Chapter 3 Missing Pup

I couldn't feel anything, see anything...hear anything. My mind wouldn't cooperate with my body and trying to move a muscle felt like an impossible task. I was like a marble statue falling through empty space. Frozen and unfeeling forever. At once everything came back with an electric shock. A bright blue light beamed through my eyelids; the noise reached a high-pitched hum drowning out the wail that slipped through my clenched teeth. Static shocks twitched through my body creating a Charlie horse effect on all of my limbs. Then bright blue that Jaxon emanated from his body burned through my eyelids and into my retinas. I felt like I was dying. I had never experienced pain like this before. I prayed for it all to end and as if a higher power heard my pleas it all stopped. The pain, the light, the ringing in my ears all of it just gone in the span of a second.

Clenching and unclenching my fists I felt soft blades of grass in my hands which was a highly unfamiliar feeling. The grass in Florida is dry and feels like knives when you walk across it nothing at all like the kind I was starting to rip from the ground. A snuffling sound blew into my ear with the familiar sound of Jaxon sniffing and searching the area. I was still too scared to open my eyes. I don't know where I am or what is around me. What am I going to do? I rolled over onto my stomach and pushed myself up onto my knees before finally opening my eyes. The world around me was dimly lit by the moon above but I could clearly see the outline of the forest around me.

"Jaxon Lee, where did you take us?" I felt like I was going to throw up. His only answer was to bark at me and then run away. My heart started racing with anxiety. "Jaxon! Wait, don't go!" My feet started moving before my mind processed it and before I knew it, I was even more lost in the dark forest I woke up in.

'Okay, don't panic, Lumina. Everything is ooookay. You know, just another day...lost in an unknown the middle of biggie.'

Overwhelming anxiety gripped my chest as I struggled to take in a full breath of air. The forest started spinning and everything felt like it was so close and far at the same time. The sounds of wildlife filled my ears as if the bugs and nightly creatures were right next to me. Leaning against a tree I slid down it feeling splinters of wood poke through my thin shirt into my skin. I felt like the world was closing in around me and I couldn't breathe. Shadows edged around the corners of my vision as everything started to fade. As my eyes closed one last time a large shadow entered my vision and that was the last, I saw.

Third Person POV:

A brown and white blur broke through the greenery into a small compound filled with people. He ran up to people starling them with his frantic barking and jumping. He ran in circles and pulled at clothes with his mouth scaring those around him. A man with three scars running down his face and a spiked pony tail watched from his front porch. His eyes analyzed the situation with a grave look on his face. He had seen the dog run out of the forest with reckless abandon and watched as he harassed the Nara bystanders.

It was an unusual situation to say the least. Especially since the dog ran from the protected Nara forest. How did he get through it unscathed with the deer protecting it? Where did he come from? Who did he belong to? Thoughts and questions with no answers ran through his mind as he let out a disgruntled huff. A loud sharp whistle escaped from his puckered lips as he tried calling the dog over. The dog froze his ears standing straight showing off how big they were as he turned to see where the whistle came from. Tawney eyes locked with the man before he sprinted over tail wagging and breath, heaving.

Crouching down he grabbed the dog by his collar and muttered. "Where did you come from?"

"Hey dad, what's all the commotion?" Yawned his son as he slid open the tatami door. "What's with the dog?" He questioned as he noticed it.

"Shikamaru I need you to go and get Hana Inuzuka as fast as you can. This dog just ran out of the forest." Shikamaru's eyes widened before he schooled his features and nodded.

"I'll be back soon." He slipped his shoes on before running off into the village to find Hana.