Chapter 1: Just Another Day

I don't care what anyone says, teachers want to leave school more than students do at the end of the day. All day it's been complaint after complaint. The headache that started at the beginning of the day has slowly grown into a migraine and has decided stabbing my eyes and muting my ears would be best. The imaginary ticking of a clock echoed in my mind as it came closer for the bell to ring. The excitement rising in my chest made me huff a little as I started to address the class.

"Alright, are there any questions on what we just went over?" I asked the group of young hormonal teens while erasing the white board of the multicolored ink that I had used to break down the complicated math problem. One hand went up. Attached to that hand was none other than Alex Hall. The class clown but all-around good kid. He suffered from ADHD and had trouble focusing on one thing for too long but he really tried in my class. He was one of my favorites to be honest.

"Yes, Alex. What don't you understand?" I swear to Thor if he says "everything' I'm going to strangle him with my lanyard. He might be one of my favorites but that just means I expect more; lucky for him he didn't say 'everything'.

"On question 12, I don't understand how you got 20.7 if Tim is making 18. Wouldn't it be 27?" The boy ran a tan hand through his Bieber styled dirty blonde hair in exasperation.

"Yes, Alex that would be the case if we were trying to find Tim's overtime. But we were solving for his shift differential. Instead of multiplying 18 by 1.5 you would multiply it by 1.1." I forced a smile on my face as I felt my underwear start to make its way further into my buttcrack creating the uncomfortable wedgie effect. It has been unanimously decided between me, myself and I that it was a bad day to wear lace boy shorts. Taking a big step to try and un wedge the uncomfortable lace and only accidentally causing a painful pinching effect instead has only solidified that thought.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh. I can't believe I missed that." He groaned out rubbing his face. I held back my 'Always read the full question" retort so that he wouldn't feel bad. He grinned his usual crooked Cheshire grin at me before thanking me and I couldn't help the soft smile that stretched on mine as well. I love my students no matter how much of a pain in the ass they are.

Looking at my watch I noticed that the bell would be ringing soon and that I had been lecturing the whole period. "The bell rings in two minutes so go ahead and pack up. I hope everyone has good weekend. Don't forget about your reading assignments. You will have a quiz on it next Thursday and I want everyone to do a good job and get an A. I don't feel like putting in any depressing grades, got it?" They all nodded and the bell rang signaling the end of the day. The students all put up their books back on the self, neatly might I add especially after how bad I scared them when they left it messy one day, and ran out of the room to get home.

Sighing after the last student finally left and the door closed, I hunched over from my normal 'perfect' posture and unclipped my short brown hair to let it breathe after being pinned up wet this morning. Slinking over to the rollie chair behind my desk I flopped into it rolling a few feet before dragging the chair back using my legs that were hooked on the desk. Twisting to the right and left in the chair I felt the satisfying feeling of my back cracking. Honestly it felt almost orgasmic and the ache in my back started to cease almost immediately. Kicking off the three-inch black stilettos and slipping on my Harry Potter slippers that I had hidden underneath my desk I began to get comfortable.

Looking at the paperwork on my desk I groaned and picked up a blue pen before starting to correct the kid's essays. I knew that some were going to be okay but I still had a lot of kids who were not on grade level in Reading and Writing. A sigh escaped my lips as the clock turned to 4:45. Deciding to wrap it up and complete everything during the weekend I started cramming everything into my rolling cart that held all of the papers that would have to be graded for the other class. At least if I make it home now, I will be home in time for Naruto. With that thought in mind I squealed and stuffed my size 5 feet back into my stilettos and practically ran out of the classroom locking the door on the way out.

The familiar sight of a 2005 sun faded powder blue Hyundai Accent came into view had the stress from the day lifting from my shoulders. My father got me it as a surprise after I passed my diving exam. To say I cried is an understatement. I loved it more than anything and it was one of the last things of him that I had. The car starting now a days was more of a stroke of luck than anything else so when I turned the key and the sound of the engine coming to life gave me a sense of relief. Revving the engine, I pulled out of the school parking lot and sped to my apartment mentally prepping myself for a night of Naruto and Chinese food from Lucky Garden. Their honey garlic chicken paired with the white rice is heaven and one of the many reasons as to why I am quite the squishy person.

