.

"Not even… in Mundus." Sithis said.

Cicero's heart sank at the thought of him leaving Tamriel. He couldn't believe it: he just froze in the void saying nothing.

After a few minutes of letting Cicero take it all in, the voice of Sithis spoke again. "Your reward is to go to another plane of existence called Azeroth. Live your life as you see fit. I am setting you free to do whatever it is that you want. Your reasons for raising your blade will be all up to you. Also, you should remember that in Azeroth, there is no Dark Brotherhood."

"Then Cicero will create one! to serve you!"

"Again, you will decide what to do, for I am setting your soul free from the void."

The redhead's brows askew and his mouth stopped smiling.

"But Cicero only desires to serve you here for all of eternity!" he said, floating in the dark void.

"No, I do not need servants, my dear Cicero, as you should have known by now: Your service to the Brotherhood is over and I do not need you anymore."

The redhead let out a sigh.

"Cicero… understands. As you command, oh great one."

"You in your time in Tamriel have embodied chaos and disorder in your own way by of course, taking the lives of people on my name: What you had become was an agent of change for the lives of loved ones of the people you slew."

Cicero just kept floating in the void listening.

"Had you not existed nor did all of those things in your life, order in the weaves of fate of the lives of people you've affected would have been fulfilled. You see - everyone's lives and the fate of everything that exists are inherently predetermined by the being of creation. And what I do is to maintain balance by bringing change."

"Cicero is confused. The last time Cicero listened to philosophy was when Cicero was 16."

"It matters not, Cicero. you will understand soon enough. Just remember this: Change is Order, Change is constant, and Change must happen."

Cicero, looked down on his hands and saw that it was disintegrating, at the same time he was feeling a surge of magical energy being absorbed by his body while slowly fading from the void.

"Oooh, Mighty sithis … that tickles!"

"Now, former keeper of the Nightmother. I wish you well in your future endeavors. Live your new life and bring forth change to the weaves of fate in Azeroth. Cicero… I cast you out!"

Then everything went black.




To be continued

Cicero's character will be butchered at this point on.