I trudged into my apartment Chinese food clutched in one hand and my workload being dragged behind me with the other. It was pitch black as usual but there was definitely something wrong with this picture. A sense of worry overcame me and I felt my heart jump into my throat as my lungs felt like they were going to crush themselves into oblivion. I quickly dropped my bag by the front door and flipped on the light switch, my eyes frantically searching the two-bedroom apartment for the one thing in my life that mattered.

"Jaxon!" Choked out from the throat that was starting to close. Silence greeted me. "Jax baby! Where are you?! Jaxon Lee!" My mind became frantic immediately thinking the worse. Suddenly I could hear the gentle tapping of claws on the ground as Jaxon lumbered into the living room out of the dark hallway. His tongue fell out of his mouth when he saw me before his tail started whipping around. A couple of tears leaked from the corners of my eyes when he got close enough for me to touch him. Solace flooded my system as I fell to my knees and hugged his neck dragging all 55 pounds of him into my lap further exciting him.

"You can't do that to mommy. I was so worried baby." He huffed at me and started sniffing at the bag of food that sat on the floor next to me.

"Not for you, piggy." Fell from my lips but when he turned his big honey brown eyes towards me with his large ears folded back and a small head tilt I conceded.


Standing up from my kneeling position felt like I was trying to squat 200 pounds and my legs shook a little. Grunting makes everything easier so a few left my chest and I was able to stand and bring the food to the counter to divvy it up between my fur son and I. What a sucker I was. Finally, I had our plates ready and put his on the floor for him to enjoy. I left mine pushed back on the counter as I went to change into my at home clothes. Reaching my bedroom was a process of me turning on every light in the apartment to ensure nothing shadowy would come to drag me into its kingdom and a lot of me making sure that nothing was out of place. I refuse to be one of those movie girls that die alone in her apartment because she was too stupid to just turn on the lights when she came home.

Digging into my dresser for my favorite night wear I heard Jaxon bound into my room and jump into my bed messing it up even further from its already disgruntled look. Grabbing the black night shorts that had white and blue stars on it with the white 'It's just a phase' tank top to go with it I slammed the dresser shut. Reaching into a new drawer I pulled out star patterned undies and a gray zip up sports bra to put on underneath my themed jimjams. After only a quick minute or two I was back in the kitchen grabbing my food and flopping on the couch.

"Are you ready for this Bubbi? A Naruto marathon is just what mommy needs after such a bad week. A nice relaxing weekend and a little less excitement is just what Joellen said I needed. She's so nice and knows me so well. I'm so glad I met her." Talking to your pup like they are a normal person is not crazy. I already asked my therapist and she said that it's a good thing to do as it is a stress reliever. Joellen is never wrong.

Turning on Netflix I went to recently watched and scrolled to the right a couple before clicking on the Naruto icon jumping straight into the last episode I was watching. Rock Lee VS Gaara of the Sand. Eyebrows VS No Brows. I wonder if Lee has ever tried to tame those beasts...wait a minute...what if Gaara had crazy eyebrows and just shaved them off cause eyebrows are bullshit.

'Damn I wanna shave my eyebrows.' I thought to myself.

Don't do that. You will regret it.


No just look. Closing my eyes and imagining myself with no eyebrows was scary. I looked like an ugly ET. Although that might just be my face I decided to listen to myself and not shave my eyebrows like Gaara might have done. I guess not all of us can be Jeffree Star. I guess I'll just stick to my normal boring and monotonous life of loserhood.

"I wanna do something wild tomorrow." I told Jax. "You can come too Bubbi, don't worry." He just looked at me and sighed. "Fine. Be that way. Rude."

Little did I know that my monotonous life was soon going to be dumped on its head and screwed sideways. Thanks in advance Jaxon Lee, this is not what I had in mind for fun.

Hello darlings! It has been such a long time since I have last updated. I have started to re-write And to Think I Would Never Fall In Love. I have changed quite a few things about this story including the character's name. I hope you can forgive me for taking so long to update and give you something better.